Live Locker Nuts flea market selling!

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and we're live what's up everybody we are live from Cupertino hands aflame when I got shaky hands this morning I think I drink too much coffee 30 people on Wow I don't see any comments yet there we go Brenda how are you doing tell kopi nice William oh yeah William how are you doing lady Freebird Justin whoa what's up Grimes thrifting adventures thanks for being on when asked going fast she good morning butch from New Hampshire oh thanks but she likes the way we recap everything storage pirate how are you doing it's only me Judi Jeanne yeah good to hear that William Dino yeah man we had an earthquake but for us it was pretty minor right I didn't even feel it she felt it but it sounds like some people had it pretty severe down south migrate fine for you on the East Coast good morning eyes all around y'all treasure freaks what's up Mike how's it going this is what Dan's the flea market looks like Mike it's actually uh customers with money okay Irene good morning Tom Cruise what's up we sold some records this morning thanks for your help on pricing those I appreciate that I saw those the floor kiss albums for 25 and the guy was pretty stoked Carlton good morning Jeannie from Texas Chris died how's it going good girls you wanna show them around good morning from Austin Texas GWS how you doing yeah Shayla this is a actually it's like we have a little bit of a lull right now we had a really big search this morning and right now is a good crowd but it's it's actually slower than it was Jocelyn how's it going a big fan thank you thank you thirsting adventures yeah it's supposed to be 92 today and right now feels fantastic Paul Hart from the UK from England Paul's from England watching us right now Chris dies asking if we felt the quakes the past few days I only we only know about one little one lesson really yeah I guess I just used to him I don't feel them anymore yeah the laptop oh the blue ones you had the air Georgie's 25 on those got some shoes will show you guys what we're selling Debra from Louisiana good morning Wanda Gutierrez how are you doing storage part you're from Texas I didn't realize it that's cool well she knew that Grimes we of course know Grimes in Texas hopefully we'll visit him someday chickens are my spirit animal how you doing thank you for wishing to success Theresa from Iowa oh really thrifting adventure sings cold there well I'd send you some of our heat if we could do my goodness some of the stuff we are selling today I didn't hydrate yes thank you we got a big I just got a big horchata some rice milk seasons same girls are so beautiful get some customers here yes anybody stealin let me know who 97 in Austin yeah that's it was a difference between 92 and 97 Oh char freaks what's my first video on dumpster diving that's exciting I'll have to check that out deccan how you doing good morning alpaca made why I'd look at this so many people 70 people aren't right yeah yeah we're live hey Michelle good morning let's see my mom hey Locker nuts are you doing great here in Cupertino Georgene cruz good morning Victoria BC Victoria BC sherry I love Victoria British Columbia is so beautiful up there I've only been once I really want to get up there Oh fun Mike Sandy's gonna get started on a twenty nine-year-old unit is that the the preacher unit Mike cuz that's and that's a big one huh dolls dolly good morning what's for sale today Justin wants to know wanted thanks for coming to us from Jebus yeah we'll show you around Justin will show you what we got you want to do that Kimmy on oh geez I just uh all right guys I'm gonna if I skipped your comment I'm sorry if I'm gonna pass this over to Camille she's gonna show you what we got for sale today you guys would probably recognize some of the stuff from the units and stuff sorry if I'm saying it wrong more DVDs backpacks you Sean I'm like okay so those are the Nikes and Adidas show that I don't in the military I don't remember that's that's a different Locker that we haven't seen that one are these all comics comics you bought those in a comment on that one yet but Japan Tam beaded jewelry a lot of the reeds you can go close up to that to me yeah Oh someone asked if we have any carts cars part thanks Barbie lots of dolls and Barbies most of the Barbies actually we sold them now Oh time except eating yourself like already got Kermit the Frog over there waiting to be sold to be honest most of the early bird buyers came and bought a lot of our best stuff within the first couple of hours we were here at 4:59 yeah yeah you're always okay dad sorry huh turn it over thanks William hey Jebus Linda's asking about jiva's and had a borderline harder is how you doing G Jebus I think he's ill he's been sick I haven't I haven't seen those guys who just watch their video yesterday and anything he was sick I was wondering why we haven't seen him a little bit yeah that that yeah the bog ones that one's kind of messed up that woman that's the one that was this is something out of the stacked on the left Walker here watches most of them are like twenty bucks each for the fossils they all need batteries so some of them are less yeah one I think he's been a little ill but hopefully he's feeling better I don't know though I think you got steak after 2 chicken nugget you're right that's true hmm I was a supposed to be there that night the blue racer 3 and the other ones are dollar each hey I mean yeah we'll have for the next one out tomorrow with more unboxing I've got so much more unboxing account because that Walker has just so much stuff we'll do five bucks on this so what two books most of our two bucks but that for that one do it yeah two bucks for booth the weather here is fantastic it's supposed to be 92 today but right now it's like perfect we got our canopy it's like paradise down here we're in Northern California we're about where right now we're actually in this is Silicon Valley it's Cupertino this is Silicon Valley I'm live about an hour east of here yeah house doors fire my wife wanted me to cut my beard originally but it's kind of gotten over that perhaps our four bucks each if you guys want we had a lot of people here look at this a lot of customers here yeah Georgie Knight I didn't feel it Gianna felt it a little bit I don't think it was too much here but I'll tell you what we're both born and raised in the Bay Area we're used to earthquakes and what we felt here was nothing like it didn't even didn't even you know I didn't I didn't even pick up on it we've had some major ones so these were not big not what we live thanks Carolyn hope you have an amazing day too yeah he has Susan I had 20 nuggets the other night and I I didn't feel so good after that those guys 50 plus on those guys yeah thanks Irene and I we've so far we're doing pretty good we sold out I think about 800 bucks alright already and it's really early we had some good stuff then we so what we do is we save all of our good stuff for this market cuz this is a good market and we bring it out so we should do good here cuz this is like our cream of the crop Oh Steve Womble thank you new to the channel I appreciate that and I appreciate you subscribing try to keep without more stuff oh yeah Chris is Chris saying that in Southern California felt that was quick yes we have friends that were down there visiting and they said their brooms release hey David car boot picker how you doing well that's nice one to see if you want to go to so couch makes the best spaghetti dinner actually just thinking about I'm getting hungry yeah Denise from Connecticut how are you doing good morning good morning here about noon for bucks okay yeah if you guys want to see the market I'll take you around crime said this isn't Cupertino that we're in right now Tom Cruise that these spots are 35 I'll show you what they what that means there are basically two parking spaces and these are not like so this is like a spot here five five cars is here for four that's one spot so like from where's my finger here we go this line here that's one spot these are the little dinky modern parking spaces which don't fit real cars and then three three four four this is our spot right here is two spots it's $35 each that's $70 not cheap yeah it's pretty cool but this mark is good so you see we got some good good amount of track here but what's more importantly is people like the better stuff here that's why we always see our good stuff here well come over here was do show you one of our friends over here hey good morning I'm doing a live right now a YouTube live yeah wanna say hi got a hundred nineteen people right now goal I don't know who did you see how many people oh right here I have him come over city to hide you because we've just been so busy the whole time it's good huh I know yeah but remember I saw you eat in December that one time but when we got rained on I'll come back and talk to you crazy I'll come back and see he's another one of our auction buddies yeah deccan that's not cheap that's a nice price but there's a market that Mike the storage auction parts gonna be out tomorrow and I hope he does alive I'm sure he will that one is expensive that's like I think it's a hundred and thirty bucks a spot but that market is off the hook and that is a that is an antique market this is actually surprising here there's like nobody here there's lots of booths that are open I'm really surprised by that maybe because the holiday weekend or something but this is a junior college here and that's why this is their parking lot and you see up here we got solar panels I've been coming here since I was a kid thanks Tom yeah if you guys can hit the like button and share it well it's hit my tent for ten bucks that's that'd be nice that'd be nice you can actually make some money it's here we believe me like eating a bug so far but 70 cones right backyard in but luckily I have this school and my girls were over here earlier they'd like the pops yeah Susan we're at DeAnza that is right DeAnza junior college so once a month first Saturday and we love this flea market I've been coming down here since I was 10 years old but we're not able to come out that often just always seems to conflict with our schedule but it is worth it Oh Gigi yeah thank you for coming good luck at work Angela that's awesome you're watching from the UK it's so cool and we have some plants here I think they would let me see they uh you had some really cool plants this morning I'll show you guys it pineapple plants Roza from ireland how you doing oh my goodness Ida you get a tent in a table for that that's a deal okay I think they sold all their pineapple plants so it's gonna show you how to think they were over here these are pretty sweet right here they're interesting adventures that sounds fun these guys got orchids so anyways it's a little bit of what we got around us I think the girls took you around the booth Eddie from Tennessee how you doing thank you guys so much so items like this that's a little cracks in there but this came out of the stacked on the Left Locker we got all the collectibles like Disney and Lenox and stuff the hats from the lockers here as well now which is third time Locker all these vintage books here those all came out of that this clock came out of it a lot of t-shirts of course the bog lens which you guys just saw recently we're asking 20 bucks on him nobody's done anything on him yet your jacket that's like a 35 on line side say like 20 there's a Disney denim jackets pretty cool thanks thrifting adventures we'll have it up tomorrow yeah Terry we're we're right maybe like two or three cities up from San Jose you sold the Barbie how much 10 bucks nice how much good that's a good deal on those oops for the Raider football I don't know how much we asking on that Raider football that's probably asking 10 but this is uh what Walker did this come out if I don't even know whose signatures these are I don't know it's pretty cool new this Tommy from ole can be king out California can be I don't know where that is where's that it Tommy oh one is from Mountain View yeah you know this area well then my mom's from Campbell well I'm in Santa Clara but her stomping ground was Campbell oh yeah her parents - Campbell yeah thanks Michele's putting our links up thanks Michelle we we appreciate that we do yep that's right Tom we got a pretty good team here oh we're missing one why is that we have a bigger chair mom you're not sit on those little stools hey getting to work Oh Terry okay's Terry's five hours south so um they got really shook him with the earthquake okay I'm saying he'd really like to see us hit 10k we would - we really would you know deca not that football may have come out of that I don't know you're paying closer attention than I am obviously because I don't remember where that ball came from but you could be right could have come out of one with with Manuel because I did just recently find a couple boxes from some stuff that I bought with Manuel and believe it or not it's like been in my garage for about six months Joey here saying that she loves the white fanny pack apparently those are back in style I mean that's what I'm saying doughnut sprinkles Jennifer Hayes how you doing Oh 100k born up here raised in Southern California that's nice my dad was raised in Southern California moved here mm-hmm Rebecca's asking if we sell items to viewers I'll tell you what we do we do we put a lot of stuff ty listen to how you doing dinky girl how you doing we do sell the two items to yours but mostly on eBay so like people have been going to my eBay store and buying then we find out you know hey send me a message or whatever Oh what I do and send me a message and say hey I saw you you know I'm a viewer so I wanted to buy that item that I saw in the video that's so awesome some viewers have contacted me directly but we haven't really sold anything that way I think a lot of you guys maybe see how much we sell out the flea markets more typically which basically given stuff away but I don't really do that when we sell you know we have to ship it and do all the time you know put the time into it just reading the comments right now trying to get you in the shutting yeah so I'm pretty well when we done like it's still early we still have a lot of stuff guitars GCV oh you're all set just in this place that's cool that's awesome that's neat all right I think I've caught up on that Palmas if I miss so you guys she's coming coming again Jennifer thank you yeah if everyone can hit the thumbs up that'd be great tomato lady I love it up in Amador in this beautiful country well having a yard sale nice good luck on that Yorkshire Lesley James from York Xiao teri yeah we have a pretty good oh and the eBay store yeah we do yeah there's some good stuff on there yeah Ida here saying that you're my mini-me that one's 10 bucks for the Barbie yeah hey Tina from Florida how are you doing I heard some crazy story the other day I think it's before about this I mean I've read a news article about some Gators carrying somebody off into the lake that makes me scared to death to go to Florida Oh although I've been there before Carolyn from Australia how you doing oh listen to the ad that boomerang that was a good score you got thanks for sharing that that was pretty cool it was crazy I got like three boomerangs within a week and we had my five bucks each I know they're all put the poster on evening oh the the that one's 10 the where'd it go oh yeah there it is that thing's pretty cool that was actually my dad's house it's original movie poster and he redecorated it's like an African theme so you decided you didn't want it I told my said we're getting rid of that for coolest thing got in your house but he didn't want it soon yeah but I don't want to put that on because it's a framed and I just want to shipping something like that some nuts which from the 603 thank you for giving us a thumbs up I appreciate that really the next charity event that we doin I don't know I'm just kind of following the other guys lead on that I'm more than willing to be a part of it I really enjoy it we got a lot out of it person you know on a personal level but I'm not sure we do have something that is in the works for later this year Oh tomato lady she's having a yard sale she said someone raced up and stole the cashbox oh my goodness yeah I'll tell you I mean that's one thing I've been doing flea market since I was 10 and that is something they say do not put cash boxes I mean yard sells a little different cuz you think the homes care of it like if you put in your car something they're watching they're watching just two bucks in red quartz there's phone cables from oh look at this Johnny Simmons from Brussels for being on this awesome CC happy Saturday to you too you a storage part wants to buy the thing that the road warrior poster we're asking 50 on that Billy ba hey guys from Illinois is how you doing it's so cool worth more than the speaking spills yeah well you can say that probably about most of all the things we sell in here we do try to give good deals Sandra Carter how you doing good afternoon to you too from Michigan it's muggy there huh Robert from Minnesota the stamp books twenty twenty bucks yeah yeah a lot of people here yeah five bucks sorry if I'm missing some here things are just trying to keep an eye on the booth team yes it message me storage part okay you can see I'm keeping in the shade right here cuz I don't want it to get faded because it is pretty nice that Coach bag is fifty on that three bucks it's a battery Daisy how you doing from New York that's cool it was a little bit afternoon there yeah Joshua I don't mind letting her oh yeah this ten bucks yeah she gets you bang she she's good at making prices but sometimes she doesn't realize the value so where I've researched the stuff sometimes she doesn't she doesn't know that I've already looked it up dehorn how's going Giavanna how are you hello to you too 12:30 there oh yeah I keep saying good morning so you guys just have to know that I'm that that was 75 on the Fox we have actual fox jacket two bucks on that on the media we will Ted I see your question that we will normally price things I would say it just about the same for this flea market as we do at a yard sale because our yard sales we live in a decent area Richard thank you so much that's super nice we just got a dollar ninety-nine superjet thank you thank you thank you that's really nice yeah Richard from Arkansas we live in a pretty nice area you know as far as an affluent area so we in this flea market isn't in an affluent area so we would price it about the same but when we go to a normal flea market I mean I say normal meaning the ones we normally go to you that's in Stockton and they don't pay nothing out there so I don't usually bring out nice too because if it's a five dollar item they want to pay like 50 cents which is fine because we need to get rid of those items to you dianna how's it going from Quebec yeah Anthony seen those a powerful earthquake it wasn't well I didn't feel it alright storage part thanks for being here get back to listing homeless that's what we do all the time isn't it can never get never get enough listing you know always behind dr. flip-it thrifts thank you so much $2.00 super chat is the market a weekend or daily jump for you it's not a daily how much Janet how much for the princess house glasses how much we asking on that the princes I mean I'm sorry the flea market is something this flea market here's something that we just do every once in a while this so once a month market but it's only the second time we've been here in a year so but we do go to you can dance this on you Jim Porter how's it going okay the but we go to the flea markets pretty often just not this one this is a special one okay thank you for watching them from Maine I appreciate that Wanda from Alabama didn't I was gonna say good morning but maybe this afternoon that I'm not sure thanks for being here then I want to say anything Gary Nissen about two bucks that's what we do amazing deals it's got a maple leaf on them on the cigarette case there I'm pretty sure it's a maple leaf 200 and chat my goodness you're right tell him I didn't even notice thank you guys so much for being on this is let me see what's the thing Silver Eagle I don't know I think maybe eight bucks I don't know I don't know I found it it's C this is Linksys so I think it's a Wi-Fi thing for maybe for your laptop or something I find all car odd things the cases will do three bucks each thanks Gil thank you for saying that thumbs up if you guys would if you like what you see here and hit the thumbs up that'd be awesome oh that thanks for thank you for being here you catch the rewind I appreciate that maybe something exciting will happen here Duane bill or Joan Beale how you doing thanks for being here there's there's miss lock your nuts in action right there but Jeremy and George oh boy let's see I don't know Rebecca said hi Jeremy and George sweet new truck maybe they're on I'm sorry guys if I'm missing the chat here I'm a little behind and oh hi to the Hales if someone else listen to sit hi to the hills Lynn Wilson how are you thanks for being on Oh Terry says from a wireless keyboard and mouse oh that makes sense yes yes yes five bucks on that yeah and the Winnie the Pooh thing what the hey Liz you guys are on congratulations to you for that hundred thousand milestone that is incredible Steve Sonia thinks you know blessed day to appreciate oh there we go hey what the hell's alright mister miss you early in the I think we're a little behind here ain't fizz telling burnin sweatshirt congratulations on that 100 K again I'm so excited for you guys in the tree same just subdue you thanks so much Curious George how you doing George thanks for being on fill-in Tami's channel from Maine thanks you guys well I guess I am behind on my okay or there we go okay now we're caught up Linda's congratulating Jeremy and George yeah that is such an amazing accomplishment Tony funk contella how are you doing yeah me and the missus are a good pair I think I got the better end of the deal here but we definitely seem to complement each other well we definitely worked well together we worked together almost since we met and ran our previous business together she was very happy to join me in business and nice that's cool that's another one from that stacked on the Left Locker put the fur coat on free advertising now what are you talking about it's a fur I mean it's a fox this thing's beautiful saga fox this is actually a pretty good brand here saga we had a saga mink it does have a little bit stains here okay so don't pay too much attention to that but this style of it's actually pretty contemporary even though it's an older jacket and it's in very good condition so we're asking seventy-five on that but see what we get swap picker is on let's see cruise charge you're gonna have a garage sale man I wish I could go to your guys garage sale I bet that's off the hook watching me you guys need to watch how long does the flea market last mom Sheila she was a till 4 o'clock I don't think I do I don't think I do really yeah if you can find it you wrap it up in the paper bag team this one was this flea markets the early ones so we got here 5:30 5:30 is when they say they open there's people already here a bit put on the coat Matt come on this is not locking we're challenge time you think I should put the coat on yeah that's not funny auction the hoodie that's right it's only me that's a great idea auction the hoodie don't need it the proceeds to charity or something now become yours George st. but yeah you see what you're just happening you see with his beard you're that coat on you're encouraging them they're encouraging you says no it tarries thing is too hot you will cause sweat stain - yes thank you cuz I haven't sleeveless shirt on that's like a definite no besides haven't you seen Tommy Boy Thanks that's that coats way too small for me Tom Cruise thanks thanks you're going to Alameda tomorrow I'm so tempted to go to Alameda might think I'm selling on my good stuff today only 23 thumbs up what come on you guys got 228 people on let's hit the thumbs up please hmm dye the beard pink they're saying I'll do that when I get to 30,000 I thought you were going list dares ox and hoodie and put the funds to restore love yeah I think that's good idea Gil you look like a Californian keep selling so much Oh 138 thumbs up nice yes Thank You Michelle got that done yesterday haircut it was overdue I hate spending money on haircuts for a while there I just would buzz the whole thing off great the girls would do it because I don't like spending money 147 thumbs up thank you guys so much ring WAP to ask her on the ring I'm not sure about that I don't know it all comes out storage lockers who haven't tested it how much we doing Swiss Army knife she looked up the prices yeah that's right now it is yeah that's for that one engine 64 thumbs up there's mini-me thank you hot and moist not fun I'm sorry 170 Oh likes oh wait yeah okay thank you many lockers Hillsman 170 thumbs up thank you sorry we spend a majority in the cold so when it gets a teeny feel like we're melting Oh Thank You Michelle lying I'm sorry if I said that wrong for quitting hello is everyone there hope for a great sale today thank you greetings from the New Jersey I love this series I love this I love the series on the mysterious Locker is put up put up for auction three times it's awesome thank you me me me me silly yeah [Music] hey me me silly shenanigans from New Jersey oh thank you so much yeah this I'm glad you guys like it because I didn't know it like I'm on like part 12 I think it's coming out tomorrow and it's honey who does the twelve part videos on auctions no I mean I'll Locker yeah thanks a fizz she's pretty funny she keeps me on my toes that's for sure Nicky King from Vermont how you doing thank you guys for being on yes she does pretty good hunting and she's very capable and confident 11 year old you're welcome thank you thank you for being that way oh really Alaska is beating heat records I didn't I did not know that I don't know there's something to the global warming thing that's my opinion I'm sure you guys what's going on here we have a lot of people how long have I been doing this I've been doing storage lockers since 2011 basically as soon as the show's came out but just part-time I had a job you know I'm been doing it full-time for about 18 months I started an ad you started after me I was 10 you were what 11 so that's a couple years cuz I'm older than you yeah hi sherry attorney from Oklahoma thank you thanks for watching our Channel really we appreciate it Wow Shayla we got have a 179 I see I don't see oh I do see the thumbs up 179 thumbs up Wow we do we really appreciate you guys I mean it is Saturday and you're watching I sell at the flea market we we appreciate that really I know you guys probably have a lot of other stuff to do to listen to I have a GoPro and I have a head strap for is very uncomfortable which says that you are doing a great job baby lock your nuts the dad's the boss that's right John sings superhuman in Toronto Canada's getting some heat it sounds like they're getting a warm weather it's only me thank you well yeah we've got the next part coming out tomorrow I think I'm missing some comments here sorry guys any food sales there buddy lights asking any food sales not from us they don't allow us to sell food but there's some good vendors in we have a heat alert in Toronto really wow that's crazy no bukhari that wasn't no youtubers here I should introduce you to my friend Amir Trent he does lockers but not you tune but know those guys they may be out a different flea market they don't come this way I don't know if they've ever been to this one hey paddies how are you doing how's it going thanks for being here on the run huh I know that feeling Alex Ford from Dayton how are you doing Ohio in the house we had to what the hills on earlier and they're from Ohio Wanda I came up with the lame name Locker nuts actually thank you that was a because our last name is chestnut so I thought I wanted to do a play on that and I like the channel I used to watch storage what's it called gamers lockers life and they at the beginning say what's up locker heads and I just really like that so I want to do something similar to that and we came up with locker nuts and this one right here and so I was bouncing off her she was the think tank and how do you what do you think about it Camille no you said you didn't like it she thought it was inappropriate yeah and no but she likes it now Marie from Portugal how are you doing weird having a great day so far John Murray think you know thanks for watching the videos Oh Carolyn you're it's 1:00 a.m. in Australia my goodness good a bit I am in bed I am in bed usually by 10:00 10:30 unless I'm editing video and I need to get a video out the next morning but I'm old to get up early and I go to bed early oh the stress balls how about six bucks I saw people my doing but Linda what do you think just say a long time lol from Graham in Texas how are you doing thanks for always watching our videos we really appreciate it bill what it's going really good let me turn this around for saying there we go hey Bill things are going really good you just keep selling I mean actually since we've been on the live you see this is like we've been pretty mom this is actually slow all of a sudden yeah this is slow I think we've sold like eight or nine hundred bucks so far so that's pretty good I'm just reading the tape that messages here you guys sorry cuz I know I'm a little behind finding good new vintage toys you know what I did Roger I do find some really good vintage toys the thing that I get most excited about is the Star Wars you know the original 80s 70s and 80s Star Wars toys and we did find some of those brand new found some in that locker the series that we're going through and these Barbies but the Barbies are not they just don't have that there's something out here they're selling for ten bucks but on ebay they don't sell as quick there are some that sell but it's pretty cool we have we have a lot of African American Barbies and these are these are much rarer which means they're they're a little bit more collectible especially the ones like from the 80s and stuff because there just weren't as many made and that makes them much more desirable for collectors that's a good fine Rebecca thank you thank you we like to laugh around here JC Lewis Tim what's up Jill Presley says she's a new superfan she discovered us through jiva's yeah that's awesome thank you thanks for being here we really appreciate that you came and we appreciate working with Jebus - those guys really really impressive young people the Jebus team we're really happy to get to know those guys they're they're very impressive Lynne Wilson just did a five dollar super champ when thank you so much that's very nice of you thank you yeah guilty and we have great things so this is our cherry pick we go through and I put yeah we'll do five on that shirt this is our yeah dollar each we sold about 90 bucks comics so far tomato lady no I cannot smell your bacon for me but that makes me hungry as soon as you said bacon thank you talking about bacon mmm stores Dracula that's a good name to stores pirate says he might change his name to storage Dracula I think he's kidding though I was asking 20 on this got a couple things here but this is it's a serigraph though no that's 210 on that one yeah that we shouldn't have it in the Sun of the Sun skin brighter but Oh John Vegas got one those dolls what did I just say that um one of those dolls which doll oh the Barbies oh yeah yeah we love finding him I got distracted but I was saying that I did find a lot of brand-new vintage toys in this locker they're pretty rough shape and a lot more really dirty dusty but they clean up well and that one how about four bucks and the Star Wars stuff me I know man even when the cards are in bad shape they sell so it's not just the value it's how fast they sell the Barbies here these Barbies some of them have like 20 $30 value especially like this cheerleader right here this should be 30 $35 but they just don't sell very fast Oh costume jewelry I'll show you what we got for costume jewelry here but we've been selling the stuff pretty good yeah this one it's not not too much I actually purchased out all my costume jewelry just recently a guy came in bought out everything at the end of the day oh no one's asking what's the most I ever made off any single item that would be a there was parts for our nano scope it's like a really powerful microscope I put on my eBay and sell him for 1,200 bucks I didn't even have the the microscope is just like lenses a little box of lenses 1,200 bucks so I was cool nikki says she found us through what the Hales Thank You Nikki again like we were so happy to be working with those guys they're very inspiring they're very inspiring and very hard workers and very creative wait what's so funny I say hard-working and you start laughing speaking of hard-working what are you doing in here yeah there's a something happening out here it's called the flea market I want to come out and do something the whole there's 203 people watching you right now sit in the car and not help can we pressure you into helping is that shaming it's encouraging shame encouragement Gail just said that you are so cute hmm Jeremy yeah we got some pretty kids that's for sure yes that was plural Niki said what cutie laughs I'm just reading the comments don't don't pay any attention the camera okay sure chill Presley saying that she bought the third unit I bought was all new product and boutique that had gone out of business oh man purse is costing joy oh that's a great score totally great score Kermit I think's what 15 yeah yes you did or do the body yes oh yeah oh yeah oh it's a cool yes you a fish you a participate it's from afar she does help she has her moments once we get her working she does like to do stuff but she's not exactly a self-starter she needs a little prodding at times but you seen her on the videos before she does get into it she does like to have fun she is I am and she gets on the camera she has a ham she's supervising okay we do eight bucks on that ten on that that's what's that I don't know really anything about it it's just Samsung so I know it works with this Samsung phone deedy thank you so much for coming to the channel 2 through Jebus and jeremy and those guys are great really appreciate that appreciate you being here we'll try to keep putting out some good stuff for you guys if you like the storage lockers and we keep thank you Linda said that we should call you giggly girl you know gram in Texas thanks Michelle for putting our to keep putting out on the links I really appreciate that five on that it's navigation Magellan which one this one fifty bucks yeah those teen desert got a couple nice jackets those came out the third time Walker Dean that's like one of the first things for the hammer five bucks on that for that one's 10/10 yeah I have seen you learned a lot from Alex I learned a lot from Alex to you I'm not sure about all the locker stuff and he definitely keeps us laughing he definitely teaches us about the the value of laughter because he was fun he is fun to be with Donson thanks to Jeremy is advice I no longer have dump costs take care of your trash guys oh yeah I got you yeah yeah all right I mean see you later thanks thanks for being here thanks for being on deck insane how much cash out of the three third time Locker so far cash cash probably like tell they adore each of those two for this one that one's ten Wade what's up representing the Raiders thank you we're actually gonna watch Derek Carr preach tomorrow he preaches every now and then at our church he's gonna be preaching tomorrow which is Derek Carr quarterback for the Raiders that's pretty cool wiggins the cat hey what's up asking what they've advice to avoid dumping stuff I think she was saying Tiki or your trash guys the guys that you can pay to come in take the stuff away afterwards and if that's what you're talking about we do have a couple guys that do that for us the time the time not at this flea market but at the other ones and it does really really help it's not so much the cost it's the time that it's just you know amazing how much you can get done with that time that you see how much I paid for the three time Locker so there's two lockers one was 350 and one was 650 so about thousand combined but we've rented one of the unit's for a while now so we have over 500 maybe 600 bucks and rent fiends the old but he had asked earlier how much cash we got out of it overflowing her in because we got 3,600 in the box found almost 400 in the envelope cash here and there I don't know the exact haul but I couldn't probably figure out when I get back I have a spreadsheet but overall profit we've probably made I think over six thousand so far off the items that we sold and figuring out all the costs and everything Oh traveling tribes talking about the trash man that picks up your house or Shop trash oh okay yeah someone that comes in and takes care of it that makes sense oh one is asking if we were friends before no we were we're not I I actually was doing law I'd seen Mike around but I wasn't I didn't know him he was just another guy that would be basically a competitor but I mean he and I didn't really bid against each other but I started doing videos I subscribed to his I really liked watching his I was a big supporter and when I started doing videos he found out about me and really started helping me get my channel going I owe a lot to Mike for doing that and once he started helping me like we didn't even know each other I just went out to the flea market and said thank you so much for give me a shout out like that was really nice of you it's like selfless of him really and since then we became friends he's a really approachable friendly giving caring guy I have a lot of respect for him soon but Alex and Mike also became friends through this business and then of course we all we all you know whatever became three musketeers or whatever for a while there so you have nicky king the three-time locker that those lockers are the best of my career and so far thanks Wiggins the cat thanks for watching Sandra you're waiting to see part ten actually you got to wait to see part 12 because ten eleven came out yesterday I think that was part 11 I'm getting kind of mixed up because there's so many parts I still have at least six more parts at least six more parts and we haven't even cleaned the unit out I'd say the unit's probably half full right now but the back but the back part is mostly furniture so it's gonna get it's gonna go a lot quicker fits all boxes we didn't we'd be there probably another couple weeks oh yeah Donny I'm feeling money yeah I'll tell you I found a lot of money in this locker but besides that I found a hardly no money in all the lockers previous like it's not very common for me I missed some comments here but you know what you guys I'm gonna get going because we've been on for an hour and I see we still have a hundred and eighty-eight people I so appreciate you guys watching really we do let me just uh dawn was I shy before absolutely you should see me when I was 25 years old I was extremely shy I was thrust into a sales position basically I don't a company and I was left at one point the salesperson left I was thrusted in that position had to overcome it for this sheer sheer sake of needing to make money and keep my business going and that that completely changed but even when I first started doing these videos completely shy froze up on camera was just me and my phone but doing this the act of doing it actually makes you come out of your shell Mike's the storage auction parts talked about that lots of times and it's a really good experience for for someone as introverted like myself so Wade Alerts great channel keep it up enjoy you and excursions you do thanks Wade oh that's so cool that's so cool came to our channel that way I appreciate it really appreciate you watching a fizz thank you you dude you do the same have a great day and I think we are gonna have a profitable day because yeah we're gonna sign off yeah thanks thank you either she's asking everyone hit the like preciate if you do done like the caterpillar a exactly thanks for joining us oh that can ask one last question or two what it does it uses scam books mostly just the Amazon app so if you get the egg you have to be a seller I think but once you have a seller account set up you get to sell our app and you can scan it you don't even have to scan the barcode you can just scan the cover it's pretty amazing and I'll give you a price but you can use the eBay also you can use the eBay app which is available to everyone and it's free and you can scan a barcode but the Amazon is a little bit better in my opinion and it's fast Michelle thank you again for doing our links we so appreciate it have a great Saturday see you let me go get caught up real quick well I think you look at me me silly shenanigans Congrats on eight thousand thank you so much yeah seems to be moving pretty good right now mmm Ville bye thanks for being here if I didn't see how to you before thank you all right guys we're signing off I know if you guys thank you see you next time see you next time on Locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 8,893
Rating: 4.9533801 out of 5
Id: 9DURNbxqp7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 10sec (3910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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