Trump Successfully Wears Pants, Eyes 2024 & Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Cauldron of COVID Garbage

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

According to The Damage Report (a TYT affiliated progressive news YouTuber channel) this backwards pants video was doctored, and isn't real:

I love a good laugh, but if it isn't real, spreading it isn't right.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Berkamin 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
thanks for watching thank you for joining us in los angeles where i don't know if you heard but just a couple hours up the road in santa barbara a royal baby arrived on u.s soil this weekend meghan markle gave birth to a beautiful and healthy future oprah interview harry and megan had a girl her name is lily bette as in i lily bet no one at starbucks will ever be able to spell her name on the cup the baby's full name is lily diana mountbatten windsor the only way that name could be more british is if they squeeze the words cucumber sandwich in it's lilybet diana mountbatten cucumber sandwich windsor collie wobbles so congratulations to the royal family after all that went on you think they'll send a gift you think the queen is on amazon right now trying to figure out how to ship a baby bjorn to santa barbara not only do we have a new royal baby we have a new season of the bachelorette it was bachelorette premier night here on abc this season the action happens in america's most romantic city albuquerque that's right doesn't that sound lovely right now tonight katie got to meet all the guys she said i feel like being the bachelorette means i can fall in love and start a family well i feel like maybe katie hasn't seen the show no i'll ask her later bachelorette katie is here in studio my wife has been working very hard on her prediction for who katie will pick she's correctly chosen nine out of the last 12 winners on the bachelor and bachelorette if you can call them winners but so she's her reputation is on the line tonight we're going to run her pick by katie and if they're both on the same page we don't have to watch the show this year wouldn't that be great think of all the time we could save also with this you know for every week for the last few weeks we've been inviting one person to sit in our studio audience we still can't have a room full of people here so we bring in one fully vaccinated audience member and our fvam tonight is sitting right here please say hello [Applause] and welcome caitlin thanks for coming i heard you're a big fan of the bachelor and bachelorette and that kind of stuff i jimmy am truly obsessed it's like kind of almost embarrassing but i'm here tonight so it's clearly worth it to be obsessed with it because i'm sitting in this chair with jimmy kimmel although that's not actually in the chair but we're close enough right and i heard you're a professional wrestler is that true i am uh it's surprising because i'm 5-1 but i'm feisty as hell can i say hell um but uh but yeah i'm with wow women of wrestling and wow i can body slam you jimmy if you want well maybe later in the show that will be fun okay um have you like of all the bachelors and bachelorettes whatever if you could wrestle one of them which would will you choose uh i think i have to say juan pablo oh juan pablo yeah he's the worst once i throw him to the ground i'm gonna say it's not okay you know i like that you know is that okay have you seen tonight's episode of the bachelorette i have it yes and i'm very excited you're excited i'm obsessed yes and actually i have my top four but i don't i don't know i can rival your wife maybe oh well it will be interesting to see you go ahead and head yeah maybe you and my wife could wrestle that will be fun my wife is not uh a physically violent person when our four-year-old comes at her she goes it's like well i i look similar to a four-year-old so all right well uh you know every time my wife picks one of these bachelors i feel like she's picking a guy for herself it's it's true the new bachelorette katie you may remember last season she was on the bachelor she presented matt the bachelor with a sex toy on night one and and i guess it didn't work because he didn't pick her but because she did something unusual a lot of the guys who showed up to woo her did two one of them arrived gift wrapped in a box one guy came in a dodge ram with a ball pit in the back he had the whole bed of his truck filled with colored balls like a trucky cheese or something like that another guy showed up in an rv and told her he lives in the rv he did not get a rose and a suitor named connor b dressed up as a cat because he heard katie loves cats and somehow this actually worked because these two made out like he was lapping up a bowl of milk you're doing awesome no no it's been fun [Music] i'm really hoping they don't get my whiskers on you oh my god you got it over here oh my god it's a good reminder don't forget to spay and neuter your pets folks this was kind of weird because this is the first new season without chris harrison as the host which i'm not sure the show is even legal without chris in there i don't know if it's binding but a pair of former bachelorettes stepped in to co-host tasha and caitlyn helped the gang tonight set an all-time record for most omgs in a single evening of television oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] oh my god oh my god you do this by yourself oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god are you ready for this oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my gosh oh my god oh my god so enjoy them oh my god oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i actually drew it oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god guess his name oh well i got i have some very bad news god abandoned this show 15 seasons ago so katie will be here a little later to join me in prayer donald trump is taking the old routine back on the road fibarachi did 90 minutes of mostly old material at the north carolina state gop convention in greenville on saturday after which there was talk online that he may have suffered a wardrobe malfunction specifically involving his pants which some believed were on backwards mr president thank you so much you know and and go back to 2016. i was in a 17-way race and won this won that primary and got here i was a business guy that never run for office oh it was some people thought they saw a fly there poor mike pence didn't know which end to kiss it was very confusing but then there was a detailed online investigation you know usually if you got this close to trump's crotch he'd pay you 130 thousand dollars but turns out it was just a revolting illusion that resulted in these hilarious headlines no trump didn't wear his pants backwards at that north carolina rally actually trump was not wearing his pants backward at a weekend rally trump successfully wore pants correctly at rally well good good for you imagine being the fact checker that gets that call hey steve i know it's uh it's saturday night but can you check to see if ronald mcdinbat has put his pants on backwards or not thanks how's sarah oh so oh very sorry to wake you guys up but uh backwards seeming pants uh seems to be a problem for republican politicians in general for instance former governor chris christie um it looks like he's tried sneaking a meatloaf into the game sena minori leader mitch mcconnell and a pair of starched-up blue jeans and this tradition goes back quite a long way here's ronald reagan in a pair of sweatpants only a kanye could love and of course rudy giuliani just checking to make sure it's all still there digging through his under roodies as for trump he hasn't spoken in front of a crowd since february but when it comes to giving his base something to rally around you'd never know it he hasn't missed a beat we're going to take back our country and we're going to take it back at a level that is very very good that's right going to be the best good anyone has ever seen trump touched on a variety of subjects including you'll never guess what we're going to have a tremendous 2022 just like we did frankly 2020. think of it more votes than any sitting president in the history of the united states by far we had a great election bad things happened but we had a great election that should be the title of this book bad things happen and this is weird apparently in between golfing and conspiracy theory spreading the former president has been watching our show and discussing it with the my pillow man lindell was recently on jimmy kimmel it did not go well lindell told me trump called him after that appearance to tell him how well he did it's almost like trump wishes he had been on kimmel sad what's what's sad about that i think i might be offended but this was the shocker fox news didn't even show trump's speech which it's like if tbs passed on a new episode of big bang theory it's unheard of but donald did catch up with his fox friends in greenville to weigh in on whether if he does decide to run which he will will he do it with mike pence yeah i think i was disappointed on one account but that was a choice that mike made and i want people to make their own decisions and he did and you know mike and i have a good relationship we continue to have a good but it's too early to be discussing running mate certainly yes cell mates maybe but too early for running mates that little lady lump of a trump marjorie taylor dream is busy stirring her cauldron clan mom sent a letter to president biden demanding that he answer a list of questions about kovid including the following is there evidence that covet 19 is a bio weapon who funded the wuhan institute of virology research of coronaviruses what role did the nih specifically dr anthony fauci play i guess she forgot this all happened when trump was president but we remain convinced that dr fauci misled the american public regarding the origins transmission and mortality of the kova 19 pandemic we urge your administration to act to provide us with these answers by june 31st 2021 now i can hear some of you liberal fact checkers laughing saying well june only has 30 days there is no june 31st but that's what big calendar wants you to think you have to be open don't be a chic people no two marjorie taylor green com comments make sense when you put them side by side her message is on one side it's china created a virus that killed almost 600 000 americans and the other is i refuse to wear a mask vaccination rates are down across the country so much so they say we may not hit the president's goal of having 70 percent of americans at least partially vaccinated by the fourth of july not surprisingly the least vaccinated states are tennessee arkansas louisiana alabama and i feel like these guys are bad influences on each other we might need to break them up like they do in school with the disruptive kids when they to encourage people to get their shots officials in west virginia are offering incentives like cash guns and trucks it's like a showcase for the price is white and and then one reason for the this anti-vax sentiment is you've got people like uh pastor slash conspiracy theorist rick wiles spreading the gospel of misinformation i'm going to survive a global genocide the only good thing that will come out of this is a lot of stupid people will be killed off well guess what this week pastor wiles was hospitalized with cove at 19. so i guess he was half right he's believed that infected 10 people mostly his family and members of his staff they released a statement he said this was a full frontal hit from hell on your true news family guillermo this is a full frontal hit from hell on the trinus family what are you going to do about it oh nothing i'm maybe we should send soup yeah maybe jeff bezos is um as he as he transforms into full super villain he's launching something new and that's something is himself next month his space company blue origin is going to launch their first flight and you know who's going along for the ride jeff himself will be in the ship he will take the trip with his brother mark who he's surprised with the invitation mark bezos looks like the actor you'd hire to play jeff bezos in the amazon prime miniseries about i know the real reason jeff bezos wants to go into space it's so he can see everything he owns june the month of june if you don't know is pride month for those in the lgbtq plus community this month for celebration and for straight men like me it's a month of reminding uh that we are not in very good shape physically at all but this is a tricky month for major corporations because nowadays you can't separate your business from an event like pride month and you have to make a statement which it has become obvious is easier for some companies than others at bass pro shops we know that the great outdoors is a place we can all share whether it be a camping trip with your kids or a fishing trip with your lover it's time to hit the trail this pride month we're celebrating those who love the outdoors and members of the same sex for all we know there could be fish that are gay i'm talking to you rainbow trout whatever two consenting adults want to do in a 9x9 coleman sundome tent is their business and if they only need one marmot brand sawtooth 15f down sleeping bag between them that's okay with us bass pro shops we're still trying to figure this whole thing out oh good for them hi i'm jimmy kimmel and this is the internet i made it myself hit subscribe if you like it
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,737,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Quarantine, Monologue, Royal Baby, Santa Barbara, Meghan Markle, Prince harry, Royal Family, The Bachelorette, ABC, Bachelorette Katie, Studio Audience, Molly Mcnearney, Donald Trump, Trump, GOP Convention, Trump pants, Chris Christie, Joe Biden, MyPillow, Mike Lindell, MTG, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Pride Month, Jeff Bezos
Id: bJIlJ9b_q9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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