Trump Melts Down Over “Stolen" Election

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jimmy where's jimmy jimmy thank you for everything jimmy thank you for everything and i was recently honored to receive the coalition's endorsement and i want to thank you you're really amazing thank you and a tough guy and a good guy from hollywood it's jimmy kimmel live tonight taraji p hanson luke cones and music from nathaniel rate lift and now jimmy kimmel uh hi everyone thank you thank you thank you i'm jimmy i'm the host thanks for watching well i'll tell you what it uh it it took almost the whole four years but donald trump finally got a massive crowd to cheer him outside the white house congratulations to him what a weekend it was people were dancing in the streets like ewoks after they blew up the death star darth tax evader has been toppled and america responded with a dance party [Music] there's no need to be unhappy [Music] [Applause] you think she has any idea what the ymca is only 71 more days melania this was the scene outside the white house on saturday where a reporter from fox news got a fresh whiff of victory we haven't seen any kind of violence or the anger that we saw back in june here on black lives matter plaza that might have something to do with the fact that there's a very very pungent smell of marijuana here that's right we shall overcome there were celebrations all across the country which is unusual this doesn't typically happen after an election but this one was different trump's hometown of new york city joined in on the fun and i noticed some very interesting look at this pay close attention here because having a competent administration will not make the coronavirus any better in many many communities i mean you're going to have much better unity go back and take a look right there senator john mccain returned from the great beyond to celebrate donald trump's defeat isn't that something yeah well donald trump is not accepting the results of the election but joe biden's getting congratulatory calls from former presidents world leaders and even his own vice president kamala harris who we slowed down to half speed for the first of who knows what could be many editions of drunk kamala harris [Music] you're gonna be the next president of the united states [Music] trump may be going but we still have a show to do you know joe biden may be the oldest president ever elected but he's also the president with the youngest teeth on saturday the president-elect reached out to those who did not vote for him he said it's time to stop the harsh rhetoric to lower the temperature to see each other again to listen to each other again he said we have to stop treating each other like enemies we're not enemies we're americans which is a nice sentiment or refreshing to hear but i'm not sure joe understands what he's up against the the likes of slimy yellow evangelist kenneth copeland who gave a sermon yesterday that would make jesus barf up a loaf and a fish the media said what the media said joe biden's present ha ha [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Laughter] yeah well if they don't have covert now i i guess there's no way to give it to them that doesn't seem completely demonic at all does it the preacher with three private jets laughing in tongues meanwhile our out of touch with reality host is not letting go he is both melting and doubling down on his claim that the election was stolen from him on saturday morning the prisoner elect wrote i won this election by a lot which was funny and then about an hour later all the major news networks called the election for biden trump was not watching tv for a change when it happened he was out playing golf there he is unhappy gilmore making the deepest divots of his life team trump is not cooperating with the biden team not only is the administration holding up the transition they're getting all the sycophants on board to question the integrity of the election of course they aren't questioning the results of the races in the house and senate even though they're on the same ballot so i wonder why that is why would the democrats have cheated and stolen the presidency but given up the senate and house seats on the same ballot is it like when you cheat on a test you purposely get a few wrong just to throw the teacher off the scent are we supposed to believe there's a universe in which nancy pelosi could have sent mitch mcconnell back to the exotic pet store he came from and she chose not to some trump supporters took to twitter to write things like if you don't include california donald trump won the popular vote right and if you don't count the murders ted bundy was a pretty good dude you know one advisor for the trump campaign said the word concede is not in their vocabulary along with a lot of words and listen i get that this is hard for donald trump processing a loss like this is going to take time i mean this is the first time he's ever failed at anything besides his casinos his airline his mortgage trump stakes trump university trump magazine donald jr eric etc they keep saying give him time and we will give him time he has until january 19th then he's out time's up on the 20th but if trump really does if he really does refuse to leave the white house they should just rename the white house vietnam he'll get out of it immediately he's not going to win this even he knows that but he also can't admit he lost because he's a poorly raised little monster who was born a millionaire but every other losing candidate for president found it within themselves to concede and to remind our dear leader of that we comb through concession speeches from the past from which perhaps he'll find some inspiration our entire administration will work closely with his team to ensure the smooth transition of power the president is my opponent not my enemy and i wish him well and i pledge my support what remains a partisan ranker must now be put aside and may god bless his stewardship of this country i pledge to do my part to try to bridge the partisan divide whether they supported me or senator obama i wish godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president the nation chose another leader and so and i joined with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation we must accept this result and then look to the future donald trump is going to be our president we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead if you count the legal votes i easily win if you count the illegal votes they can try to steal the election from us if you count the votes that came in late we're looking at them very strongly please don't hang his portrait in the white house just smash a mango on the wall instead and put his name under it so far trumpland's bigly idea for how to prove there was voter fraud is to set up a hotline where you can call and report shenanigans sadly that hotline was immediately flooded with prank calls which is a shame and no one was more outraged than the president's fourth favorite son eric who tweeted the dnc is spamming our voter fraud hotline to bog down thousands of complaints we are receiving wonder what they have to hide that's a good question eric now this is the hotline number 888-503-3526 folks please for the love of eric do not call this number and claim to have discovered a shoe box full of mail-in ballots with the name bob bowie on them please again the number not to call is 888-5033 keep that and especially don't share it with people on tick-tock because what oh no it's too late do you know what's going on what's going on sir what's going on [Music] that you witnessed i saw people were literally spreading poop all over their ballots [Laughter] there was this guy there and i don't know that this is considered fraud or anything but he was there any challenges to a fiddle competition so trump 2028 make america great again again trump national war room talk them up this was not a prank or maybe it was i think it may have been actually did you hear about the uh little four seasons mix-up okay on saturday this is good the president tweeted lawyers press conference at four seasons philadelphia 11 a.m then 10 minutes later he replaced that tweet with this one big press conference today in philadelphia at four seasons total landscaping 11 30 a.m four seasons total landscaping is a landscaping company in philadelphia they do yards and for reasons that are still unknown they had rudy giuliani making a speech from there and this visual should tell you all you need to know about how it's going okay a big ugly garage door a cement wall a garden hose and an adult novelty shop right next door with booths and everything this is rudy giuliani at his rootiest the former mayor as you can see made a grand entrance at the landscaping place uh he had some words to say and uh and after he said them he made a swift exit and you can see this is the second most embarrassing thing to happen to rudy uh this month uh somehow he managed to outboard himself i know this city has a sad history of voter fraud after all joe frazier is still voting here kind of hard since he died five years ago but joe continues to vote if i recall correctly joe was a republican so maybe i shouldn't complain but we should go see if joe is voting republican or democrat now from the grave also will smith's father has voted here twice since he died go lay down in your coffin and close the lid recount dracula this is there you go trump's run for president began on a golden escalator and ended in an alley next to a dildo store say what you want about them they know how to hook end of story even bigger news pfizer today announced they've been working on a vaccine that is more than 90 percent effective in preventing the coronavirus that's right the makers of viagra figured out how to give everyone a boner again so thanks to them the ceo of pfizer said the timing of the announcement coming after the election had nothing to do with politics but they did name the vaccine joe biden also they're hoping to have 15 to 20 million doses available and approved by the end of the year which is great news i never thought i'd be rooting for a big pharmaceutical company but i also never thought i'd be rubbing purell on my vegetables they better get those vaccines to the white house and quick because there's a new new outbreak in the west wing at least five more staffers have tested positive including trump's chief of staff mark meadows who seen masculists with dj tj at trump's post-election party tuesday night ain't no else tested positive our favorite dr ben carson was at the white house that night and now has the coronavirus he by the way is on the coronavirus task force he wasn't wearing a mask he does usually wear a mask the problem is the mask he usually wears is this one he's his spokesperson said he is in good spirits and feels fortunate to have access to effective therapeutics i'm glad he has that donald trump has two black friends he gave them both coven it makes sense that no one in the white house is wearing a mask i would want to die if i work there too joe biden today unveiled his new coronavirus dashboards he's planning to spend his first days in office issuing executive orders to try to undo some of the damage that has been basically he's going to fly around the earth counter-clockwise like superman trying to reverse everything there's still a lot to untangle we still have more than two months to go there have been so many moments over the last four years it's hard to remember even a tenth of it there's so much uh incompetent so many lies one day there will be a ten part mini-series about this on hbo but in the meantime there is a way to immortalize the many myths truths and mishaps and while also filling your china cabinet with a historic heirloom that can be handed down from generation to generation this is an important announcement president trump has topped more than 20 000 lies in office frankly we did win this election now celebrate his historic achievement with the trump lies commemorative plate collection elegant display-worthy place inscribed with the president's most memorable falsehoods each plate is lovingly crafted in china but proudly marked made in usa you'll receive an original president trump for varication every day every month of every year for the rest of your time on earth so many lies so many plates and you'll have to make room for all of them boxes and boxes full of precious lies stacked up high satisfaction guaranteed you can cancel any time but we'll keep stumping your house with lying place until we have every nickel and your home holy that's a lot of plates the donald trump commemorative plate collection make america played again look at all these plates all right if you like that video click subscribe and we'll be together until one of us dies
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 5,591,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Monologue, Trump, Donald Trump, POTUS, 2020 election, election polls, Presidential race, Joe Biden, Trump tweets, Election day, YMCA, Biden Win, John McCain, Kamala Harris, Kenneth Copeland, Concession Speech, TikTok, Hotline, Rudy Giuliani, Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Pifzer, Mark Meadows, Ben Carson
Id: krQdQ_XgCC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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