Gaetz Gets Goofed, MAGAverse Attacks VP Harris, Flynn Cries Coup & Jimmy vs 2-Year-Old Genius

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hi there I'm Jimmy I am the host thanks for watching uh thanks for coming I hope you hope you had a good holiday weekend can you believe it's June already I mean the reason I ask is because many if not most of our nation's newscasters can't can't believe it's June 1st already can't believe it's June 1st yeah June you're right already can't believe it is June 1st already can't believe it's June 1st can't believe it's June 1st can't believe it's June 1st I can't believe it's June 1st today oh right it is it's hard to believe hard to believe that today is the first day of the month of June yeah hard to believe it is June 1st hard to believe it's June 1st hard to believe it's June 1st hard to believe it June hard to believe it is June and you say that every month I know I know yeah why do they find out It's Not Butter right so did you have a good weekend Guillermo yes you've been a fantastic weekend can you believe it's June yeah I know I cannot believe it's June already yeah yeah we were at the uh by the way I texted Guillermo on Friday night I'm like what are you eating and he wrote back a tuna melt we went to the beach this weekend at the beach this weekend I put almost enough sunscreen on my body I got every Zone except for a patch right back here just below my left shoulder I miss that because my arms don't reach which is a flaw in the human body by the way your hand should be able to get to all the parts but I couldn't and now I have a red patch shaped exactly like the state of Louisiana on my back but other than that I had a great weekend you know why because I'm vaccinated oh what a joy it is to me to walk around without a mess hugging people I feel like a superhero seriously if you don't have a vaccine yet go get one right now it's the grace you're gonna be like why didn't I do this before I'm such an idiot and we'll be like yes you are an idiot and then you'll be free travel was way up this weekend the TSA screened more than 7 million people over the holiday weekend and that's another funny thing because you can get on a flight unvaccinated no problem but God forbid you bring a full-size bottle of shampoo the you're going down I hope you remember to remember what Memorial Day is about those who gave their lives for our country some did this weekend and some did not of all the many Memorial Day messages from President Obama Clinton Biden Bush even Trump none stood out more than a tweet from Vanilla Ice who wrote Happy Memorial Day happy because we have the freedom to have a backyard cookout Sports and Sharing Smiles thanks to the soldiers happy Memorial Day which is fine it's an okay message were it not accompanied by this photo of a Ninja Turtle draped with the American flag thank you for your service dudes this is good too someone goofed on uh soon to be imprisoned Congressman Matt Gates they tricked him into retweeting a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald by writing Matt Gates Congressman my grandpa's a big fan of yours and as a veteran he'd be thrilled if he could retweet this photo of him from Memorial Day here he is as a young private first class and then once Matt Gates did retweet it the grandson changed the name on his account to Matt Gates as a pedo which was up there on Matt Gates's account so Gates took it down he got mad fish and our vice president Kamala Harris took some time uh took some unfriendly fire rather from some of those who did not enjoy her work conservatives got they really cranked the fake outrage knob up to 11 after this tweet she wrote enjoy the long weekend of course the Maga verse was Furious about this former Ambassador Nikki Haley called the vice president unprofessional and unfit because of this tweet this is the same Nikki Haley who's done nothing when Trump said he prefers war heroes who don't get captured that was okay no comment there betweeting enjoy the long weekend makes you unfit when the truth is you know who's unfit well this guy is uh flabby Gilmore it is amazing these people still appear in public after what went on for four years Trump's old pardon pal Michael Flynn a man who admitted to lying to the FBI who went to prison for it uh appeared at what was essentially Q Anon con this weekend where he quite plainly supported an idea from a man in the crowd who asked why don't we just overthrow the government keep in mind the man on stage answering this question is a former General and National Security advisor I'm a simple Marine I want to know why what happened in minamar can't happen here oh my God no reason I mean it should happen there's no reason but that's right yeah why what happened in Myanmar it's pronounced like mini bar get me Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia in February the military sees control of the company of the company a country rather they refuse to accept the results of the election there so they organized a coup thousands of protesters have been imprisoned hundreds have been killed and general Eisenhower up there thinks we should do that here too although after it was suggested that he'd be court-martialed for that remark Flynn tried to walk it back he wrote let me be very clear there's no reason whatsoever for any coup in America and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort except for this weekend when you did it on video and the times you did it leading up to January 6. maybe that's the Bill Gates microchip making him say that maybe there should be a coup down at myanmar-a-lago is where it should be you know according to Maggie hazelman is the writer for the New York Times Trump believes that he is going to be reinstated as president in August after Arizona finishes that cyber ninja audit of the election they're doing which is so completely insane and dumb it has to be true it just has to we'll know for sure it's true once we hear him deny it and Americans were back at the movies this weekend a quiet place 2 was number one and made 57 million dollars to the biggest opening since the pandemic started those who are fully vaccinated do not have to wear masks to the movies but you don't have to show proof it's done on the honor System which has worked so well for movies for decades I can't even imagine sneaking into one of those it's here in Los Angeles public and private schools are expected to reopen in Fall for five days a week in-person learning which is great news for parents and also here in La we assume we saw in the local news you know that place that uh where they can't believe it's already June yeah the local news they they ran a piece about a two-year-old girl from Monterey Park who has just become the youngest American ever to be admitted for Mensa to Mensa the club for people with unusually high IQ she passed the test her IQ is measured at 146 and we thought it would be fun to meet her because she's two so joining us now with her parents Sue and Devin please welcome a very brainy toddler cash Quest and the quest family hi guys hello how are you how you doing hi cash how are you so let me ask you guys how did you end up with such a smart kid um I mean I like to think it comes from me I might have a different perspective right right and why did you why did you decide to go to Mensa once you realized cash was uh very bright yeah well it kind of occurred at our pediatrician visit she was saying like 10 word sentences at 18 months the pediatrician the pediatrician cash as well so they had like a whole dialogue going on and we're just in the background like what's going on here but uh she said listen you guys need to get her checked out and um it was kind of more of a not to validate her but more just confirm what we already got you now she doesn't have to hang out with those people in Mensa does she no no cash are you excited to be in Mensa yeah I heard you have a card they gave you a card that you can show to people yeah that's kind of exciting isn't it you want to give me that card Mr Jimmy your card your Mensa card wow how about that I actually have a similar um mine is though mine is not a Mensa card mine is a gift card for the Men's Warehouse yeah you can buy yourself a nice pair of slacks so so what's the most challenging thing about having a genius child she's going to hold you accountable oh really well if you're gonna if you say listen baby ice cream Friday you better be there on time ice cream or she's calling you she's FaceTiming you and you're gonna hear about it for a week she has a phone she uses mom's phone okay all right yeah what's your favorite flavor of ice cream cash oh is there any chance that's what made her so smart possibly no you never know strawberry ice cream and M M so what kind of stuff are you learning about cash what do you like to learn about trains yeah okay stranger fun I heard you know a lot about the elements the periodic table is that true yeah oh okay well I happen to know a lot about the elements what's your favorite element argon I happen to know a lot about the elements too and I thought it might be fun if uh we have a contest here to see who knows more about the elements okay yeah okay all right so your mom is going to show us some cards is that how it works yeah I got some cards and we're gonna see who knows their elements okay all right all right I hope it's me catch the first one is to cash cash what is this one lithium all right next one is for Mr Jimmy okay Jimmy here is yours okay um that's what I was thinking calcium thank you cash I appreciate it I need a little help with that one okay next one is for you cash what is this one yeah Mr Jimmy what has potassium banana bananas do have potassium yes they're delicious yes okay all right all right next one is for Mr Jimmy [Music] [Applause] I'm overthinking it I'm overthinking it cash I think you're winning so far you've even answered my questions okay okay what is this yeah yeah barely almost very good and the last one goes to Mr Jimmy no I know I'm right that's right it's correct foreign but I think that's a made-up thing asked you like being a genius yeah yeah do you get excited when you know the answers to things yeah yeah do you think the kids that you go to school with are silly yeah do you ever pick do you ever pick your nose and eat it yeah yeah same here same here so even though you are of you have a super high intellect cash I know that you love still love kids stuff like frozen right yeah well we have a very special surprise for you because my friend Guillermo went to Arendelle last night what found all of Anna and Elsa's clothes and [Applause] you know [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] isn't she beautiful is she beautiful yeah yeah yeah and so all of these clothes are for you now you can wear them while you're practicing your your elements and stuff like that and secondly we're gonna send you to the happiest place on Earth do you know what the happiest place on Earth is who's that besides the Men's Warehouse the happiest place on Earth is Disneyland so I'm gonna send you to Disneyland I think it's open now if it's not open I apologize it's a terrible prank to play on a child you want to put you want to put this Minnie Mouse hat on yeah all right can I help you with that all right there you go all right there you go well thank you cash well Hey listen when you figure out a cure for something let us know okay we want to be in on that no right thank you guys thank you congratulations on your little genius I'm gonna yell at my kids so much tonight when I get home hi I'm Jimmy Kimmel click below to subscribe to our YouTube channel or if you want to be that way about it don't
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,602,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Holiday weekend, June, Guillermo, Sun Screen, Beach, Vaccine, Travel, Memorial Day, TSA, Vanilla Ice, Matt Gaetz, Kamala Harris, Vice President, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, Myanmar, Cyber Ninja, Movie Theaters, Opening Weekend, LA, Schools, Kashe Quest
Id: ek4kvnBf20A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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