Charlize Theron on Doctor Strange Reveal, Michael Bolton Birthday Surprise & Halloween With Her Kids

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is a true Renaissance woman she's an oscar-winning actress producer ballerina and Mom arena with a new movie called the school for good and evil it is on Netflix now please welcome Charlize Theron [Applause] it's very good to see you it's nice to see you I think maybe Guillermo is upset because you haven't seen it spotted him yet you know Hi how are you welcome back [Laughter] all right Carol and I don't need to see each other yeah we can feel each other exactly yes that was the smoothest I've ever seen here before oh you're like a sipping tequila there Guillermo oh hi how are you welcome back you know Guillermo talks about you all the time last night on the show we spent a good chunk of the show talking about you with Pamela Adlon who's our other guest yeah you still not I tell everybody you're so nice so sweet so professional and so Talent and welcome back hi and I love you [Applause] I love you well it is great to see you and so the last time you were here as I recall you had just had a surprise birthday party in Greece yeah your friend threw this party for you right yeah a couple of my friends okay I have really amazing friends yeah they put this whole thing together and we traveled together they traveled all of these 80s costumes and I never even knew they're amazing 80s costumes they brought them all the way to Greece and so now it's your friend's birthday your friend Ashley right yes and the pressure's on yeah because you have it's a 40th birthday you have to come up with something big yeah well it was it's also I mean we love each other right there's that too yeah sure uh but yeah we were definitely all of us were definitely trying to figure out we were gathering all of her favorite things she loves loves Michael Bolton like loves Michael Paul and she's always loved Michael Bolton yeah it's like from her childhood I don't know if it's childhood but yes she's always and her husband they both what a couple they met each other and found they shared that and they've been together ever since well that's uh it's an odd thing to share it's uh was that on his like Tinder profile so you being a great friend call I did I mean I thought I'd give it a shot I really didn't think it would happen did you know Michael Bolton no I had never met him before but I was like you never know right so I called him up I said you're probably gonna say no but my friend absolutely loves you and we're having a party for her and if there was any way you could come over and just sing Happy Birthday to her it would literally make her life and then did he smash through the wall of your house like the Kool-Aid Man because let's be honest have you ever called any guy and asked him for anything and he said no oh stop it it's like he's on tour because they they had bought canceled the tour I'm going to Charlize and her husband bought tickets and they were like oh my God we got tickets so he he we were gonna have it on a certain night and he said listen if you change it to this night I'll come oh okay and so we changed the whole party we sent out the invitations and I mean it was Michael Bolton and she freaked out and he was unbelievable he's got a great voice yeah but he was just so generous and sweet he sh I literally thought he would just like show up sing Happy Birthday go home you know Michael Bolton is he still at your house wouldn't mind it I mean the show was amazing he's got a lot of hits he could probably hang for a while how long did he sing for you he should he showed up he did a sound check like three hours before the party oh yeah he was like full on Pro yeah sure uh he he's saying for like 20 minutes we have a video of this and this is uh it's great your friend reacting to her big surprise [Applause] oh my goodness yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I feel like her husband is having she was the emotional one yeah wow what are you gonna do for 50th now uh Kenny G or something or I mean that's big that's a big idea who would make you freak out singing wise if they showed up at your birthday party um I you know I was thinking about this I think Patsy Cline Patsy Cline yeah I don't think that's gonna happen I know I know that's not gonna happen but if it did yeah there would be like a Halloween thing right some real complications but if it could that would be pretty will you dress up for Halloween are you gonna do the whole deal oh man yeah my I have two kids seven and ten and Halloween is their favorite holiday yes so yeah they love it yeah we just started last weekend my kids at the houses it's unbelievable because I spend like a lot of time getting rid of spiders in the house and now it's just full of spiders yes no you you paid for the spiders there's webs that we put we installed yeah yeah and they're not cheap by the way no they're not cheap yeah yeah because spiders have to work on them for months you kidding you um and so uh what are the kids dressing at see you know they're both kind of crazy about Hocus Pocus right now oh yeah and I was shooting a film in Rome over the summer and the costume designer Mary Vogue she did the con costumes for Hocus Pocus and my daughters were just enamored and she ended up making the Sarah Jessica Parker outfit for my oldest who has not taken it off wow so yeah she's like but it's a big holiday for us we always do this Disney thing with Ashley actually she started this tradition where we take our kids every Halloween we go to Disneyland It's the only time I go um and we we she makes like a big thing like we have to pick a theme and in the beginning it was like the group chose the same theme because our kids were so little and now it's like seven themes oh yeah yeah like they're all they all want their own thing then it's not a theme really is it yeah not so much you know I hear there's a Sephora in the parking lot there yes there is yes [Applause] did you not know that I didn't no I don't know it somehow slipped past my radar you have not live my friend we're going to take a break when we come back we're gonna see a clip from the new movie The School for Good and Evil on Netflix Charlize Theron is with us we'll be right back excuse me ma'am seem to be in charge and I am in the wrong school oh how to stressful and improbable back up your name actually you know what I'm gonna guess it you won't know it Sophie I've gobbled it did I guess it I always do there must be a mistake I clear the reader I read if that's what it's not in the school for Good and Evil on Netflix which is um a series of books right that my daughter is she's never have to say she's eight years old she's never shown interest in a live action movie from the Billboards except for this one we're driving by she's like I want to see that oh wow do you think she will be scared well my seven-year-old watched it she's tough though oh yeah she had a couple of moments you know there's a moment where these new really beautiful flowers show really gnarly teeth and she was like I was not expecting that but it's not I think you'll have to know your kid if your kid is super sensitive then I would say it's probably a little dark but my seven-year-old loved it right okay all right good well we'll test it out yeah now it's on me great I played the dean of evil so in a way yeah I guess we can't trust you aren't all okay and my kids are used to me screaming like that so yeah you were also in the um Doctor Strange movie you had a little moment there well I don't know not yet yeah is I don't know it to me uh I you know I love those Marvel Comics and I love that stuff and then when you see something you see some a big star suddenly playing a character you weren't expecting to see it makes you wonder what like that can't be it right can you say if that is it no okay um but it can't be it I mean that would be a I mean that would be a waste of your time if it's it I hope it's not it we'll see yes you do know or you don't know if it's it I think I know I mean unless I'm sure they can change their mind depending on what I say on this show I see okay um yeah and then you wouldn't be allowed into Disneyland on Halloween it'd be a whole mess yeah you uh do what do you know about your character what can you tell us about the character Clea I play CLIA and um and that's it let's just say I have I have some work to do I have I I I I I I don't I don't quite know who she is yet but I will okay hi hi I'd be happy to explain it to you no well no we're not really uh we're not necessarily looking for help from the audience but thank you very much I wasn't talking to you dude I was talking to miss Charlie's there I would love to I would love to all right well CLIA is the daughter of Prince orini uh and her mother is a faltinian fugitive by the name of Umar yeah yeah he's uh he's right and uh uh Umar is the twin sister of the demon Tyrant dormammu from the first Doctor Strange movie who you know rules over the dark dimension um and so like CLIA is dormammu's niece yeah yeah and Clea Clea meets Doctor Strange in the Marvel comic uh Strange Tales number 126. uh Stephen trains Clea in like the Mystic Arts and eventually they fall in love and they become lovers which is really hot I think we wouldn't know too much about that yeah none of us have ever had sex so all right well thank you guys for that updated very helpful very helpful yes I should have met them in the parking lot before I go oh you'll meet them in the parking lot gamble escort Mr Ron after her car will you I will you gladly well it's great to see you thank you for being here the school for good and evil is on Netflix now Charlize Theron we'll be right back [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 517,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Charlize Theron, Actress, Producer, Oscar Winner, The School for Good and Evil, Netflix, Guillermo, Michael Bolton, Birthday Party, Halloween, Hocus Pocus, Witch Theme, Dean of Evil, Doctor Strange, MCU, Marvel, Nerds, Clea, Las Vegas, Disneyland
Id: CZ28PE7XNvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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