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check one two check one diarrhea slurry in my cupped hands cupped hands [Laughter] searching for some semblance of hydration check one two how did this mic sound Eckstein legends say that those who climb the mountain never return we're almost past 2019 so this game is gonna be in the past pretty soon ain't that some [ __ ] it's an alternate reality find us on Grindr see that hard that's just so the very culmination of your being cool I can move around dope your soul starts off weak but can grow strong if you gain a lot of you know what's live stand for a while of course oh you want some love don't you oh yeah down here love is shared through little white friendliness pellets move around get as many as you can oh no flowers value lying son of a [ __ ] fight and I want to fight I don't like that you did it it's too late you fought in you won the dummies are not for fighting they're for talking you do not want to hurt anybody do we come now well I tried to but the menu didn't change good [ __ ] job Aaron there goes our pacifist Iran blushes deeply ribbit hell yeah there is something underneath yeah there's like a nut sack with us it's not a nut sack he's just like got I gizzards and a frowny face well partner I'm rocking number four I think it is yeah so you're asking me to move over okay just for you pumpkin dude who you want me to move some more alrighty how's this that was the wrong direction ok think I got it you attitude mm-hmm you wanted me to stay there you give me a real workout no staying is the opposite of work to flirt I just waved me gasp I don't know what I'm a gossip is but I don't care oh oh just in the middle yeah is that good am i good no hell yeah into the MS gap sorry it was hard I'm gonna eat my green yeah so what I'm talking about homie no will you kill him what did you just kill him no right that wasn't bad was it but he's just a vegetable I want you guys to argue over this until I get the cherry axe we're not arguing it's clearly what happened but he said to eat he was like vegetables are eaten stupid but you killed him oh my god no that can't be right Aaron if you met a man who was made of chocolate would you eat said man hey let me let me save not long ago you should be fine yeah god damn it son of a [ __ ] f in the chat our people it should be good okay is I think the mechanics of this game is based on XP and you earn to 0 XP and for gold okay so if we're wrong that's cool too we're being pacifist as like the adjective not necessarily as the mechanic may be fair enough are those green ones that we give do they give you HP back Knoll should I read toriel's diary absolutely it seems like the cool thing to do when I get the genocide path if I do that if you read a diary you read the passage why did the skeleton want a friend because she was feeling bound Lee you've lost your perfect run I think you should play upstairs instead oh oh all right wow she fetched you down to you Rick what am i - yeah yeah this is where the body's dangerous to play here to me please f off yeah she ain't gonna and it's drafty in here and we'll catch a cold okay go see a man should love me go she keeps saying different stuff it is desta here you will catch a cough you are so stubborn maybe she's just let me go there's nothing to see here pretty sure there's point is it do you want to read a book I don't I want to come down here my god Aaron well she's done I do not like the game you are playing she's getting good let me walk around her bottom floors she kidnapped me she's getting pissed why not go for a walk in the yard she's been very patient going for a walk in the yard really now oh my god and I'm gonna throw you down the stairs myself dad dad dad Wow she doesn't know me she can't control me oh if she says that that dot three more times three more times yeah if she says nothing five or six more times I'm gonna start to think about maybe giving up and 20 more times oh my god dude freaking just let me go you stupid ass you ass you never let me know how to exit um how about an exciting sniffing oh damn did you know that snail sometimes flip their justice systems as they mature interest what does that mean it means they [ __ ] out their mouth are you serious yeah that's crazy I'm into it of all the ways to find out about my new fetish just having fun over here oh I died boy she was hard Wow thank God she was there to protect you bike killer yeah yeah you cannot give up just yet jiggles one mad I will put them as sad if you truly wish to leave the ruins I will not stop you don't help how mother however when you leave please do not come back I hope you understand Oh she won me back with that sweet eyebrows up hug yeah sup bro you know what's up brother it's many days and you still haven't recalibrated your puzzles you just hang around outside your station staring at this lab it's really cool you won't look no I don't have time for non what if a human comes through here I want to be ready I will be the one I must be the one we'll capture a cube and then I the great papyrus will get all the things I utterly deserve respect recognition I will finally be able to join the Royal Guard can you give it like a Krang ending Oh people will ask to be my [Laughter] absolutely no moving yeah dude go into that little kitty house it listen to us oh [ __ ] you moved did something move was it my imagination I totally see moving things if something was moving for example a human I'll make sure it never moves again oh [ __ ] dog look at his pants or is that his body but I don't want to pet him I'm not moving I'm not moving should I not move and I am unclear don't move an inch ah smart dog Oh can't seem to find anything I'm gonna pet dog Oh pat pat pat pat pat pet taco has been pet I love this it's a lesser dough my god not to me Pet pet I'm gonna pet the [ __ ] out of this dog you barely lift your hand in lesser dog got excited hand pant oh I want him to touch my heart now get a pet amore oh my god I'm gonna put the [ __ ] this dog can't stop petting you have to jump up to pet the dog it's possible you may have a problem yeah it seems like lesser dog is lost to the ground I've been trying all the other pets oh my god it continues well unless your dog is gone where no dog has gone before that's right mr. dog is beyond my reach really I must know I want to see the world but I cannot knew if you would be so kind traveler please take a piece of bring it Barry sure it's a note from papyrus yo man please enjoy the spaghetti little do you know this spaghetti is a trap as I do entice you you'll be so busy eating it that you won't realize that you aren't progressing thoroughly jape together great papyrus this shaping brought to you by prepares ice cap appears Jerry came to man Jerry there's not a ditch Jerry looking at him there's a lot wrong with Jerry cool really we just did cherry uh man I remember this one I think we had to a top yeah don't top top no wait hold on you got a loop oh yeah that's easy so you go right around yeah so go to the top don't let you figure it out sorry I was backseat gaming I know you were back to gaming Aaron's got he's a smart boy I've seen Aaron saw all kinds of puzzles like like Shawn put some IKEA furniture together once is pretty impressive [ __ ] middle everyone's saying that they're not a lot of him oh [ __ ] oh boy damn he's sassy oh my god he's killing nearly killing me dab some bone cologne behind his ear Cologne I go I'm definitely calling my aftershave that from now on so you won't fight then let's see if you can handle my favor all right Wow [ __ ] oh you're blue now that's my attack she's preparing a bone attack uh-oh he's gonna bone me if you're good [Laughter] [Laughter] like bones this is your last chance before my special attack oh he's rattling bones oh that's my special attack do you hear me stop punching on that bone oh my god well I'll just use a really cool regular attack oh nice that's pretty good yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh man you ate it right at the end so you came back to have a date with me you must be really serious about this I'll have to take you someplace really special a place I like to spend a lot of time so happy [Laughter] let's see step one press your controllers X button for dating hard I think we're ready for step two step two ask them on a date am human I the great papyrus will go on a date with you yes I guess that means it's time for part three and step 3 put on nice clothes to show you care wait a second wear clothing that bandage hanging off of you you're wearing clothing right now not only that earlier today you were also wearing clothing no could be you've wanted to date me from the very beginning sure you planned it all you're way better at dating than I am no you're dating power don't think you've either great papyrus have never been beaten at dating and I never was so charming this game took a turn that I could not have predicted I was going to say something but I forgot damn sands is a really deep dude I like him he's just a little mysterious who do you think he's truly evil in the end I don't think so no but I definitely think there's something going on that he's not telling us spooky scary easy hi I'm dying I'm here with my daily report ah regarding that human I called you about earlier huh did I fight them yes of course I definitely didn't go on a date Aaron flexes it is great Aaron flexes twice as hard attack increases for you too you gazing at the ceiling run can you run oh [ __ ] I think it's okay gotta go an orb it's the legendary artifact ooh will you take it yes you're carrying too many dogs what Oh what we went on a dog dang it annoying dog a little white dog it's fast asleep I don't have a dog when did that happen where did I get this dog I deployed the dog Hey the dog absorbs the artifact i man I'm sorry the humans afraid of our power declared war on us they attacked suddenly and without mercy yeah we did that this [ __ ] job [Laughter] regular training dummy do you want to beat it up no stairs who shut their eyes for a moment okay well beautiful Wow oh that was close the other guys okay okay who cares I don't need friends okay I've got knives oh [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] say hello you just saved a 10 village that [ __ ] seven human souls with the power of seven human souls are king king özgür dreamer will become a god with that power as gore can finally shatter the barrier he will finally take the surface back from humanity and give them back the suffering and pain that we have endured understand you give up your soul oh [ __ ] ah scary I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people thousands of years ago it all started long ago no you know what screw it why should I tell you that story when you're about to die [Music] that's what Undine looks like Oh interesting she said face danger head-on she said a different thing the second time that you did the site she said a different thing yeah well she said I can't move if I'm green good yes yes patiently I should wait in that moment okay okay got it got [Music] it has an open-mouth head and a closed mouth head yay oh so you build the you build it damn it's something excited about things I can't look at oh my god iron you did it but where's some time so are we ready to start oopsie-doopsie I just remembered [Laughter] oh my god well then a long time ago I made a robot made in mad at 1000 originally I built him to be an entertainment Road bye you know like a robotic TV star something definitely not for sex anyway I recently decided to make it more useful like for sex just small practically just like human of course when I saw you coming I immediately decided I have to remove those features to make them for sex obviously unfortunately I made a teensy mistake while doing so I had sex with the robot and now he's an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for human blood don't count on your victory how many flies are in this jar Oh Thunder plane I don't understand a human oh it's a green good yeah cooking with a killer robot this is fantastic pre-heat your oven because we've got a very special recipe for you today we're going to be making a cake digging this bossa nova beat it space minutes my lovely assistant here will gather the ingredients everyone give them a big hand thank you yeah I want you to keep buying hot dogs beyond reason you got it beyond all conceivable reason you got it okay well sorry he said something unique I'm holding it on my head what the hell is happening oh because I didn't have a more room so I'm holding it on my head now oh great just like this way I'm more oh my god here's another house well no it's on you dogs baby 30 is the limit on hot that head dogs I have 30 head dogs Wow can't take it / - hi whoa damn much better o RG ones bothered you tell her to under the odds of was feeling I what I can't take this anymore not like this let go - I like like like you bro the way you fight the way you talk I love doing team attacks with you of steady here with you bouncing and waving our weapons and sink OSU I like wanna stay like this forever wow it's so sweet I mean say gotcha bro haha oh one yeah bro do you wanna get some ice cream after this sure dude ha ha oh what a dope - were looking at each other happily I mean that's yeah yeah they were ready to bounce do they already bounce on each other dude it seemed good for them yeah well done darling you've you activated you've deactivated all the bombs and he didn't deactivate them the big bomb would have exploded in two minutes two minutes it'll explode in two seconds I'm a little tired of his act I'm sorry single tear so beautiful orange is good I go around back around the blue oh [ __ ] it sounds a trip [Music] [Music] well needless to say it was extremely good god those things are [ __ ] terrifying I'm riding in with my best friend Katie I'm Katia this is my best friend Brad a those two chicks asked me to stick to some glam burgers and I naive teenager that I was said yes Dedham a bad idea so I went out to the alley to see these two ladies and you know see what had happened next mmm and then my boss I I saw me and asked me what I was doing I was so startled the hamburgers in my bottle down under the ground and I broke my Microsoft dinosaur CD cut me up my body I'll do it if we get money out of it Wow take that out of context and put it on every great grooms episode real drama real action real bloodshed on our new show attack of the killer robot oh wow it's pretty spot-on with that voice OH hell yeah I know is happening oh my if you flipped my switch that can only mean one thing you're desperate for the premiere of my new body how rude lucky for you I've been aching to show this off for a long time so as thanks I'll give you a handsome reward I'll make your last living moments beautiful oh my god oh it's time for a pop quiz have fun with that on-screen keyboard this one's an essay question oh boy what do you love the most about mettaton stretch well it's like metal bones yeah yeah here oh I'll um I'll make that clear Oh only one-tenth of the way through our possible characters legs his fabulous hair and bone structure metal bones his legs very popular with the chat his voice and his rump and that he's trying to kill us that's what we love about him whoa this is very well said you gave me them we're not finishing this essay question today give me them tree trunks there we go all right just say legs next time great I'm almost out of food you're fine well darling it's either me or you but I think we both already know what's going to win witness the true power of humanity's star huh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] good god oh my god mettaton Oh his legs his beautiful yeah he's concerned now Thank You SOPA the lack are you - oh Jesus my god so you'll have to kill as gore oh bomber why aren't you saying aren't you happy no I'm gonna die according to you Kermit the Frog here reporting to you from the moon [Laughter] you never gained any love of course that doesn't mean you're completely innocent or no you mean just so you kept a certain tenderness in your heart no matter the struggles or hardships you faced you strive to do the right thing you're used to hurt anyone even when you right away you do with a smile yeah you don't know that you never gain love but you gain love does that make sense maybe not now die you're about to face the greatest challenge of your entire journey and this time go [ __ ] balls oh my god it's a coffin there's a name engraved on it jiggles oh [ __ ] it's empty oh that's not good I don't like that is it good you're filled with determination hell yeah whoa [ __ ] yo I don't wanna fight his breathing gets funny for a moment I don't I don't want to fall game boy he's gonna get you firmly tell asgore to stop fighting damn is getting aggressive yeah it's just about enough mister the most important thing to learn here is that Aaron wants me to tell them what to do and I say Aaron take that knife and stabbed that [ __ ] but the monsters want to live underground forever as long as you fight with the heart of a pacifist you're gonna get through this but I'm not a pacifist I'm a dirty dirty murderer fight him I'm some being so naughty right now did you actually eat the Snowman piece yes I did was I supposed to just double-check Baker checking I know but you did that but I wanna see the world now he's being inside I'm briefly I'm reloading the game now he'll see the world is my pee I'm killing myself only halfway yeah this is a grinder of what it's a good service oh my gosh what is that a critical hit more like a critical [ __ ] ah [ __ ] man so that's how it is sometimes it really do be like human I promise you for as long as you remain here I will [ __ ] haunt your dreams my wife and I will take care of you as best we can we can sit in the living room telling stories eating butterscotch pie we could late we could be like like a family you'll forgive me for that whole dabbing you a bunch of times right oh no no what the [ __ ] is that allowed what the [ __ ] is this allowed why what happened that's how [ __ ] flower I do not like him he's a very upsetting flower yeah it's a fake flower we know is that it what at the end what oh we get into like doki-doki literature club time good night flower it's me flowey flowey the flower I owe you a huge thanks you really did a number on that old fool and without you I never could have gotten past them but now with your help Oh God he's dead and I've got the human sauce for with the different petals of the flower oh my god what this is the flower boy God [ __ ] this is more than I anticipated it looks like the goat thing the stop with the dancing music too much dancing Jesus sweet beans fight holy [ __ ] well okay so question is that beatable yes [Music] there's another fog what the hell is that thing no but I mean like the face in the TV other than just a nightmare okay cool hey bigger guns with them Aaron you can [ __ ] do it I believe in you thank you determination okay we have 33,000 people watching you filling you with the dream cool thanks no pressure yet a crowd of people has gathered around in our office soon oh my god oh that's really cheering you on errands did you got it oh my god no no no this this can't be happening you know you Oh God [ __ ] this guy sucks I hate it when my lord fails where are my power it's so embarrassing oh yeah dog what are they doing all right we did it we did it we got the neutron digging everybody we did it we did reasonably well hey guys there's there's a neutral anything happening over there so yeah you did it guys please drop whatever you're doing we hear there's a neutral ending happening happening in the other ranks Thanks well just go ahead and say you know been really happy and they're in color well they were on the minute they were yeah guess I'll continue don't like the beatin feet sound of in like scooby-doo yeah [ __ ] why did you go [Music] oh my god she tralala I am the river man or am i the river woman it doesn't really matter I love to ride in my boat would you care to join me ride in the boat I love to ride in my dad's boat I love to ride where will we go today Snowden then we're off heard any good jokes lately [Music] Oh best possible outcome my it did my dream come true and now with this new body I've got a brand new enemy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay mewing madly looks pretty happy about it well if she's got somebody else then you know what I'm yeah let's go on a date oh hell yeah I just figured you know it'd be fun to go on like a cute kind of protect date with you to make you feel better well it sounds even worse when I put it like that I'm sorry I messed up again undines the person I I really want to go on a date with me but I mean she's way out of my league no not that you aren't um cool but undying she's so confident and strong and funny and I'm just a nobody a fraud I'm the Royal scientist but all I've ever done is hurt people I told her so many lies she thinks I'm I don't know if she thinks that oh my god music I can't take the city look I badly in love with you who would be I'd I'd hold me what did you just say oh my god Aaron I have never seen the most food I've ever seen humidity one mouth and mouth full mmm I've never seen anyone takes so much of a burger at one time no chicken sandwich Rachel who is our friend of working on in the merged apartment just visibly winced when she saw you eat that much burger oh yeah again chicken sandwich but okay that was thank you thank you okay oh that's amazing another five seconds to not throw up okay you give me what me I'm also here nah I'm gonna get papyrus to do it get those bones shakin it's time to jog 100 laps hooting about how great we are shirts a jog boy yes fantastic at last reload oh my god she was kidding right those cartoons those comics those are still real right animates real right oh my god anime is real I knew it chanting swords magical princess is here I come huh thanks for taking care of Elvis I didn't get to say what I wanted to but things seem like they're going to get better for her well I gotta go catch up with them later I do not understand what just happened this is the true laboratory nothing going on oh boy with just my oh gosh ah oh boy geez that's not good smells like sweet lemons that's nice lemon red flecks got muscles well uh welcome to my special hell yeah this is trippy yeah this is super tripping it's our friend loopy spoon this is impressive but inappropriate nonetheless oh I don't like that it's a vagina goose that's not friendly that's kinda hideous hello is what in the name of [Music] it's pretty hideous geez that was a little disturbing actually hey come on Tory that one was funny it's toriel and that I would ask or be the husband oh no is this gonna be sad yeah it's gonna be said okay cool jiggles can you hear me we want you to wake up jiggles you have to stay determined you can't give up you are the future of humans and monsters I don't like this plane anymore I know I said I said oh never doubt you six right we just have to get six and we'll do it together right this is so weird this is such a weird thing to give you after the game is supposed to be over it's not it's not over of course not of course not Doki don't do this it's a pup oh that's an unpleasant feeling push the button again try pushing the button again well I don't like it I'm gonna fight the five like you know phaser popper crap the amalgamate oh nice its convulsions intensify get it again uh-oh you pit decisively the amalgamate seems to be satisfied by all this well well that thing seems like it's having a good life it's fun this is very sweet I've been such a horrific failure but now now I've changed my mind about all this I'm going to tell everyone what I've done and they're going to love it it's going to be hard being honest believing it myself I'm sure there will be times where I'll struggle like when they'll [ __ ] attack me and throw me in jail thanks to you f has fallen into place Oh Jacobs see you soon oh [ __ ] this is good it's this is probably good goodbye Oh Oh oops what the H whoopsie toodles toriel hey escort say your hex geez that's rough buddy are you another friend I'm Tori oh hello don't hold anything back oh yeah how did you everybody let's just say a tiny flower helped me oh [ __ ] oh god no flower he's at again you're the shittiest hole victory in front of you just within your reach and then tear it away just before you grasp it over and over and over hey listen if you do defeat me I'll keep you your happy ending he'll bring your friends back I'll destroy the barrier everyone will finally be satisfied all the future of humans and monsters you have to holy crap howdy Jake owes are you there it's me your best friend Oh a spiel dreamer it's the end whoa whoa you think about why you're here now you can feel the empty space in your inventory gets smaller and smaller oh no oh yeah this is a rocking song my god oh my god I've only been using a fraction of my real power the freezer let's see what distributed super condition is at first oh it's my wine attack mm-hmm oh damn oh yeah my determination is ful goo the determination goo I struggle nothing happened you tried to reach your save file nothing happen I would be right again to reach your save file nothing happened seemed saving the game really is impossible but but maybe that's what little power you have you can save something else oh [ __ ] think how nicely you treated brother the other Wasel remember is too no wait yo my friend I could never capture you know I'm rooting for you kid no suddenly the memory back yay no that's not true my friends like me and I like you too oh yeah dude I'm I'm doing this because I care about you jiggles I care more about I care about you more than anybody else I'm not crying you're crying what if I just like chose to kill it and please it's time for monsters to finally go free comfort him well Pat this is freaking sweet man oh you are awake thank you we was so worried it felt like you were out forever yeah any longer and I would have freaked out tell us next time we decide to take a nap okay what I didn't cry I don't cry I just caught something in my eye socket where did you catch so you can just go around the world saying goodbye oh my god help me explain what anime is dad's gone you see it's like a cartoon but with swords with guns it's woods ball yeah so it's like a cartoon but with swords golly that sounds neato where is this where can i see the anime I think I've said my phone here look at this no that's that's the wrong never mind show them hentai robots boy technology sure is something isn't it welcome to be a gold grinding stream I can't believe you're buying and revine and selling the same 8 templates over and over and fleecing her out of her own money so you can send her to college do it go get those dreams got enough look at her face he's got no idea after that some workout [Music] Timms you're gonna need your face in college real real time just graduated college - oh yeah because this game is 4 years ago hey Timmy Timmy are you watching right now 55 seconds ago she tweeted that she's watching hi Jimmy hey congratulations on college oh hey I thought you died let's be honest I did some weird stuff as a flower there's one last thing I feel like I should tell you frisk when jiggles and I combined our souls together the control over our body was actually split between us they were the one that picked up their own empty body and then when we got to the village they were the one that wanted to use our full power I was the one that resisted and then because of me we well that's why I ended up as a flower very convenient frisk this whole time I blame myself for that decision that's why I adopted that horrible view of the world kill or be killed but now after meeting you frisk I don't regret that decision anymore I did the right thing if I killed those humans who would have had to wage war against all of humanity and in the end everyone went free right I still feel kind of sad knowing how long it took so maybe it wasn't a perfect decision but you can't regret hard choices your whole life right well not that I have much of a life left but that's beside the point frisk thank you for listening to me you should really go be with your friends now okay I am with my friend oh and please in the future if you see me don't act like I'm your friend don't think of it as me okay don't embarrass me I just want you to remember me like this someone that was your friend for a little while oh and frisk be careful in the outside world okay despite what everyone thinks it's not as nice as it is here there are a lot of flowers out there and not everyone everything can be resolved by just being nice frisk don't kill and don't be killed alright that's the best you can strive for well see you frisk freeze do you have anything better to do damn [ __ ] you I'm ready yes we are ready school Tammy instead yeah exactly but Tammy did oh this is lovely son oh my god I will do my best to take care of you I'm sorry I looked up a rule 34 with alphys and Undine Oh people not now dad I'm sorry I know it doesn't hold anything back Stan this dreamed we don't want to lose you people but maybe if you want to minimize the window on your browser go searching whoa baby oh my god this is the best oh my god and closer I know rule 34 I saw what happens here's the Ninja Gaiden ending okay oh no everything's dead no it's a sunset has died and then the war was brutal [Laughter] that was freaking lovely oh yeah yeah claps all around congratulations Toby and Tammy okay hang on call my boy James hi Jimmy how you doing it's it's so good right now I heard about your petunias I'm so sorry I heard they were award-winning petunia [Music] school well it has been a gasps Jimmy I just wanted to touch base you know you know you know how we do it like we have these calls that are like five seconds long and we just catch up okay got it got it well it has it's been great to catch up Jimmy I all the best - man you're a great guy and I hope to see you again soon I'm sorry you're always missing Aaron just like he'd just want he's talking to Jory right now yeah okay well I have a wonderful day Jimmy and say say good luck with the petunias as they regrow Jimmy don't do this don't don't start this don't start rumors you're breaking up okay bye I gotta go
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 543,915
Rating: 4.9559674 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, streams, archive, stream, undertale, neutral, pacifist, sans, papyrus, voice, ross, undyne, alphys, laughter moments, best moments, compilation, best of, funny, cry, crying, reaction, emotion, asriel, ending, finale, lesmo, tobyfox, temmie, college, jimmy, phone call, rage, loses it, anger, nsp, arin, danny, allie, mettaton
Id: bbpce1Wx-dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 35sec (3935 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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