SCORE! Found 2 Jewelry Boxes in the locker I bought for $1,661 at the abandoned storage auction.

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full of junk design something something swank this wink makes some nice stuff kind of excited about what this might be hey hey this trip is looking up already okay you ready if you're wondering why jack why won't you take that home well i kind of like being married you see how the rats have chewed it and actually pulled some of the stuffing out hello mr rat i don't mean to disturb you but i just want to let you know we're coming in ornament i'm in japan wow okay they were so into beanie babies it was crazy all right back at the nut house we got these boxes it's mark sterling so i think this is all sterling silver pieces right here a little sterling chain 1920. very old coin here's another one that is mark sterling on the inside [Music] what's up locker nuts all right we are back at the unit i know every one of these videos starting out the same but i keep coming back here different day different story same locker this time we're gonna be getting some stuff out to go to the dump i got my truck so you're gonna see me doing a lot of loading but you know what this is what they don't show you on the television show and this is a big part of the reality of buying lockers a lot of work to do today not a lot of time let's get started yep yep yep just like i left it full of junk all right there's a little bit of trash here and that's what we're gonna get out i'm gonna throw it on the truck and then tomorrow morning to the dump it goes all right let's get started this time i brought a hand truck to get some of the pressure out not that much furniture because i have this little tiny truck bed but we'll get a few big pieces out of the things i love about this honda truck and i do love this honda truck is this right here this uh trunk if you guys haven't seen this before such an ingenious genius uh part of the design of this truck so you can fit a lot of stuff in here you see i put i got a dolly i got some extra straps just a few supplies and stuff one of the things really neat you see back there well there's a drain there's a drain plug the drains in here somewhere you could actually fill this with ice and use the truck bed as your cooler pop the drain water goes out so smart so useful but for me the best part is that locks see so if i go somewhere with like something expensive or if i find guns in the unit they go in here or if i bring my laptop along it goes in here boom locked with the automatic lock control so so useful i love that part it's one of my favorite things about this truck although there are many all right look at that how's that in it for an angle i got it on the back of the door look at this guys there's a site you don't see everyday [Music] what [Music] so [Music] yes yeah i like that sticking off the back just a little bit actually it's not bad at all now i gotta fill this right here yeah it's going good all right so check that out i got that one up there that was a little difficult that one's heavy as well i didn't film it but it would have been a long film because i didn't get it up there very quickly and just to let you guys know the reason why i'm chucking these couches i would love to just put them for free and let someone get them this right here that's not the only spot either but you see how the rats have chewed it and actually pulled some of the stuffing out plus these weren't covered so they are well let's just say they are lived on and not by humans right by the uh new occupants of this unit which were rats they are contaminated and obviously damaged yeah they could fix it but they're just not high quality to begin with so i'm not going to keep it in here waiting for someone to come pick it up for free i don't know it'd have to be full disclosure i wouldn't put that on somebody without letting them know and i can't imagine someone taking it knowing that there's rats but hey i just want to mention this piece right here this is nice this is nice woods obviously a lot easier to clean you just wipe it down with some lysol you know get it nice and disinfected it's a nice piece it's in great shape it's solid oak it's been on facebook marketplace offer up craigslist next door everywhere for about a week now for free and uh no one's coming and gotten it one person says it available it's like yes and then that's the last you hear from them another guy's trying to solicit me for hauling services quoting me 169 to take this away the guy's nuts and he told me that was 30 off it's like no thank you all right look in here it looks a little different right here's where the couch was i've kind of redecorated the place the mattress the other chair right here so now i'm grabbing boxes from up there let's start with this one right here lampshade lamp does not sound too interesting to me but you know what we open them all we don't judge we just open and see and this is light so yeah they're not even in good condition like creases dents not a big deal but creases kind of stink but the discoloration i think means it needs to be retired he's hiding because there have been with i lamps i had a ladder i'd get up there and replace some of these bombs there's a lamp all right shake the wrecked turds off it's kind of interesting because it says toys camp that sounds a little better well we got some junk mail and some interesting boxes and let's start with this right here design something something swank swing makes some nice stuff this looks interesting doesn't it man okay one thing i noticed you guys these gopros for whatever reason they are terrible at detail oh look at this penny cufflinks that's pretty tight terrible detail on the smalls okay i know i know so how about this let's bring this home and go through it at home take a closer look i see some little pins and stuff this is good that's a good box right there oh and that makes me kind of excited about what this might be hey hey this trip is looking up already okay you ready okay this looks really good oh boy guys you know when i get quiet that means it's good potentially good i should say potentially caught in something do you see this this looks pretty interesting i don't see anything that looks gold but i see potential gold doubtful but potential definitely could be some silver in here that looks like it might be some silver okay let's take that home too all right let me take those home and go through it there looking good in here still still so surprising back to the dark back recesses of the locker we're grabbing this one that says movies shake the raptors what do we got that would have been nice little track pad oh that's good though look at that sticky notes we use that in our live auction you guys don't know what i mean by live auction well i do this little commercial just about every time uh we do a live auction on our youtube channel call locker nuts in case you're wondering it's called locker nuts but only on youtube not on facebook uh we do a live auction and that live auction is where you can buy some of the great stuff that we find in these storage lockers not like junk mail all right a little better than that okay we won't disappoint really come check it out if you've never been before it is a lot of fun it really is a lot of fun a lot of fun it's where we sell most of the good stuff the good stuff um vhs tapes probably not not unless they're like disney or something real special a lot of beanie babies have been sold in our live auctions over the last few weeks that's oh so really if you guys are watching this video uh much later today is march 17th of 2021 just to be a little reference so i know a lot of people watch this later on a little electric pencil sharpener will donate that stuff doesn't last very long because i don't have a place to store very much when we find it we sell it such a random stuff let's see something a little better down there see that car check that out in a second all right national training fund huh a little calculator vintage what is this all right it's nothing too special i don't think teleflora gift i think this comes with like flowers or something they found another item that said ftd on it that's a vintage ornament i mean japan wow okay so now that's something we will put aside vintage stuff we'll put aside and make a nice lot meaning a lot of items and put that in the uh auction this guy also looks vintage we'll probably hang on to him a little bit see if there's a collector market for it here's another bear hi i am the all-american bear yeah here's another one of those guys made in japan those are cool huh okay well here's a walt disney old yeller hmm oh beauty and the beast nice star wars trilogy caddyshack awesome movie oh whoa that is a brand new seal yeah they had a good taste of movies smoking the bandit heck yeah city slickers hilarious grease jenna and the girls would love that but vhs player this stuff will mostly all get donated that's one way to get it down here okay what do we got here said laundry or garage or something like that um oh my goodness you see all that wrap poop in there it looks like a neat ball right here not neat enough some of this stuff is going to be a complete loss here again i just don't i don't want to put some old coca-cola in there that's neat but it's really gross and yes it can be cleaned but no i don't want to do that because that's nasty it's not going in my house i'll tell you that much if you're wondering why jack why won't you take that home well i kind of like being married i'll bring that kind of stuff home jenna might reconsider and i wouldn't blame her all right let's see what we got it's a light boxer i don't have high hopes i've got some bedding bedding bedding mo bedding mo bedding and nope there's no jewelry box at the bottom as highly unlikely as it was you know i'm always hoping all right i know it's dark in here but can you see that right there the rats got in that one they chewed right into it what'd you do if one just poked his head out right now he'd be so mad wrecking his home it could have been his dream home could have saved up all his life to buy this one hello mr rat i don't mean to disturb you but i just want to let you know we're coming in just let you know weird this one actually smells good like uh like a laundry detergent that's what it smells like oh look at that japan's new exclusive beanie babies they were so into beanie babies it was crazy you know this is something different cap wells emporium capitals what do we got oh this looks like princess house no it's something different made in western germany hand-cut lead crystal looks like princess house but something different is that the only thing there this is foreign what the heck is this nubilizer is this a cpap machine aerosol delivery i don't know looks like that's the right thing okay that's it prone ultra whatever that is we're gonna have to look that up well that's ironic isn't it do you see that right there the black hole rodent trap how about that right next to where the there you get it but you know that's another flea market item right there all right look at that limited treasures i don't think that's a beanie baby but it looks like it's a knockoff beanie baby 1998 potpourri simmering set oh look at this sewing chest it's got a whole bunch of sewing patterns oh a little bit extra too yeah not really some ribbons that's a good we we have a sewing lot that's like half full we'll add that to it look at this little box right here maybe that oh a bunch of soaps in there but disneyland resort hotels 2000 special ornament that's cool and what's this look at this all matchbooks whole bunch of them in there i see disneyland i see heras there's a whole bunch of matchbooks that's cool we uh we do sell netflix there's collector market for that too there's a collector market for just about everything look at this fishing the art of casting trolling jigging or spinning while freezing sweating swatting and swearing oh this is princess house here i know i found another piece of princess house and there's another one all right just a little vase nothing special just put like a flower to in there okay now this bag here this is a bunch of uh fishing stuff that's what it is look you've got a whole bunch of gotta be careful though got some hooks in there that's what it is a whole bunch of fishing hooks and a ton of weights right there that's good because i have a uh i have some fishing lots we'll add that to it very nice okay you guys i know that was super fast this is a short video today i didn't have a lot of time again i get here too late i need to get here earlier um but it's a pretty good load this facility closes at 6 00 p.m which is really really inconvenient most facilities public storage uh close at like nine o'clock so um 6 p.m is definitely an early close and they do that specifically because they had problems with break-ins this one for example got broken into which is why it went back up for auction you probably know the story by now because i said it lots of times when we first started this series but 6 p.m so i got about 15 to 20 minutes to tie this thing down and wrap up here so that's what i'm gonna do but hey the video's not over let's go home and check out that jewelry or those two jewelry boxes see if we got anything good all right back at the nut house we got these boxes let's take a look i've wiped them down with some bleach wipes just to sterilize everything and i'm excited all right let's get a little bit closer here and take a look at what we got okay yeah almost looks like it's upside down this box let's get everything out i think it's supposed to go like that all right a couple little parts here nothing too amazing okay the first thing we'll do is we'll use this magnet to kind of identify anything that's magnetic that will rule it out as being precious but like this sticks to it here a couple of really nice cufflinks beautiful pieces little tie clip there oh matching cufflinks these are neat look at that pennies for cufflinks 1981 on those so not not too old but still very interesting look at these right here they don't stick to the magnet and there's something on the back of them see that i just can't read it this across the crucifix vent into a ring this is a 10k gold filled pin right here a little gold filled a couple more cufflinks right here and these are swank those are made by swank right there those are cool a couple more cuff links made by swank there's a nice tie clip also swank i didn't notice look at that some little gems on there so now the tie clip by swank look at this merchant marine pin see that i don't see any markings on it but it looks like it could be silver a couple little pendants here to go with i think i don't know rosaries or something 1941 penny right here another penny 1956. i'm not sure what these are these little crosses see that what are those looks like a boy scout fleur-de-lis i'm not sure what that is either some interesting stuff here we'll lock these things up and put them in a nice lot in one of our live auctions coming up this piece is italy but at least here you can see them like really close up and uh clearly it goes kind of quick in our auction we'll type in okay then we got this little bag of pins right here there's another one of those similar to the other one we have order of railway conductors brotherhood of the sea that's interesting this piece moves right there and look at this it's a screw back right here that screws on that's interesting five years flint coat flint coat there's a moose head another screw back one i put them on here starting to get some trays ready for our auction coming up that's how we'll sell this stuff the whole trade load at a time but let's get to this box here let's see what else we got oh yeah a little bit more stuff in here yeah all right let me pull this stuff out like i did the other and we'll work through it okay it's getting a little difficult to get out so i just dumped it out and this is what we got we got quite a bit of stuff here we got some potential too it is all tangled up it's going to take me a few to get untangled here let me keep working on it all right guys check it out okay i got everything laid out here nicely a lot of the earrings and stuff are mated up that's a lot of stuff it looks like more stuff when it's laid out like this let's take a closer look at a few of the pieces there's a lot of stuff here that's just not that interesting there's a few pieces that are in really poor condition like these they're not in the greatest condition there's a little stack over there just what's just straight up garbage or broken stuff but there are a few pieces in here that are pretty interesting let me point out a few all right they have a few more religious uh you know catholic type stuff this piece right here though i think is really interesting it's got that real bright bluish color on there on the back here though it says made in brazil sure it looks like silver on here but i don't see any markings 925 or sterling but that's kind of a neat pendant right there this came in this little pouch right here it's another little i think catholic figure uh it's magnetic so i'm not sure what it is it's not precious but they kept it in that little pouch there's a few pins this one i don't know what it is about it just looks real interesting to me pirate ship it definitely looks older i mean just the way this little hook goes in there to me makes it seem like that's a little bit older piece that's interesting here's a little charm bracelet almost reminds me of like monopoly pieces on there this piece right here is pretty it's a necklace i couldn't find any markings on it to suggest that it's 925 i also couldn't find any maker mark for if it's a you know nicer costume jewelry but it is pretty there's the clasp there found another rosary we found a few of those now this piece almost looks like a rosary but uh don't think that qualifies as a rosary but these pieces it does like this one says i am a catholic in case of an emergency please call a priest it's mark sterling so i think this is all sterling silver pieces right here a little sterling chain that's nice this right here is um a bracelet with a bunch of coins on it there are foreign currency all sorts of different places here south africa 1956 on this piece here united states of mexicanus 1961. neat stuff all right so we got all that and then i found a few more coins this i'm not sure if it's a coin it's just flat um but these are all drilled out and we're connected to something this right here looks like silver it says italia and on the back 1920. very old coin it's neat it's actually too bad they drilled it but they were using it for some sort of jewelry or something look at this little tiny piece right here and on the back it just says silver this right here is a little locket that's neat it looks like it says 12k which is an odd number it looks like it's more like gold film but that's what it says 12k i'm not sure what else it says on there this seems like it's gold filled this little bracelet right here that one says 12k gf gold filled it's another little locket right here but this one doesn't say anything this piece right here is probably one of my favorites i love the way it looks i couldn't find any markings on here to confirm it's silver but it looks like it's silver um i was hoping to maybe find some native american artist mark on it but no such luck it's a nice looking ring right here no markings on this either and it does not stick to the magnet this one right here is mark sterling no surprise definitely looks sterling that's cool looking ring here's another one that is mark sterling on the inside this one unfortunately see that right there's got a gash through it there's another little catholic saint or something and this is a sterling silver ring it's just really too bad it got marred right there because i think it does ruin it it's a nice little ring though all right guys well i'm not going to go through the other stuff i don't think there's anything like exceptionally exceptionally interesting there's a lot of vintage pieces here these earrings are pretty cool i mean there's there's neat stuff here this i think is faux turquoise there so but still vintage stuff definitely vintage stuff this is the 10 commandments right here but i don't think it's anything special it's plated whatever it is plating came off right there so these types of pieces like this probably won't even make the auction unless it goes in a big jewelry bag but um you know like that stuff over there that's not even going the jewelry bag so but there's there's some good stuff here definitely you'll see some of the stuff in our auctions like this is a neat piece and the coins um this will make our live auction so make sure you guys are there if you see anything here that you'd like to purchase all right it's been a while since i had some jewelry boxes like that to go through it is fun it is fun uh i like that part i wish there's a little bit more gold and silver though not too much gold in this one actually no gold on the table here unless that 12k is not gold filled and that's a little bit of gold but we have found a little bit of gold in the locker just a few hundred dollars worth but still it gives me a gives me a little jolt when i find it but this kind of stuff does um it does excite me still it's it's neat i like the old stuff i like stuff that has history and i like stuff that is you know a little bit more rare to find all right so i hope you guys enjoyed this video i'll be back at that locker before you know it back for more we have some auctions coming up here i gotta finish this locker so we can get on to the next one um we will we will all right but the next one will be out soon thank you guys for watching until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on wagner nuts what do we got here what oh okay never mind jeez you see that i mean i was like first i'm like oh come on there's nothing in here missing the good half
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 21,164
Rating: 4.9479342 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, gun safe, stolen, robbery, break in, thieves, robbers, found gold, found guns
Id: r-EJr227nB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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