Amazing Discovery of Eden & Tree of Knowledge (Genesis 2:3-9) | Genesis Bible Study - Dr. Gene Kim

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genesis chapter 2 and verse 3 the bible says and god bless the seventh day so remember there's something special about the seventh day of god's creation he blessed it and sanctified it so he made it holy so to him it is something very special which is why i encouraged you to study sabbath in the bible all right so if you study the sabbath or the number sevens there's so many gleanings to get the bible says because that in it he had rested so at that seventh day he rested so remember that means that he stopped from all his work which god created and made every work so his handiwork of the world he created and he made it he rested from all that he stopped from doing that so i addressed the atheist arguments concerning that part about well god was so tired he took a break no it just means that he stopped now we're going to expound verse 3 go to exodus chapter 20 exodus chapter 20. now because god did something very special on the seventh day he wanted people to remember what he did wow this pen is destroyed too i must have like really pressed these uh markers really hard all right can you catch these thank you bro all right okay so the seventh day he did something very special to it and that's found at genesis chapter two so what god wants the children of israel to do is to keep it in mind now because when he did that the children of israel have not been following the sabbath and the seventh day why is that because god didn't ordain or give the command until now until the law of moses so that's why he told them to recollect to remember what he did on the seventh day that way they can follow it all right we're going to look at exodus chapter 20 and then notice that the bible says in verse 11 for in six days the lord made heaven and earth so notice that within six days god made heaven and earth so he's talking about the six days of creation the sea and all that in them is but then and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it so that's why he says at verse eight remember the sabbath day to keep it holy so that's why he told the children of israel to remember the sabbath why because as he explained during my six days of creation i made everything but the seventh day i rested so there's a reason so i want you to remember now the seventh-day adventists they argue this way and remember they're very clever with scripture they're going to argue at verse 8 remember the sabbath day why do they say that because when you go back to genesis 2 it says that remember god blessed and sanctified the seventh day so then they say see god did something very special on saturday so why aren't you observing it well it's very easy what you have to do is when you read jesus chapter 2 all it said was god considered the seventh day to be special he never commanded adam he never commanded anyone at genesis 2 to keep the sabbath day do you see that you don't see that anywhere it just says that god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it isn't god's book holy yeah god's book is holy that doesn't mean that we have to have a special day of remembrance about the bible so they always have some funny things now knowing that the seventh day or the sabbath is something very special the seventh-day adventists will argue well in exodus 20 it says to remember so in other words they did observe it before so because they observe it before god is reminding them about what they observed back then now because the seventh-day adventist they'll argue that way to try to trick you the easy answer to that is no because if you look at going back to exodus chapter 20 and we mentioned about verse 8 god said remember the sabbath day why because he's explains to them verse 10 and 11 his days of creation so the reason why god said to remember it doesn't mean remember back at genesis 2 you guys observe it no god's saying remembering now at exodus 20. now i want you to remember how do you know that because he brings up the six days of creation after that so he's saying remember the sabbath day why should we remember it why should we keep in mind why should we remember remember it because the reason why is because of the six days of creation that i did i blessed and sanctified it and they go oh i see but not only that if you look at the passage over here the commandment is not given about observing the sabbath day unless it was to jews it was a sign that was only given to the name of israel it wasn't to the whole world so it's important to understand that the law of moses it was given to the children of israel and it was not given to the whole world we're going to look at exodus chapter 20 and notice what the bible says concerning about the sabbath here he goes all the way back at verse 1 and verse 2 and god spake all the words saying i am the lord thy god which have brought thee out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage so who is he speaking to obviously he is speaking to jews he spoke to the whole world to observe this i mean he never told adam that you can't find a verse anywhere in the entire bible where he told adam to observe the sabbath day so it's important to understand these facts that way the seventh-day adventists they don't have a hold on moreover if you go to the book of colossians turn to your bibles to the book of cautions go to colossians and then we'll look at chapter two colossians chapter two now notice that the bible says that the sabbath are not for us to observe and if the seventh-day adventists that the sabbath has been something all the way from the past so sabbath observance so remember god considers the sabbath day to be something special but it's not sabbath observant from the beginning till now it's the sabbath it's the seventh from the beginning to now how do you know that so okay why uh am i out of bounds do they read all the words here okay just making sure all right so then um at uh number seven here the seventh day has always been here from the beginning of time till now there were always seven days in a week see god always put a seventh there so there was a seventh there was a sabbath from beginning to now but there was no sabbath observance from the past till now there wasn't you know here's the ugly verse this verse says sabbath observant won't happen until the future so forget the past so it's not something that was observed all the way from the beginning of the past if god jumps into the future colossians 2 16 let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or respect of an holiday or the new moon or of the sabbath days now look at this which are a shadow of things to come see it's only at the future the lord's going to put it now go to nehemiah 9 nehemiah 9. if you think that the people always knew about the sabbath observant from the beginning of adam till now then why is it god said it wasn't until god gave the law to moses as sinai that they knew that they know about observing the sabbath i mean it says that it was made known to them at mount sinai not all the way at the beginning look at nehemiah chapter 9 and then we'll look at verse 13 verse 13. it was at mount sinai with moses thou came us down also upon mount sinai and spaghett with them from heaven and gave us them right judgments and true laws good statues and commandments right at sinai it was at sinai verse 13 verse 14 and made us known unto them thy holy sabbath by the hand of moses thy servant okay so it wasn't through adam it was through moses all right look who taught you about sabbath observance isn't that a basic question what's 10 commandments seventh-day adventists make a big deal about ten commandments ten commandments ten commandments well when did it start then adam did adam had the ten commandments or moses how about that all right go to genesis now chapter 2 genesis chapter 2. this is chapter 2. so this is the arguments that you can use against the seventh-day adventists now we're going to go to verse 4. now here we start the interesting portions all right and hopefully we'll go through all of them verse four these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth now notice that the bible says that the heavens plural and of the earth why because the reason why is god created everything this time god created everything so all three heavens so the three heavens as i briefly mentioned last time first heaven is the sky second heaven is where you get outer space and then the third heaven is where god is living and residing so then god created everything and the earth but the god calls it these are the generations did you notice that so he called it plural that's important to understand so god considers everything of what he created here to be considered as put it here all right so he considered all this to be generations plural plural so this is going to be kind of out of bounds but i don't care all right don't move the camera all right so he says it's generations so meaning the lifetime right so we have our own generation our generations so meaning our chronology our background correct so god's saying that everything that he created this is considered to be generations now that's a question here so he calls it plural generations but keep reading when they were created so it's talking about the creation of everything he created in the what day singular that the lord god made the earth and the heavens now he switches he calls this a singular day where the lord god made the earth and the heavens so he now refers to all this as a single day so then we got a problem here the problem is remember we argued at genesis chapter 1 day means literally 24 hours because remember evolutionists they try to argue well when the bible talks about the first day the second day of what god created it means long ages of time it doesn't mean 24 hours and genesis chapter 2 seems to be the proof text of that four so it says one single day god created everything so then uh how do we tell the difference so the critics must be right no the critics cannot be right the evolutionists aren't right how do you know that because very simple genesis 1 it has 6 days genesis 2 is a single day so obviously the rule of contrast is important one of biblical hermeneutics that you want to know i love biblical or hermeneutics that's one of my favorite studies if not the favorite study that's where that's why i was very good at dispensationalism that's why a lot of people get interested in the way i explain teachings it's because of biblical hermeneutics so i'm giving you some secrets here all right it's the rule of contrast that's very important to understand in the rule of contrast you have to understand that how we can tell which interpretation is uh why the interpretation is not going to be 24 hours or it's going to be long ages of time is because these two contradict each other see that so that doesn't mean that they're saying that they're both the same interpretation why came up with dispensationalism because they contradict each other but they both must be true but they're definitely contradicting each other so they both mean different meanings that's the same thing in this one so for a phd professor he sure don't know what a difference with day and days is did you met any child six-year-old who knew that i mean they know what a single day is or a days are but i i accept a phd professor i guess who knows so much about research and statistics and thinks that he or she is better than you well make fun of them use that one time all right ask them do you know the difference with day is with days do that all right see them shoot off their mouth after them blubber now if we look back at the rules of contrast another reason is this remember verse 4 uh the rule of interpretation is that you have to look at the context the verse it will reveal figurative or literal that's simple the verse itself will show you if it's figurative or not so rule number one is rule of contrast so let's put this as number one and the number two the rule of contrast is the verse itself will show figurative interpretation you don't have to force it to be figurative if you if you let your mind show you the verse to be figurative then your mind will make you see anything that you want to see but if you let the verse show you that if it's figurative then you let the bible show you whatever the bible wants you to see all right isn't that the right way to do things so let's look at verse four these are the what generations oh and that's considered one day there you go your interpretation wasn't that easy so easy but you get bible scholars william lane craig great apologies for in apologetics for the existence of god philosophy but man he made that mind his god even though he didn't mean to and he let his mind dictate to him the interpretation of the bible walk him into the body he can teach well in philosophy the existence of god the calam cosmological argument or something that called that way to that effect but he can't teach you bible it's he's the poorest bible interpreter that i ever met and that's to a guy that i highly respect why do i bring him up why do i say that to show you that this should be simple so don't let bible scholars fool you but christians go by bible scholars rather than the bible itself so the bible interpret it for you now we're going to look at i'm going from memory here amos 9 amos 9. so hopefully this is the right passage we're going to go to amos chapter 9. while you're turning over there another argument that i want to bring up is that the bible also shows about the day of the lord i don't know if you've heard of that before day of the lord now think about it the day of the lord is referred to if you know your revelation study or if you've looked up every single verse in the bible that talks about day of the lord you know that's not referring to one single day it talks about the world set being set on fire blowing up it talks about god coming down at armageddon to rule the world it talks about a time period where even some sort of rapture is mentioned about jesus christ coming you see all that so all of these cannot be in one 24-hour period there's a whole bunch of uh events or or days within what one single day day of the lord day of the lord so let that dawn on you by the way the day of christ day of christ you'll find out that it refers to the judgment seat of christ as well as the rapture for christians notice over there that you can't put all that within one 24-hour period how about that okay uh we're going to look at i think it's hosea so let's go to hosea 9. hopefully this is it so i can't find that text i was hoping i would find that text though ah it's hosea seven hosea seven i found it all right hosea seven now notice here that this is a scripture with scripture third rule of interpretation right third rule of interpretation which trumps quite often is scripture with scripture how you know a heretic is where they always use figurative interpretation one rule and that's it and then you know a heretic if he only uses one rule scripture with scripture that's it yeah these rules cannot contradict the other rule does that make sense so there are these uh people who dub themselves to be bible believers but they play around going verse after verse after verse to create an interpretation and you gotta distort and that's even worse than a figurative mindset the reason why a scripture with scripture is you're finding words that connect anywhere to create some kind of wacky interpretation that's even way worse than figurative because a figurative mindset they try to go at least by a common sense mentality but the scripture with scripture mindset they create everything in their own little world mindset that's even more dangerous that's typical onliners who don't get along well with the common sense world actually so you got to watch out for these people i mean you get crazy people who graduate from bible believing schools pbi you get wacky ones so and who's to say i got wacky ones watching me online right now probably so that's why we started rbb connect so we have a huge burden about that one that way people can be filtered out from their own world and understand real life situations in those in the real world and among bible believing churches for some people curious just go to all right hosea chapter seven all right i better get going otherwise i'm not going to get to the interesting stuff now notice here that the bible says at verse 2 and they consider non their hearts that i remember all their wickedness now their own doings have beset them about they are before my face they make the king glad with their wickedness and the princes with their lies so notice here that at verse 2 and verse 3 these wicked jews have caused and influenced their king to fall into sin with them now let's use our brains here this is a long moment of time right at hosea when the jews have been doing this with their wicked king sinning against god for a long time right so this is a long span of time but notice how the bible words it verse 4 look at the figurative language here they are all adulterers as an oven heated by the baker see that word ass see so shows the figurative language an oven heated by the baker so this is figurative who sees from raising after he had kneaded the dough until it b11 in the day see that singular within that figurative context of verse 4 making bread and what drinking so verse 4 is figurative for food verse 5 is figurative for drinking in the day of our king the princes have made him sick with bottles of wine see that now some portions of that can be literal and physical i'm sure they sin by getting drunk but you sure can't take that sense at verse 4 about uh about the bread sure they made it 11-2 they may have sinned against god with that but at verse 4 and 5 you see the context follows with ass at verse 4 ash and then when god calls them adulterers here at verse 4 remember i don't know if you knew this but the book of hosea god says that especially chapter one when you went after other gods when you sin you committed adultery against me see so he doesn't mean like literal physical like you know you've had you know uh you cheated on me with sexually etc this has to do with something that's spiritual so this is fit notice the figurative language that is filled out here that's why god puts what in the figurative language of verse four and five single day so then we can keep an eye out that day can be figurative remember that okay all right let's go back let's go back genesis chapter 2 so then the bible will show you all right so the bible will always show itself now let's look at verse 5 and every plant of the field before it was in the earth at verse 4 god talks about this is everything that i created including verse 5 every plant that you'll find in the field and every herb that you'll find in the field but notice it says every plant before there were plants in the earth every herb before seeing them grown know this i was the one who people who don't see that go to romans chapter one romans chapter one god made it very clear that everything of nature you're looking around you stupid biologists and then worshiping evolution and science like god remember this it didn't create it by itself i did it so before all the plants and vegetation life that you see and the growth that you see the wonders science is wonders why because it's god's creation you're looking at god's handiwork it's it's science is a great thing but i don't believe in science falsely so-called when they dub themselves to be scientists no they're not being scientists they're being mythical they're being mythological they're believing in fairy tales and then the pagans and then today's eastern religions they worship nature like it created itself so look at romans chapter one notice what god says at verse 20 for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are cl clearly seen that's what god said in genesis 2 every plant that you see in the field and every herb that grows in the field just know that before it even grew that i was the one that created it so he's saying all this are clearly seen from my creation so that it's his eternal power and godhead that they are without excuse but look what they did they looked uh at verse 21 verse 22 professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptable god into an image made like corruptable man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things that's what they did they worshipped the creation more than the creator and they say oh i'm so smart oh i'm so wise god says you're a fool go to genesis chapter 2 again genesis chapter 2. now god says that everything of vegetation and life that is being seen he says that uh before every plant that was in the field and herb that grew in the field he created and made them why did he create and made them because the natural workings of science where you get rainfall and etc we're not operating that time so notice that it reads over here the next part for the lord god had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground so the first part says god didn't cause it to rain he didn't uh he didn't cause the natural creation itself to provide rain on the earth and there was no farmer or man to till the ground so to till the ground to create uh vegetation and fruit so there was none of that so that's why god created it verse six but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground so the ground or the face of the ground so that's the idea the surface of the ground god says that there was a mist that came up from the earth so below ground for some weird reason there was a mist that would come out and then it would provide the water and the humidity that vegetation needed so it came from the midst it came from the ground below so that's how the lord provided now going back over here and the lord god formed manned of the dust of the ground so god formed he shaped man adam of the dust of the ground he used the dust from the ground to create adam so it is very interesting album douglas he claimed uh in his book that 99 of all the chemicals you'll find within our body would be throughout all the elements of our earth actually so it's very interesting i don't know how much of that is true but i do believe that a huge significant percentage at the very least of our body is from the earth i mean think about it why do evolutionists teach that our origins come from the earth anyway right so uh it looks like you have a comment brother okay science whiz what do you say all right good so i have confirmation all right from a from a guy who won a scholarship at berkeley all right so should be validation on my part okay thank you brother all right let's look at the next part of verse seven and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life so god breathed into him so god breathed into adam uh the bible says the breath of life i'm just running out of room here i thought that i would have plenty of space but i guess not so okay so uh god breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became the bible says a living soul so man became soul through god breathing into him so we see here body soul and spirit you might say really how so how its body soul and spirit is as follows is because notice that from uh one here it says god formed man from the dust of the ground so there's your body did you see that in the text there and then it says breathe into his nostrils so god breathed into adam so there's your spirit spirit if you look up that word both in uh just the english dictionary itself it would come from where it talks about the trace words come from wind and then it also comes from uh liveliness or pneumatics uh they talk about um from the work that's a greek term from spirit pneuma and that means uh wind so there's technology that has uh that i actually worked as a in sales work for i think they termed it pneumatics yeah pneumatics but then all this has to do with equipment that has to do with wind so to speak or air and etc so that's where you get your spirit so and then it says and man became a living soul so then soul is in place now notice very interestingly who do you think is going to be the real you from this passage look at that verse carefully all right i don't want to interpret it for you i don't want to explain it for you i want you to look at it yourself and then you don't have to say it out loud but think in your mind all right we see god created body and god put spirit there but the real adam the real hymn do you think it would be when he breathed or when he put the body or do you think it's man became a living soul or is it his soul so then the real you think about it when you die goes to heaven which is your soul not the body that goes in the grave the bible says that our spirit is up in heaven with jesus christ right now amen but the uh but when we look at ourselves our real me i'm not up there locationally right now why that's referring to the spiritual part the spiritual part so it's important to understand that body soul and spirit that we have these three but the real us is the soul the real us is the soul that's important understand that is the real you now we're turning back uh to our text here at verse eight so understand that that's a starting rule of interpretation that'll be eye-opening throughout the rest of the scriptures and say if you start out as the real me is soul then when the bible talks about you you you you and then he assimilates that with body a lot you see as a reference to lost people or in your past if you were a lost sinner if he talks about you you and referring to you in your spiritual nature then you see right here the real you the soul becomes part of the spiritual nature this time not the fleshly nature if you started with that rule of thumb at genesis it would have been very eye-opening throughout the rest of your bible reading so i'm giving you a huge clue i wish i can get into these verses but if i do that i'm going to miss out the big interesting ones that you want you're waiting to hear all right so just keep that in mind today is a the one of the best genesis studies that you'll probably get so you came at the right time now going to verse 8 and the lord god planted a garden eastward in eden that's important so notice that the garden of eden is not eden itself that's important to understand now there are a few times in the bible where god will say um eden as a reference to the garden of eden you'll notice that there are some times that the lord will do that however in this particular passage it's impossible we know as a matter of fact from this passage that the garden of eden is not eden why because it's he's the bible says he planted a garden eastward so it's at the east side the east side of eden the location so the garden of eden is at the east side of eden that's important to understand now the question then is what is eden good we got plenty of time are you glad go to ezekiel 28. ezekiel chapter 28 if you look up every reference in the bible that refers to eden it could be a reference to a particular location of land so if you look up every reference to the word eden so that's possibility one possibility two which is very interesting and credit to whom credits do is that this is not knowledge that i accumulated myself it's knowledge i accumulated from other bible-believing preachers which is why i keep strongly recommending attend a bible believing church it's so important because by attending there then you're going to accumulate and grow in knowledge not just don't just stick to an online world you got to attend a church that's how i mean how did i get my knowledge you think that i got it from online i'm familiar with a lot of things online but i'll tell you where i get my bible knowledge from i get it from bible believing churches an accumulation of it so it's so important to attend and to grow now go to ezekiel chapter 28 so this is what i learned from other bible believing preachers so possibility one it's a reference to a location possibility two it's a reference to a mountain look at verse 13. god is speaking to satan thou has been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was thy covering so notice that we can see at verse 13 god talks about eden and he talks about the garden of god in eden as well so we can see eden assimilated with garden in this passage like i mentioned before but then in genesis 2 undoubtedly that it says eastward of eden the garden so if we look at genesis 2 it is different but why would it put garden in the same assimilation with eden it could be a garden that's on the east side of the mountain of eden that's why god assimilated the two as the same place because keep reading thou so satan has been in eden right at verse 13 but notice what god calls this at verse 14 thou art anointed cherub that covereth and i have set thee so thou wast upon the what holy mountain of god isn't that interesting how about that look at verse 16 satan when he sinned the bible says in verse 16 by the multitude of thy merchandise sayeth fill the midst of thee with violence and thou has sin therefore i will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of god see he was in there he was in the mountain and verse 13 it says thou has been in eden so eden could be a reference to the mountain and this would make even more sense when we come across these four rivers mysterious rivers are mentioned and i want to mention them before genesis is over so the people who missed really missed the hell right going back to genesis 2. i hope that they'll watch this video all right genesis chapter 2 all right so we see here that it can be a reference to the mountain so remember two possibilities i'm not saying eden is a mountain i'm saying that eden is possibly a mountain the reason why is is when you look up every reference to the word eden it can refer to locations so who knows it could be a location or it could be mountain but the reason why i'm not going to every passage that mentions eden is because the mountain of eden seems like a more interesting and a more likely prospect actually so and plus you can do the homework yourself just it's easy just a keyword search every reference that mentions eden and it can refer and it does seem like that's referring to a particular location it can refer to that some people argue that could be referenced to a person's name though that's the reason why they try to counter-argue that but i think the easiest is opening up two possibilities one it could be a mountain one it could be just a location now going back to verse nine so uh verse eight so he put a planted a garden eastward in eden oh i forgot one more thing that's interesting okay go to the book of luke book of luke i forgot this part luke chapter i think 21. luke chapter 22 excuse me it will be chapter 22. luke chapter 22 and then we'll look at uh verse 39 verse 39 so let me give you something interesting here so is it possible to have a garden in a mountain yeah because jesus went to the garden of gethsemane in the mount of olives so it's very possible okay so we're going to look at luke chapter 22 and then we'll look at verse uh where's that verse i just lost it uh 39 and he came out and went and that's he was want to the mount of olives see that so you went to the mount of olives but we all know this to be as it was called the garden of gethsemane right where jesus prayed so the other passages that show it to be the garden of gethsemane is obviously matthew chapter i'm just going to say this briefly you can rewind this matthew 26 36-46 mark 14 verse 32-42 and john chapter 14 verse 31 and chapter 18 verse one all right but anyway that's beside the point we all know it's a garden anyway going back to genesis 2. genesis 2. okay i got more interesting stuff so i got to hurry at uh the latter part of verse 8 it says and there he put the man whom he had formed so that's where so god created man from the dust of the ground and created him and then he put him into the garden so it may be that god created man from eden and then from eden he put him at the garden of eden okay think about also in history why do people attribute something high and spiritual at the top of a mountain like the greeks did with their gods and zeus mount olympus etc and they also talked about in korea this is a matter of fact they attributed high spirits during the old days of shamanism to mountains they consider that as more significant spirits but for some of you who don't know that's why korean churches have these prayer mountains so you might think that's a spiritual thing but historically it's actually a very pagan thing you might really what is that history uh it came from shamanism and then buddhism came to the scene and that's why they built up their temples in the mountains and then the so-called christian churches which is mostly charismatic doctrine that was born from a mingling of shaman buddhism with charismatic doctrines they combined it together because a lot of the shamanism doctrines and buddhist teachings match with charismatic doctrines and christians asked me what's wrong with charismatic doctrine so then that's why we make a big emphasis on right doctrine it's so important if you don't do that then guess what the pagan will get that it costs souls it can cost souls anyway long story short they combined uh what the buddhists and shamans did with the spiritual presence in mountains and that's why they built prayer mountains okay anyway going back to genesis 2. all right so much knowledge here but it's going to take too much time to say everything so i gotta skip all this so i can do nine and ten and eleven eleven it's time about the four rivers i don't know if i'm gonna get there verse nine out of the ground made the lord god to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight so god out of the ground he made every single tree that is pleasant to the sight of man so everything that you see is pleasant every tree that he grew out of the ground and good for food it was also good to eat pleasant to eat now notice he mentions the tree of life also in the midst of the garden he puts that as something separate that's interesting we'll come back to that later okay so then the tree of life he says in the midst of the garden and then if you keep reading on it says so it's in the middle the center of the garden he puts the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil that's also in the midst of the garden so the tree of the knowledge of good and evil what is the tree of life and what is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so let's look at several passages and then we'll find out what this tree of life is and what is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the common thing that you'll see from people is that adam and eve ate an apple but actually that is false the bible shows that what adam and eve ate so it's the tree of knowledge of good and evil right so the tree of knowledge and good and evil would be referring to grapes okay so okay why do you say that pastor go to number six number six i'm gonna go number six because think about the best fruit in the bible that always attributed it to sin to being forbidden to intake think about the particular fruit the best fruit out of all fruits apple wasn't forbidden by god it's something that's likened to pictures of silver a positive reference but great for some weird reason it's always negative it only became positive when god came to the scene when jesus said this great juice pictures my blood why did jesus have to do that because the blood of mankind was corrupted before so there's a corruption so likened to grapes so god jesus christ that's why he says i will drink it new with you he said that when he part took in the lord's supper with the disciples interesting right so that's why uh the best prospect if i cannot say 100 proof where god says the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is grapes well it may not say that but out of all the fruits there's no other fruit that's a better candidate and that you can topple an argument than the grape so that's at least that much i can say look at numbers chapter six numbers chapter six notice that a nazarite what he was supposed to do at verse 3 he shall separate himself from wine and strong drink and shall drink no vinegar of wine or vinegar of strong drink neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes nor eat moist grapes or dried look at that he for that was forbidden to drink uh or to partake in grapes now some people might say well you can't say that it's uh the grapes came from a tree because it comes from a vine so there's no such thing as grapes growing on trees however if you look up in the bible at verse 4 look at how the bible words it all the days of his separation shall eat nothing that is made of the what vine tree god don't think so he calls a vine tree what does that mean again what that means again is genesis 1 you keep thinking terminologies and words that's your problem god at genesis chapter 1 he's not giving you scientific terminologies here that's why scientists think that oh i debunk god because a whale is not a fish it's a mammal well god don't deemed it fit to write mammal there he thought that was silly so god's like no if i see a creature moving in the water i i want to call it a fish let me have my right i created it not you scientist so let me call it what i want to call it god has copyrights to that one so scientists steal that and say no it's a mammal god they should be sued every single one of them all universities would be broke by now i mean there would be no berkeley there would be none of these uh colleges and universities would exist if god god really did what he did but god is merciful and gracious and let them be and make them and let them mock him on his use of terms so you can't disprove god by you know this is a scientific term why didn't god choose that term i mean the point is this is that the bible it has a lot of interesting scientific references but god is not interested in boring you out with scientific terms he just wants to give you a background story let him use whatever words you want okay so it's that simple so then with a vine tree he deems it at that sense so whether it was a literal thing where it has you know like an oak tree where there's like this all this wood coming out and then all this green shrubbery surrounding it whether it was like that where it's a unique thing or whether it's just a vine itself and the lord may have grown a tree in the middle of that so that the vines can go around it either or however way the lord does it he he is it to be a vine tree however way it is whether it be a literal uh great growing on literal vines or it'd be a tree itself or whatever it wrapped itself around but if you think about that that's why it makes sense if you see it like this way where the grapes are growing did you notice this is where where someone subtle can mingle in there isn't that interesting the snake right interesting anyways we're going to look at the book of jeremiah jeremiah 31 jeremiah chapter 31 and i want you to go to we'll go to that passage last go to jeremiah chapter 31 and then we'll look at verse 29-30 29-30 but before we go on over here let's go to uh the book of john john i'm only gonna show you one passage literally this can go on for two hour bible study but i'm not going to do that so i gotta try to make it as simple as possible and time is almost up so i have to at least finish this part go to first john chapter two now what what would be the tree of life what would be the tree of life the tree of life now again this is what i gather from other bible believing teachers the tree of life it could be olives it could be olives you might say why is that because the tree of the knowledge of good and evil gave death it's death and it gave sin think of the best fruit that attributed to death and sin grapes think of the best fruit and by the way fun fact which is interesting olives they're known to uh some people say they're fruit not vegetable okay so that's interesting so then think of the best fruit that would be attributed to life and then who's the one that gives you life the holy spirit and then a a fact didn't we already read the verse of genesis 2 god breathed his spirit and he received life amen what is the spirit attributed to the olive oil anointing oil from olives first john chapter 2 we're going to look at verse 27 but the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you who's the one abiding in you that's the holy spirit that's plain we're not going to look at those passages but that's pretty plain at john 14 and john 16. the holy spirit's abiding in you but anyway and ye me not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and his truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him so notice that this is referring to the holy spirit guiding and leading you into all truth now jeremiah 31 here we go and then go to job 15 joe 15. so i think i'll have to start with job 15 before i go to jeremiah 31 all right look at joe 15. now look at the interesting note here at job 15 why would the bible talk about both of these fruits together rape and olives did you realize that look at job 15. the word of god is an amazing book it has a lot of things that we haven't thought about or seen before but the lord shows a lot of hidden things all right we're going to look at the book of job 15 and verse 33 verse 33 it shall be accomplished before his time and his branch shall not be green he shall shake off his look at this unripe grape as the vine and shall cast off his flower as the olive now look it's talking about certain timing and season of grapes and olives a timing in other words it hasn't been matured yet now if the grape has not matured then it's sour and god can likens that to he connects it to death actually jeremiah 31 jeremiah 31 look at this verse 30 but everyone shall die for his own iniquity so how do you why do you die for your sin he puts this fruit there every man that eateth the what sour grape his teeth shall be set on edge now look at this so then god attributes death to the grape so i i see it more and more as the grape where they partook in the fruit okay there's no other fruit you can find in the bible than that now thinking about that thought then if jeremiah if we add jeremiah's statement death is also attributed when it's not mature it's sour okay now ready for this all right let's close with the word of prayer no all right so so okay so here's the idea if it's sour then could adam and eve partook in the fruit when he was sour immature they weren't ready yet they weren't ready yet did you hear what i just said they weren't ready yet if that's the case why didn't they eat the tree of life all this time fun fact olives and grapes if you research them so i don't know how much is true but i'm just giving you from what i know from other bible believing teachers the timing of their season if it's immature it's close to an approximate timeline together and they both have not yet fully matured and developed and when you look at the grape and the olive when they haven't really bloomed or blossomed so to speak they look very similar okay they look very similar which is why god may have put them in the midst of the garden together and that may have been the reason why it wasn't they couldn't eat out of the tree of light yet why it wasn't the right time yet and hence it could be the reason why god didn't allow them to partake in this fruit because it wasn't the right time yet so then in other words if it's limited to a season so all of this then is limited to a season so if this is limited to a season or two let's stretch this even more we could probably time when adam and eve was in the garden of eden so they could have been there during the time of winter then probably so they could have been there during the time of winter but because it's such a paradise there is no uh winter season where they have to suffer and admin eve may not have been in the garden of eden for a long time it could have been at least one or at the most three seasons it could have been somewhere between one to three seasons and that would make a lot of sense because satan is not just going to dilly dally and let them enjoy paradise for many years he's gonna immediately take action because he's angry that's what satan does in your life when you're serving god right when you're doing what's right so they could have been there during the time of winter and then uh that and then it was during that time and that's why some people you see it all over the world now where they uh take references about a dark winter or they talk about winter is coming etc why is there such a doom and gloom attributed to that perhaps because that's when this serpent came in at that time table had them partake in an immature fruit and then they died in their sin that time and that's why the book of job it talks about a timing season of grapes and olives and then god he has to set it right the grape and olive if you look at joe 15 it gives that reference that he has to cast off the unripe or the uh the grapes and the olives that are not ripe that are not good what are these four rivers you're not gonna see these two on your map you can guess these two we have to stop here okay let's close with a word of prayer heavenly father i pray that you'll dismiss today's teachings with your blessing with so much knowledge of the scripture and appreciation of your word in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 56,712
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Keywords: tree of knowledge, garden of eden, tree of knowledge vs tree of life, genesis bible project, genesis bible study, genesis bible study verse by verse, genesis bible study notes, genesis bible study kjv, genesis bible study in english, genesis chapter 2, where is eden garden, tree of knowledge of good and evil, genesis bible study catholic, Genesis chapter 2 bible study, tree of knowledge, tree of knowledge of good and evil bible project, bible study, sid roth
Id: lRCX4Wdm0ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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