STORED FOR 30 YEARS! Hoarder passed away and I bought his locker for $1,700 at the storage auction

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all right okay in here okay it looks like we got a little bit of jewelry look at this she's the sporters man they got they got the weirdest stuff sometimes friction motorized road bots mighty robots that convert to truck it's 1985. okay guys this could be good come on there's a whole bag full of locker nuts right there okay that's one way to do it all i can think is that there still might be something good buried in there and that's why he kept this for decades a mysterious locker long forgotten about covered in dust and spider webs a man on a quest for adventure buy it at auction for seventeen hundred dollars hoping to find treasure what comes next stay tuned right here on locker nuts we're back at this unit this is the horror show of the unit that i bought for seventeen hundred dollars why why did i do it but we're having fun we're having fun and i think you guys are enjoying the videos all right we have only put out one part of this series uh as of now as of when i'm coming back to dig here so far the response has been fantastic so thank you guys so much for watching commenting liking sharing all that great stuff and thanks for just uh really being part of this adventure that i've gone on yeah we're in it together all right so here we're back for another day at digging let's see what we find you see i brought back some garbage cans i added a few more i've got a couple little bins those of course were emptied last time i went to the dump so they are ready to go ready to be filled all right okay yeah still some dust raining down every time i open that but boy i was watching the first video and it looks a lot different now than it did when i first bought it i can't even see very many cobwebs we're making some progress today we're gonna grab some electronics and metal i think that's what we're gonna do but we'll see how much uh we'll see how much we can dig out i've only got this thing till the end of the month and really uh the end of the month is friday and this is monday so that's not a lot of time i think i might have to rent this for another month i don't even want i can't get the words out of my mouth because i know that means another 250 bucks in fees all right well anyways can't worry about that all i can worry about is doing what i can today and then tonight's our big live auction if you guys haven't been to our auction check them out there every monday night at 5 pm pacific and uh yeah we don't auction off this kind of stuff that you see here and hopefully there's some better stuff in here that make our auctions but we only save the good stuff for the auctions but tonight we've got a lot of great stuff we do every week really yeah so far hardly anything out of this locker has made that cut i still have hopes that you see all those boxes back there that's where the treasures may lie and under those couches more boxes than in these who knows let's get to digging all right get my net off here i maybe mentioned it recently but i do love these nets these are so easy so easy and so good it's tying everything down securing it with just a couple clips i've gotten a lot of people asking me about those nets so we had some rain yesterday which is uh great because we haven't had enough rain this year and it is april so end of april and that means that uh chances of rain are getting pretty slim that's why you see the water in here got our table there so we we want to go through any of these boxes we have a nice sorting station all right guys i think i'm set up got some keeper stuff down there chemicals and stuff over there i'm gonna do a second pass through this i already sorted if i put electronics and metal together i'm gonna sort it one more time to pull the metal out and separate electronics electronics or free drop off but metal i'm gonna have to start getting some money for this they do pay you but you got to stick around and wait for it so so that's what these buckets here are for all right you see i found this big magnet in here and i think that's going to be good for figuring out what is aluminum aluminum this stuff should probably go on top that's aluminum here so that's worth a little bit more put that aside for now and then these stainless steel sinks i think are pretty good metal too i think that's worth some money this guy here is this is this aluminum nope [Music] these old tapes right here stravinsky classical music huh i think we take those to the vintage market okay this is pretty full i already did get some weight off of it but it looks like there's still a lot of stuff in here look at the thing it's just disintegrating really huh oh boy i think i'm about to unload it this way look at these green glasses right here i don't know if those are worth anything but i'll put them aside that'll be vintage market we'll let them sort it out everything is just like it's just messed up really can you see the shape of that book it's too bad oh look at this okay hold on now this might be something a little better i don't know sure looks fancy and it looks like it's in good condition under all that dust which is surprising that really does look a little bit nicer look at that string oh my goodness wowza there's some uh trim work for something is mopar too bad's all bent up like that okay in here okay it looks like we got a little bit of jewelry look at this that's kind of unexpected in the scrap metal we've got jewelry i can't imagine that's gonna be anything good in there but we're definitely gonna have to take our time and look at that look at it closer man what a mess okay we got a little bit more silverware here rogers okay it's most likely silver plate but we'll double check it all i'm just going to put all the stuff together we'll check it off the end i know we have at least one spoon one spoon so far that is sterling silver that actually looks gold can't be that that looks over there okay we'll take all this back and look at it closer i hope there's some good stuff in there it won't take much to turn this day around [Music] that's something old that looks like an eight-track player [Music] there's a couple of crusty earrings right there e-track isaac hayes oh look at this old knife right here old timer tips broke off but that's a keeper look at this old razor chick unfortunately this bucket is pretty much garbage and all this stuff fell out the bottom right here got more silver plate all right what's in here old books body box building mondo kane another uh audio tape here selected writings of thomas payne that looks like an older book we are making some progress speaker sort of careful with those there might be something good there this would be actually i could fill this up with scramble ah bummer dang okay was that something good look at the paint is just all peeling off that's really too bad this is a real oil painting and that is just that's that's irrepair irreparableness too bad too bad look at that i don't see the artist's signature on here it does look a little bit older shane shape this one is junk it's all broken up mirrors the good news about all that is it allows us now to see what's behind it the bad news is i don't see anything good see a bunch more electronics and then i see some kind of particle board thing there but magnet doesn't stick to this thing so who knows if it's silver plate or sterling hopefully solid sterling that could be a hundred bucks right there in the silver i'm gonna get a holding with ronald mcdonald little tilly oh there's a few toys in here dang i don't want to throw away the toys i don't know if these have any value at all but something a little better look at this hammerhead guy put those in this box down here there's this panasonic old walkman right here oh a ninja chuck the cheese would be great if we found some red lions those are little tiny pipes yeah little tiny pipes brand new okay all right this is a nice bullet nine millimeter hollow point throw a couple marbles yeah i like the marbles what is this stuff look at this this looks like a seed from something and maybe a little tobacco sporters man they got they got the weirdest stuff sometimes so it makes it fun to go through look at this guy that is neat little metal soldier of some sort he's really corroded and then here we have a a chain but i don't think that's pulling anybody okay this is nope and this more little electronics this is a little electronic watch displays that's funny all right that was a strange little set of bags i don't even where oh that came from that plastic bag right there jeez so bizarre how about how right i was really hoping i could grab stuff out of here it's going to be very difficult those may go these are aluminum i think because they're kind of wedged in all right what are we going to do at the table though i don't have a plan i don't have a plan this is heavy yeah it's like uh is that for micah on this side two little extensions there leafs i wonder if that's something special i'll put it inside some aluminum metal garbage oops i think i need to check that for money yeah i'm still hoping guys i'm still hoping it's crazy but crazy but i gotta hold on to some hope oh that's neat yeah an old equalizer i had one that looked almost identical to that when i was a teenager and sticks a little bit something there's no i think the outside's aluminum but this isn't i think these are aluminum very nice man this takes so much time i don't even think it's going to be worth the time nothing can tech i think that's steel right braided steel okay let me get this monster out of here because this guy is heavy that's not the heavy actually okay these cords are just terrible everything's holding on to each other it does make it challenging though man oh look at all these bolts in here they all look used though so much more electronics and stuff what's in here let's see salon hair dryer that's funny very old all right what do we have here this one actually doesn't look completely erect on the outside got some scratches on the face here harman kardon 33 0b and that one that actually doesn't look like it was disassembled and harded out and harman kardon i do know it has some considerable value can have some considerable value so let's go ahead and put that one aside for now there's got to be some of these electronics i could bring to the vintage market i know there are definitely guys out there looking just for that ah look at that old camera right here yeah it was a polaroid swinger model 20. huh look that up is an oldie oh look at this old thing now there's an old pennant oakland wildcats wow that's probably a football team or something i think but that's definitely vintage i have a vintage set of uh pennants that we're auctioning tonight maybe i'll add that to it probably won't add very much value but what else i'm gonna do with it oh wallet let's see what oh pierre cardin yeah fancy it's empty though empty made in america all right this is good look at this it's all tangled up there's an atari power adapter hopefully that works ah the phone's wrecked though right model sweet talk that's a very old phone though oh no i kind of feel like i should put that aside just in case uh-oh what is this friction motorized road bots mighty robots that convert to truck it's 1985 okay guys this could be good come on come on dang it [Music] that really got me excited for a second there well i'm going to keep that case even though it's peeling off right there that's got to be like a copy of transformers very early day knockoff i was hoping to find some very old toys like that but so far it's been very disappointing in that department the only department it hasn't been disappointing in is scrap metal and old electronics that's been plenty of that and garbage we've had a plenty of that my goodness okay stepping back here for just a sec look around see speakers i see tv one two three four tvs big ones we've got stereo stereo stereo still a lot of electronics speaker oh there's another little tv up there wow there's a lot of stuff i'm just hoping better stuff in the boxes so far not there's some buckets right there that's good looks like two or three buckets that'll be handy wow man drapes a big old box of drinks i just gotta laugh right that's all i can do laugh it up okay wood oh there's an old clock elgin oh oh actually that's man it's so wrecked though chipped off here it's all twisted because it wasn't packed right this coming off an elgin wall clock that's got to be mid-century and that would have been really really cool to have uh this is chipped off here too bummer bummer bummer what else is in here this is a little speaker empty there's an old turntable get that out some broken mirror lovely there's those mirror tiles that we found in the front i got rid of those already it really does look like a bunch more just in there these are some old walnuts all right guys there we go there's a whole bag full of locker nuts right there those are all very old there's some old stuff here at least and nothing okay this is something diamond needle for a turntable put that aside it's a sieve standard testing sieve right here two of them this must be for something to do with this science project because see all these glass pieces here i think those might be brass i don't know what that is that's for uh holding beakers under a bunsen burner oh boy science class is coming back in my memory i mean and this box can go to the dump next time i get a dump load along with the drapery box there's an old coke bottle oh my goodness this is where am i where am i at here guys what do i do now should i take this and come back the next trip is going to be dump run because we got this this this this that that that box that box and definitely can see some other stuff here to go to the nut and not even getting into those couches that's obviously dump the chairs probably dump and i noticed later this little pedestal missing the wheel there i have two brand new ones those at home so i don't think i'll be keeping that one there's some more scrap metal yeah i got more chemicals here yay toaster that's kind of cool general electric these old toasters the four slice toasters those can be worth some money i'm not keeping something like that out of this locker though i just i would not want to uh put that in someone's house for use that would be a fire hazard there's an aluminum some more aluminum i think that's aluminum let's get little this okay that's one way to do it that's a little precarious on the back like that but i'm gonna strap it on pretty good all right guys my gopro ran out of battery right the right time so i was just about done it looks sarah look at this once again it looks like i didn't even do anything but i definitely did definitely did we made a big hole back there every time we come we're chunking out a little bit more and we're seeing the progress and that's the chunk right there that's the trunk chunky chunk pretty good right not bad not bad not bad all right we're gonna head down to the recycle place and scrap all that maybe get a little bit of money we'll see [Music] all right guys so here we are at the scrap yard uh it's over there actually but i'm right here next to this dumpster this is where we put the electronics so they sort through them later [Music] [Music] [Music] all right there's the there's the yard behind me i was here before there's nobody here now there's a little bit of a line a few cars so go get in line all right here's what we got a little bit of aluminum a little bit of mixed metal he said you only take solid metal so nothing like no sheet metal or anything that really had a lot of stuff and this there's a sink in there like four stainless steel so let's see how much we get for this unfortunately all this we just basically donate but at least we know it's getting recycled all right here's the outcome of the trip to this recycling center 30 55 cents there it is right there you can see that most of that money came from the stainless sinks right the four stainless sinks 44 pounds 22 50 cents a pound on that aluminum 40 cents a pound we had 24 pounds a little bit of money and then steel 34 pounds was that nine cents a pound so yeah the stainless and aluminum was much better for comparison i think copper is going to be paying me three dollars so one of these times we'll bring that copper those copper bricks down that's gonna be three dollars much much higher than those but still that's a little bit of money making our way back clawing our way back to zero i'll be back soon i gotta keep i gotta keep working here so thanks again for coming with me on this adventure we didn't do too much digging today didn't we just a little bit of digging no treasures more junk unless you think the junk's treasure then there might be something wrong with you you might be a hoarder if you think there's this treasure what you've seen so far you might be a hoarder uh yeah don't be like this don't get to this point this is a this is a tremendous waste of money to pay storage on this boggles the mine all i can think is that there still might be something good buried in there and that's why he kept this for decades the newest thing that we found so far i think is from the 80s i can't remember if we found anything from the 90s even it's mostly 80s and 70s and 60s so this is this is a real time capsule and you know i do enjoy it still i'm having fun i don't mind it i know some point i'm probably probably when i get to those couches i'm going to be done with it i'll be like okay i just want this to be done you know but we'll see we'll see what else is in there in the upcoming episodes but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on lockernuts okay this old books right here heavy metal how funny huh alien illustrated story oh wow this actually might have some value illustrated like it's like a graphic novel basically an old one
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 61,383
Rating: 4.9521275 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, found safe, locked safe, found coins, found gun, hoarder, horror
Id: -rUjL1lSIlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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