Did I buy a VINTAGE PERFUME HOARDER'S UNIT at the abandoned storage unit auction? More collections!

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drinks that's a safe we can't do that okay that's a neat one this cookie cashbox wouldn't that be nice [Music] all right what's up locker nuts okay right now I'm actually standing inside the unit I've got the door almost all the way closed why because the Sun is over there just blasting me I think I'm getting a tan today where I'm at is the no-show Locker and I called the no-show vaca because we went to the auction no one showed up my wife Jen and I were the only ones to be at the auction to bid on this unit they actually had to call the gardener over to say hey we need a third person as a witness California law apparently well we got a good deal fifty bucks it's a ten by twenty mountains of boxes behind me working on a deadline trying to get through it there's so much good stuff could be a lot of profit here I'm excited I've been having fun I've been filming almost everything I didn't intend to you I really didn't but I can't I gotta capture this one I know you guys are enjoying it because the first couple episodes have been doing really well we're getting lots of positive comments so how about we go along and have another episode of digging through this locker oh yeah and before we get too far along here I almost forgot to mention look what I see sitting up here you see this is right there can you see it I have not touched this box until this very moment I just saw it up here Brinks that's a safe nothing's moving though I don't hear anything in there but that's a safe you guys what has the tape over it let's set it down take a closer look shall we all right you can see what I mean about the Sun just blazing in here there's a bunch of powder coming up right here I don't think that's a good thing going on here normally like to save the seat for the last I have film this one's already been broken into you all right yeah it was broken into you can you see it it's completely empty it looks like they must have broken the locks off and inside they've got like this concrete I don't know it's like powdery stuffs not really good for you to breathe I don't know what's in it I don't really want to find out I'm gonna leave the cheap there this thing's going to the dump all right as I was just saying I usually like to bring saves home saving for last open a much later down the road but that one if I can't hear anything in it and it doesn't feel heavy yeah I'm not gonna drag it out right I'm only going to drag it out if I feel like we're gonna have a climatic ending to this locker adventure that one it wasn't feeling it so I'm glad we popped it open it was already open but I'm glad we took a peek so we don't have to be disappointed at the end those are the worst cups paper products omission knives and stuff Raiders Christmas trees hey baby stuff baby stuff Barney's stuff looks like someone gave their baby a present and I never used it to the flea market my plates and others fragile don't break br a ke don't break on the free length B are ke don't break the plates are this spelling lesson brought to you by Sesame Street made in India was copper it's kind of nice actually that is nice it's copper good I like coffee made in India some brass we have some brass mr. copper Dougy yeah Prince this house the best Germany that is pretty nice crystal all right here's a cat princess house yeah they're heavy they're very heavy I see why they said don't break it's got some nice stuff in here another one that's covered but I need that brass glasses me another brass glass another grass glass couple let's copper and glass that goes on that tray so these are serving China instead serving tray these are serving trays with glasses matching glasses that's pretty nice nice enough to go into our Monday night auctions well new plan it was not working out in there not working out um I need a bigger surface to work okay in this box is good I already peeked in at camera stuff alright we open this and look what we see camera still so first of all if we got this Nomad Nomad bag this sure looks old see that green lining in here looks old it's leather it's nice I think that's gonna be I don't know a few bucks I'm not sure what that is if they're not throwing anything out of this box this is another case empty this this Keith's not empty we give that Minolta easy flash high Matic nine it's got a little bit of buggers right here on this lens where it looks like it was dropped the lens was dropped at least cameras pretty pretty nice that definitely screams 50s doesn't it definitely screams fifties okay here's something in the lens or something cool that is Nikon e/l nightcore one two four little filter or something graphic tape this is Wendy all right this is some powder so this would be for developing your own photos right this is camera stuff but they really meant was photography stuff this is software developing your own photos see a whole bunch of stuff in here it is microd all ex developer today it's really strange it's a piece of fruit in there it's justa for Brooks oh there's another one those things okay we're putting the film on there something definitely more excited by cameras than photographic equipment now there's some sort of see that's like a convex lens or something maybe for enlarging things seeing them around here either this stuff could be worth some money it's very heavy other type of lens no I think this is for putting slides or positives down there and looking through it and enlarging them and you know it'd be really cool as the eases if we could use it for jewelry view craft loop is what it says in there because oh yeah look you can see that [Music] cloths just some cloth professional wipes estimate there the box are the same here I mean the seam is marked the same look at this Argus made in the USA at least the case was hmm look at that Argus that's a wood camera okay see any numbers on there Koller Matic settings I'll have to look that up that's that's gonna be older I think then the minolta box here's a box let me let me explain what's going on right now here's a box this is interesting these are all films all right got this wood box hey this is an interesting you ready okay so if you saw the last episode I think his last episode we found a set of gold-plated silverware or flatware the stainless steel Korea I think it's stainless steel covered with a very thin layer of gold and see this is probably the same thing with silver no this is it WM Rogers and son so this is the company that I found the last set I found a set a few months ago with gold plated and it was this company and we sold that set it was a better condition than this one quite frankly and the other set that we just found different maker this is a Korea also that one was brand new this one used this one will probably take to the flea market see we get for it out there developing equipment that's not good it's more photography stuff I don't think this stuff is sells very well okay that's a big old-timer huh because it's got audio it's me buddy goes click click click so when you're working on developing you can hear it so you don't have to see it see the timer to see how much time is passed you got these little tongs for grabbing the photographs these I think you put the photographic paper down in here it slides in and holds it in place slide it in holds it in place while you're developing it I took photography back in high school so it's been a while but look at this this looks expensive big fat salt piece of glass right there and then we got more paper there's a light it's like a red light like the fan you can use in there it won't overdo it valve to film Schneider component looks like it's not in there this is the other type of timer huh there's a cat clock right there and here's a fans end bag nice big fat zipper it's got some good look at this you know what I'm thinking gasps Jenna could use that for our auctions alright guys my phone either glitched or I forgot to hit the record button even ones a possibility in that big box in the little shoebox kinda like the one right there I found this yes no that is that's one set of the missing Montblanc depends this is the pin okay the pencil nice huh really really really really good boy that one's actually kind of worn on the end right there you see that these that got used this funny he didn't use really any of his pens he didn't seem to like the Tiffany pens look brand new mom Florence I've seen some use I see that right now then where but either way this is a good fine and finally did find the Mont Blanc at least one set alright this is box looks kind of interesting let's look through this okay that looks like some sort of little war for the guy some kind of a achievement here's a high school diploma and a college diploma does it we're missing from their cases and someone said hey if I'd film framed it and put it on his on his wall he sure did look at that nobody's perfect and they put the handle on the inside it's pretty funny it's a camera 1985 look at this class of 88 that's when I graduated high school but I think this guy graduated college right here so these California Raisins I don't know I've heard they're collectible I don't know if it stood up in stand that's what it is now it's that serious so let's see what's in here Schieffer it says we found some really nice pins in this locker okay there we go there's a couple more nice pins right there Schaefer very nice very nice okay let's go like this pins cheaper hmm missing something there there's one this pin looks super nice right here then hold our anything is kind of cool this is right there Schieffer it's a nice pin feels nice okay cool white dot is an internationally recognized symbol of craftsmanship in quality maybe there wasn't supposed to be something here is this just where the instruction book goes oh no that's a nice one huh and then we had cross that's a nice pin oh my goodness look it it's hecka long it's really nice and then it comes with this to set it in on your desk oh that's nice that's nice right there thermos vintage thermos this is cool I don't know if they sell or not I will assume that they'll probably do at the Vintage Market that's a nice it's clean inside we found two others that were also clean one was vintage the other one I mean when was thermos one was made in Japan another brand up again that's a nice piece that outside looks like it's fantastic condition to you I don't really want to discuss big campus at home it's not like super exciting in the budget towels or stuff wrapped up inside in China we'll take this out for marketing I'm not going to take this out now all right time nor patience nor battery life film all that right here we have a very large box this is miscellaneous see that plan you that's good Bernie is good it'll sell plastic bag [Music] okay see that it's like it's not cosmetics but it's all like you know manicured types it's all manicured stuff you're doing your nails I feeling use my hobby heavy more stuff foot powder exhales look at this as long as gonna say beauty in the bees but that's like more like The Swamp Thing Oleg Cassini a little manicure kit this'll sell I keep saying it so I found so many manicure kids Victoria's Secret leg luxuries that's a nice little kit right there I'm gonna actually put that aside hop's sells for good money if it's brand new tell me that I'm cool mention nail em reforms whole bunch why did it mess them in there's another cuticle seven did they collect cuticle sets manicure sets water this is my soap right here sandalwood soap look at all these little fancy soaps you guys look liquor liquor sit which is illegal to sell liquor license so this nice little Longaberger nice and this is a candle oh look at this skin so soft by Avon creamy body wash okay you guys I I just want to say thank you so much to the viewers that like to take the time to give me tips and suggestions and inform me and educate me because like Avon okay yeah I can find I find a fair amount of evil and stuff but this stuff like someone said ate a few of the action said this stuff is not cheap look it up make sure you take your time on this and skin the other one I found by the way I went back and watch the video was a bar so so that one doesn't have soft musk Estee Lauder's skin soft skin soft skin so soft Yuval Vita moist did I say Evod I don't know what I just said Evon sting softener it's almost empty then I'll probably lock this up put on BB right there boom thank you guys again and if any of you viewers live close to me or know me personally and you're like that guy buy that liquor well we can't do that okay that's a big one well make us progress here guys but I got a lead for the scene this is good it's empty but that's not my shoulders right shoulders chantilly this is body powder it feels light though this one's full chantilly alright I mean I've said on many many many videos you guys probably it's sick and tired to hear me say it there's there's good money in this kind of stuff vintage perfume vintage Cologne this one's full did you use this up to here you're getting in the camera evening in Paris so that's nice so this I'm gonna have to take home and look at as all these they really we do have to do our due diligence on those there could be a one of these things could be a hundred bucks and there could be a bunch of others that are worth 50 bucks it's crazy okay okay that is really interesting it's all she she'll see that it's all shells that is it's got to be handmade so each one of these shells you know it will have to be like have a hole put in it to run the line through it how many that's like 100 hours or anything put into that thing in this brand you know I think it looks branding on the box here that's a pretty clean piece I think that's gonna hold our auction because I love unique pieces I've been where does this it women's sorry is that's what's a scarves instruction books for appliances such as irons that we're starting this off how it goes did I just the bike store stock very good check this out Dean what right this is really this is could be really something this could be good there's Chantilly I don't know a Chantilly design Shalimar I know the Shalimar is good although I looked up Michelle amore the other day that we found it wasn't that much but I found this little tiny Shalimar Z so for like 20 bucks each Sean where's good I don't see Brandon now and this is actually I feel really really really good enough what's this right here that's a fine name is it this is good right here I could probably lock this all up and put it on evening and someone for like a hundred dollars plus I'm serious serious serious alright that's good any mark as we go to they buy this kind of stuff taroko taroko i don't know if that's good I've never heard of it good they're really good others put more makeup in here see it's taking this not as good as that fork in one bit okay that's a jewelry box but it'd be empty that's the jewelry box I think it's not empty well maybe it's not maybe something else missing stinking wind okay are we doing here I just feel like I'm just going all over the ground is that the what am I doing here okay there it is okay they're mine so this Neutrogena French milk bath so a couple more then down at the bottom I get excited about this kind of stuff I'm in there I do I like another jewelry box that one's happy nice I'm gonna bring this one home that's got to go on her auction that's a nice little jewelry box that is that crack through it anything yeah where is it crackers at the green no I think it's great when are the best for the auctions that's mine [Music] there's some other good options on their own perfect miscellaneous items that's what I'm missing in his head it's pretty good this is function really like she kept hers bring some more chili peppers there's a Santa hat that's kind of groovy perfect pencil says have you guys seen these before I think I seen these on TV like an infomercial I cry for Grandma pets is that worth anything see any sandy hands that keeping that that's why right there juicy juicy juicy couture that's real she's juicy little luxury long the next time at the auctions that's neat tools yep it's nice to sit you can see what I saw right there what do you say we open this wouldn't that be nice okay this actually looking really good right here make sure we're getting a really good view of it because I like these kinds of boxes okay dad stuff we like that it's more pay stubs and such look at this lens crafters got an old pair of glasses don't care so much about that bring it to market up here's the little photos in Stallone's give that back to the owner coins little pewter coin almost looks like I hardly gave this event it's not alright this it must be the guy's father toss that old good same last name okay so that's what it means my dad's stuff yeah got a little knife here is this anything special stainless china nope then we'll light it up what's up with the other nice okay what's this this is like Franklin Mint thing nope wrangler quartz alright that'll go with our watches and is now becoming a timepiece lots not a watch live act yeah yeah Indy gold another nice not watch I like in nice meeting some those scratches there's a little sticky stuff on there but I don't see scratches or scuffs well maybe there is I'll clean it up and see if that comes off okay fine all right so what's this is this an envelope full of cash perhaps [Applause] these cards oh all right guys there's the progress not bad I mean I'm digging in here you got a bunch of stuff I processed over here and I still haven't touched any of those tools or anything but that's what that's where we're at right here it's not bad and then these two boxes here are these two stacks here this one's fallen over unfortunately I've been I didn't get a good foundation there but both these have been processed so I'm just gonna start making a wall right here a flea market stuff that's already processed ready to go and I'm gonna come back here tomorrow I got to keep making progress here and get as much flea market stuff out as I can it's actually a little bit later than I expected lost track of time so filming going through stuff it's fun I've been here for quite a while but I got to run and get my kids right now so tomorrow I got to get here earlier because that son is a beast it's just blaring down on us as soon as it passed over here we've just been in the full Sun all day it makes it harder it wears you down but also for filming everything just harder so I'm gonna try to get here earlier tomorrow we're gonna I'm gonna get a few more episodes tomorrow here because I'm gonna unbox a ton of stuff I can't get through this unit I'm almost at a time well anyways thanks for being here with me guys my energy seems a little bit lower on this one this is the third episode that I shot on this trip to the lankan that's what I do because otherwise I'd have an hour-long hour and a half long video and nobody wants to sit there and watch it for that long try to break it up in littler pieces because I want to film most of what's coming out of here it's good stuff it's been a lot of fun so I just want to say I really appreciate you watching it give me a thumbs up if you like this if you like seeing me go through boxes of who knows what right weirder finding so many different things collectibles junk good inventory brand new stuff all kinds of stuff but it's it's me it's neat going through it and get kind of getting a feel for who this person may have been or is we don't know if they're around still or not we're just going through this locker one man's possessions right so anyways you're like waxing a little too soft right now but that's not good I'm gonna try to wrap up a video so we're gonna wrap it up and I just want to say thank you subscribe if you're new hit the notification bell so you'll be notified when new videos come out and once again don't forget that thumbs up thank you so much next week it will be out soon and until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 17,805
Rating: 4.9674187 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, Comprando Depositos Abandonados, jewelry, costume jewelry, vintage jewelry, locker surprise, Thrift Trader, found cash, found money
Id: FnuJyKzFiG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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