3 Extremely Unique Guns On a Scooter

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sup guys my name's spider I got a gang no big deal we got weapons we got the muscle we run these streets oh this is my boy Reaper he runs east side all these side all these daily streets yeah bro anybody else coming yeah he should be here just a sec [Music] that's my boy puppet he doesn't talk don't make eye contact with him and you don't want to know why his name is bubble [Music] [Music] [Music] you got to turn the key on I told you this is that a gasps welcome to demolition ranch I am joined by Nick Irving the Reaper and also crispy and we're all sick we decided that if the minigun little Gatling gun was cool in a minivan he'd be even better on an old person scooter little offended did you say old person Oh senior senior citizen yeah a little bit of a windshield right here keep the wind off off grandma when she's you know really cruising this thing will do 30 Isles an hour at the grocery store we do have a Gatling gun mounted up front when grandpa's getting a little too handsy about the flame job oh yeah it has flames those add about 15 horsepower that's the horn for real so we're gonna be actually running this whole course from this thing we're doing it first time one at a time first gun you come up here we're gonna have a shotgun this is the iwi 240 s12 so what's unique about it is most shotguns will have a mag tube down below this one actually has three mag tubes that rotate and so you can put five rounds in each tube so it'll hold 15 plus one and it's a semi-auto shotgun so after you run one tube dry you rotate it it loads the next round in and you keep going five targets on the Texas Star and then there are four cans you shoot the targets if you leave any of them standing if you run your gun dry and they're still target standing it's plus five seconds per target left standing so you jump the shotgun you drive the cart this way this is where you pull out the pistol so this is the flux brace it's actually the MP 17 I have a sig p320 and I took the top off took the trigger group out and I put it all in this lower right here this is still considered a pistol even though it does this we have a vortex Viper red dot on the top and then once you run dry you drop your mag and you have a spare mag up there in this little holder right here very cool little setup and then all goes back to normal size fits in your holster right like that we have four big targets down there and then that little blue target in the back that's a bonus do you get minus five seconds on your time you have ten rounds total on the pistol so then we'll drop the pistol you keep coming up here and you'll notice there's two watermelons over there two tomahawks if you stick either one - thirty seconds if you only hit them it's minus five seconds if you whip it and you totally miss see those airsoft guns over there yeah the other two of us get to shoot five rounds each at you as you drive come on you have to weave your cart through this which is actually trickier than it sounds because that thing is very top-heavy and it only has one wheel in the front it definitely wants to roll so you have to get all these in your cart you scoop them all into your cart if you never them drop and hit the ground or you leave any on the table - five seconds per can drive here to the edge you'll not want to go too far because if you go down the edge you'll never get back you load your mag in for the Gatling gun you have five targets to take out the Gatling gun once your fifth target is dead time stops whoever gets the fastest time wins and has to take home the scooter not with the Gatling gun on it come on I'm up first I got a helmet on in case I get hit with any airsoft BB's in the back of the head and for safety because pretty easy to roll this thing alright Krispy I'll go on your go and your mark get set go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] two minutes 47 seconds that was what - 30 - 30 yeah you hit the watermelon really I thought I just hit it no you stuck it and then he hit the blue one - yeah I got the blue one all right no this doesn't count so it did stick but you got to stick the blade in there on the bottom no no it just sunk no I think you got it because that that was just luck but that hit like listen if you guys want to give me 30 seconds you know it's a stick all right it sticks a stick yeah so that's 247 - 5-30 right yeah so - you got two left over 37 Oh - OH - OH - OH - no - twelve - twelve we're a bunch of idiots nick is up next and he has to beat two minutes and well - twelve time to be ready whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 3:07 he did touch the watermelons that's minus five seconds he missed three down there so that's plus fifteen so that adds up that adds up to oh yeah I got the blue one that's right so you got plus 10 so 317 was your time my wife - 212 I should have picked up the speed man yeah you gotta just go all the way out man - go - crashing krispies are you ready I'm ready you need to say anything about me having the door open so I'm gonna use this as a kickstand all right that sounds good sounds good what will allow him the handicap since he is handicapped get set go got some juice there she goes it's so hard to aim if they're coming on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're a terrible Gatling gun er we're not bad for a gang though for again you plus three team combined say we're hate the stuff but your time is 3:30 - come on and you one hit on the watermelon is but you stuck it that time yes Tuckahoe watermelon so minus 30 so 302 but he missed three of those so plus 15 3:17 what did he get you got three seventeen Beauty really yeah he did get three seventeen I'm hey 99 you know some guys are just good at shooting and some guys are just okay these guys these guys tied for second aka last go check out official Reaper 33 on Instagram go check out crispy 11 be on Instagram thank you guys for coming out I get to win the old person cart hey skinny mini that's mine Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,663,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: LwI_dZ0ljIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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