The DARK, R-rated Origins of Pumpkaboo! | Gnoggin

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[Music] oh thank god it's only a youtube video nothing is real welcome to the spook zone uh it's just my normal room um but look i'm dressed up kinda and um i feel really naked uh all right all right uh let's just talk about the pokemon pumpkaboo it's hecka cute i actually really like it it's ghost grass type and clearly it is a jack-o-lantern with a fuzzy head of hair in the shape of a bat on top and when it evolves ah well let's cover them anyway it's actually super interesting trust me well pumpkaboo is sort of a embodiment of halloween in the west what with the bats and carved gourds and did you know that before we used pumpkins we used radishes yeah in fact the name jack-o'-lantern it comes from an irish folk tale about a man named stingy jack which started the whole tradition and it's pretty interesting once upon a time stingy jack invited the devil to have a drink with him at a pub just a regular casual thing to do for an irishman right and being as stingy as he was he didn't want to pay for his drink so he convinced the devil to morph into a coin that jack could then use to buy their drinks but jack being as stingy as he was didn't actually want to pay for the drinks at all so he put that coin that was actually the devil satan has a coin into his pocket and left the pub later he puts the coin next to a silver cross and being so close to this silver cross the devil was unable to use his powers to transform into his normal form but eventually jack and the devil came to a deal jack would free the devil under the condition that the devil would not claim his soul eventually forever later jack died as mortals tend to do god up in heaven would not allow such an unsavory figure into his realm however so stingy jack got sent to hell but now in hell well the devil made a deal with him and kept to his word and thus like god did not claim his soul so what's a wandering soul to do well the devil gave jack a piece of burning coal to light his way which he then put into a carved out turnip and sent him off to wander his spirit would then come to be known as jack of the lantern the end the legend got popular the name got shortened to jack-o'-lantern and people started to make their own versions of these scary-faced turnips to keep jack and other wandering spirits away and eventually immigrants brought the tradition to america where there were lots and lots of pumpkins and thus the modern-day jack-o-lantern was born and along with other spooky things like bats skeletons and monsters and mummies and vampires and it all became an integral part of halloween bats are an important thing to mention here because again pumpkaboo the bat shape and all wait a second the cute appearance the bat the pumpkin this very plush toy the merchandising by gen 6 i see what's going on here game freak just designed pumpkaboo to sell halloween merch didn't they ah those ingenious bat sturds well it worked plus i mean pumpkaboo is super cute but like it's just a plant what does it even do and like what part of them is the pokemon it's not as straightforward as you would think according to the pokedex it is said to carry wandering spirits to the place where they belong so they can move on and the pumpkin body is inhabited by a spirit trapped in this world as the sun sets it becomes restless and active and spirits that wander this world are placed into pumpkaboo's body there then moved on to the afterlife and you know what all that says to me it tells me that the pokemon in this case is more so the gourd than it is the spirit if the ghosts inside its body are becoming trapped there and then pass on to the afterlife it's not the same spirit in there the whole time then is it oh and i also like how it mentions spirits that are wandering wandering spirits because the wandering jack of the lantern and all that it's good stuff but yeah pumpkaboo is just a sentient pumpkin with weird bat-shaped hair and then it traps spirits to gain spirit abilities ghost moves and such a ghost typing it's sort of a symbiotic relationship like us with our billions of gut microbes they give us the powers of digestion and here the spirits give pumpkaboo the powers of [Music] a signature move called trick or treat oh gosh as if they could be any more on the nose with this oh guess what they do get more on the nose with it the move's name in japanese is just halloween like what why is it deliberate signature move called christmas then huh no i'm sorry happy holidays where's the happy holidays move well here's the description the pumpkin boo or gargaist takes the target trick-or-treating and adds ghost type to the targets type aha well what it shows is it releasing a load of the spirits it has trapped inside of it and then they go and integrate themselves with the other pokemon sort of like soft possession like no mind control but they are ghost type now because of all of the ghosts in them that's how it works now let's talk about gorg iced a bit as it brings a few more interesting little tidbits to the origin table like why is a pumpkin suddenly dark brown well it could be because for a long while the tradition was not only carving your pumpkin but painting them too often black white or purple and when shiny its hair is purple so that's neat but while we're talking about the hair what's with the hair well here's a pretty cool possibility i'm inclined to believe it's partially inspired by jude a japanese ghost a wandering spirit often with long tendril-like hair and thin grabby arms just combine those two elements and boom gorgeous hair you they are created when someone dies suddenly or unknowingly or they have such a powerful desire for revenge love sorrow or jealousy that their spirit can't move on to the afterlife so instead they wander until they can be laid to rest exactly as pumpkaboo and gorgeist do for the wandering spirits they trap and interestingly the yuray is one of the only creatures in japanese mythology to have a preferred haunting time most youkai obake and other preternatural creatures in japanese folklore can strike at any time whereas yuray tends to like the time between 2 and 2 30 amish which supposedly is when the spirit world and the world of the living are at their most intertwined interestingly this falls right in line with the idea of the witch's hour which i talk about in much more detail in this video up here as it's also referenced in pokemon x and y it's basically the same idea but replace eastern jude with western witches and fey creatures and all and all of this of course is backed up with the pokedex again stating that spirits inside of pumpkaboo and gorgeous get restless and active after the sun sets what also helps this connection is just how iconic the uday is in japan as japan has westernized over the decades they eventually picked up some halloween traditions but with their own japanese flavor meaning on top of the iconic halloween costumes zombies witches bedsheet ghosts and frankenstein monsters they have oni obake and of course yuri the classic bed sheet equivalent in japan now one last bit here there are of course hundreds if not thousands of ghost stories involving you jude but among all of them only a few are well known enough to be considered famous and an inspiration to many of the others and one of these tales is that of yatsua kaiden a tale of betrayal murder and ghostly revenge so well known it's been adapted for film over 30 times of countless stage plays it's as famous to the japanese as frankenstein and dracula are too many westerners and after trying to write a cohesive summary of it for hours i gave up it's it's pretty complicated a bit needlessly admittedly so as basically as i can there's murder conspiracy to murder more conspired rape there's more murder there's a poisoned facial cream that disfigures the face of an almost raped lady whose father was recently murdered which causes her cheating ronin of a husband to finally leave her for her prostitute sister she gets hysterical and charges with a sword but accidentally slices her own throat her dying breath is a curse which of course means she comes back as a yuray to haunt them all specifically ayure that can take the form of a paper lantern then due to her haunting lots of more messed up murder and messed up stuff continues to happen lots of dishonorable shame and lots of descending into madness is spooky scary ghost stuff that's about as simply as i can put it so her name is oila and she's sort of the poster child of japanese ghost stories and she's a yuray that's also a lantern which of course means there's an easy connection to make to gor geist who is also quite literally a lantern and one with long hair i might add then there's also the sunomura no onrio i've looked at how to pronounce these i'm still not good at it but uh it's quite literally a pumpkin turned yokai no other connections to pumpkaboo and gorgeous though besides it's a pumpkin but i suppose that's a pretty big connection but that gets it to a lot of what yokai are actually tsukumagami are a subset of yokai they are all non-sentient things that gain a kami a spirit a soul think a hammer an umbrella or a pumpkin the idea of tsuku megami has been around in japan since the middle ages so pokemon based on objects and lame plants while often criticized by westerners are very culturally ingrained in japan heck it's like literally what bannot and phantomp are but back to goregeist besides the trapped spirits it takes to the afterlife and such the other recurring thing in the pokedex entries are about its singing it unwraps its prey and its hair-like arms it sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey and singing in eerie voices they wander town streets on the night of the new moon anyone who hears their song is cursed so what's up with that then well we looked into the history of jack-o'-lanterns now it's time to look into the history of trick-or-treating way back in the middle ages there was a celtic tradition on november 1st which was the new year in the celtic lunar calendar folks would dress up as demons and ghouls and with the help of druids they would light massive bonfires and sacrifice animals and they did this because new years was the time real demons and ghosts would roam our world and if you were busy blending in with the ghoulish undead well you'd be fine demons can't tell the difference between a demon a fake creature or a person dressed up as one after all and then during the christianization of europe specifically the 8th century pope gregory iii was waging a culture war on all of these gosh darn pagans so he did all sorts of things like make up when jesus was born so that christmas would overlap with a major pagan holiday thus it's easier to convert people and he also of course made up all saints day or all souls day or hallows eve a fun christian holy day to make it easier to convert others in this new version children and poverty-stricken adults would go geysing which means going door to door asking for food or small donations of money and in exchange they would sing and dance and recite prayers to protect you and honor your dead loved ones jump forward more than a millennia it evolved into trick-or-treating on october 31st halloween how perfect right gorgey's pokedex entry again mentions that they wander town streets on the night of the new moon thus the first on a lunar calendar like the celtic one that led to the creation of halloween and it goes around singing because that's what trick-or-treaters did originally i love deep origins also there are plenty of ghost stories involving ghosts singing or howling or making eerie noises that's kind of their whole thing it's to explain howling winds to kids a gust of wind knocks down some pots and pans oh don't worry youngan it's just a poltergeist oh yeah and pumpkaboo is a super clever name pumpkin think ghosts say and also peek-a-boo because hiding your face and it's the scary baby game oh yeah and there's also like that whole size gimmick with them they come in four different sizes and that's just because pumpkins and most gourds really can vary in size pretty dramatically here's a really tiny one here's this freaking massive one wow and with all that i think we're done yeah so until next time you never stop using your nod [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 157,913
Rating: 4.9718661 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon X and Y, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon explained, creepy pokemon, pumpkaboo, gourgeist, gourgiest, ghost type pokemon, ghost type, ghost pokemon, ghost type pokemon explained, not ghost, pumkaboo origins, history of halloween, halloween pokemon, pokemon halloween, jack-o-lantern, jack o lantern pokemon, what is gourgeist, what is pumpkaboo, creepy pokedex entries, top 10 creepy pokedex, top 10 creepy pokemon, pokemon horror story, trick or treat
Id: RnEJBZm_5os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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