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[Music] helos ambience oh you know Spencer so I want to come back to my favorite place that I shot last year for the Halloween series to do some proper ghost hunting and you guys said that you wanted to see that with Spencer specifically therefore hey oh yeah whatever save yourself let's go find some ghosts so that we can prove Mikey wrong have you ever stayed here before optically Mary no I have not he's scared hmm a little bit are you a little what you think's gonna happen I mean there could be a ghost and I already told you there is a Ouija board here and there is a crystal ball here and you cannot touch any of it there's tarot cards what do they say about the tarot cards that's a touchy don't touch him you're not supposed to touch other people's tarot cards already touched everything do you want to know why we're here on this date too oh yes please tell them because guys this is how you know I love Spencer because I would literally have it Peter Peters filming hi Peter have you ever seen me make any kind of accommodation for anything relating to horoscopes or astrology at birth no this for you the best day according to my horoscope calendar she's like what about this day cuz I have this and no only this day so we made this day work just for me it pretty much guarantees that I won't get to sleep tonight because I have to be back in LA tomorrow morning but today was the day today is the day and hopefully you won't sleep because it goes so I just want you to know that like a little box has been dancing around you guys this whole time No yeah it's currently right over your shoulder that's very it was in between you for most of it Wow look at this multitasking look at this cat reception Peter okay is it still dancin yeah on mine okay good that's good right I want to click support let's go boy well see the tricky thing is it's daylight I'm a little disappointed so far I hope we see some ghosts I hope it's just because we're arriving during the day and it's just kind of weird to see the ship with like families and stuff in it cuz when we were here the last time we didn't run into more than maybe like three people total or did you my horoscope is kind of ominous today wait you said was good no I it is but it also now that I'm reading it while we're here it's kind of ominous because it says your work in daily routine will be a priority now life will move at a fast pace so you'll want to keep up or stay ahead of the curve that's good right so I'm just have to stay in front of those ghosts that's what I'm taking for this purpose so that almost anyone can listen to something and be like pretty much me no very accurate did that hurt have you never seen that before oh you kicked it I thought it was your head and I was like well that explains it practice oh that was my favorite thing Spencer said to me what if a ghost attaches itself to us and something horrible happens and I was like well I did this all last year I went to several haunted places and nothing bad happened except that I cracked my head open it almost died so we're fine yep oh they have like paranormal tours and they've got I want them to take us on a tour the last time I was here I didn't tell you guys this but after we shot everything we weren't filming this now I'm sorry I really actually don't know what's out that's in the back of the closet that's where the ghost didn't want me to tell the story of the ghost encounter I had the last time last time I was here right before we left I started to feel super sick and when I was in the bathroom the door opened on me and then like an hour later I went to the bathroom again so I purposely like shut it really tight and I locked at this time and it popped open again haunted bathroom door so be careful when you're peeing pervs okay let's take a tour I found some beige it's true they practically did so we kidnapped some zombies and what you missed is 20 seconds into being in the room we all heard a knock on the door and there is no one outside so that's cool did you knock from inside the bathroom I thought you guys were like fluffing with me okay so weird still don't believe in ghosts do you think that was a ghost no it's daytime so what do you think that is just like someone you think you walked by and knocked on a door it came from right there right here there's like my friend who doesn't believe in ghosts I don't but what I'm saying you don't know what it was let me ask you guys because you believe so if you believe then why wait do you guys all believe in guns yes can't just do you think it's ghosts yes right I think that'll lead spirits you know how to give readings we do readings okay yeah sorry Spencer our site it told me that I needed to come to California to like release all of my like tension and my breathing is always like that's literally why we're here this is now the ghost hunters version of fear I won't reduce yourselves - oh yes okay I'm Kerry I'm Molly and I'm Tara we're from Arizona and we literally just got here yeah they're from Phoenix and yet they've never visited Jerome you can do anything you want can we do a reading about this room yeah please don't charge my card for incidentals way after the crystal ball they're real good pitch right there at this point you can what's that card mean since it jumped out I didn't ask anything it just kind of came out so what I did was I thought like I want to do reading about the room and then this car popped out so I'm gonna see what it means [Music] Oh a loaded what is this mere mature grounded male successful wealthy businessman bettering yourself not a risk-taker [Music] because I said I wanted you're reading about this room and then that popped out you know do y'all want to know anything about it I know she's on the spot she's on the spot yeah can you do like a four card reading about the room is that a thing are you like so four cards in turn Oh yep five cups is about leaving something behind four of cups is about boredom six of cups of suppose childhood like nostalgia and there are five of Pentacles temporary financial hardship negative change in circumstances feeling out left out in the cold no it's negative change I'm really trying to piece it together I want to give up a room and then you said four cards and then I was like let's do three and then four pop down yeah so I guess and the one that was up right first was the four of cups which is about portable so before we started I was asking whoever was died was here was happy with what's being done with the place and I was reading both of those things they're both about children so I feel like the story's about like these kids that have been in here they need to leave and they're not happy about its being profited that's the kids I am skeptical but I've wondered if it's real and if there's like something that dwells here and this is like a bear space I've wondered is it weird that their space is always occupied because it's also notorious for being like the government relationship everything you see you can make something up so everything that's been seen something's been made of it so I see you walk around like there's been there's been something that's been led up to that moment and I feel like we have to listen for things I feel like we are receivers right now I feel this like tightness in my chest because of all the spirits that are in here you many people are right into it yeah last time I was here this was closed and now it's the scariest thing on this [ __ ] we should see what's going on back there right now it's like our asses everything's fine [Music] what are we about to do Wow drama our YouTube star hi welcome back to my channel please like and subscribe and hit that pal fine even though it doesn't do anything oh you really do watch my videos [Music] is anybody here ever heard of room de 340 it is said to be the most haunted room me after what you Queen Mary the room were very popular over time lots of youtubers come and film in this room here some of the movie shame dogs in examining us all I gotta get popular enough to be on that list apparently she was sitting down the other day and now she's standing up Annabelle in real life [Music] yeah [ __ ] grab the bottom [Music] there was one right no I'm not a few moments later you actually because you're gonna mess it every opera blood [Music] [Music] [Laughter] sucking and tucking can't say that on this channel see fit we have tools Hey hi so they have some tools have you ever wanted to find ghosts have you ever stopped losing my mind literally thousands of people requested this and this is what they get ok wait start over you're gonna blame to me honestly honestly I see that that's leave me alone right leave some tools let's talk about them alright so with some tools an infrared thermometer which engages temperature science we've got dowsing rods which answer yeah would you look at [Music] housing rods we have dowsing rods and these dowsing rods and you ask spirits free guests or no questions and if they cross it to know if they widen it say yes so ask us something we're just going for it yeah why not trying really hard to keep these things still because hi skeptic here it's really easy to make these things do what you want like I just wanted that to happen and it's really easy to make them do the opposite so like any time you see these on a ghost hunting show they're probably just doing that but I'm trying really hard to keep them still so that it's as genuine as possible so you can trust me if I'm holding them but don't trust him if he's holding them but he's not a schedule and so I'll give you the truth no one is going to request you to go anywhere else I think you came I don't know what you wanted I went on Amazon for these with an EMF reader that's that it it picks up different electro magnetic fields which is what in relation to ghosts you can see a shift in the frequency based on like how much energy is in the room and the more energy there is no energy they do have spooky vending machines in here which I appreciate I've only seen it on anything other than just green once tonight the first time I've seen anything other than a little green there's a Eugene and it was in the hallway where all of the crew and passengers were listed this guy died in our room we have to talk about the guy William Pope was a man who died in this room he's actually the only confirmed death I believe in this room this room is supposed to be the most haunted my question is why is it the most haunted when there's only one confirmed death in here and it was just just a heart attack not that that's like anything light but there's rumors of like I dude being ripped apart and his entrails all over the room and apparently that's not confirmed why are spirits picking this room as the most haunted is mr. Pope the shadow man he's probably most I hope it's you and the rods Oh tricks myself that's me I got a big job I can I got I have to leave goodbye we go to the vending machine yeah well yes - wait there was a light flickering you see they were the first shot it was out of the second where did you test in the room yes let's focus nothing happened over here we didn't go to where lies I know I didn't know where it was trusting you this is almost gonna be a comedy ghost-hunting show oh I'm gonna be serious now [Music] that is Spirit says I've heard Peter a lot tonight and sometimes physically it's been said in there know why those were as soon as he started filming it stopped that happened the last time we were in this room remember the box the focus box the second I started recording it it went back to me I'm not kidding Facebook yeah it's so easy I'm spooked the backings meter literally says Ghost Hunters equipment yeah can you take anything like that serious look at me I mean if it has a purpose and you don't want to use this Ouija board but that we to board is a piece of cardboard what can this room it is so scary that's how I feel I wonder honestly out of everyone watching this who's the skeptic and who's a not and don't just say it because you want a side it's someone actually like who is an actual skeptic or who obviously believes that there's more than just I'm going to sway you but who obviously but I was just a brain and it was that probably like we can't be hit leave it in the comments what you think are we gonna we'd you board um I want to ask some questions with these things first okay gesundheit Peter's allergic to this room straight up is anyone in the room with us are we alone in here maybe they can't hear are we alone does that mean we're the best goes down gee I don't know are we alone can't keep asking the same question until you get the answer you want look oh really I can't what does that mean well the rods aren't doing anything yeah they don't need to that thing is working because I can explain away oh it's dead again not as intense though it's tough to say music both cameras time to Google it's doing it again but it's on medium this time it's used to diagnose problems with electrical wiring and power lines and to get readings on working appliances okay so a way to explain it away is that this is an old-ass ship that's got pretty crappy electrical wiring EMF meter's detect fields emitted by moving electrically charged objects which is why I pulled my phone away from it a minute ago because I was like maybe that's doing it but if you look at it now it's been going off it's not near anything like if I took it and I moved it near like a TV or something I would assume that like maybe it would have like something or if you moved it towards a phone oh yeah can I be doing it then because my phone's new you know because it's just been sitting here I'm gonna turn off my phone so there's no chance that that's picking up my phone and this I mean it's an infrared thermometer there's no way this could be that's a roof thermometer like just straight it I think we should take these around the room so it's at 76 open the fridge yeah look at that crazy I can read that just are you having a bad on it no my frickin eyeball Spencer you only have two of them well the last time we were here housekeeping said that this area and specifically this closet was shifty for the stories that come out of this room are predominantly that a shadow man with bright red eyes is seen standing at the foot of the bed in the middle of the night and he whips the covers off of people sometimes I just swear I felt something touch my butt Did you touch my foot I can literally over here so just be a muscle spasm from working out we're gonna go with that it does feel like something touch my that's a sexy ghost all right 78 a shadow person with red eyes that was scary story we've heard the tour guide talk about and it's in this room supposedly the other stories were like a little girl in a blue dress is really nice people see her a lot they're like room B 340 shadow person with red eyes working to cut us off at the foot of it but in the middle of the night in creeped me just standing in a closet there's nothing going on in here no ghosts confirmed all right ghosts you in that room let's see the foot of the bed well there's a lot of electronics right here so I feel like that's not fair right huh doesn't seem to care what people think that's just the shadow person I would here to debunk yeah well I am there's cause it's significantly colder like temperature fluctuates right nothing nothing not a haunted hotel confirmed not haunted ghosts do you say something hello hello hello ghost maybe they get tired because everyone who stays in this room is probably asking for a show I'm district goes I'm just a ghost never use the Ouija if you think it's just a game never use the Ouija board alone never use the Ouija board in a cemetery mi never forget to say goodbye to the Ouija spirit let your bravest among you ask the first question yep are you gonna ask a question am I the bravest among this um yeah cuz you don't believe in anything are there any spirits with us it's the end of her ghost hunting oh my god let's go walk around a little [Music] gesundheit when Peter sneezes there's a ghost that's what it is he's allergic to ghosts he does it again math gesundheit Peter's allergic to this room straight up you're the primary sensory piece of equipment for our ghost investigation do something sneezy sneezy eateth eateth mean I can only seems oh there's a guest I guess holy [ __ ] well apparently it's right freakin here but there's a ghost right here right here it's freaking out take pictures take take pictures we have a whole combo of things that's weird it very definitely does not like this spot captain commercial have you ever wanted to find ghosts alright well I was weird don't want to make a bet it's still going whoa yeah what what what what it's the lights I wonder I mean they're everywhere though you but it's going off everywhere up here like I wonder if we get to a darker part of the deck stop stop Jesus I thought you saw something welcome to go some space you're looking at a green dot okay I hope we die we're getting to a darker part of the ship that's what I want this is where you died ha ha look it's not doing as much now I bet it's the lights I mean we were sitting in the room that seemed weird because nothing changed and that still happened so for whatever reason it's not going off in here at all yeah he likes it and what's in here seven eight nine ten million lights yeah but there might be different kinds of lights my theory is busted I thought it was the lights on the deck but it hasn't done it at all since we came back out is it going no not at all only over there yeah ghost a ghost maybe goes you make a great youtuber I thought I just saw something in my peripheral but I think it's because I have the imagery of certain apparitions in my head now like I thought I saw a little girl standing over there when I first came down here let's go see no I mean it was straight up just that sign I think but you know like when it's in your head you believe you see stuff maybe the meter will tell us if she's there little girl no go set it down come on so play little girl what did we tell her Wow half notch investigation things legit why am I not like creeped out at all you think he'd be creeped out if you had to sleep in that room I don't know I think that's the only time I'd be creeped out if I was by myself yeah yeah well there's three cameras right everybody split up okay see ya how far are you gonna go I mean maybe we'll go up to that deck and I'll just go around yeah yeah we just decided that we're gonna split up because we all have a camera and none of us feel creeped out around each other - the like obvious creepy vibe I get from Spencer on a daily basis we need to like up the ante so we're gonna split up go on our own separate paths document our own separate journeys see what happens goodbye whisper to the cameras the ideal might get a little worse excuse me these are my stairs she's going green okay so we really are splitting up now I mean I feel like it was the only way that we were guaranteed to be able to like get a little creeped out so far on this ship I feel like their husbands and a ton of like activity that I've seen personally like I think if there's somewhere that's going to be haunted it's definitely going to be the Queen Mary I mean so many people have died on this ship whether it was because of mysterious circumstances or whether it was because of just like the wars or whatever but it's a I mean it's an old place here someone talking I'm going over to the veranda grill because this is where we were told on the tour you could find a little girl ghost I want to see if I can see her not theater that's just me a cost I saw an orb in a picture the very first picture I took here tonight I don't say anything new it's apparently 303 a.m. and there is not a soul on deck or perhaps there is this is the first time actually that I've ever been completely alone [Music] on the Queen Mary there's no one around at all and I will say I'm real tough in a group but solo I'm a lot less comfortable because either way is 3 a.m. a night and I'm a little girl all alone problem so I feel like with the infrared thermometer we're really just looking for you scared me I was over that wood won't hear her do I dare I don't I don't hear no us fine you all saw it first year absolutely just saw someone walking down there I see two people I'm hoping that's Peter expensive but I'm not actually sure that it isn't I'm hoping it's not a frickin ghost but against my better judgment I will walk towards the literal shadowy figures I see at the very end of this deck and hope for the best maybe I can see who it is if i zoom in do you see it [Music] it seems like a tall person and I can't tell who that is it's actually freaking me out quite a bit put her back okay someone that was like eight feet tall right my heart is pounding that wasn't them I just filmed him I'm texting them I call truce I don't want to do this alone anymore people scare me alright people you've been waiting in the lobby is creepy because like no one is here someone oh my god is Pierre did you get my text wait were you up on the deck like way down there I couldn't tell if you could hear me or not yeah I can hear you I actually can hear you at all I believe dispenser yo I can't hear her and then I started walking that way and then all of a sudden I heard you and it must have just been too far away look at the thing right now in your pocket that's the most we've seen it do that so far holy [ __ ] that's the most we've seen it light up I walked around with this in my pocket the entire time I didn't look at it I've secured enough I have no oh my Mike that's why okay okay debunked it where is it yeah yeah okay maybe you're becoming this your believer you're pretty quick to start freaking out I don't you could run into campus that's right he did yeah you know hey we should go buy something would you just say can I hear it that's bet them it's two different channels so I should be able to hear you fine hi hi oh that's weird I mean I don't know what it means I don't know anything about electronics but that seems odd that's also Oh who's that is that him yeah a ghost I found him how'd it go scary yeah yeah it's definitely scary urilla there is no there is where [Music] you know I don't see are you kidding no I'm nothing I didn't put the tree over there like tree oh no I see that person yeah let's walk this way I don't like that so splendid up on our own totally did it I think we all got a little wussed out so we decided to retreat to our very Hey room for the night just the most haunted we're also gonna try to go to sleep now because they only have a few hours left before the Sun would start coming up we have a ton of footage and a ton of pictures and we're going to review all of them after we totally make it through the night on this cave and you can be the judge if there's anything creepy in them if anything else happens by the time we wake up we will update you otherwise we'll just share creepy photos that we have here [Applause] Wow good morning we survived the night well I did I just realized we've never spent a morning together I'm not a morning person I person how you feel well I slept an hour so not great how did you only see for an hour it was just a hot in here I was sweating profusely and I'm not saying I couldn't sleep because I was scared but I will say I didn't see anything but I heard every little sound this room makes overnight and it makes a lot of sounds I heard like a a couple times it felt like a trickling knock I heard several like I heard several just coming from like literally nothing you currently heard me it's that I swear I heard you sit straight up in a way that I felt like oh he's 100% awake wheezing didn't like he was kind of slept yeah I mean I don't know typically that's not what I do when they sleep but who knows I purposely didn't open my eyes too much every time I heard these noises because I'm so sleep-deprived that I was like I know how this works this is how the human brain works like we literally had a tour guide plant ideas in our head of what an apparition in here would look like I will hallucinate it I'm gonna do that so I kept my eyes shut but my ears I could not shut okay I heard a lot of things i margall I several times in the middle of name and I was just like man it'd be nice to sleep male like now for now I did think about mr. Pope I thought about his little face Wow I think that Mikey is not as much of a skeptic as we thought no I'm empathetic i'm skeptic I'm just empathetic like a man actually died in here that's sad people literally die everywhere all the time have you ever like had it confirmed for you that you slept in a place where someone died yes no that's weird you wasn't confirmed to me but was a good perfume I went to sleep but by the time I woke up I knew that they were dad I hope your horoscope was frickin worth it let us know comment below where else we should go comment below if the host sample goes or just the sounds of a really old ship comment below if Spencer is or is a serial killer comment below what give god only morning people our serial killers you gave yourself up like this video if you're new or if you're lurking Jesus Christ if you're lurking isn't it about time and in the Bell even though it shows up as frequently as [Music] please did you see that no time I swear to God I saw police officers just like a seventh chord should we record if I just found more blood
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,084,663
Rating: 4.9310527 out of 5
Keywords: I STAYED OVERNIGHT IN THE MOST HAUNTED SHIP IN THE WORLD (Queen Mary Room B340), queen mary, ghost hunting, ghost hunters, ghosts, halloween, mykie, glam and, haunted, ship, boat, b340, room b340, paranormal, investigator
Id: pseyxSP2XaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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