Two Earths, Trillion Star Names & Anti-Evolution (Genesis 1:9-25) | Dr. Gene Kim

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so this is verse by verse bible study uh the intention of verse by verse bible study is so that you can understand each and every word with all your heart all right that's the intention of the verse by verse bible study is so that you can understand each and every word and the bible can become more clear for your understanding all right genesis chapter one please genesis chapter one and then we'll read verse nine genesis chapter one and then we'll read verse 9. the bible says and god said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear so the meaning of that so god's speaking and we're on day number three now on day number three god says let the waters under the heavens now oh not black okay so let's see here pretty soon the waters will become black all right but the waters remember they were under the firmament now remember the ferment is over here and we're gonna find out later on the fourth day that's where the sun moon and stars are going to be at but the firmament is what divided the waters under and the waters above so i'm not going to repeat it but basically the idea is the ferment is in the center that's the dummy version the water is underneath and then the water is above the water the water below is what we've discovered from last genesis study to be seized well we'll just put c to put more correct english and then the waters above we recall is supposed to be the c same thing but god puts of glass that's why it's called firmament because there's something rock solid over there now the bottom the below part is called sea so this is where we see current ocean and seas around our world now returning back to verse nine the idea is the waters under the heaven right here be gathered together unto one place so they're going toward one direction okay so then they're all going toward one direction why so that the dry land can appear is that's what the verse says so in other words then this dry land was below the waters the sea was going toward one place why so that the dry land can appear i mean look at the verse that's what the verse says so so notice that because of that that means that this part of the dry land was below c before why why is that it's because as i've showed you in the previous verses that's where you get your genesis gap because at genesis 1 1 this is where lucifer and the fallen angels were living they were living in the earth however what the lord did was that he drowned them whole out and we covered second peter chapter three that this is not just a worldwide flood this is a universal flood it flooded everything from all throughout the universe this is not just uh the worldwide flood like noah's blood that some of the creationists will say so then we see over here that what we now understand why the dry land was below here and then god had to gather the waters together to one place so that the dry land can appear can come out now we understand the reasons why let's go back so it says and it was so at the end of verse 9. in other words it happened all right and it came to pass and it was so and god called the dry land earth so notice that the lord he calls this dry land earth now notice what he called it he calls dry land earth now notice that when we look back at verse 9 and verse 10 he calls the dry land part earth when we pick up the soil from the ground we would call it earth but then god already created the earth when we go back to genesis 1 1. in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth so notice here that we see earth as at verse 1 already created but then when he's doing his third day this is when it's supposed to be created what's going on here because he's talking about dry land and he calls it earth whereas he refers to the current planet that we live in at verse 1 earth so see there's a difference what's going on is that at verse 1 and 2 we know what that is it's that universal flood and then over here when we look at verse 10 it's the dry land because when you look at throughout your bible there's no doubt when you look at a lot of references to earth it's referring to the current ground that we walk on it's referring to earth but then you get other verses such as the book of job that the bible says and we believe literally every word what it says he hang up the earth upon nothing but then there are other verses where it shows the dry land earth where it could hang upon pillars and etc the easy explanation to these things is because the lord gives already a distinguishing here he shows right here the dry land to be earth and then he shows where we get our current planet earth that it's hanging upon nothing so over here we see from this text it can give the two distinguishing genesis 1 already gives the full outlook of our creation and our current natural surroundings let's look at verse 10 again and god called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called he sees so we've covered that in our previous chance to study so remember the waters were gathered together and he called that sea so it makes sense right over here at the firmament which is the floor part of the third heaven where god lives in which is above the universe he calls it what sea of glass so there's no doubt that these two waters is referring to the same water that we studied at genesis chapter 1. now continue reading on the last part of verse 10 and god saw that it was good so notice that he referred to all this as good so his creation is obviously good let's keep reading onward verse 11 and god said let the earth bring forth grass so god is speaking here again and he said let the earth bring forth grass so notice that we have vegetation here so we get trees we get plants it's on the same day the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself so then notice that every herb that we get on our earth that the bible says that it yields seed that's why it will have seed within it and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind so each fruit tree will yield bring forth fruit now notice it says after his kind that's an important phrase that you want to know you might say why is after his kind very important after his kind is very important because it debunks evolution you might say what do you mean by that there's a group there's scientists that are caving in to evolution when they cave into evolution they believe that obviously that man evolved from the monkeys and the monkeys evolved from somebody else and some other creatures all the way back to our earth but the bible says we're not all within a common ancestry so that's what richard dawkins tried to do at berkeley he tried to point out that the greatest evidence of evolution is that how the scientists formed their classification structure in studying the dna strands it matched with how the scientists set up with a common ancestry it's not a matter of common ancestry it's a matter of a common designer a common creator when you have a common father then all of his creation you see his handiwork same thing with every creators designers artists inventors you can see a common trait that you see behind the handiwork it should prove the creationism it should prove that there is a god rather than evolution so we see over here that after his kindness proof meaning that they only come from themselves evolution is completely false it is full of error there's no such thing as macro evolution macro evolution what that means is that you can evolve from totally something else so outside of your species outside of a totally different thing so the idea is it's not possible you have to go within you have to go so in other words now look we believe that uh that dogs can produce different breeds of dogs cat with cats but we don't believe that a dog is going to produce a cat now there's a i'm not going to get too deep but punctuated equilib equilibrium by stephen gould uh stephen j gould he couldn't see the connections with evolution because there's too much of a gap in between actually so because there's too much gaps in between there's no way they can find the next ancestor and the next ancestor so then he believed in this theory that basically let's say that a dinosaur lays an egg then out pops a chicken like all of a sudden like out of nowhere out of nowhere so that's obviously ridiculous and that cannot happen so it has to go within their time now the common argument that you're going to hear from evolutionists and scientists which i don't know why is their favorite argument but i see it as a weakness they say what does kind mean the reason why is because they want you to explain what kind means and then delve it into scientific terms they want you to explain it in scientific terms so that once you have your scientific definition then what they can do is try to debunk it by looking at other portions of scriptures that no amount of those animals could then fit inside noah's ark or that your scientific term or definition of what a species kind or etc is does not match with the scientific world now you know what the simple answer to that is the simple answer to that is is that they're in your territory you don't go to their territory you know what i mean by that let me tell you what i mean by that god's the one who throw through the term here do you know of any scientists who use this word kind they don't do that they never use that word so the idea is we're going by god's biblical language here so i mean if god says that's a different kind of animal or that's a different kind of animal even a child can figure that out a horse is a different kind of animal from a cat yeah a bird is a a crow is a different kind of an animal from a fish see it's that simple god is using layman simplistic terms that's very important all right so then like why because god makes the bible simple so that any fool can understand except the brilliant phd evolutionists because they make up their own terms out of la la land all right they always throw in their own terms and god's like i don't care how many years you spend creating these terms all right i i put my term over there let me call it kai all right you ever seen a phd scientist be so stupid to tell a child well uh you know that's a different kind of animal mama a horse from a cow or etc that you see a phd scientist making a big deal and say know what we call it in these kind of sub-terms no they're not going to be so dumb to do that why because it burdens the child because they know how ridiculous it is to waste time with that and you got to understand that's the same thing with god over here he's not giving you a biological terminology textbook with 500 definitions for you to memorize when god said he created man he didn't ask you for how many skeleton skeleton bones are in the body he's just giving a story the story is the plants they reproduce after they're kind that's a story it's a he's giving a story here and then you're not going to get all nitpicky and technical and say well what this means is then you get rid of the story okay because the point of the king james bible which scholars cannot deny the language of it is undoubtedly powerful dramatic and like shakespearean language that they say do not change the words and they criticize some modern bible versions for doing that amen that's important to understand all right uh hopefully the mic is not too low and the people can hear it i know that in previous videos they said they kind of did so hopefully that's not the case all right so god is giving you here the story of man and his creation and you don't have to interrupt and ruin the story while we're ready reading it okay lay off all right lay off if you want to do scientific terms save it for class bud i mean you don't do that in a drinking party with you know lost people and college students right you don't get all technical and say well technically you know that soda what we call it is leave it alone it's a drink okay a drink is a drink if you're out at a drinking party with college buddies you don't see them throwing out scientific terminologies of what the drink should be well what that drink should be called is do you follow what i'm saying what i'm trying to do is this i'm not trying to say go out and drink okay i'm trying to give that even lost sinners don't use scientific jargon all the time all right this is just normal human language leave it alone oh man what do you think you're reading man all right let's go back let's go back verse 11 whose seed is in itself now notice the wording the seed is in itself see the lord makes it very specific that the seed is in itself and these plants will reproduce after these plants he makes it that specific the bible keeps reading on upon the earth so this is all over the earth now the dry land and it was so and it came to pass let's keep reading and the earth brought forth grass so now we see that the dry land here that god called earth is now producing out grass so it's not just dry now now there's vegetation let's keep reading an herb yielding seed after his kind so it's repeating again herb is bringing forth yielding reproducing seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit so tree produces its own fruits whose seed was in itself so the seed is within these that's why uh gardeners and people they can take the seeds out of certain plants and vegetation and start to reproduce and yield fruit after his kind and god saw that it was good so god saw that everything he made is good and the evening and the morning were the third day so this is now the third day notice literal 24 hours it says evening and morning so it shows this 24 hours it's not long ages of time like evolution let's keep reading verse 14 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven so notice here that there are lights now in the firmament of the heaven now remember what is this heaven we go back at verse 8 and god called the firmament heaven so now we're right here at the firmament okay so now god is putting sun moon and the stars here but let's keep reading on that way you can understand let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night so then these lights let's call it lights for now okay so then these lights whatever they are and god will explain it later on they divide day from the night now remember if you all recall the first day god already did that right he already divided the day from the night but today we're having the sun moon and stars doing that for us which is again proof that i showed you in our previous bible study that this light and this darkness is totally different this light in this darkness it's totally different it's not referring to the current in our current world how we would perceive light from the sun and then the moon to shine during the darkness no remember it's that that's why the genesis gap answers so many questions where'd the darkness come from and then why did god have to separate darkness from the light because the genesis gap showed you let's review okay god sent a universal flood all right not just all around the world it's universal all right it filled up everything throughout the universe this flood so then what god had to do now is this is all chaos it's not creation it's not something nice and dandy it's destruction i've explained that at verse one and two one is creation two when you read that language that's destruction uh let me just uh briefly review real quick so then a good example that i would mention is if i say that i built a house and all of a sudden the the house was empty and filled up with waters then what are you going to think in your mind you're automatically going to think that he built a house and then obviously there was a little bit of flaming flooding or plumbing issues that happened in the house so then people are not living in there but are getting out of there so see that's just common sense so one and two that matches with the genesis gap that god created the earth heaven and the earth but then all of a sudden throughout the universe heaven and earth it's flooded why because it's a sign that god had to destroy and then we looked at at ii peter 3 and the book of job where there were sons of god fallen angels so i expounded that a lot more at our previous genesis study and then what i would recommend is to watch the gap theory on youtube i did a teaching on the gap theory and that gives a lot more persuasive arguments but i'm just doing little tidbits here all right for so for time's sake that way i can resume to the next verses so then resuming on to the next verses the point is so then with this whole destruction god has to clean house because he spread darkness all around too why because he reserved the fallen angels for darkness well you looked at those verses on that he sent the flood waters why because of the fallen angels so darkness and flood waters were for destruction because of the fallen angels so then god has to get rid of this destructive parts the destructive parts so what did he do so then the water and the darkness day number one he got rid of the darkness by dividing light from darkness and god called the light day darkness he called night but there were no sun moon and stars and uh the the year seasons and all that they weren't operating yet through the sun moon and stars so then what was night and what was day we already studied that the day was referring to jesus christ being the light and the darkness was already spread out throughout our whole universe which is why you're going to see up there that it's all dark so throughout outer space here we see all that's filled with darkness but there's waters in it too remember throughout the universe so then god had to separate the waters so then i showed you before when he separated the waters this is where we have uh well so right here you see this pyramid and this pyramid is referring to our universe and then the earth let's just uh do it for uh uh just for pictures sake okay this is not an accurate representation but let's say the earth is over here and then remember there's darkness all over here and waters all over here so then what god did was the waters below he called seas right so then it's right here now remember at verse two and three the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water so god was being here all right so from here he's looking at his point of view the waters below he called seas and then we notice that the waters above all right that's at c that's the c again but it's referring to the sea of glass and that's where we're going to put our number seven but i'll explain a little bit more about that there's some interesting stuff on that so then the above point of view here is where he puts the sea over here of glass and the blow over here is where he puts the water sea and then the dry land earth so then that's what he did with the waters so then we see what he did with the darkness so remember the darkness is all throughout here throughout the universe he separated light from darkness this is god being light that's why heaven has no darkness that's why the bible says that lost people they are cast into outer darkness where there shall be weeping wailing gnashing of teeth heaven is referred to as light and day we saw that at revelation 21 22 there shall be no night there see that so those are the terms of day and night but now that we come to the fourth day look at this now so now he's resetting lights here so this shows that the light of uh verse 1 uh verse 3 and onward the light at the first day of creation is different from the light here that how we would perceive in our world today verse 14 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night so then day and night is divided by these lights but god himself was the one who divided the light the day and the night at verses three through five right god himself was the one but then now god is letting the sun moon and the stars these lights in our universe do it so there's no doubt there's different types different types of lights here and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years so then we see that whatever these lights are god says that they're going to be where you can perceive signs from so that's why during the old days people when they look at the sun moon and stars then they could tell from the signs you know what's going to happen and then what the uh perhaps looking at the clouds like jesus says that when you look at uh the weather out there that you can perceive signs so that's what the sun what what their what these things are there for so that mankind can perceive they're also there for seasons so that's why we get our four seasons today and for days that's where we get our days and then the people who try to calculate the days they put it to 365 days per year but as you know from history calendars are so messed up so when mankind divides the days the seasons and everything they're only halfway accurate compared to god god's timing of things he always all he has to do is send a little cataclysmic throughout the universe stop time a little bit and then throw the calendars off again for mankind that's why uh there are rapture date setters who have a hard time dating the rapture why because calendars are thrown off so when you do stuff like that you have to be careful god does have to teach mankind a lesson returning to our main text here and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens so now we see that ah okay so then we see that the sun moon and stars or whatever these lights are they're in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth so now they're giving light upon the earth and it was so it came to pass god did that and god made two great lights the greater light to rule the day so we got the sun here and the lesser light to rule the night so we got the moon here so notice that's where we get the sun and moon from so we get greater light to rule the day lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also so look at psalms 147 keep your hand here keep your hand here and go to psalms 147 please psalms chapter 147 i'm not used to speaking at a big room as you might recall in previous videos i was teaching at a smaller room so i have to be a little bit louder so we don't have mics here all right psalms chapter 147 i trust uh people can hear me if you don't just let me know all right psalms chapter 147 now you notice how great our god is at genesis 1 16. notice the wording here he says the sun to rule the day the moon to rule the night he made the stars also but that also oh by the way like also and in addition lord's like might as well throw it throw out in a couple stars but in his mind when he's saying a couple stars here this is where all the scientists are like saying they're like oh we've yet to discover all these stars and all these objects out there in outer space and there's like trillions if not gazillions and then they try to make up names for them and they lose count of the names and they have to have a computer to keep or they have to write notes to keep up all the names and then it's so amazing how our world they just trust scientists so much when they have to uh they have to have a computer they have to write it down they have to take years and years and they still didn't discover everything out there that god created the stars it's so amazing that mankind spent so much time on that and mankind trusts in man but not god you know what god it's not a problem for him god says oh by the way i just made the stars like that threw it out there it's that simple okay look at psalms chapter 147 you know god when he already created how many stars god knows trillions upon trillions who knows but then you know what he did he already put the names and he already has the number he already knows each one amen look at verse four he tell it the number of the stars he called them all by their what names isn't that a miracle amen scientist you know how long they'll have they'll probably take naming just one star just one star how long does it take for all of you to name one baby that you give birth you take special time the lord is not a problem boom just like that amen that's why adam he had the ability to give names so he had a super pray there's no doubt about that today in our world we take so much time and we have to have the help of a computer to help us with name finding what's the most popular name what's the most what's the best name and cetera and godzilla already created the name it's amazing all right returning to our main text that's how great your god is i mean it's so amazing how many people do not choose to trust in a being like that and they choose to trust fallacious beings who are prone to fill with errors and by the way scientists even the best ones will always admit this they are prone to mistakes no matter how many trials and errors and how many experiments that they do to test things all right returning to our main text at verse 17 and god set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth so notice here that god set these lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and to rule over the day and over the night so notice that the star sun and moon they are set in place to give light on the earth they rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness why because this light now is produced at verse 16. see that star sun and moon so these are the lights now and that's how they divide from light and darkness returning to the main text at verse 18 and god saw that it was good so obviously what god created it's good and the evening and the morning we're the fourth day so notice here that god says all of this was created in 24 hours in the fourth day so you'll notice here that the sun was not created upon where we take billions and billions of years god says 24 hours like that now that's why genesis 1 is such a strong problem to the evolutionists today it's a strong problem because nearly every passage you'll find just contradicts evolution concepts by the way if notice that we're going to compare now the third day to the fourth day here now notice that god didn't think that it was the end of the world that it was too much of a problem for him and he was biting his fingernails that oh my goodness so then uh i created the plants i made a mistake there's supposed to be sunlight i made a mistake whoopsie do oh i'm in trouble notice that the lord did not have a problem like today's scientist today all right they freak out all right they freak out so notice that god says yeah i can create vegetation in life and you can imagine one tree said but didn't doctor so and so at the university of california at berkeley said that you know that i need some water and i need some sunlight and god's like i don't care i'm going to create you because god can create everything out of nothing his own power can keep the plant going ongoing for life here's another thing all right another thing what destroys evolution is this is that look this is done within 24 hours after the plants were created and made within less than 24 hours they receive the sunlight that they need so then if the evolutionists were right that well when god did the six days of creation it means like uh long ages of time and within these long ages of times it could be thousands of years millions of years billions of years in between hey dummy i mean like look you think this plant can go on for like billions of years you notice that the greater the intellect and the intelligence of scientists the more idiocy that we see within the scholastic world no wonder people online doubt that i graduated from berkeley okay so let's go back um when we go back at uh verses 9 through 13 and 14 through 19 that the lord it wasn't a problem for him now usually the sun should come out first and plants later according to the evolutionary teachings but god's like no i'll i'll just switch it around why lord nah just for fun you know i'll just do that see what happens all right let's look at verse 20. and god said so god's speaking again let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life so notice here that remember the waters here in our earth that god says let it bring forth life so now we're at the fifth day so light is being born from water now go to the book of john chapter three john chapter three john chapter three scientists or evolutionists they like to say that basically life was formed from something liquid but then the creationists point out a very good point other scientists point out a good point that how can you create life uh from the water from the ocean because that's the problem concerning uh proteins and concerning dna and all other origins of how our life is formed if you just put it out of water you can't just do that you can actually kill something you can kill life so then what you have to do is you have to have multiple conditions in place not just water itself you have to have all the conditions right in place and it has to moment in like that in a moment of time like that if you do it in long ages of time there is no way that life can be born out of the water like that but then we found some scientific experiments that uh life can be indeed be indeed formed out of the water well here's the thing uh the if you believe the bible look if you just believe the half just the half the half of genesis 1 that's not a problem for you all right why did you waste five years for your phd and then another five years for your ba and then god knows how many for your masters and pleasing all your professors and doing tons of research i mean you just stressed yourself out when you could have finished within five minutes of reading half of the chapter of genesis 1. all right now you can see why i'm not beloved by the world today all right i have no respect for scholarship all right i do not have respect for the higher education crowd it is because of these crowds they have blinded our worlds with the what the bible says science falsely so called at first timothy chapter six now the simple answer is the bible says the light was formed from the waters at day five but if it was just like that through long ages of time it would die unless you have a really brilliant scientist who puts all the right conditions in place in a lab and then he does it instantaneously and puts it all in form then it might happen and then this stupid scientist who did that says oh ci proved evolution you just proved intelligent design what a dummy what a dummy do you follow what i'm saying here all right i did that deliberately for a reason all right all right so every time they have a scientific experiment to prove evolution just thank them for approving intelligent design every time okay okay so our creator see that's it makes more sense with intelligent design the creator he used the water to create light but he had to do it instantaneously he had to make sure that all the origins of life that light needs to breathe to function and activate all those conditions and multiple things sources are set in place and boom like that so he had to do that while using the waters so look at john chapter three john chapter 3 and then we'll look at verse john chapter 3 and then we'll read verse 3 that way we can understand the context jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god nicodemus saith unto him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born so jesus says to be born again now we obviously know what that means that means our spiritual birth it's a second birth that's different from our physical birth so jesus that's why jesus said you have to be born again you need to be saved so nicodemus he doesn't know about the second birth the spiritual birth all he knows this is important so you understand the context all he knows is the physical birth of fleshly birth so jesus had to explain born again why because it's not just the first birth physical birth it's a second birth spiritual birth so jesus has these two verse in mind when he's explaining you might say why is that important trust me it's important when you read the next verse okay verse 5 jesus answered verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born of water one birth and of the spirit second birth he cannot enter into the kingdom of god why you obviously know that just like that obviously he's talking about the physical birth and the spiritual birth but there are tons of churches who get it wrong and they think that this is referring to water baptism jesus never said baptize here he never said baptize here born of water we uh when a woman is about to give birth to a baby or they would say her water broke why because we're all born from water so notice here that life is formed from water and jesus explained just in case some people still don't get it jesus expounded at verse six that which is born of the what flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit all right so if some you will come across these people who will use john 3 to prove water baptism for salvation just show them those verses that i've showed you before all right it should be easy it should be easy to point out the error all right go back to genesis one please just this one this is interesting so i'm not gonna get too deep here okay so i'm just gonna abbreviate this uh my advice would be listening to the revelation uh verse by verse bible study that i did if you watch that one it would further expound and further explain about what i'm about to do with you right so if i sound crazy then i just i guess i'll just sound crazy all right because i won't have time to explain it all right so the quote-unquote crazy thing is this is that this is proof and evidence that the old testament from adam and eve you go back 4 thousand years and then the new testament will be 2 000 years so this is proof itself that is against evolution and how that's the case is because at second peter chapter three and we won't turn there but the bible says a day with the lord is a thousand years as a thousand years as one day how god perceives time is different from how man perceives time now god he will tell you if a day is literally 24 hours because why he'll tell you okay genesis 1 he did he said no it's not millions of years it's 24 hours all right so he'll tell you that but the idea here is that why did god create six and seven he did nothing remember everything god does is for a reason he just don't throw out sporadic numbers okay if we abide by second peter chapter three it's because of how god perceives time he does something different day with the lord's a thousand years thousand years as one day so then if we go back throughout the past 6 000 years approximately of mankind's history we can see that for four days and we look at the four days of creation we see here that there is no living entity at this time until what the fifth day life born from water now some of you already jumping ahead because you know what i'm about to say so when we look at here when god if god would perceive time he says well the past 4 000 years right here there's no life but then i decide that i will give life right about [Music] and then right about here i think it's a good time for my son to come down and dive right into mankind and to give life for all to give eternal life eternal life for all of mankind and then it's through his precious and most holy red blood that we gain eternal life and that is why jesus said in john chapter 3 to nicodemus that you're born of water that's the first birth and of the spirit why because you're dead in sins and the holy spirit is the one that gives you life and you get eternal life and jesus continued on at john chapter 3 to nicodemus what did he say john chapter 3 he mentioned that for god so loved the world and he gave his only begotten son now whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have what kind everlasting life everlasting life is it a coincidence that jesus said that when he mentioned born of water and of the spirit and why he would talk about born again born again it's amazing it's amazing so then this is where jesus christ gave eternal life to mankind and that's why it makes so much sense that in the old testament that the life they received is not the same permanent eternal life how we would have it their life was conditionary that's why they have to have the law they have to abide by the commandments so notice here that during the old testament that their dispensations that their operations that god dealt with them is much much different compared to us in the new testament now returning to our main text at verse 20. god said let the water spring forth abundantly so the waters bring forth reproduce abundantly overflowingly together the moving creature that have life it takes a large amount of water where it comes forth abundantly to create creatures that move that are stirred and would have life yes it totally matches with you go to john chapter 7. john chapter 7. notice that the bible says that when you receive the holy spirit of god that it can have large amounts of water amen and it moves and it stirs and then you sense the holy spirit moving during a holy spirit filled revival meeting and then the lost people see that and that makes them angry makes them agitated and makes them accuse you of being a fundamentalist accuse you of hate speech because you got something that they don't have it makes an atheist and angry when during a funeral you talk about jesus and hope of heaven why would they be angry over about something positive and hopeful during a sad time see something in you john chapter 7 we'll look at verse 38 he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water now notice that it keeps reading on here but this spacey of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the holy ghost was not yet given because jesus was not yet glorified so notice that in this text that we can see a lot of things that the lord had in mind when he was creating when he was creating the lord had a lot of things in mind about our spiritual application as christians later on the future what would happen to us it's amazing okay going back going back to the main text going back to the main text so then we're supposed to mention about the birds and the fish i never mentioned that specifically so we mentioned about the fish from the water but now we have to mention the birds the latter part of verse 21. after their kind now you know how the bible keeps repeating after their kind why it's just in case a phd scientist was looking too much at a microscope that he overlooked that phrase you know so the lord just repeated it again out of courtesy and kindness you know and every winged fowl after his kind so every winged fowl see bird that has wings after his kind and god saw that it was good so to in god's eyes what did he deem it as he deemed it as good now you notice here that uh the bible says god created great whales water bring forth abundantly now this is important this is again proof against the evolutionists so what they're going to say jesus said jonah the bible says god created a great fish to swallow jonah and jesus said it was a whale so apparently our lord and savior jesus christ didn't know what he was talking about because he did not have a phd and then the scientists would just tell you a whale is a mammal not a fish good i'm glad you laughed okay i'm glad you left all right you know what they're doing again they're doing that previous example all right they're being technical which scientists wouldn't even use all right if they were doing casual conversations all right they're just being stupid and silly again god he can throw the term with however way he wants you know why because he has copyright reasons to do so he created them what scientist robs god's creation thinks he has the copyright legal rights to name whatever he wants all right youtube strike me for copyright violations what did i do wrong these guys did the copyright violations against our lord and savior how about that every scientist should be sued all right going back to our main text now obviously the point is this obviously the point is is that uh terms are terms all right god gave us language to speak we can pull up whatever term and concept we want all right there's nothing wrong with that but the point is is that if god allows us to throw in whatever concept and term we want why can't he do the same thing all right why is it that no lord you have to talk the way i talk you don't have to talk the way you talk if he talk the way you talk then we'd all be shot to hell thank god he doesn't talk like you can i get an amen on that thank god you don't talk like you god forbid man man it'd be the end of the universe if he talk like you when you read that king james bible it'll be a boring book thank god that he talks the way he talks leave the words alone and you phd scholars don't have to be at pretend don't have to act and pretend you're so smart on relying greek in hebrew and saying well what the word means is this and what the word means is that and just shut up and leave the verse alone let it read as it says let it read as it says by the way at the end of verse 21 god saw that it was good so it's all good okay verse 22 and god bless them so god bless these creatures saying so how did he bless them he told them be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas so notice that how he blessed them is be fruitful so producing fruit so it's the same thing with the plant and vegetation where they produce fruit if you look at that word in your bible fruit and sometimes people use it today that word is used where it's basically life that you're bringing forth from your womb so notice here that they are to be fruitful so supply so they are supposed to keep reproducing and producing and fill the waters in the sea so they're supposed to fill all the water that are in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth let the birds spread out multiply and produce so now i'm trying to use that term carefully i probably use the word re one time but you notice that the scripture here at verse 22 it never said read like reproduce or replenish it just says fill multiply and fill uh and fruitful why is that because this is the first time that they're doing that now you might want to know that because look what god does at the next day uh verse 23 and the evening and the morning were the fifth day so 24 hours fifth day evening and morning verse 24 and god said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind so now it's coming from the earth now where the dry land is now god is producing animals and human from the dry land so these are creatures in the land and they are after his kind all right it's not a common ancestry it's from themselves cattle so there's cattle and creeping thing creeping thing any insects that you can think of and the beast of the earth so beasts that are wandering roaming on the earth these are land creatures after his kind all from themselves it's not a common ancestry outside of a different kind of animal and it was so and it came to pass uh notice that god he does not care at verse 25 what he puts these classification of animals he classifies a uh all of his creation in six days he doesn't do like a huge text uh he does this all this classification system of all these different terms and names of all these animals like the scientists would do and calculate through billions of years god doesn't do it that way verse 25 and god made the beast of the earth after his kind so god repeats it again and cattle after their kind god repeats it again from verse 24 and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind god repeats it again from verse 24 and god saw that it was good so when god created all those things he saw it as good so notice that insects and the creeping things that all of you love today those cockroaches that all these creeping things that basically they were created at the same day as where you get your camo today as where you would get your dog and cat today now why is that important what's important is because you guys know more than the phd scientists they didn't know that you just made a scientific discovery that they never thought about before they thought that the instincts were like billions of years longer before we get the current dogs and cats and monkeys today the lord says that's not a problem for me you know i'll just put them all together now continually continue reading on stop we stop here all right so we will continue uh on next time with the last part of god's creation which is man so god created man so we will talk about man man is such an interesting creature and we'll cover that in our next genesis study let's all close with the word of prayer father god i pray that today's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers and that you'll please bless the remainder of the services protect your people here help us to be able to keep freely worshiping you and to do what we're supposed to do to give glory and honor to your name thank you so much for all that you have done for us in the precious name of jesus i pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 26,538
Rating: 4.8956199 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: HeRa0SFrsko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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