FOUND GUNS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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it's Jerry and with hjh adventures we've been out on family activities all day you're family right yeah and so we finally got home it's late at night here in Ohio it's freezing but we couldn't wait so we got the trailer pulled it over here into the garage and we're gonna start the unboxing because we've got this gut instinct that there's got to be something good because let's face it you're good luck right try to be yeah try to be uh-huh so let's find out you excited I am me too these are the totes that we pulled out of the trailer there's still more stuff in the trailer but this is what we're gonna try and sort through this evening what got us really excited is this rifle lamp really cool but the other thing that got us excited George what you've got you never know when you need it to slice watermelon or anything else right babe all right let's dig in and let's see what we can find tope number one the official unboxing George's first storage unit we got Care Bears and if they're old school Care Bears they're actually worth something we're gonna look for a date and 2003 not very old we've got we got some personal items here set those aside we'll go through those later we may need this garbage bag so there you go George George's book George is right behind me doing the filming in the admin the editing look at this Elvis Elvis right there any of you Elvis collectors you know Elvis put a tremendous amount of stuff out there autographs pictures photos so not too much as rare but boy if anybody else isn't collectible like him I don't know who is we've got we got something here how's that oh there we go okay inside here we have Records Dave Parsons we've got what's this baby okay all right these look like can you open those and see what those are just right there I don't think they're much of anything but oh here's Elvis's jail hell's from jail house rock single oh those are chuck-e-cheese go ahead put them over here camera hey you want to go on a date to Chuck E Cheese sure sweet alright uh I don't know what this is but probably baby baby baby baby okay all right this looks like all foreign coins gr coins if you're watching this one maybe your pouch look maybe I just dropped that look there's paper money in there I just dropped one down in here uh here's a peso 1975 oh my goodness what is all of this republic columbia half here's a half penny 1911 you coin collectors you know this stuff better than I do start telling me what did we get here this is George's good luck unit look at this already with the coins first my goodness first tote okay this is a 1977 Republic of Colombia this says $100 1964 don't know what kind of coin it is 1965 guys there's coins there's everything here Canadian I'm not seeing any any English coins but you can take a peek here all right this is where's the paper money here we go Bank of England really another one there's another one in here so Brazil and England okay can you put that back in the little purse I can't believe this this is your first unit and the first tote okay I just found another money pouch okay these all are gold in color Franklin Roosevelt 1945 coin United States of America Bicentennial coin Dwight Eisenhower coin 1981 John F Kennedy I actually have one of these I have one of these for sale on eBay right now I have one of these already I've never seen the others all right we got an Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson we got George Washington and Truman all right those were all in that pouch this is awesome you are such good luck thank goodness and this is your first tote how do you do it okay we got to see what else is in here then all right that's just like a pencil sharpener yeah just be patient with me because some of this stuff is personal here's a Ponderosa golden advantage club so we've got somebody of age and there we have the person here hold that aside this looks like definitely keepsakes here's a do-it-yourself guitar pamphlet cool this is cool all right so coins in here a great thing the paperwork we're gonna have to go through in more detail in a bit little something for for injuries sewing machine there is a sewing machine we left that in the trailer because the sewing machines aren't all that exciting for you guys babe here's that coin I dropped there it is okay look at this basic field manual soldiers handbook 1941 World War 2 collectible right here coins and World War 2 collectibles I love it baby how in the world did you know you told me good feeling candles all right we're gonna we'll we'll turn those into fire spiders this looks like an old book for sure let's see what do we have here all right new practical arithmetic and any of you guys who know your arithmetic you probably remember your Roman numerals I don't John Wayne there was a John Wayne clock this person definitely has some collectibles I don't know if that's a famous person or if that's personal baby there's no way we're gonna get through all this tonight if it's all like this check that out so is this a do you call that a holder candelabra or look at that okay I think this is an angel waterfall so that's probably a waterfall for with angels in it all right definitely an to plan okay this piece so this is an antique lamp maybe this piece is broken off but I think I'm not sure how that actually goes but it's really cool piece oh you know what baby look look look look see these Asians down here I think they go yep look there's another Asian down there so this was broken ahead of time here you go Asian art that's pretty neat that's amazing oh you know what here's the top to it so that screws on the top okay there's an old dowel and yeah this might have been antique ornaments maybe but time didn't do them too well all right so that paperwork you just found the owner of this unit you can go ahead and take the lid off the owner of this unit ha when were they born found out she was born in 1918 which means 100 years old so most likely has passed away unfortunately and most likely with no errors that we can tell so far so this looks like this has Terry's Indians all right just from the initial glance what do you think on the initial glance yeah my guess is they collected Indians there's a buffalo is there any markings on the bottom everybody's got a water buffalo yours is fast but - no everybody's got a water buffalo [Music] Wow we have Indian collectibles too look look look look see this this slides into something this is part of a bigger this is probably yep wouldn't it go right in that notch does it fit I guess not okay which probably goes Wow sweetheart you're so much more gentle with this stuff than I am it takes a woman's touch that's cool look how full that tote is to evolve in being collectibles okay so we got coins we got Elvis we got World War two and we're getting Indian collectibles these collection can you put it right up here mm-hmm okay on that one I saw Greece marking which means it probably came from Goodwill grease marker look at that one Wow looks like real hair too look at that this one kind of looks like me that one does look like you oh you're quite a bit prettier I wonder that's a donkey right it's a horse I was gonna say I wonder if that's a manger scene from for Christmas we got waters my tired little Eskimo masterworks let's see put that right up in there of acid Peter nice solid oh that looks like you - is that Pocahontas Disney toy so we got a Disney toy in with the real collectibles that Pocahontas is down that's the big one Wow we like dust is that a dreamcatcher are you through half of it yeah there's no way we're gonna get through the all these totes like we're planning tonight look is that like a Precious Moments is there anything on the bottom well so maybe it's just a generic that's part of something huh Oh Indian girl yeah goodwill marketing most likely thrift store what she holdin look at your twin we thought another one like this right yeah that one has a goodwill marking on it as well yep that's the baby horse of the mama horse nice any markings no I don't think it's a boy horse just a sneaky suspicion that this one got castrated that stallion not a stallion anymore that one looks like a big one what's the front say the ridge collection is that like a plaster mold oh no that's ceramic Richmond pharmacy that's a local pharmacy what do you how do you display it it's got a cone at the bottom so does it sit in something made in China nice yeah it is this tote is taking forever my goodness we should indian-themed a bedroom what's the bottom look like that one looks like thrift stores well probably Volunteers of America that you saw numbers like that we're gonna go undisclosed on that one this is briar yep sure is that's a briar another little Indian girl wolf how much more you got in there three more that tote was full where you got little Indian girl looks like good will find again our thrift store find [Music] looks like some of the other pieces go to that Wow we're gonna have to figure out how to put this stuff all together how about we grab another tote tote number three here we go looks like we got a music box with here's some jewelry inside and that does not see if you can find I don't think you're gonna find any markings on that babe what do you call it that's not Red Cross what do you call that oh well the individual had epilepsy so I'm gonna send that over to you let's see if there's anything else in here regard so jewelry we've been hitting it big already look at this little music box [Music] you know what song that is as song as you light up my life that song was perfect for you and me George cuz you light up my life here go baby okay we got an I love you bear I'm gonna hold that and give that to George for Valentine's hopefully she forgets got this really awkward porcelain cat sitting on a half present moon got a lot more collectibles okay definitely thrift store junkie one ninety one which I can definitely appreciate I think this is supposed to be a teapot and then you put it in there but there's no spout to pour out so definitely a thrift store fine they're a old baby look that look at the blue on the duct on this okay if you guys remember and you saw the hundred and eighty dollar unit with all the African art I found this same exact glass piece in that unit but it didn't have these blue tints to it check that out very dusty alright we've got some more musical items alright we're gonna set that one aside and let it go let it roll little trinkets little little clown another little trinket decoration there's some beautiful hummingbirds you got the Heritage House there on the hummingbirds okay we got to be careful here this this already broke so we're gonna just set that one aside baby this might be an Emmett Kelly clown whatever kind of clown it was she got it for a dollar thrift store junkie can't beat the deals alright that's a light for one of those prisms which will probably find the prism in here well here's a snow I know you guys love these snow globes this is friends are the best collectibles let's see what it plays I [Music] don't know that song all right we'll sit down one side because there's more we got Mickey Mouse collectible here animal kingdom clock in the middle see if we have the dig in the boneyard we don't have a date on it pretty cool piece they're pretty heavy too we've got a decorative glass I'm gonna set that aside over with George here is another snow globe you guys who love zebras there you go [Music] I don't know the song but I would do if I could walk and talk with the animals if I was making one alright here's a white tiger and strawberries for goodness not sure that's a mini snow globe oh what's this down here okay I'm gonna get to that looks like it could be a chest Asian piece of art there hand that over to George this well this I thought was potentially a jewelry box is the Eiffel Tower I'll hand that off okay baby there's a couple more pieces in here okay another music box with dolphins and a lighthouse I'm gonna hand that off to you too babe you're the DJ McMahon big mixer right now alright the rest of these are porcelain pieces found at the local thrift store tote number four what's the what's the outside of it's a Macmillan on on the base of it as literature base reading activities what you got I'm not gonna go through this um try and find and family and return it yep we'll just set that aside alright hope chest here we go this is really one of the reasons why we bought the actual item we got purses and we always look for money but there is there's just a ton of personal information in this right so well we got phone numbers too so we can contact the family numbers the phone numbers are right there sit outside what you saw that lamp I knew it I've never heard of Rossi before I've never heard of Rossi before it's a gun baby look at it what kind of gun are OSS hi I'm Nora Rossi before Rossi have you guys ever heard of Rossi this says match pairs two guns in one Rossi ok gives a website WWE yes look at this we're gonna have to put it together there's a shell there's a shell in here okay we got stock barrel it's all here there it is here I'm gonna bring camera up on it there it is now we paid 150 dollars for the unit this one gun potentially could pay for the entire unit right there nice oh I love it I love it ok side over there ok yes yes ok we got Betty boo and something's heavy in the bottom maybe we got a pistol no we don't we've got okay what's what's the record ok Alabama ok I got these weird things down in this Betty Boop purse these looks like displays for something cutting boards maybe no I don't know if they're cutting boards I would think they were gonna display something all right we got a duster get them cobwebs out all of you people seen orbs flying in front of the camera right now those are not ghosts from the dead that is dust from a dusty garage where we're asked here it looks like oops I get too excited I start hitting stuff here's how to a light switch works so somebody made a little project here we'll set that aside we got another purse remember then I find money and the $180 one in the purses all right nothing's in there you can double-check my heart still beat you baby I love it we got coins in the first one Elvis now the gun okay there's a purse there nothing in it this one's got some minute and this one has X Bowie racer we need this in the bathroom where we right on the right on the mirror we'll take that up this feels heavy when that be cool if we found more coins all right there's something in here pineapple purse it is some kind of compass so some type of compass that you would clip onto you not sure I've never seen one like this before I've done a lot of orang tearing all right we'll set that aside and here's a gap purse I don't feel anything in there either box this I don't baby you speak so many languages do you know what this is Fozzy bat to Galia know what that is all right it's Italian you think that's Italian yeah all right she says it's Italian with your best Italian accent oh she's that actually right imported from Italy so there you go gift selection imported from Italy baby oh okay we got here's Elvis can you open that in front of the camera so candy it's a chocolate Max and Elvis chocolate bars yeah there's nothing special in here okay I got I got some sticks probably to a kite eat here's the life insurance policy let's set that aside okay ah look at we got look at this guys look at this special officer I don't know what for this might come in handy for you cuz you're a speed demon let's hope so the card says I'm gonna cover the card the card says Division of Police member of junior police post so there you go special officer badge right there so somebody was into the police thing we got paperwork let's set that aside all right here we go this says a lump of coal on the outside and babe we got more coins okay I can't get into this with my gloves can you take those all right let's see what we got here let me get my gloves off let's see what's in here first there are coins down on the bottom let's see what's wrapped up all right here's here's the lump of coal we found the call can you save this this is going in my stocking okay let's see what we have here we've got a Washington this 42nd state coin we've got a I don't even know what that is for we've got me dropping stuff coin we've got a no cash value probably another no cash value no cash strap and a key yeah here's those as well is this a lighter okay we got a we got an old brass lighter okay let's see what else we got we got another purse this thing is chucked full with purses was a smoker apparently actually not a smoker this well maybe a smoker okay it's a seahorse look at that guy's where do you hide your seahorse I hide it in my marble pack this can go up in the bedroom that's so cool okay see if there's anything else this unit for a hundred and fifty bucks so far I love it how do you beat it any unit you get a gun in okay we got a cowbell actually two cowbell I'm gonna pass this off to you there's a couple more few things in there we're gonna get down in here yes it's real feel it no way oh my goodness oh my goodness babe babe babe you've got to be kidding me no way babe look at this no way oh my goodness high point firearms model nine nine five let me show it to him yes yes yes yes oh my goodness look at this uh yeah sweet when we going shooting when do you want to go shooting we're gonna have to check the serial numbers first 300 man alive okay be careful with that yes yes yes okay there's got to be all right let's go through the rest of this fastest yeah who knows what else okay my goodness my heart is pumping we got an old video camera we're gonna set that aside let's keep going this is what I think we got a safe baby baby baby you got a key does this is try the key that's not it that's not it we got a safe oh okay all right we're gonna wait if you're gonna try and wait until we find a key and try not to do this with a sledgehammer at this time sit that aside baby shake it again see if it sounds like metal just shake shake it I don't know it could be ammunition it could be a handgun no we're here we got a clip we got a clip we got a clip we got a clip oh my goodness okay get rid of this stuff this is junk there's got to be something else in here that clip may go to the to the other gun alright we're going to set these persons aside let's get the blanket out another purse let me check the purses I'm gonna check them really quick to see if there's any guns in them I'm not sure what that is nothing in there oh my goodness is your heart racing oh okay we got a fanny pack we got a fanny pack and nothing we got moccasins we better check everything the moccasins haven't been made yet right here right here right here right here we got a Glock we got a case yeah yes yes yes oh my goodness oh my goodness you got to be kidding me nice nice yes oh I was right down there in the corner the Glock case yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes you have you ever heard me this excited before never oh man alive to see that this woman didn't mess around holy cow apparently she was a cop too Wow all right where you been breathe breathe oh my goodness all right this is Christmas let's just all right there's nothing there's nothing else in here so here's here's what I'm gonna do uh we just found how many let me go through fine okay we got three guns so we got enough to go through and we found the safe so uh what we're going to do let's just clean up let's clean up what we got let's get the guns taken care of what we'll do we'll do another unboxing video tomorrow we'll hope to get into the safe without breaking it we'll try and find the key and if your heart isn't pumping mine is for you this has been Jerry Ian with hjh adventures thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe tomorrow we got all the rest of this stuff to go through and George what I can't even think right now what is it that you usually tell them to do adventure awaits go find it you [Music] so go [Music] feeling
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 804,102
Rating: 4.4074793 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: mewiribRUcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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