Mission: Impossible Franchise Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir I do it's called Mission Impossible fall out what the hell is an impossible fall out now it's more like Mission Impossible and then also you know here's the word fall out that's a very confusing title well I mean it's just another edition into the mission impossible franchise so oh what's that now Mission Impossible the film franchise you've been making since 1996 listen it must have slipped past me I don't know how that's possible well here's the thing that people don't really understand about my job I'm not very good at it fair enough but I definitely think we should change that title it completely spoils the ending not sure what you mean well I mean Mission Impossible now I know that they don't complete the mission no they pretty much always do well then that's false advertising and that's a lawsuit waiting to happen that's never once happened in over two decades how about we rename it to something a little safer like what I don't know maybe mission very difficult but at the end it's okay you want to call this movie's mission very difficult but at the end it's okay fallout yeah yeah yeah I feel like people would prefer if we kept it to mission impossible if you say so I definitely do so why don't you catch me up on this franchise what the hell is it exactly well it's a series of action film starring Tom Cruise and we've actually made five of them so far now that's exciting what are the movies about well Tom Cruise plays this awesome spy dude named Ethan Hunt and he loves to sprint oh he does oh yeah and pretty much every movie there's at least five minutes of runtime devoted to runtime Wow eventually we're gonna have enough footage to make a full movie of just that that's kind of the secret goal but don't tell anyone so what kinds of plots do the movies have the kind that barely matter what well most people just come see these movies to see what far-fetched crazy stunts Tom Cruise is gonna do next so the plots don't really matter that much feels like it'd be hard to make a cohesive movie with a strategy like that actually super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah we just kind of intercut the stunts with Ethan and his team explaining to each other how there's no other possible way to save the day other than to do a crazy stunt oh so we just jump from stunt to exposition to stunts to exposition yeah this team always say something like this is crazy Ethan but then they go along with what he says every single time I love it and if we get stuck story-wise we throw in a twist where one of them was evil the whole time or we have them solve a problem with their magic mask machine they have a magic mask machine yeah yeah yeah it's this thing that makes a perfect mask of someone's face and somehow changes your weight and height and teeth and accent manion's and everything about you that does sound borderline magic oh yeah so they're all basically mystique from x-men and what kind of stunts did the movies have oh well there's a really iconic one in the first movie where he has to lower himself in a super secure room and it has like temperature sensors and sound detectors and alarm suite the room has all those security measures but it doesn't have cameras yeah well sometimes in these movies we kind of forego logic for the sake of a cool scene oh the rule of cool I love that great so what happens in the second movie oh well we don't really like to talk about that one oh how come well the script was only 45 pages long so to make up for that there's kind of a lot of slo-mo oh well that is a good way to pad the runtime yeah and it was directed by John Woo and he put in like a weird amount of doves but the other movies are cool oh yeah and one of them even has to like stealth climb up the side of the Burj Khalifa climbing rappers is tight what I'm a huge Burj Khalifa fan I love that see you again song he did for Fast & Furious 7 I think you might be thinking of Wiz Khalifa woops whoopsie so who's this burj guy what kind of wrapped as he made the Burj Khalifa isn't actually a person it's the tallest building on earth oh wow but wouldn't people see him climbing through the many windows that buildings tend to have probably but we're gonna pretend like windows aren't see-through because it's gonna look cool because it's gonna look super cool that sounds super cool and at a certain point we brought jeremy renner on board just in case Tom Cruise wanted to leave the franchise oh that's smart how did that go jeremy renner left the franchise oh that didn't work out not at all sir and so what are you thinking for the new one well about ten minutes of running for sure obviously we're also gonna have a guy who somehow recharges his arms is that a thing it is now well ok then also in pretty much all the movies before this one we always had some kind of world ending device in play oh so we're gonna mix it up in this one no we're gonna do it again oh we are yeah yeah yeah let's just hope people don't start finding these story lines stale fingers crossed [Music] hey guys Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting we have a lot of these on the channel you can check out and if you did like this one you could give it a like maybe share it on Facebook and Twitter also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitches for and check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,753,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mission impossible, Tom cruise, fallout, Ethan hunt, stunts, masks, Henry Cavill, mustache, arm reload, action, funny, sketch, parody, review, mission impossible movies, plot holes, honest, everything wrong, overrated, mistakes, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment
Id: I8cxJES8iz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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