LET'S CUT OPEN SOME BOXES from the PALLETS we bought at the abandoned moving storage auction.

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yeah bubble wrap we like that right that's all okay I see something good here guys I see something good good somebody has a photo album of their hamster this is very interesting right here was this how my friend what's that sound like I think it is you previously on locker nuts I rented a huge 10 by 30 Locker in a big 26 foot u-haul truck why because it was time for another pallet auction I scored on the last one so this time Gianna came along as was a bunch of other familiar faces things got heated his friends bid against friends but in the end we all scored a ton of treasures we had some help getting it unloaded into our locker and now it's time to start digging in and see what we find okay locker nuts we are here back at the locker with a load from the pallets Jack's organizing some other items he got from a clean-out and we are attempting to do some unboxing today so we can share finally share what we picked up so here's what the storage looks like there's some nice tables and chairs blankets and then these are the boxes that we are gonna go through attempt to go through today so this will be fun so we got quite a few to go through but I believe we can do it so let the unboxing begin all right you guys ready to start unboxing so this is the second round of pallets we've put everything in this locker and really haven't even touched it or peeked very much at all so this is our first official day actually here Boston furniture but this is time to get to the boxes all right that's a good point every dream water filters more tape at least $1 each $1 each no old see if they work still look at this tape in lakhs it's almost like it was a art box we packed I like what is that Indian no Spanish this is Spanish like a woven basket with some pretty colors on it they'll sell right I hope soon [Music] this is definitely not a full box so let's see let's get on to the next one number two yeah bubble wrap we like that right maybe it's something special these are the boxes at the moving company Wow hmm interesting ooh that's a pretty one you like these it says kitchen right there so we like that right let's hope there's some kitchen items cashmere and satin looks like a fragrance Oh [Music] Starbucks got the right letter on it dump what's chipped in this is wet plastic where that is silver huh it's all tarnished array here Tomodachi Tomodachi actually this feels like a nice knife they're a little dirty you should look that up Tamagotchi Tamagotchi see if you got the rest of the timid X you said there's more silver in here oh that's cute that Rachael Ray will still bring down a dollar at least see right here we got a whole bunch of silverware and when I sit somewhere I do think this is silver really well it's at least silver-plated crystal nice coffee cup but it has no oh let's see if I can I live here I did check that out that's two bucks right there things are nice all right this is Holmes Edwards and it says in late and then it looks like a is or YS I'm not sure maybe we can see it on the camera better silver silver we're just telling me give us a price all right Jenna look this setup right here and it doesn't appear to be a very expensive set but it does make it any less nice that seems to be a nice little set we'll bring that to the market and so it sold start out with Matt in your bathroom Burger King hat is good if you get yes Curious George that'll sell that's - yeah that's not okay I see something good here guys I see something good Xbox 360 flan set with the Kinect and everything but they even got the rechargeable batteries for the Xbox 360 is probably only like maybe 30 bucks once once you okay it's storage blanket all right check it out this one's looking a little better smells different yeah and I'm not saying that smells good what are these more placemats you got like an African theme man cool the African decor does sell very well to flea market typically even at our garage sale mm-hmm mm-hmm oh the math people like the masks hey do you know candle this is neat stuff yeah sure little dusty it's got a little wax spillage look at this what's this thing hand-carved tea tea holders or innocent keyholder said you that someone took a trip to Africa that's really cool here's no no so if you guys haven't put it together you know we bought the pallets we bought what do we see eleven lots or twelve lots or something they are cool this might actually be some of these items might actually be even better for a Latina you don't but it's you neither do they oh that is cool that's unfortunate you mean Tanzania yeah practice this is very interesting right here this is going Alameda [Music] oh that's pretty this is wine yeah sort of the ox right now and elephant it's really pretty one of these is somebody pouring a water bowl out or something yeah it's very pretty these are nice this is going to help me with this so what you guys here is talking about which flea markets tomorrow we're going to conquer which is just an ordinary free market and Sunday were going to the once a month antique vintage market which is a very special market that is really cool some kind of Spears or something daggers what do you think I'm made out of wood and then this is like a shield it's animal skin shedding a little bit but it's really interesting that's handmade we've got some good fines here this stuff is I think this is gonna surprise you we bring this to Alameda we're gonna do pretty good with this all right yeah you start seeing the stuff that starts to look similar and you kind of assume which one it came from marriage baby does someone have a baby oh and notice to pay rent or quit within three days after this notice is served you must pay the delinquent rent for the premises $3,700 I love you enough to give them cash soon [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna have the photo album of their hamster not even focus candles that are used that's bad no bunch of hair products more careful okay but there's also susan b anthony dollar coin and some other stuff in here no I won't want wait till later do this yeah let's put this side take closer look a little bit got a purse it's broken the zippers broken unfortunately looks like she has some nail and spa cards some dental cards hand that's it no money oh wait wait take it back okay so this is an HP box and it appears to be an HP in there so this is a printer so we'll take that out to conquer tomorrow and ask how much for this 5 bucks 5 bucks 5 bucks here and this too is a printer so this is a woman one photo printer that's not a cool nurse teddybear got some oh that sounds like coins to me that some sort of a mushroom canister here and it really unfortunate she all chipped up mmm was it sound like great what's that sound like it's rocks no coins that's really unfortunate it's a nice top dozen actually that was a nice piece before they busted it oh this is cool look at that these are really nice polish tip what do you call that is it a geode yeah yeah that was not stored properly see that but this is original painting I don't know if that's the anyone special but it's an acrylic it says done in 95 this is definitely a vintage piece again the default the condition is not an issue because they packed that heavy ball on this she's just throwing that ball in the garbage is essentially worthless once it got cracked then we got a bunch of movies too interesting there's just a little box with some nice-looking wine glasses in it think Griffin needs boy glasses no they're pretty though they are they got a name on it right ill I come on get up you're nice feels like crystal yeah they're real pretty super pretty all right here we got a bunch of toys hmm what the heck Superman didn't need no wings what's that about make him fly this makes no sense here's a Groot oh man look at this be the group look at that Alex and Mike eat your heart out [Music] [Laughter] that's cool that's all like office supplies HP printer this will sell actually I'm ink right what does expiration date I do not know Juna vote 8o little passes print right here hey port bow sell yes your name shout out the manual so you think like oh I'm buying a doctor's unit this is gonna be awesome and okay huh it is a raised toilet seat probably 20 bucks smell it and see it's used oh that's yeah just kind of a good place to hide your jewelry okay dirty pillow dirty comforter make sure a really good thing we got to do this today there so see a few options today but they got canceled so I came out here instead that's got the lady's name yeah do you think it's something for the bathroom seems contains air eligible ethyl alcohol kiss phrases yeah I think we opened that hair color brand-new oh it's hair growth here regrowth treatment yeah that stuff's expensive the price open they're gonna resell that mm seven dollars no 180 dollars for this okay 180 dollars what here this mm bit for the quarter days oh that's not bad not bad boom 180 dollar fine radio show this again cigarette lighter sweet is this it's joy [Music] that is hecka cool word no you're not wearing too late it's already on chromecast it's looks like it's sealed closed there's a chromecast cool but it's actually sealed closed sweet oh no feel that I'm serious oh that that's CR nice guess what that means people and keeping them 5.25 watt USB charger these cords will sound goodness we have about 30 more boxes to go through so we got a lot of exciting things folks they're like clips better convenience and it's cute that incisors and the bracelet now put the bracelets like a punk rock and 1980 we're really not it's an elderly lady's bracelet she's not real part of my musical sessions here
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 25,307
Rating: 4.9141765 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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