The Big Bang Theory Pitch Meeting

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so you have a TV show for me yes sir I do it's called the Big Bang Theory and it's about a group of nerds okay and one of the main ones is named Sheldon what's his deal well he's a genius theoretical physicist and also you know just the worst oh he is yeah he's a rude selfish surprisingly misogynistic guy that gets away with stuff because he's so smart that he doesn't know any better oh so you're gonna play the quirky card right I'm actually gonna play the quirky card with pretty much all the main characters that's smart that way they can all behave like douches and people will just go along with it exactly they're all awful people Wow anyway sometimes Sheldon also says bazinga bazinga yeah yeah bazinga what the hell is a bazinga bazinga it's like his catchphrase Oh catchphrases are tight are they hard to come up with no actually super easy barely an inconvenience that's great so yeah bazinga will be a thing that he says after a joke or a prank that he thinks is funny but actually isn't how so what's funny is that it's not funny right so that way I saved myself the trouble of writing jokes that are you know actually clever but the show will actually have funny jokes right not really oh yeah well instead of having jokes I figure I could just have the characters reference something nerdy or say something that's inappropriately smart for the situation they're in oh okay I don't get it well for example if the characters running late maybe he'll say something like I'm gonna have to run faster than the flash okay so wait was that it yeah that was it I'll be honest I don't see why anyone would ever laugh at something like that well I figure we can have a live studio audience and just make sure that they you know lose their minds after every sentence and that's gonna make people at home think that the show's funny yeah check this out I'm gonna have to run faster than the flash okay pretty good right okay yeah no that's good that's very good well I'm glad you thought that was funny yeah yeah yeah I could tell it was funny cuz I heard laughter after you said it yeah so we'll do that pretty much every time something nerdy happens so the Nerds aren't just the main characters then being nerds is also the punchline it's the punchline to most jokes yes Wow and the beautiful thing is because we're referencing smart things people will feel smart for laughing feeling smartest tight oh yeah it's a great feeling doesn't matter if it's true or not and it's fun to laugh at nerds that's how I spend most of my time in high school you do give off that vibe yes stupid nerds with their stupid science in there and their stupid glasses yeah glass is totally I'm with you on that one oh you should definitely keep those on though oh I should yeah I don't want to be mean but you do not look good without glasses is it that bad it's pretty damn bad please put them back on Wow well okay then so what else happens in the show a whole lot of creepy behavior towards women oh really yeah like one of the Nerds Howard uses satellites to spy on women while they're sunbathing nude and then sneaks into their house using a disguise wow that is pretty creepy well he doesn't know any better so I'm gonna play it off his quirky I just hope there's never any kind of social movement that holds people accountable for that kind of inappropriate behavior me too any other characters I should know about well there's Raj and we're gonna make a lot of jokes about him being Indian maybe a little racist whoops whoopsie and we're also gonna make a lot of jokes about him and Howard seeming like a gay couple maybe a little homophobic whoops whoopsie and then there's Sheldon's roommate Leonard Oh what's his deal well he's still very awkward but he's probably the most socially adept of the group so he probably understands that the way his friends behave is wrong right but he doesn't really do anything to stop it kind of makes him an enabler yeah yeah yeah so anyway he's in love with this woman penny that lives across the hall what's her deal she's a hot blonde who's kind of dumb so she doesn't know what's going on when the guys talk about smart stuff maybe a little sexist whoops whoopsie women are trophies what anyway Penny's gonna send some pretty clear signals that she's not into Leonard but he's not gonna take no for an answer it's super charming when men don't take no for an answer yeah so eventually he's gonna wear her down and they're gonna end up together very romantic so yeah that's the basic idea we'll make fun of nerd culture and socially awkward people and get a studio audience to go crazy I mean it sounds great how many seasons do you think we could squeeze out of that premise I think we can make fun of these nerds for at least 10 seasons I guess it'd be difficult to exploit it much more than that we'd have to be pretty greedy to even try [Music] hey guys Ryan here hope you liked that pitch if you did give it a like maybe a comment share it on Twitter and Facebook we also have a lot of these on the channel that you can check out and let me know in the comment section what other movies are shows you'd like to see pitches for and as always check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,494,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big bang theory, pitch meeting, bad, sheldon, leonard, penny, bernadette, bazinga, howard, creepy, racist, misogynist, inappropriate, sexist, raj, indian, horrible, laugh track, live studio audience, not funny, big bang theory not funny, bad writing, cbs, parody, sketch, plot holes, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment
Id: c84ANSiVBAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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