Alameda Antique Flea Market - The Best Ever? Selling items from abandoned storage locker auctions

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loggernet [Music] after getting rained out of a few really important flea markets in December the weather cooperated and gave us a glorious weekend to sell here in the first weekend of 2020 we sold it markets on both Saturday and Sunday but the big event this weekend was the Alameda point antique flea market on Sunday which is only once per month we've been saving up good merchandise for months much of the old and unique items we've come across in the recent lockers we were excited to finally be bringing it to market I had a hefty goal for the weekend to bring in $2,500 our Saturday market which we showed a few episodes ago brought in a little over $700 that was mostly inventory from the pallets but also purging out stuff that had been sitting around because we needed to make some room so our video starts here as we wrap up that Saturday in Concord and prepare for the next day in Alameda because you know what it's time to make some serious money all right guys there's my load sorry I'm a little out of breath just a load a few things that's my load right there well the bed to you that in the red hmm didn't sell this but yeah take a look at this that's what we got left from the market today tables all these boxes right here it's mostly garbage we did the free sale and almost everything so just have a little bit here not enough to go to the dump plus I don't really have the time today a little short on time so what I got to do is I got to load this let me show you what I got in the unit this is our unit and you know I mean I get this matches a couple empty boxes here now a little bit stuff up here but basically this whole corner back here this whole corner and probably a little bit here too this is all oil and you see it goes way back there it's like two layers there's these this level boxes and sublevel behind it this is all stuff for the antique flea market tomorrow Alameda it wasn't that hard of a day really mostly could that Gianna helping me so it makes a little bit easier she's good at selling and which lightens my load but it was well you know still a lot of work today but I'm not that tired so luckily I need my energy to get through this and first get all the junk off that's gonna go in the unit all that stuff's got to come out here I got a tarp it up super good because it's been a really moist as we saw this morning and then tomorrow's me an early early day in a very long day way so we have to be at the market with probably that we're shooting for arriving at 5:00 and we won't probably be under there till 4:00 so that's like an 11 that's a long day today was about six hours so much longer but a lot more money hopefully and I'm excited this song your second time being there so for now I'm gonna get going and get this thing loaded back at the hole and yeah that's pretty good right I added a link three more boxes there I had that bass guitar in there that seventies bass guitar so that's a lot of stuff actually right here we only have one booth so I think it's gonna be pretty wild tomorrow and I'm curious to see how they receive these items a lot of what we're bringing out there is from let's see it's from the Black Widow locker we have tons of toys and clothes good stuff and then also that dusty unit that we bought I haven't gone back there in a long time so yeah that's exciting and but I'm tired flea market today conquered and then loading now getting helping Jenna get set up for her live tonight now I've got to go edit a video for you guys but to have something to watch tomorrow but real quick let's go take a peek of what Jenna's doing right now I'll show you the life alright here I'm watching their boss bees live and NFL playoffs daddy quiet down okay okay this is easy actually I did prepare so um it would be a photography club the fashion club or a cheerleader shouldn't have time for that she's having too much fun back then I know the answer to that but anyways that's a little sneak peek at what happens here behind the scenes dizzy day Antanas gonna be sleeping well tonight cuz she's gonna be tired after this life this is how it is sometimes right now it's go time except loggernet sided isn't seven about 7:45 in the morning he got here at around 5:30 I things no 515 there abouts and super dark trying to set up a few people shopping in the morning we didn't get too busy til probably an hour later and then any pretty steady mini it's going well the thing about this market is that they charge a lot of money open a 6-4 to buyers and they charge a lot for admission at 6 at 7 the price goes down and then I think 8 o'clock the price goes down again John's merchandising yes I'll bet your ignore some DS that we bought that crest line interface see people peeking at that but here's the table of toys most of these from the what we called the Black Widow locker most of these toys come from that is that little sewing box we got I got there are a few toys here still from the third spine lockers I believe that pretty pretty much any of the better stuff is from the third time this guy these guys sold a hand pull toy so far this morning but only good stuff they'll pass right by the cheap stick so then you have this little Garan here nobody's asked about her yet oh no a lot of this stuff came out of the Black Widow Locker as well but a few pieces from here and there in other places but uh yeah the Kenwood I think came from the Blackwood Black Widow Locker so that for 30 years old widow Bachmann yeah you know we sold a lot of clothes so far here's all that African stuff we just found the other day again the vintage gamble Locker that's that's been hard on you today to what little we brought out I don't remember where this came from that is super cool Marlboro canteen for 10 well let's talk about this we have another one of those sold a few this one last time we cannot get a look at that we got two more in here these two are from the vintage gamble and then we get some little Tupperware some old Apple books some car manuals school it's an interesting table vintage paper this that's been definitely hot this morning people want photographs they're all asking for the photographs don't we she had saved a few the photographs we full sell them out some of the clothes you know anything good like cuckoo clocks that's decent one no that's all oh that's fine 9:00 to noon that's world paper whoo I took of this pants he made out of t-shirts the necklines of the pockets are so cold any buns blinking here to make some more to make me be--make the jacket on him that's so cool right on instead a role in scare no that's a reproduction that's pretty cool enough beautiful okay it's just right before 10 o'clock still reemerge nicing still still folding it's incredible how much dope you sold loose clothes piles gone way down selling a lot of stuff you know Terry Department okay so then about a thousand dollars so far it's almost ten o'clock and amazing thing here so a lot of vintage paper and hotter clothes isn't like a lot of clothes some electronics they know that the best stuffs gone down but let me show you about around what it looks like now yeah so this I mean this is still a huge powering here but we had it all over you know we had a big old power here what boxes for stuff thank you all sorted got hats purses and bags couple shoes bunch of hats this pile really looks enormous but it was way higher and we had the Foxes will they're just sold tons of that stuff sold this got a few people looking at it so I want some electronics bright couple speakers and two tuners one turntable maybe a little bit more a couple of Bachmann's instead this is the stuff that's been selling little knickknacks here in the notebooks sold a couple of quilts and no Maps it and then of the African stuff yet and not too much toys huh empty bucks sold a few toys it's not too many sounds a good a fan over here is that right here let me get you Alma alright would you pick up oh I got the clock that's that's awesome what's your name you've Guinea you've Guinea yes ok hopefully I didn't push it that today I'll see my cell phone now you do you will we'll have that up this week yeah thanks for the purchase but that's awesome we got here this is like the best looking booth they've seen the whole place no more Jana is manual I think we're doing good a little after 12:00 [Music] yeah we're really I wanted you yeah I want to do 2500 we can ended 700 yesterday okay take what we get so saying that all right well we just decided that we're gonna start quickly yeah all these clothes I mean we're pretty picked over oh yeah a lot of singing and rips so right now everything's 2 bucks for us that's going to go to the dollar for you pretty smooth these were on a box downhill so I'm gonna pull them out looks pretty good it's about some of this Francisco more about this nice stuff down here little box in it neighbor over here is super busy he's actually been drawing those traffic - he's got no stupid it's just a really expensive all right $2.00 Neil doing so we finally sold a few Z's and a lot to get stepped in for 2 bucks each $2.00 sale everything's $2.00 here end of the day 2 bucks everything's 2 bucks there's a storage auction part booth there's Alex you see Alex right there oh and there's Mike right there filming me while I'm filming him I have any video off here he dropped first I wouldn't had it dug this hat out of my stash their laser Raiders that's why I grabbed that one just because his Raiders but I'm going to get the truck right now and it's a little bit past three they don't let you bring your truck back in until after three or at me vote it's a little bit after 5:00 3:30 even because we've been doing a $2.00 sale peanut stock can we do a dollar sale out here we started a two dollar sale we pranked in at least two hundred more dollars in the $2.00 sale it may even be more it might be three to four hundred dollars it's been extremely successful what sold a tremendous amount maybe even more importantly we sold some of the big heavy stuff like some of the glass framed pictures we sold not all of them unfortunately been quite a few two suitcases we just sold and then a whole bunch other stuff that's been fantastic so that's the last of pack so I've been kind of putting off Oh 3:15 right now and I become putting off packing up just cuz we've been so busy we're like the only guys selling I see Alex the storage doctor over there he just left yeah we've been just doing a we're like the only guy around that's still busy because we're the only ones doing an end-of-day sale everyone else packing up but we have kind of lower price stuff than most people the guy next to us had statues that were like bronze statues that were $700 we didn't have anything we had the most offensive we have is the bass guitar for 300 we didn't even sell that so the most expensive thing we sold today was some of the stereo equipment $35 a couple pieces $35 each that was it everything else was grinding it out but we got a lot of 5 10 20 dollar items and it's gonna add up we'll give you a total here very soon but now I got to go pack up that booth all right so here is the leftovers here survey the landscape in quite a bit all this ok locker nuts it's 5 o'clock on a Sunday and they're just now coming home Jack myself adjust that hello say hi Judy hello the team here the squad is getting back from the alla me that antique flea market which happens once a month it was super awesome and successful what did we sell honey we sold eighteen hundred and fifty five dollars there the Moody and 1855 the highest price point of one item we sold was $35 the average price point of an item we sold five dollars fifteen here so imagine the $5 sales on to 1850 that's pretty much a leave it at five dollar increments we got a bit we left the house at 4:15 that's over 12 hours that's that's a long word we're feeling it just after yesterday too because we were in Concord but it was worth it we may have a lot hotter 1850 yesterday we sold 705 so that puts us at just almost 25 16 or something I was hoping 25 good news folks good news so now we're clearing out lockers so we can buy more right yeah but we were saying that it's really the nice thing about this market and people have money you know that's one thing but also just people are really nicer everyone is so thank you and they love their purchases and even the resellers are thankful and super cool and the people buying the people finding all the purchases are really excited they kept saying oh I'm so happy this is going to such a good yes oh yeah is cool all right these dentures he's out
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 19,014
Rating: 4.9522295 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage unit, flea market, Alameda Point, Alameda Antique Flea Market, selling at flea market, Storage Auction Pirate, Storage Stalker, Comprando Depositos Abandonados, swap meet
Id: AG24WimcYEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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