FOUND GUN AT THE FLEA MARKET! selling off the items from the locker I bought at the storage auction

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quarter to seven Stockton California it's the freewheel bank from the stacks on the left Locker that punch is really rusty old stuff in here hey I found again at the flea market how exciting is that [Music] previously on locker nuts I bought a big 10 by 20 unit for a whopping $1,500 it turned out to be pretty much a bust not nearly what I had hoped the rifles in the back corner were pellet guns and the merchandise was older and heavily used to make matters worse the unit was broken into and some of the items were stolen we've also been delayed clearing this one out due to an out of order elevator for over a month but now it's time to finish the job and sell off some items that have been sitting around far too long alright guys we are back at the infamous spot where I get my locker broken into you overpaid broken into broken elevators this one's been a bust but getting the last loads I got this little car right here with all the scuba stuff on you see this we got 10 10 tanks in there I just talked these junk removal guys down here take that for 50 bucks it's gonna save me from going to the metal recycling and they get kind of funny with tanks you gotta like they want you to cut the tops off of them and I only open them make sure everything's up they want you to cut the top off so they verify it's empty it's got time for that so I have scout all these pallets eat big pallets I got another load up there I gotta go get it this thing was the Beast though this thing guys I'm not super strong but I'm far from weak I got both my hands under there and tried to lift it up on its side barely you can lift the thing was so hard but I did lift it got on my dolly pulled it up the ramp and got it on I don't know where it's going from there it's tremendously heavy so I don't know but there's a whole bunch of hard drives in there like probably 20 hard drives inside that thing all of them like 30 gigs small yes but they're supposedly super duper fast so I don't know I'm doing just seat up it right now I got to get this car unloaded as soon as these guys are done and then I got to go up there and I got a couple more loads to get hopefully it doesn't rain there it is finally finally done oh my goodness what a nightmare this one was and just real quick I was over here the other day showing this to my friend Dan this unit he noticed that right there check it out it looks like someone actually pride that off and maybe access the other unit through this one I don't know maybe not but that looks awfully suspicious so this one is done ski a good morning lock your nuts it is quarter to seven look at the Sun starting to come up out there get a pink sky on the horizon it's pretty Stockton California at the moon up here too you can't really see this fuzzy but it's there and he's 45 I'm feel like it's so late cuz I'm usually at the market by 5:30 but this one's a little bit later so uh running Silvo got the decent load here and see how today goes hopefully can make a few bucks and get rid of a bunch of junk alright I've got pretty much everything you don't sit up and this one's the back of my booth let me see what I got you see everything laid out gonna get a little more work to do but let's take P once blankets from a pallet auction just a small sampling what I got three bucks each on this what's that it's cool yeah this fast this guy gives your scooter girls not fun on that thing I'm gonna head up locking nuts we'll see how those are how about 50 bucks for the set all right it's a three-wheeled Bank from the stacked on the left Locker that's been sitting on the side of the house for like six months finally sold in hundred bucks so when we got here we got a bunch of clothes over here gonna cheer flag just kind of miscellaneous stuff here I sold a couple of laptops here point one 421 for our 10 bunch of pellets and step four fell again good cheer instead of the new pellets mm-hmm the recent pellets well this table here I like these tables are cool they flip up just get your couch set up right here bring your dinner up close to him but this one's pretty thrash I don't think we'll probably sell that today guessing the skis out that one locker all the stuff or is it these about three bucks rollerblades hammock things miscellaneous lockers here sold these two lamps here for ten bucks only one get asked on these it's at five bucks at this one three all right cool thank you thank you back here we've got this big server I'll tell you what this thing just about broke my back to get it up here even with the dolly so sixty bucks is a price on that I think I asked 100 and the guess is you take 60s idea these big speakers here ask 50 it took 40 there all right I probably get more of it cheap this one right here's dimpled is duct tape on it sweet belt right here ten bucks diving seeing the go-kart was so 430 go-kart was right here soon okay oh yeah so how did the same locker is this guy when they got broken into you all the diving stuff check this out there's this this thing was falling apart right here punch is really rusting old stuff in here I found this I was just showing a couple guys that's just compensation fees but I don't think I'm gonna sell this that's a Luger right old Luger this appears to be the handles for it I believe I don't know what this is a hatch off of something maybe a submarine maybe a ship pretty cool and then this is just some like random stuff there's some weather oh that's pretty cool look this a holster or something else what's this it's the importance of this this is a bullet isn't so poetess struck something blankets are three bucks each three yeah all right it's about quarter one and let me show you what we got here it's looking a little bit empty doesn't it still got this stinking a lot of people have asked about it they came up with a good idea that you should use those for planter boxes in yeah actually I didn't think about that that's a great ease but at a dollar each they're still here everything's a dollar each now everything you see is just dollar work a last couple bucks here everything is a dollar now the whole booth to everything is just one dollar I got these vintage 80s Fisher Space Age of them dollar still here buy one get one free dollar I'm actually surprised me of that much clothes left because they're decent oh that's right furthermore curtis above that truth suite everything's free everything's free everything's free now anything she's free yeah free gratis pretty everything's pretty silly everything's pretty now the whole booth everything's free can't beat that price I got the best price right now yeah thank you there's a free yeah everything's free here everything in this whole boot is free free and those aren't planter boxes who do we have here that's it yeah release let the energy go all the anger and everything just go on pretty good take this out our Trek just get it on the freeway right in front of me there's someone coming the other way we fire up here car fire that's my guess let's see [Music] oh boy [Music] all right if you can see back there this smoke is like the full area back there is filled with smoke that's crazy I don't even know if you can see it but that's putting on some really bad fumes the whole area looks like a fog bank that's all smoke what was that a shuttle bus or something finito it was that's mostly paying attention the road just hold the camera up it looked like maybe a shuttle bus that some sort or being or something I don't know that smoke was almost you can't even see through it it's almost unfeasible so anyways that was exciting sort of I mean it's more of a 15-minute delay but front row action there so today at the flea market was pretty good we sold almost everything and just had a little bit of garbage to go and wrapped before I left my friend Daniel pulled up and said hey just throw that stuff in my truck I'm going to dump and I'll take it for you how nice is that thanks again Ben you know for doing that that was awesome saved me $31 minimum fee at the dump and also all the time I'm going there he had a lot more stuff so I appreciate it Manuel that was cool there are the money there the money so check it out you guys floss it in that traffic jam I was productive I counted the money four hundred and ninety ninety three dollars for ninety three so check this out it's pretty funny how it worked out the booth is $19 I got two spaces that's 38 bucks and then the tables I've never done this before but tables I've run the two tables for five bucks I just didn't have time to get to my unit and throw the tables on to eat two tables five bucks 38 that's forty three dollars I got four hundred ninety three dollars that means like cleared a pool for 50 that works out funny such a round number 450 bucks not too bad that's a that's definitely a good day's work but right now what is it 245 I left the house at like 5:45 so that's nine hours work so far probably 35 bucks and gas but we're not gonna look at the time or the gas I just don't get into the details but anyways not a bad day good little Christmas money here at the last a few days before Christmas alright so that was an exciting and - I guess you could say it was an exciting Locker it was really a big fat disappointment just to let you guys in on one more final detail on this locker so you know I bought it because I just love the way it looked I saw that what appeared to be rifles in the back corner it just it had the smell of old wood and oil and it just it would look so good and to me this was one that I just felt like could have some treasures in there and it did wind up having some treasures in there but not what I was hoping but here's the here's the here's the ringer after I went to pay for the unit after I'd already bought it basically won the bid went to pay for it I then was told that this was not a lien sale okay it was something else it was called a surrender of interest that's basically where the prior owner says I don't want to take the stuff and I don't want to default can you just auction it off you basically sign off the rights to the stuff to the facility and the facility oxygen is it off this happens sometimes not very often in this that case the gentleman was leaving the country and he didn't have a way to get rid of all this stuff so he surrendered it the problem is that we weren't told that before bidding and like I didn't get the 1500 on my own obviously there's another guy or two bidding against me they didn't know that either so I wasn't real cool I spoke to the auctioneer about it afterwards and you know let her know that wasn't real happy about that one probably would have paid three or four hundred dollars honestly three or four hundred dollars at most that's how much I would have paid if I had known that was a surrender of interest because basically you're not getting the treasures that someone left behind you're getting the stuff that somebody didn't want anymore completely a different situation different stories but we did find this oh look at that rust falling right off it look at this thing it's so cool I did show some people at the flea market everyone that I showed just fell in love with it two guys offered me 20 bucks on it and I'm like no way 20 bucks come on 20 bucks does not make any difference in my day at all I stuck it in this box just cuz the box is cool these other pieces let me take it out here mmm gotta be gentle with it because it is literally crumbling underneath my fingertips these are pieces of leather that go to the holster I first thought that this was something that maybe the guy found in the ocean because he was a diver and there's plenty of diving stuff but after I started thinking about it this does not look to be stuff that was in the water the leather I think would have been eaten away this to me looks more like stuff that has been underground and then I remembered he did have a metal detector as well we don't have the metal detector of course because that got stolen but he had a metal detector and I think this is stuff that he actually pulled up from under the ground we've got the little bullets here and they look like 9 millimeter I think that's four for that gun as well this is something that starts to taking different a little bit different angles to take a look at this piece now you saw I had a bag of coins in just miscellaneous stuff and this was one of the pieces that I could just kind of passed over but somebody else pulled this out and was very interested he's actually a military expert and he was looking at that gun he was definitely digging on the gun he looked at this and said wait a second now this says SS on it so the Ruger Luger rather Luger is a German gun World War one era I think they may have been used in World War two as well but definitely World War one and this says SS on it so SS as we know is infamous division of the German army and I think kind of like Special Forces isn't it this could have been a button that went on to the holster okay yeah if that fit on to the holster then this whole piece takes on a really different historical relevance right definitely more infamous background to it yeah which makes it you know is definitely a very significant piece of history so anyways very interesting fine did not and the most amazing thing is I I just thought it was a little basket of rusty junk and until I pulled it out at the flea market was going through it did I even find the gun and I didn't even really the gravity of it didn't really even set in until a little bit later so I'm probably gonna keep that keep it I don't know what I'm gonna do with it for sure I'm thinking that what would be really cool is put in like a picture box make a picture box out of it get that gun in there put the holster back together somehow and display the bullets and the little button that to me is just an awesome piece to put on my wall behind me if I ever have a live wall and display cuz it's definitely one of the more interesting things that I've ever found inside of a locker no joke and the rust and everything to me just gives it a completely different personality you know it's got so much more of a story when it's like in that state and of course there's no danger to anybody but hey I found a gun at the flea market basically how exciting is that this was just one of those days were just crazy things were happening and made it one to remember and made it one to share with you here on YouTube so I hope you enjoyed it if you did hit the thumbs up show me you liked it the next video will be out soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on maka nuts [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 10,666
Rating: 4.9363294 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Found gun, loaded gun, antique gun found
Id: stSz7pKBq7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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