Donald Trump Wanted the Government to Investigate Jimmy Kimmel for Making Fun of Him

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wow that's very nice thank you hi look at this it's people again oh i appreciate that i'm jimmy i'm the host thank you i know i know it's been a long time oh it's very nice please sit relax relax it's uh well that's nice uh you know this is our second night with a half full or is it half empty i don't know is the audience have fuller i guess it does it depends on how you look at life really we have 89 vaccinated people in our studio audience i have to say though it's weird having it's weird having half an audience it's like thanos snapped his fingers and killed the wrestler oh speaking of thanos we got an interesting bit of tid this morning about the former president of the united states the orange one you remember him the uh so the daily beast says it reports that in 2019 donald trump wanted the government to investigate guess who guillermo me you what why look at this according to two people familiar with the matter trump asked advisers and lawyers in early 2019 about what the federal communications commission the court systems and most confusingly to some trump lieutenants the department of justice could do to probe or mitigate snl jimmy kimmel and other late-night comedy mischief makers oh i'm glad you're excited about it i don't want him probing me or can you imagine that president snowflake asked to send the authorities in to stop us from making fun of him not only that he wanted guillermo to pay for the wall no way no way no he did no the report goes on to say to those who heard it trump's inquiries into what federal regulations could be used to bust the likes of kimmel and snl was more of a nuisance than a constitutional crisis to me it feels more like a crisis than a nuisance i don't know little did i know i'm up here goofing on him he's asking the feds to do who the hell knows what and when he was told there was no legal case to be made that you can't stop comedians from making fun of you when you're president trump asked can something else be done about it basically trump wanted to turn the department of justice into remember on the old batman show the penguin had those henchmen and the bowler hats and the tight black shirts this is what trump wanted a goon squad a bunch of tough guys to rough people up because he can't take a joke he can make one in fact he's made several eric ivanka don jr you cannot take a joke and by the way they say this happened near the beginning of the year that was right around the time he had a summit with kim jong-un maybe he got the idea from him i could be dog food right now i'd be like alec baldwin's the one you want he dressed up as you so then about just about 10 minutes ago right before we taped the show i'm walking downstairs they released a statement trump did that said the story that i asked the department of justice to go after ratings challenge without trump saturday night live and other late night losers it's total fake news it goes on to insult alec baldwin with all that being said however i do believe that the 100 one-sided shows should be considered an illegal campaign contribution from the democrat party what do you think guillermo you think he said it or not uh i think he did yeah yeah of course yeah of course he did anyway thanks for watching mr former president i'll send you a hoodie if you like you still a triple xl you know that statement he released i don't even know how he releases statements anymore because he's banned from twitter and facebook and instagram that kicked him off but he still has a phone and a bunch of fox news wannabes that don't screen his calls trump dialed into the real america voice news network never heard of it either but and you're not going to believe this turns out he's still running for president headlines were about how you admitted defeat in the 2020 election when you said we didn't win is that an accurate headline did you admit defeat i just want to understand that no i never admitted defeat we have a lot of things happening right now i think that that was an election that was i don't think all you have to do is read the newspapers and see what's coming out now no i've never the word is conceit i have not conceded i am conceited but i have not conceived well he definitely doesn't give up that's for sure we also learned today that between march of last year and march of this year 881 secret service employees tested positive for coba 19. gee i wonder where they got that here in the us more than 45 percent of the population is fully vaccinated which is not enough and that's mostly because of young people according to the cdc 18 to 24 year olds are the age group least likely to get vaccinated and most unsure about getting a shot because they read nothing but crap on tick tock i guess but and i get that i get that 18 to 24 year olds when you're that age you think you're invincible but we're talking about the same generation that can't have peanut butter and jelly in their lunchbox okay they are definitely not invincible we are the bottom line is we're a country full of dumbs att does this every year they released a map of the most commonly misspelled words by state and we had a new top dog this year quarantine which is frequently spelled as quarantine remember children of the corn what happens when they hit puberty uh some of the other top ones are coronavirus believe which people have a problem spelling and this should come as no surprise florida's is by far the weirdest in florida the most consistent most of this award is pharaoh but how who's even googling pharaoh that's got to be trump going how do i become an away how do i become an egyptian god i actually looked it up it turns out those of you who are in florida know that the state is infested with an insect called the pharaoh ant these are invasive ants that every time you spray them the colony splits and doubles one nest becomes two nests and then two nests if you spray them again become four nests in other words yet another charming reason to go to florida what i don't understand is how is the most misspelled word in every state every year not diarrhea because i between diarrhea and hanukkah forget about it all right now we have a we have a follow-up segment for you tonight i mentioned this on the show a few weeks ago there's a marijuana delivery company here in l.a that they were looking for an intern to test out their products they have a lot of products and they wanted somebody to test them and write a description of them they said they were looking for interns to smoke or eat everything they have and then come up with a little review for each which for a lot of people is obviously a dream job and which immediately made me think of a guy we happened on upon uh at the opening of a cannabis dispensary in michigan in january of last year oh hi i'm frederick miller it's f-r-e-d-r-i-c-k-m-m-i-m-i-l-l-e-r did you say spell it yeah yeah okay yeah well we're waiting on the dispensary we want to go inside and check out what they got i was kind of hoping like a willy wonka thing like gates and like you know somebody coming out with like cane and then like doing tricks and but uh so far it's just cold yeah right he's got what they call it so i thought freddie would be a very good fit for this job so i decided to play marijuana matchmaker and we got in touch with the ceo of the company mj we flew freddie here to la for an interview and here you go how you doing how are you chris nice to meet you great to meet you too boy you guys did something very clever i think you really got our attention with this job posting thank you let me read some of it this paid three-month internship is a cannabis aficionado's dream come true we're seeking a passionate detail-oriented creative writer to review every single product on our we delivery platform mj creativity and a passion for cannabis are a must how many applications did you get for this uh i think we're at a little over 1100 so far [Applause] and somebody you have to hire somebody just to go through these i would think you're you're correct uh video submissions people write again it's been uh bigger than we would have expected well i know you got a lot of candidates but i feel like i got the guy for you i mean this guy is he's passionate he's creative he's baked out of his mind would you like to meet him i'd love to meet him freddy cool hello hey everybody apparently appreciate it christmas this is chris chris excellent chris mike be your new boss have a seat guys so is it rare that you have an intermediary when you're interviewing an employee yes yes okay yeah tell them a little bit about yourself freddie oh i currently work at a dispensary now um i'm from the middle of nowhere indiana this is his first time on a plane i love it what'd you think of the plane planes they're really cool i like the take off cause they do go straight up yeah we've been on them right chris but yeah yeah so this is basically a writing job right it's like a writing job and a testing job it is so what would you ask somebody interviewing for this spot a big part of this role is uh trying the products and accurately writing descriptions about how it made you feel uh how may make our customers feel um they'll read those comments they'll read those descriptions and yeah you know a lot of purchases will be based on your writing well maybe you should try something you should try one of these products and then give it a little mini review just kind of give you a sense of his writing and his creativity now let's see we can't actually show you smoking because this is television so um why don't i um i'll hold up the funniest thing while you smoke sure so give us a summary of desert gold summary okay picture yourself on an airplane you're on your way to hollywood california you've never been here before you're flying over the landscape chains midwest totally flat boring lots of farms pretty up close boring from a 50 000 feet now okay uh then suddenly the desert and it looks like the moon landing like and you're like wow now you're thinking something else was the moon landing faked or was it just shot in california but very uplifting buddy creative thoughts that's the type of description we go for it to be honest hey this is delicious i see why you named it berries that's good when did you start up in california so we started in mid-2019 we launched it and we really got going in in january 2020. so what do you think of cloudberry freddie i mean give us your review first of all i love mixberry good okay um i definitely noticed the mood swift really kickback you got a little more serious all of a sudden i think it's the cloudberry man you do [Music] well um hey i have i have a serious question though um oh i mean yeah when did you start your business out here he just told you i know i forgot i said [Laughter] as far as the cloudberry goes because your your job would be to then write like you're reviewing okay let's yeah how would you describe it well cloud berries man you nailed it feels like i'm on a plane again except this time i'm not in the plane i'm on the cloud looking at the plane go by maybe i'm drifting all the way out to hollywood this time i think this is pretty good right pretty good freddie i'd say focus more but you know that's my elevator pitch no i love it one one of the biggest things people ask us for is legitimate reviews of effects you know a lot of these companies put their own it does xyz to you but we actually we're trying to get the writers to really communicate uh how it affects them because we hear that's a much more reliable source so you've never heard of anything more creative than that have you ever do you have a resume or anything like that i'm glad you asked okay oh great oh look at this it's a handwritten resume there you go this is good summon this looks like a drawing of a monkey and a pig well here's his resume i love it freddy um you know we got way more submissions than we thought we would so we expanded the internship from one seat to three seats oh wow wait how wait there's only three people out of like 1100 or so they're gonna qualify that's right that's true so what do you think chris is this something you have to think about like i said i think the biggest thing we're going for is is can you communicate effects can you do it in a fun and creative way i think you check both those boxes very quickly uh we'd love to offer you one of the three seats for real for real there's one thing you have to do though first you have to fail a drug test do you think you can do that consider it failed this is great you guys want to shake hands or anything to make a good deal sweaty it's been real sweaty freddie thank you for anything wow guys well i'm just happy to have been a part of this thank you chris and uh thank you freddie thank you guys bringing so much joy into our lives yeah one more man thank you buddy sir one down like 10 million hi i'm jimmy kimmel if you want to see all our latest videos click the subscribe button and if you don't click anyway and close your eyes when they come on
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,814,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Monologue, Guillermo, Live Audience, Donald Trump, Trump, Daily Beast, DOJ, Department of Justice, SNL, Fox News, Vaccine, Secret Service, Alec Baldwin, Misspelled Words, Florida, Freddie the Stoner, Weed, Internship
Id: QQ7qIlhMCa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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