Reviewing the WORST RATED Horror Movie on IMDB

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let's get this over yellow zombies you know I thought when I thought of this idea that it would be really kind of fun and funny and enjoyable and no it's not gonna be actually I want this to be over immediately because I've already wasted so much of my life having watched this movie at all and I really desperately want to erase it out of my brain but first I must talk about it and turn myself into a thing from the movie because that's what I signed up for and that's what you're getting today I will be reviewing the worst rated horror movie on IMDB and let me tell you it deserves to be there so strap in oh wait actually oh no oh god sorry sensor let's do this right Katie you did my hair for the day do your worst it looks pretty I don't want to look pretty I want good oh yes center parts do me no favors its render bars on here the worst thank gosh I thought it was the only one no my hairdresser literally tried to tell me it she's like no they look good on everyone you just don't believe it and then he did it on me and she was like I stand corrected I'm supposed to look ugly face fun cute you do it it's almost long enough to put somewhere looks like your hair right now did you ever when you were younger put your hair up and this just put oh my god all the time why didn't we do that with that Philly shaker was that like a phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon around the world Ripley shut the fluff up thank you what are the plans to the side shape excuse me oh I was gonna do something oh oh she's it like hoga perfect now that my hair looks slightly better than this movie is let's get into the film ah oh god I have to use scar wax to get through this - there's that this video could not be worse that's just okay three I had this idea because I notice the trend going around YouTube that's like I tried the worst rated Hospital on Yelp or I tried eating at the lowest rated buffet on Yelp and I also have been thinking about doing little movie reviews whilst I to make up and you guys have been wanting that so I figured I could combine two birds with one stone that's not the thing I could murder two Birds I could kill two birds with one stone by doing the worst rated type trend and reviewing a horror movie so do I need eyebrows where we're going now I don't oh I'm about to be so keyed by like this video is not sponsored in fact they might sue me we'll say speaking of which all of these opinions are my own opinions therefore don't come for me you know you might have a totally different experience and opinion of this movie however my first recommendation is to just not watch it let me remind you know I had some standards for the lowest rated horror movie that I would be reviewing so I chose from a list off IMDB of horror movies that have at least 1000 votes on the rating then once I got there I eliminated things that were Mach busters - really low ones but that are Mach busters are aliens versus avatars and Jurassic Shark they're basically mock comedy horror parodies of existing films didn't want to do something like that because it's derivative from something else I wanted to do straight horror so not sci-fi hard not horror comedy horror are ours say that a million times past straight horror no action and the lowest rated movie on IMDB that has at least a thousand votes is not a mockumentary from what I can tell so it's supposed to be serious it's trying to be its own original movie and is purely listed as horror is the movie 12-12-12 also sometimes listed as evil born hmm oh quit it let's begin with scar wax Oh which also means I need to put these on ask questions later so my makeup might not come out great for this considering I am viewing it through a goggle lens and the goggles are not particularly easy to see through but I will as much effort as the filmmakers put into making this movie so now it will at least be as good as this movie that is where I'm aiming that is where the bar is I make no apologies for that based on this horrific freakin film I'm turning myself into pretty much the star of the movie well these are already fogging up oh no it's there no put spit in yeah blow through the straw again yeah I watch your videos you literally love this little vessel idle on the back of it why that's not for me again I'm a regular Michael Phelps [ __ ] and by the way I am totally qualified to review a movie because I spent four years of my life getting a degree that taught me how to analyze the [ __ ] out of films but didn't really prepare me for anything else out of that welcome to film school also I made Peter watch this with me cameraman best friend you know and he is a filmmaker also qualified also we're humans with opinions which makes us qualified so they're fogging up your spit trick didn't work hi let it be known that if the goggles are a horrible fail it was Peters idea and I just wanted to use scleras but whatever do you shaving foam yeah can you give her a little oh yes of course is that what we've been talking about I really think I should just do what I want to do stop taking your advice that's what I think I don't want any of this that's what I want I'm already giving you it so easy to give up when you want the other video idea do you guys want to see a video where I test who knows me better Katie or Peter which curve ball Katie will be separated I'm over this we've done nothing but I'm over this I don't think this is gonna work I'm gonna test one eye out before we get too far ahead of ourselves cuz goggles be thick y'all know I mean it's a weird-looking little thing but Peter this will not do yeah that seems problematic we're starting over my way to quote your favorite person Peter I did it my way why did you not react to my top-notch Frank Sinatra reference oh no I got it but he's choking on sugar sugar I'm trying to be quiet dude what are you big Bo oh my god this is as much of a fail as 12/12/12 I need all the scar wax I can get I can't waste this because someone wasted all of my good scar wax in a former video hungry that's true my last video with Katie where she turns me into who Katie go boom good job she asked me earlier today again who Jeff Goldblum is and she was not being ironic but in any case yeah that video ended up on national TV alright so that trip to target was a fail also your shaving cream technique doesn't work it's foggy in there doing it my way now I want this video to be over with it should I just abandon this there are another way around this do I just paint the inside of my eyes black and close them what I need - that might be the easiest way maybe I shouldn't suffer anymore regarding this film that I already have we're gonna do what we can putting pros-aide on my eyebrows not to worry it shouldn't be too much of an issue but who knows I kind of don't care at this point that doesn't seem good cuz already going on oh it's picking up scar wax god dammit this is a huge fail guys Plan B guys yeah oh by the way spoilers I'm hoping that that won't matter if I spoil this film because I genuinely hope none of you ever feel the need to watch it I hope that you will learn everything you need to learn from my video and your curiosity is satisfied and you do not waste an hour and 40 minutes of your life it is genuinely a vile movie so just just just maybe don't yeah oh god I don't even know where to start with this because honestly like I the amount of things wrong with this film would take me literally probably eight hours to go through genuinely let me synopsize this movie for you because trying to explain the plot of the film is so messy that that alone could be its own video but I really want to get into the critique of it this is like the most basic synopsis ever we got a synopsis right here the film ends with a baby Sebastian being born after Sebastian viciously murders the doctors who delivered him his mother realizes that there is something seriously wrong with the child it is later revealed that he is the son of the devil is that even revealed that's not even revealed rude Wikipedia anyway I know it's [ __ ] over the course of the movie Sebastian brutally murdered mortals brutally that hard to say brutally murders many people and tragedy strikes many others sure some dude attempts to steal the baby from Sebastien's birth parents many times and eventually does he steal sebastian in order to embrace his evil calling police officers attempt to kill this dude but this dude and his companions use sebastian to murder them the movie ends with all the main characters dead and their deaths were associated in some way to sebastian spoiler alert a plus synopsis let's see so I'm just gonna start complaining about several things in the movie I suppose our first complaint is that literally none of it makes sense nothing is done the way that real-life things are done the birth is not done the way the birth is supposed to be done they just do a c-section operation in the delivery room they just slice her open people don't talk the way that people talk I mean for starters we see like a naked chick getting sacrificed to Satan in the opening scene then we get a shot I can't even talk about half this movie because it would be instant to monetization there is a scene of literally can't even say the word because it probably would get too monetized bad things happening to the mother that should almost never be in a film but if it's gonna be in a film it better be very carefully executed in a very serious movie but it's just thrown in there it feels like almost everything in that movie is either not planned or there purely for shock value bad shock value I don't even know how to dissect this thing because it's so all over the place I mean that's the problem is you kind of need to go like plot point by point like if you try to actually be offended by everything it does wrong it would take you eight hours you're right yeah it's somehow like offensive in every possible way pretty much there's no redeeming qualities whatsoever no that's the hard part is I didn't want to go into this being a super downer because I figured like every movie has some redeeming quality but there's literally none to this movie there's none the acting is bad which you might expect because that's the first thing that we would probably think of with the lowest rated movie of its genre but it goes so far beyond just that we assume some of the crew tried their best I'm not here to just [ __ ] on everyone who worked on the film because some people are literally showing up to light it and they're doing what they can you know like I have no hate for that what I you have paid for these whoever wrote this thing the writer and director you see the writer and director yeah shocking because it is so god it's just wrong in every way any chance this guy gets to write in a scene where he can rip off a woman's top he does for no real reason other than to be shocking and gross I guess the cinematography I don't know if the choices were up to the cinematographer or the director but one of my biggest complaints from more of like a film school perspective is that every other shot is a Dutch tilt angle let me give you a quick lesson on what a Dutch tilt is and this is a regular shot this is a Dutch tilt angle it is used in horror sometimes usually sparingly to denote like uneasiness and to make you feel more anxious is it working is it working because I'm anxious just thinking about how every shot in this movie is pretty much a Dutch tilt if you have to make every angle an intense angle to evoke fear and tension from your audience you're doing it wrong anyway first grip you know look at the frame look at where you put me look at the bottom here I'm gonna monitor Peter if your dream is to act you're not gonna turn down a leading role most likely but when it's something like this it just seems exploitative I am NOT one of those people that thinks that some movies are so bad that they're good I can't really think of an example there might be one but for the most part I'm not a fan of that kind of style and this movie is made or distributed at least by the same people that made sharknado give you an idea they're kind of shtick is it's so bad it's good in this case I think no matter what it's just bad they introduce a lot of very serious things and elements into a movie that is laughable often and not in a way that is supposed to be laughable it's not trying to be bad funny at least I don't think and if it is trying to be bad funny it should not have certain scenes in it that are incredibly heavy for any audience no matter what kind of movie it is I'm turning myself into the evil spawn of Satan demon baby Sebastian because throughout the movie he looks all kinds of left up and he's basically just a really bad little paper mache puppet that people hold on their necks throughout the film and go my favorite part was people holding the baby on their neck but you can see the baby's mouth clearly and it's not making contact it's great it's not funny it's sad the dialogue is insanely awkward there's a like good cop detective it's too cool in the movie that's always sucking on a lollipop it's like every bad trope that they could think of they leaned so heavy into there's this one scene I can't even summarize it made me literally scream I can't sum it up at all because it's straight up to monetization land just know it's bad and you should not want to say it honestly I know that this nose doesn't look good but this is pretty much what his nose looks like I think it might be funnier to show you my reference picture at the end of this because you're gonna be watching this thinking Mikey that looks so bad and then I'm gonna be like it's kind of accurate though I'm not far off so far it's just so bad a lot of movies are guilty of this but this one very much so the movie doesn't rely on the audience learning anything through visual context clues it wants to explain everything the character is experiencing while not explaining most of the plot and how any of this is happening so it'll be like a hiker comes across the baby at one point just sitting on the ground and she's like oh my god what why are you here oh my God he's smell so bad you should have an actor just go and cover their nose you don't need to say it smells bad it's an infant you can't understand you so that's clearly just for the audience you guys think the happening was a bad movie what this makes the happening look like a masterpiece because in this movie there's still some happening type stuff going on where when someone is in the presence of the baby sometimes they get overcome with evil emotion and they kill themselves in creative ways that just don't make any sense don't look right are incredibly just ridiculous or shot horribly always in a Dutch tale or just just it's just it's just I oh so that one girl the hiker gets overcome and wants to throw herself off of a cliff it does not appear as though she's anywhere near cliff and yet suddenly it cuts to her falling off a cliff in the even though she threw herself off the cliff at nighttime so that's another thing they used day for night shots all the time where they're trying to shoot it in a way that it looks like nighttime even though they had to shoot it in the day for some kind of scheduling reason whatever it is and the color correction on it is so bad that you can just tell like that's very much a day shot and now it's jarring because it's definitely not the time we just saw or the time of day it cuts back to I haven't several times throughout the movie there's a part where they literally show her walking down the street and it's day four night and the next scene she's walking on the scene treated the exact same shot color corrected correctly I repressed that it's got like a little piggy nose that's Calvin not Ripley Calvin snores Ripley [ __ ] I don't want to do sound like a negative Nancy I'm trying really hard to like just not sound like good but I don't know how not to honestly Peter what was your favorite part of the movie the ending because it was over yeah not the ending ending the ending makes zero sense in the movie mates yeah um the evil baby ends up killing literally everyone including all the Satanists all the cops all the detectives all the doctors the mother and then in the last shot you see the mother come back to life and it ends we don't know where the baby is we don't know where he went we don't know why he's evil we don't know if he's still evil I mean he teleports throughout the movie several times from one person's neck to the next and they never show how he gets around as an infant because this happens in the course of like I think two weeks after his birth so for all we know he's in Ohio by now hoping that they make a 12 12 12 - you know what one of my favorite parts about 12/12/12 is it sounds just like a movie that Peter made once yes called 11-11-11 yes also about a demonic baby born on 11/11/11 no no sorry it's a rom-com precious that's illegal II blonde she was a very violent gets dumped has to find a guy to marry her alright shameless self plug a second okay sure it's Velma's upright what if you reviewed is video Loki oh shoot next movie review I review Peters movie is it Harry no it's a prom calm oh you review the worst rated problem and it's Peter spam also in case that's not enough for you there is a 13 13 13 and there's an 11 11 11 that is a horror movie there's a lot of triple-digit things everyone was obsessed with when the date happened three times for a while everyone got married on those days everyone had evil Satan children on those days whatever it was a thing I don't know where to go from here I'm just painting the eyes black because this was the original plan for the goggles and that damn that's not bad actually it's about as shitty as the film so right on par trust me I wish there was any other look in this film that I could have chosen from but there wasn't just this little guy where a ton of blood all over someone's face I mean I really went into this just thinking it'll be kind of laughably not good based on acting and maybe like the technical aspects of the filming but it's so far beyond that the editing is pretty bad I'm curious if they have a script supervisor listed in the credits because the script supervisor is in charge of maintaining continuity in a film so it's their job to make sure that if this can was on the desk in the background it's still facing the same way it's consistent hair is consistent eyelines and and everything lines up the way that it should so that in editing the film makes sense you don't notice any big changes you're following the storyboards and the script etc sometimes I wonder if it had a script for certain scenes there is no script supervisor on these credits shocking there's a moment where one of the cops is driving this little infant baby to I guess like Child Protective Services and it's one shot of the car going through a very little narrow roadway immediately going the opposite direction so it's just one 80s and then one 80s back in the original direction of the exact same original shot of it so it's just like lazy editing like they only had one shot for things and they just kept reusing it to put together some kind of a narrative that didn't make sense anyway because the car can't be doing these 180 degree turns on tiny little dirt road and a demon babies behind her in the backseat choking her she's pulling a seat belt off of her neck and then she crashes after a few of those stuff like that happens over and over and over I will say the dude that keeps trying to steal the baby the leader of the satanic cult you had face tattoos on his face tattoos were not bad actually so there we go one good thing there are a lot of times where they try to create tension and suspense by just having things go on far too long or by using music stings to cue people into jumping when they absolutely shouldn't be I tend to not like musical stings and horror movies as is because I don't think you should have to tell the audience when to jump with loud noises unless it's an organic loud noise then it makes sense but this one relies a lot on getting people to jump when there is zero threat and I guess they're just running a stuff to do and yeah I don't know if you guys know but I am in the process of writing my first feature-length horror movie with Peter actually shout out to Peter and this movie makes me realize that if they can get a movie made I can too and this movie 12-12-12 is just a giant reminder of all the things not to do honestly it's a reminder for any movie if you're interested in filmmaking and you want to know what not to do just watch this film literally every single thing they do just do the opposite and you'll have a pretty good script and a pretty good film watch this movie you don't do horror movies do you that's true you've never seen a horror movie Demasi final destination with you don't think so who else that I've seen that way who else my friends with hmm I think that someone took me to a Saw movie that sounds like me but I thought through the whole entire movie I mean I can see that happening and I was like pal viens I can't yeah cool arias I know that I took Gabby to jigsaw and she had her eyes closed pretty much the entire movie oh I couldn't even trust myself to keep my eyes closed I just put it whole Jack this baby has a very downturned sad expression I just want to make sure I nail it what would you rate it out of 10 Peter zero zero absolutely I think it has a 1.3 on IMDB II unfortunately oh my god again not encouraging you to watch it really really not encouraging you but I'm afraid of saying that too many times because I know that half of y'all are the kind of people that are like she said don't watch it now I gotta watch it don't just don't I also say this acknowledging that I like plenty of movies that have really bad elements to them like I don't think that a movie needs to be perfect in all areas to be extremely entertaining and extremely enjoyable but I can't be said about them all so this baby is angry because you know the devil and stuff so I'm just giving him some extra Frode brow skin time to paint my angry baby mouth ah this little baby also has some really intense smile lines for someone who a doesn't smile B is a week old and C is not real there's Shane's a little bit you guys think I'm nuts I know it actually looks like this I'm not that far off he's got a ring clear forehead in this even how do your little baby face how do your nose oh god there's still so much I look good oh my gosh Oh Frick oh my god right this doesn't look great but honestly neither does my reference picture so I'm about ready to call it quits and say I'm in my final baby for me Peter do you think this will say the baby uh yes you just see the heavy yeah if you like the longer I go on this the worse it gets just like the movie so we're just gonna stop here it's done I guess I mean by the way this is my reference picture please pay close look that's totally it you're like lowest rated makeup on YouTube lowest rated makeup on YouTube indeed fitting montage time BAE [Music] I tried really hard on that montage to still find a way to make it creepy I don't know why the baby looks like this but it does okay don't tell me this is bad I know I didn't design it again I just want to reiterate I'm not hating on every person who worked on this movie a job is a job especially in Hollywood where it is hard to find freelance work and I'm not knocking that at all a lot of these decisions come down to the writer / director and these are just my opinions you might have a completely different opinion the beautiful thing about movies and art of any kind is that we all take it in differently and it all means different things to us so with that said don't watch this movie I will feel bad if I led you to it because it might scar you a bit and not in a good way if you want some good horror movie recommendations let me know I can review some of my own favorites and like I said there's actually a lot of problems with my own favorite horror movies because it's pretty hard to find a perfect movie period but it's those redeeming elements that can make them will be really good if you have any but what do I know I just have a degree in this stuff all that that's creepy looking this is cracking right off my face which I'm fine with because this needs to end thank you guys for watching if you're new here or lurking or want more of this it subscribe become a zombie like this video if you're not gonna watch this movie so please like this video please please let me know that you're not gonna seek out this movie this is not reverse psychology this is not a test I repeat this is not a test like this video if your love life is falling apart as badly as my makeup is right now and hit the bell even though I would give the notification system a lower rating than 12/12/12 see you on base next week [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,862,178
Rating: 4.9674563 out of 5
Keywords: Reviewing the WORST RATED Horror Movie on IMDB, I reviewed the worst rated horror movie on imdb, mykie, glam and gore, glam&gore, movie review, horror movie, lowest rated, worst rated, imdb, fx makeup, sfx makeup, halloween makeup, scar wax, makeup tutorial, halloween makeup tutorial, fx makeup tutorial, beauty makeup, movie critique, bad movie, bad movie review
Id: 4ghFu-6gf3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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