Drama At The Abandoned Storage Locker Auction! We Found High $ Items! #StorageWars #GrimesFinds

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[Music] fifty fifty-five [Music] all right guys welcome back to grimes funds i just bought a storage unit i really don't need it but i feel like you needed this video and i justified it to her right right hey guys are we focused this camera's not working the lens we need is 900 dollars we're about to head to rockwall texas to pick up that fantastic unit how much i pay for it uh three what what was your winning bed 330 or something yeah like 330 and y'all i'm gonna be real honest i'm not too excited about this unit y'all the pool's not like swamp green again it's getting there freaking equipment ain't working y'all it's so pretty what is it like 80 78 80. yeah boy texas baby it'll be uh back to 183 tomorrow and it'll be 36 the next day [Music] [Music] foreign oh there's as we made it to rockwall texas here at cubesmart pretty nice place but it'd be even nicer if someone was here all right the open signs on nobody's home there's two people waiting out front right now they're looking at us thinking that we're the people to let you know i guess to open the door oh we're just gonna hang out for a little bit we left them a message to see uh when somebody's gonna be back oh wait is somebody open today yeah yeah rockwall texas is pretty pretty pretentious i'm joking kind of kind of they don't have any thrift stores so i don't know what we're gonna do we're gonna waste some time i'm not dumpster diving i don't feel like dumb striving we'll figure it out all right guys so gina's back in the car so this is one of the frustrating things about this business is if it's a lean unit listen it's all state driven it's by laws you have to file paperwork so when you show when you put a unit online you better have your freaking eyes dotted and your t's crossed when we show up you can't say what we hadn't decided if we approved the sell or not no that's not how it works either the customer or the previous tenant has paid which cancels the sale or it belongs to me and the paperwork should have been filed and all that good stuff the public notice and so anyway so gina went in there they wanted us to wait 30 minutes just to let us know if we won the unit no we won the unit either they paid or we won the unit that's how it worked you've got to hold these people accountable for what they're doing because this cost us money look nobody wants people to lose their units nobody but that's the fact of the matter is we're trying to help the facility so when we show up here as a bidder trying to help you recoup money you've lost and one your customer service is crap you just tell us hey we just drove an hour or you know 30 40 minutes uh you know you just have to wait no no answer if it's today or she said oh well you have 48 hours or whatever it is we're not going to sit around and wait for 48 hours to decide if you want us that's already been given when that timer ran out by state law it's sold basically where it ended is is we have to wait around for two days to see if they're gonna approve the sale i'm gonna go in there i'm gonna be very nice i am frustrated and i can't stand when people do stuff like that because it's an inconvenience obviously when we pulled up she wasn't here the door was locked and now she's gotta go do something else she wants gina to go she asked her to wait 20 or 30 minutes outside to see if she can even call her manager and now they want us to wait around for two days ain't nobody got time for that so anyway i'm just gonna kindly tell her what i just told you that you can't that's not how this works you don't just decide either they paid or they didn't i'm gonna film this inside i don't usually film inside but i'm getting sick of this i'm really getting tired of these places that sign up and they want to sell units and especially here in texas it's driven by state law that's a reflection of storage treasures if these things are happening and we bought it on that site and look it happens way too often i'll be honest that one unit i've only never gone back and got one unit never and that's because it's a facility that keeps cheating people on storage treasures and it was a matter of principle so i thought we were going to get a storage unit video maybe not um my wife was just in here okay about the unit yeah uh my district manager actually just messaged me the ad is not uploaded please do that it's only the activated i like turtles is it just like a button he's got to go in there quick yeah uh that's what he didn't do so i seen that he did do it this morning but i've been too busy oh i hear you like i have already what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it i award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul and you really don't even have to always do that yeah i have been so busy here and i'm by myself oh i hear you so i apologize oh hey they're your phone and she said well i did i called i did my part i understand that yeah well if you're a bad it's not no you just you know how it is all these properties are can be inconsistent you know how many times we've driven places and uh always call call call before you journey oh we do we call everything but sometimes they don't answer if they don't that's probably what it is they're you know i can't speak for everybody all right y'all gina's going in to pay big daddy had to take care of it i was asked her but then i was like she probably thinks i'm like no but check this out no she worked down at the other place yeah she worked at that but when we when we went down there she told us she had just started there i thought she was at another place if so this is her third place oh no and didn't we have problems down there it took a long time didn't it yeah yo all right so there it is all right hey buddy thank you i almost asked her i knew it i knew her i knew it i didn't want to like get into it though you know well i remember her because it took so freaking long yeah i was like dang this is the third storage unit place she's worked at this year all right guys hey we're gonna be really quiet from here thank you jesus we got our unit still here sounds like someone's doing a plunger all right guys hey let me show you why i bought this one for real i wouldn't have just bought if i thought it was trash i knew i'd make money on it no i wasn't going to lose money on it uh oh actually let me show you why was one of the concerns i had was this that's exactly what i thought it was yeah it's the stuff that goes in the wall insulation which made me think this bag is insulation well hold on there might be what if there's something no it's not it's just insulation but i did see this oh i thought that said daniel adams i looked up the store ansel adams ansel adams actually i need this okay that's a new tag on it y'all look this is uh i'm melting this i'm gonna cut this up and make a brass freaking figure what is that is that brass yeah yeah it's all cut right cool it'll be fun yeah but i'm going to melt it down all right look y'all look at this remember what happened last time we had one of those all right look don't count out those there's some indian stuff up here yeah okay one of the the big reasons why i bought this unit is because it's in rockwall and i've never struck out in rock wall ever actually i've never lost money on a unit period even my worst 20 unit didn't lose money on it it didn't we made at least a hundred dollars on that all right so i did see this chair so i either thought it was the old person's office right because you see like a coat rack a chair maybe a picture that was on the wall so in a file cabinet but i'm hoping little old rich white lady all right guys how about we do some unboxing since we're here we got to come back because the last unit i bought still in the back of the truck and i'm not putting stuff in the front all right so look i did see this this says master closet i was able to read that and there was one more i was able to read oh right here armoire i was able to read that um and so that's about it but you want to pop some boxes out though yeah y'all want to do some unboxing oh another reason made me think of somebody's office because with laser printer printer paper but then what made me think is like all right that's probably not gonna be printer paper because it says uh master closet and stuff like that people usually keep good stuff in their closet let's do a little unboxing we spent 310 guys 15 320 uh not good oh wait hold on hold on hold on hold on a chain in there where oh yeah all right is it all sewn but kartine pierre yeah that's a secret earpiece y'all never mile's gonna make another joe biden joke oh yeah boy i love looney tunes i just love remember old valentine's day no look old disney pins pinocchio okay look down here maybe a little collectible action going on maybe rainbow yeah what's that i don't know is that ozzy osbourne it's a bat that's a bat look a brass cat am i melting yeah i'm gonna melt everything there's some other stuff down here oh look hey guys i like little boxes with little gifts cards oh why am i holding that line [Music] yeah really what is it it's a button and two pins are y'all oh my god guys i'm done with that box and i peed y'all the bathroom's like right there but she's right there y'all want to see let's go let's creep this camera she's gonna sit all right let's look at this one more yeah boy all right i thought i saw a shoe in here oh that's that's not as impressive as i thought y'all oh okay so this looks like it might be old lady clothes yeah which is good right because we we wanted old lady oh there's tags on some of this stuff oh look there's some i don't know what's this guys around the world what in bed what a candlelight game oh grandma has some dirty secrets all right guys look this one says master john did you mean bathroom whoa bullets the stash what is the stash is that weed tea chameleon herbal tea pepper ingredients specifically all right i just think this is a different kind of teas but hey we'll check that out make sure there's no like like fun stuff like from asia that'll like make us see like dragons come here i want to see what this one is actually should we take this outside it's a little bit lighter out here guys do we have a knife actually i think there is one in the truck is there i have to go get it master john oh master john it's not like john bathroom but like maybe john what's master bedroom for john hey this is i don't know this might there might be something in here someone who might find something okay in this unit what's wrapped in that is it a purse it feels like there might be something in there you know we have still have a lot of boxes oh is that a doorbot y'all we got so much unboxing we could do another just saw a watch maybe a gold watch hey guys let's look in here see what's in here man did i say puberty tulsa oh look those are probably silver yeah all right there's some silver hi guys anything in here now and this is when you need a transfer tub yeah this is just everything out of their bathroom look so when we get back there's more jewelry in there yeah when we get back to the house we're gonna have to go through all of this there's definitely jewelry in here look at that yep okay all right so there's gonna be jewelry hidden away okay all right guys uh yeah this is either a divorce unit uh or a parent that was living with kids and they put mom's stuff in a unit but y'all did find y'all there's just like they crammed everything in here you know there's no there's no rhyme or reason really that's usually a kid trying to get rid of their parents stuff yeah i think i just said that i'm not sure yeah you did yeah yeah he said that or divorced okay so look there's some nikes in here they're on the best shape uh i might find more jewelry in here there's a black box hey guys well i wish it was heavier or something yeah what is this it's old careers in cosmetology oh that's what it is it's not stuff yeah all right hi guys it was a ship where where force all right guys let's check out what's in here there's a few of these that say fragile but again it looks like it was like an old person's bedroom stuff i'm telling you like they didn't have a house and people said oh mom and dad are gone you know you just don't know hey guys i told y'all this might not be the best unit when i was bit oh no i just cut the volume out of it she got a lot of new tags and stuff [Music] all right hi guys uh y'all all right look down here so i was opening i was trying to go to the back and start working our way back here these clothes were on top of that i don't know if he was purposely trying to hide this it's like an old file box yeah i didn't sell files either and then there's these that were in here you see what it is all right guys let's see what this is oh might tell us right there maybe it's model 2001 yeah what is this some type of respirator yeah medical device i don't know uh i don't know i don't need this does it go on your face yeah what is that like one on your i don't know it's like a crotch pocket or something i don't know it's got a charger and everything um what's this say y'all there might be something good in that i'm thrilled they had the clothes tucked around it hiding it we'll look this up it might be worth a lot oh hey look leave us with the tags on them they your size nope size 18. oh that's women's size they have that oh that's really cool it's the cassette tapes talking about egypt exodus yeah out of egypt and then there's another uh medical device or something rebecca hockaday guys let's see what's in here oh yeah look the same thing it says there's two in here oh there are two yeah on your face does it or your knee oh wait here here's what it is y'all oh it's bone healing oh yeah boy all right anybody y'all got a bone healing thing all right guys so i want to show you real quick we have these boxes to go through uh we have this box to go through the one underneath it this one's still taped shut this one's still taped shut this one's still taped shut i peeked in that one it looks like some awesome clothes if we're being honest pull out one shirt y'all look at this it's eight of his awesomeness that reminds me of saved by the bell i know what is that late 80s early 90s yeah let's see uh it's paul meadows but that's totally zach morris that is totally zack morris all right y'all want to see what's in here uh-huh hey guys let's look and see what's in this maybe it is does that sound like [Music] okay hi guys there's envelopes in here ooh what goes to chad monica hey guys uh uh what two thousand guaranteed all right guys hey uh oh hey guys oh here we go protect your investment with bolt security system all right guys let's look over here ooh you know what those are jewelry boxes story boxes sounds like something's in there oh something there's either it's a really heavy box oh there's a receipt in here too let's see let's see what the receipt says before we look in it it's from 98 hopefully it only costs 188 bucks [Music] only you know see if it's in here there's nothing in this nothing oh i thought i heard something when you shook it not this one [Music] ah nothing nothing no gotta find my envelopes of cash in here that they left for the grandkids or something but for real that's how it works y'all if you check these like you find stuff like this you need to be checking it for cash i almost said that and i thought that was cash check checks but it looked like the size of cash uh all right all right guys let me finish going through this and i'll be right back all right guys there's nothing left in there uh but look i was opening this box and i told gina before i tore that up outside i've been feeling there's gonna be some cool clothes in here because of the zack morris thing i haven't looked at the year of this but i saw who was on the cover i'm hoping it's a cloth tag 1984 what this shirt right here might be worth the unit step back please [Music] all right you ready look at this y'all michael jackson 1984 so cool yo that's probably might be one of the most premium shirts i have ever found right there before oh yeah look there's the tag y'all we gotta look this shirt this frill this shirt should be worth at least 150 however yeah all right y'all this is 19. 1981 1981 journey look at that that's so cool 1981 you want to see the tag on it yo see that's what i'm talking about people want to do like discredit clothes we might have just found a g enclosed in here a couple g's look there it is okay uh this other one these are these are the only three shirts i pulled out of knott's berry farm uh with snoopy and that's pretty cool but y'all look at these for real these two shirts right here what do y'all think you think these two shirts paid for the unit i think they did all right what if that was like the only three cool things i know but now i want to go through all the clothes because there's a lot of clothes in here there are a lot of clothes uh let's see smells old too it smells like moth balls hey look at that purple all right guys found these rollerblade brands uh rollerblades these are actually really really nice so really nice facebook all right let's look so here's some more t-shirts and another box all this yellowed whoa [Music] y'all cartoon i guarantee you we made our money in t-shirts oh i know we did yeah okay so that's all garfield one it is from 1978. yo look at this star uh star tour uh this is a 1986 adventure from disneyland so this must have been an event that they had y'all this is a 1986 star wars disneyland shirt yes all right what is this this is 1991 revelation 5 i don't know if that's like from a church or whatnot oh y'all look this old disney oh that's fine years of magic cloth tag definitely older yo i just love old shirts what's this they're all like the texas world music oh journey journey again yo this is a journey a 1982 journey uh journey santa santana what joan jett y'all oh y'all these are this has got to be the best concert t-shirts yeah this is a bruce springsteen 1984 bruce springsteen y'all look at that and it's a freaking it's made to be uh no sleeves oh that's really cool y'all i've got to clean these you know what i think i might actually take these to a dry cleaner no joke and let them press them and do the thing don't you think yeah i think we're gonna do that all right look at this one it's richland college with a mickey mouse do you know where richland college is isn't it like in mesquite yeah it's just off down there off of 30 or 635. i mean 30. but y'all look that's cool uh oh what yeah yo yeah look he's got his guns yo what year is this 1986 y'all these are freaking premium vintage premium vintage are going in the oh please be hyper color we're not just telling you about hyper color i think so y'all y'all think this is hot y'all remember hyper colored shirts did you change color dang i don't think so like all his 80s clothes yeah this is awesome yes i'm really just excited about the shirts all right let's see what he got in here more 80s action y'all yeah you want that oh i actually would hear that if it's my side all right yeah i want like some old like rude boy or rude dog uh venezia remember that one come on good oh there's a porsche t-shirt cloth tag porsche cool that's pretty cool oh that's very hey that's your style it was uh arizona all right not as exciting but y'all i probably got about six more boxes of clothes i'm excited to go through now [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 14,609
Rating: 4.8986897 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, challenge video, american pickers full episode
Id: OY5ItlZJP-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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