FOUND HELICOPTER I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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you're not gonna believe this seriously word on the street there is a helicopter in here can't wait to see let's check it out where the Hales did you take me to George downtown Cleveland this is it this is like dirty downtown this is like don't go here even during the day but the reason why we came to this auction is because the auctioneer is one of our favorites so we're here to actually support yep yep bender you gotta love them gotta love first time at this location first time in this area it's kind of sketchy but six units or some needles don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to hit that Bell so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every Sunday let's dig into these scary units [Music] that's about 10 o'clock I'll go over the terms and conditions real quickly folks my name's Paul enter your auctioneer today like to welcome out to Cle storage nice indoor facility here there are four units to sell today folks we're going to go around sell the unit open it up sell the units close the door and at the end of the option you can come meet me up here we'll settle up you have today until 4:00 to get your units cleaned out you can get a gate code a door code for Sunday and have unfettered access on Sunday and then Monday during business hours you can come back get your $50 clean out deposit per unit okay so today until 4:00 all day Sunday and then to get your deposit back Monday you so either today or Monday for your deposits they won't be around to give your deposit on Sunday all right any questions there $50 clean out the puzzle per unit same as always we'd like to thank you for coming out I'd like to encourage everyone to go to go to auction calm for we're going to do some changes in 2020 and will no longer be on auctions it will be a go to auction calm a little new format there and you can always reach out base book page vendor auctions calm all of our stuff is posted there that's the best way to find out about upcoming auctions alright there's no questions we'll get going oh my god the first one looks like it's worth millions oh man half a cent I matter what do you give on this one here nice little easy cleaner unit here you tell me hopping out of here you tell me able to give on this one here and get $50 bill $50 bill you tell me it'll be $50 million 25 let's go 25 $25 tuna to $2 and a five five dollar bill $5 bill now five I'll be able to $7 here no overlooked it up and down here now five if I don't know able to see another hearing on the bill $5 in here 25 25 ml sailormen 25 35 min 25 and 35 35 mm 35 45 look at 45 55 45 and 55 it'll be over 2,000 45 or 55 85 now signifies again he found a veil for me violence of the arrived 75 your turn that I've been 70 vampire somebody found a bit of laundromat 65 75 and 85 80 bottle bill 75 85 out of a bit amid 75 eternity found a bit of one rated 75 here in 85 you one in 75 and 85 anybody look at hard I've been 75 here in 85 85 it'll be a home for sale 75 and 85 all that for nothing out of 75 85 75 and 85 85 in one room in 75 here in 85 85 you hold on you got her 75 this is look at this we got train containers train containers office furniture I know who I know who would take it off our hands what do you give on this kind it's number one one two holders on this kind you tell me on this one here yo gonna say somebody by double form let's go get 75 75 available and presented them at 75 or what he say what's this way what's a snowman eat for dinner burritos but up pumpking he's been working on his death jokes Paul's working on his dad Jake the ice how you doing my name is Guapo where do you give honest you know guys come on have you taught me if I get $50 bill nice clean unit here go get 50 go wherever you stop me and say 50 - 25 let's go do 25 on this one here I'm in twenty five twenty five hundred up in 25 to get twenty dollar bill all that stuff there I don't get $20 mil form you tempers get ten ten dollar twenty little bit of water I'm in ten here 20 20 mm in ten here in a bit of form $10 now 20 quarters of a lobotomy 10 here 20 20 20 10 dollar 20 1210 here 20 2004 say that I'm in 29 I'll be the shaking the wrong way 10 20 2005 I'm in 10 here now twenty hundred room in ten here twenty two hundred mil home presented in our twenty ten dollar 25 a of our time in 10 15 help you out here that I've been here 15 the bill of Aldermen 10 15 y'all down here 15 not a bit of Aldermen 10 here 15 people be home and I have sold it to you 10 bucks worked hard for that they are and they're not moving and I see something that says Vegas this one's going for money this is interesting yeah he signs hot dogs this one's going for high nowhere signs neon signs I don't have to say some mancave Red Dog let's say 25 now I have it I'm in two and a half 75 75 but now three three bills in now for another 125 now and three and a half of them we're gonna have so many fines somebody found a bit of one item in three and a half bid 75 75 what'd he say three and a half at 75 but now for reform in three something over you're both out 375 and now four for a little bit of on for say 400 375 but now for four bills on it up in 375 and now for 400 Bilbo presented room 400 375 and now for 400 or take a last look here at 375 and now for four is eight five four four four four four we went in 375 and 400 bill voted open 375 here for 400 oh hey guys yes or no 375 and now for 400 be able to add up to 375 for four home today you went in yes sir yes 375 and 400 mil hundred and 375 for you I'm back in a 400 bill one 400 we own it 400 you weren't so low to you Jeremy 375 congratulations we came to Cleveland it was sketchy but what did you just do yeah they're shipping containers so this is this is your first shipping container to bid on right all right just pull it open should just open straight up struggle boss all right you got the flashlight right let's see what in the world we actually have all right arch nemesis mattress so there's the box springs but there could be money hidden in there all right so here's a Red Dog neon sign how much do you think that's worth that no that should be at a minimum that should be going for anywhere from 50 to 100 high-end a hundred I would think 50 200 I like the sound of that here let me and this is why I love these old lights look at this oh look that's an antler look at that okay so we have light now I'm just throwing it right in there what are you looking at Oh vintage crusty underwear but what else is in there fragrance oil that's Wild Rose hey oh you should give that to your mom we have handle essential love tea lights these are timberlands okay so those are timberlands those are really good I don't know but this is an antler turned into a wolf no freakin way does anybody know is this some sort look there's eagles carved in there I don't know what that's for some deer in there huh very interesting and Irish Spring obviously to keep all the myself those are crusty underwear those are kind of nasty we're starting to load and look what was behind it is nice a jewelry box okay we can't open that now we're gonna have to make people wait because there's other cool stuff all right so we got the bard chairs those can get out of the way look at this look at this Vienna beef and he doesn't love who doesn't love an amazing hot dog so we probably I don't know we'll have to look those up but I'm guessing you got another 50 per sign right there just because people love collectibles which is pretty cool this chair we're gonna get this chair out of the way and this other chair out of the way but here is another another neon sign so this one is cool obviously cigarettes surgeons warning this at a minimum again is gonna be another hundred dollars so we're doing good already plus we have a jewelry box normally I don't show clothing but this one is too good to not show George can you hold the phone all right I got to put my glove on because this one's pretty nasty all right we have yes sannen North Pole marshmallow poles those are for you that's for chapo with chapo all right that's for rob of second sense these are Christmas gifts for you all all starburst jellybeans please don't do it Jerry Jerry Jerry just eat some dear disgusting Justin no the chocolate literally molded in the better move some stuff we got it in the trailer this chair here that will probably be sold in the warehouse some pods in in here cuz you're my cheese grater my precious [Music] but the money there's an open sign okay that open sign right there working that's $100 the right there then yeah Jenna see if I'll there's multiples wait notes one that's broken let's see Jenna oh we've got multiples okay so these Jenna see we do have multiples these are gonna have to go in the truck because these can be $100 apiece just based on they're extremely fragile we can't put those in the trailer look at this one two three four five six all right these are all the crazy old displays another and awesome alright so we're gonna have to price those but we probably have our actual purchase price right there in the Genesee and there's a Las Vegas neon sign now that one that's probably just a $20 $25 plugin but we've got a whole bunch more to look through let's move some of this stuff out you see these bar stool seats here these will easily get $100 for the pair that's easy can you oh it's not a smoke machine the bliss that's a lighting effects something actually I think they had to have some kind of business these are typically depending on which one it is that could be thousands of dollars hundreds of dollars for an absolutely junk so this is DJ USA we'll have to look that one up but look at this we've got hot dog machines here maybe their hot dog machines let's just move that over this guy is obviously into something they're just warmers they're warmers so these warmers what is it all cream for catering look at the Oh light so Georgia is a professional caterer so we've got two hot serves here that's kind of cool so I would guess at a minimum $100 between the two of those sold used as well and don't worry about that I haven't seen single evidence of mouse anything and it's lunchtime Fritos hopefully I'm grab a one I got it July 26 then next year your first like sir dude storage unit food challenge Greg James would be so proud of you right now just would be so proud of you these are so these are the we're good measures he ate another one obviously we have some type of furniture here and things sitting on top what do we have on top George cowboy hat what kind fits a Stetson we have a Dinah felt still water-resistant that's good oh that looks like military Oh looks like somebody bought it for $24 vintage photo it's all really well maybe there's money back there what is that oh well maybe there's another one Cleveland cop Cleveland cop doing his duty $24 look at that I wonder if there's any money hidden back there and that looks like more advertising for alcohol and I think okay so look at all this see all these pieces dovetail here's a dresser drawer mirror I think all of that goes to this dresser oh wait what's in the naturalizer cards from that one bag no you saw the cards and another bag with all the donate bag yes is Egyptian this I don't know but I see money different pairs we know there's money there you go these are different pairs nice George can you move that to where we can see it it's gonna fall to pieces we got got our Oh light and whoa water from the old waterfall style and three I guess already huh that's what it was it was in three here's another box looks like it could have some good stuff we've got some important oh I thought that was root beer nope not root beer you do have Shrek so collectible glasses do pretty well that would have been amazing so there's another advertising sign and clock these old advertising signs and clocks do really really well especially for man caves unfortunately broken hmm probably not maybe the clock side but even then the face is broken that's cool so unfortunately that would have been a moneymaker but now it's not a moneymaker it's a money shaker so we got a Buzz Lightyear we have here all these are giant these are just door hinges giant door dentures oh god who's the old I am you are here oh well I think he's out to I don't know maybe he's a boy scout and there we go there is the gold money hmm there it is right there there it is this is all I wanted this unit for I love you catch up I love got a cart here behind the cart has just peek and look at that there's more I think that's another jewelry box I think so let's see this is usually where psychology really that's what we're all about we're trying to profile people as we profile our units so we're trying to figure out do they have good stuff or empty we do have a couple old JVC monster boom box speakers so I'm curious where the actual boom the turbo so what is this twin giggity-giggity right there so we'll move that out of the way it looks like I don't this is a tabletop table oh there's a top that would go on here barstools now that makes sense to me okay so the barstools there's got to be a table top that goes on this here and then the barstools went around this George you want to see what's in this purse here we go with the purse people but dust my eyes deceive me oh she's mine oh okay well she's looking in the purse I'm gonna see if we can find the band Little Mermaid definitely a storage personal okay Jungle Book I think this is Beauty and the Beast okay anybody who needs fun anybody who needs five dollars off at adult Mart just message us and we'll get that to you babe Hunchback willows in the okay no Little Mermaid anything else in there where do you keep your brief oh I don't even know what Abreva is I don't either probably have something to do with that adult Marc fetish back in the corners where they always hide the best stuff look at this no what about this one because this looks like a brand new umbrella and that looks like right there Andrew you both can you open that see we got there sure I've seen song I think I know exactly what we have and look at this Vienna beef we got Vienna beef umbrellas so I think we know exactly what did you find whoa that's banned too as fans like a mermaid cover chief wahoo so without a doubt wait what's this back here look at this weenie Wi-Fi hey do I have weenie Wi-Fi all right so lunch special $6 hotdog side drink dog in the day was the Pug so that was the dog of the day so I don't think there's any doubt whatsoever we just found a hot dog stand business don't try and open that yeah I want to know if it's heavy or not like me found the name of the business weenie a go-go I don't know if that was right next to the stripper joint or what for the go-go girls but it was weenie ago go with weenie wife I don't don't leave home without your weenie Wi-Fi words to live by right there go go gadget hotdog stand go go gadget weenie digging deeper in here look at this this might have been the cable for the weenie Wi-Fi and these were definitely the baskets for the weenies agogo so lots of lots of oh look there's there's the paper for the weenies as well so make sure you always wrap your weenie and paper Andrew can you pick that up real quick and see what's underneath there and probably oh yeah probably napkin holders and there's The Yardbirds Yardbirds and lightning okay I think it's time to get to the actual the actual jewelry boxes for the moment are you seriously making a jewelry box and you call me the weird one and there's our life at least give me some hot dog buns something this was a hot dog vendor so it should be sides and there are sides the condiments are all empty jewelry box don't tell me they're all right here we go with the heavy one [Music] [Music] good thing we're going to Florida [Music] Florida here we come are you sure they're ready I don't think they've ever seen a helicopter we saved the best for last there is a chopper there is this there is a helicopter in there no we don't know there's a helicopter in here is that be an option I don't know what's the dollar you guys have probably never seen anything like this before you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 81,000
Rating: 4.7825484 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: oR9XWj7xmjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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