Found Sunken Car Underwater in the River While Scuba Diving! (City Awards Me)

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what's up guys Jake here today we're back down at the River located in Columbus Georgia and today we're gonna be scuba diving exploring and searching a crashed vehicle that I found in the river a few days ago now this vehicle looks very old and I believe it's called a Buick and if I'm correct this vehicle could actually be from the old mobster days here in Phoenix City the yes type in the Phoenix City story you're gonna find out that there's a lot of gambling problems and a lot of police and murders ieaves terrible man and this was before my time here and maybe back in a day someone was murdered and the vehicles dumped into the river or you know they just drove the vehicle off into the river for some reason but today we're actually gonna be diving on this and exploring it to see if I can find some cool stuff maybe an old weapon or something within the glovebox first time I saw this vehicle in the water I was speechless man like I was like what in the world like how could this car be in the water how old is this and the more more explored the more I realized like this could very well be dated back to like the era of the mobster days here and we go ahead and get on my dive gear ready to go I'm gonna dive back down there to show you guys what this vehicle looks like but this is crazy man real quick before we get out there inside scuba diving app some awesome news I wanna share with you guys I didn't personally ask for this actually one of you guys my subscribers wrote to my city and my city took a look at some of the stuff I've been doing like you know I find guns and I find phones and I always try my best to figure out who the owner is or call the police to hand over the weapon and they took a look at all the videos and they actually are awarding me to have my own database and what makes it more special is like I didn't ask for this one of you guys wrote to these guys and they've seen the videos and they thought I was worth it so like that's really cool dude and today we're actually gonna go claim that award I guess and today is gonna be officially j.cole today what's this awesome man so y'all got to have a great day today man go tell your boss that let you off work go look for River treasure have a good time maybe even have a beer you know I don't really know just go out there have a great time enjoy Jake holiday of all time youtuber below six million subscribers whereas gencode focuses on finding treasure such as iPhones GoPros wallets guns and mortgage we're gonna take a little bass Alabama and scoring scuba-diving Chattahoochee River the Sherry's video on YouTube as James Harden's group we tried was very business a good example this firefighters did the right thing and possibly influence on like today found real treasure and whereas every time they find something of value of the Lord still works he tries his best to locate the original owner to return the property they also carried a trash bag every kind of death we kept track season walk away and whereas every time they can smell the gun in context moment form and the weapon over Jake believes that women could possibly be okay in some way and whereas Jake Cohen's then he goes to go back so all good finds what you do and pick up trash along the way the 10-meter River is a Jake's backyard he has pledged to help keep it clean now therefore there's quite common scenario uh miss Jordan [Music] I don't know if check day is on October 2nd of every single year but we're gonna celebrate it like it is so yeah next year on October 2nd make sure you guys have a great day and maybe go out liver treasure hunt have a beer on me tell your teacher you know hey it's Jake holiday I gotta get outside and look for treasure you know just go out there have a good time seriously thank you guys from the bottom of my heart like it's crazy to have my on teh and and I feel very honored it's really cool but Jabba thumbs up if you guys enjoyed this video and maybe we'll do another diving video for you guys tomorrow but with that said let's go ahead get out there and I wanna show you guys what this vehicle looks like underwater [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] River but my best guess is maybe I crashed into the river it drops off really deep right here like 15 20 feet it's a long time ago the car could have accidentally drove up to the river and went straight down this cliff down that crash holy crap man if you guys know what card it is let me know that conversation below I think that might be a Buick car but oh my gosh I did not expect to find a whole crash socket car down here in the river I'm going to dive back down to explore the car a little bit more see if I can find some cool stuff if I don't find anything I'll make my way down river a little ways to this bridge but I can't believe it man we felt a hole sucking car down at the bottom of the this is that little bit cooler than the truck of the the river at the bow trap this is crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know I have my ideas on how this vehicle ended up in the river I personally think maybe it was tied back to the old mobster days where someone you knows may be injured or possibly even murdered and or maybe that vehicle was like part of a crime and I'm thinking like the worst of the worst I mean there's a reason why ice in the river in my opinion but I honestly think there was a crime involved with this car and then someone drove it off and dumped into the river but you know what that's my opinion that's how I think the car ended up in the river but let me know what you guys think fun this old doll which is very creepy it's missing a leg but I actually gave me chills when I found it down there that could have been maybe a toy on the the vehicle itself I'm an old shoe actually checked his shoe for bones and there was no bones inside so that's good but I was thinking maybe this could be a shoe from the wreck itself but we also came across some old cameras I believe I believe these are old vintage cameras if I'm correct if you guys know for sure let me know in a comment section below though like don't quote me on this but they do look like all cameras and it's just really cool that I potentially found two of them like I said I've been collecting old bottles lately and I found an old coca-cola bottle I'm at the look on the internet to see exactly how old this bottle is but some of the other bottles I've been finding it from them like I think the 1920s but I also found a really cool spiderweb bottle and this is the second one I actually found a thumb one a long time ago but this bottle is seriously one of the most beautiful bottles I've ever found and it's just wild that I found another one it's really cool to search this spot and I had a great time I didn't really find anything of value but we did come across a few cool items like the old vintage cameras and a few other cool things but at a great time searching this spot and I hope you guys enjoyed the video [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 4,492,944
Rating: 4.9482884 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found car underwater, scuba diving, found car in river, things found underwater, dallmyd, river treasure finds, searching for river treasure, river treasure hunting, sunken vehicles, found toy underwater, found camera underwater, found underwater, underwater finds, underwater footage, found underwater in the river, found in the river, swimming, river finds, car in water, unbelievable finds, vlog, exploring, searching, river, underwater, finding, reaction, react
Id: xLFNySwsvII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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