Game of Thrones Pitch Meeting

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I don't think he likes the last seasons.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Arkaad 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
so you have a TV show for me yes sir I do what's called game of Thrones and it's based off a book series called A Song of Ice and Fire oh what's that about well it's a fantasy show so there's magic and sword fighting and kings and queens exciting and brother-sister incest what so anyway we're gonna follow this guy Ned Stark and his family who ruled this place called Winterfell no Ned sounds like a great protagonist oh yeah Ned Stark is great so he's gonna get decapitated oh my god yeah so he dies cuz cuz his head's gone wow so we're gonna follow his family after that well his son Rob is gonna become king right that makes sense so at least we'll have another protagonist to fall back on and then Rob's gonna die too oh he is yeah and then there's his mom Catelyn uh-huh and so she is is gonna die at the same time as Rob oh please stop doing this killing off main characters is kind of gonna be our thing and people are gonna enjoy that yeah it's gonna keep them watching to see if their favorite characters live or not Wow spoiler alert they are not this show sounds like a major bummer oh yeah major bummer do the characters ever take a break from the horrible stuff maybe have a party or something yeah actually there's gonna be a wedding Oh weddings are tight I love weddings yeah so the weddings gonna be when Robb and Catelyn get get brutally murdered why are you like this sorry I have no choice this is how the author wrote it he just kills off main characters left and right correct is that gonna be less and less shocking every time we do it I don't know fair enough anyway so one really important character is this guy named Jon Snow Oh what's his deal he has this thing where he gets saved by other people in almost every situation Wow and also he has this girlfriend named Ygritte oh yeah what's she like she's a lot of fun she keeps telling him that he knows nothing my wife does the exact same thing to me does she screaming at him at the top of her lungs no she just says it in a normal speaking voice okay so not exactly the same thing then yeah and also she dies oh my god sorry I'm guessing Jon Snow was gonna die too he is no surprise there but he's gonna be brought back to light wait what yeah Jon snow gets safe from everything even death how come this guy's so lucky well eventually we're gonna start running out of main characters in later seasons so they're all gonna develop some pretty thick plot armor what do you mean well things that would have had serious and permanent consequences and earlier seasons are gonna have like no consequences at all is that still gonna be exciting to watch maybe so what actually happens in the show well there's gonna be a whole lot of people slowly traveling around okay and people standing around and talking about who should be king or queen right and people talking about the past I'll be honest that doesn't sound super interesting well we're gonna show a lot of boobs Oh people love boobs they do there's also gonna be some graphic violence sprinkled in there a graphic are we talking like a guy knocking another guy's teeth out and then sticking his thumbs in his eyes and pressing down so hard that his head explodes oh you okay yeah yeah yeah I'm just I'm just actively trying not to throw up I find it helps to just swallow it okay then so any other characters I should know about well there's Daenerys Targaryen oh what's her deal she's gonna spend multiple seasons getting an army and growing some dragons sounds exciting somehow it rarely will be a lot of talking and traveling a lot of talking and traveling Wow and her and Jon Snow are gonna fall in love and hook up oh that's fun it's important to have a nice love story he's technically her nephew Oh some more incest okay then yeah yeah yeah incest and boobs and violence so what else happens in the show well there's an army of zombies slowly marching down from the north that are gonna kill everyone if there's an apocalyptic event on the way why should we care about political squabbles I don't know like if house of cards kept cutting away to a giant meteor headed towards earth you care a lot less about who the next presidents gonna be well I mean they're gonna deal with the zombies eventually it's just gonna take super long for that to happen all right so how's the show gonna end I don't know well how did the books end I don't know what the books aren't all out yet oh they're not yeah no the authors really taken his time with them well it's gonna be hard to keep the show going once we're past the available source material actually super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah I'm just gonna you know get real crazy with it oh you are yeah the characters are gonna stop acting like themselves and start doing dumb stuff just to get to some crazy set pieces I have in mind are people gonna be okay with that yeah I figured by the later seasons people are gonna care about the characters so much that I can make them do whatever I want what kind of crazy stuff did you have in mind well like I want the king of the zombies to get his hands on a fire dragon and turn it into an ice dragon yeah okay that does sound crazy yeah so to get there I'm gonna have the characters hatch up a plan to go steal one of the zombies why would they do that because they want to convince this lady Cersei that zombies are real so she'll help them fight sounds like a pretty horrible plan yeah so that obviously doesn't go well so what happens well then people are gonna basically teleport around and dragon lady's gonna come save them with her dragons and then the zombie king guy is gonna get one yeah he's gonna kill it and it's gonna sink to the bottom of a lake and he's gonna pull it out with some chains wait the zombies can dive to the bottom of a lake and attach chains to a dragon now they can even though we've established that they can't swim and where did they get the chains I don't know I told you I'm just gonna get crazy with it yeah it definitely sounds that way yeah we'll just do whatever we want maybe we'll have Ed Sheeran's show up the singer sounds sounds pretty random oh yeah it'll be completely random Wow so what do you think well it sounds pretty intense you think people are gonna like it oh yeah I think it'll get some real great numbers for HBO well great if people have to subscribe to HBO to watch it I'm all for it hey guys Brian here thanks for watching that pitch meeting let me know in the comments section if there are other movies and TV shows you'd like to see these pitches for we also have a ton of these on the channel you can check out and binge watch if you have the time and if you did like this video please give it a like maybe share it on Facebook and Twitter and check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,907,312
Rating: 4.9623618 out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, honest, pitch meeting, review, Jon snow, Dany, Danearys, targaryen, stark, bran, Sansa, Arya, littlefinger, season 8, night King, beyond the wall, dragon, chains, ridiculous, plot holes, what went wrong with game of thrones, everything wrong with game of thrones, HBO, finale, TYRION, cersei, jaime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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