Found DISNEY ITEM worth big money, the most expensive item we've found in this storage locker yet!

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i'm here just to get some junk out really this is a dump load day it's starting to transform very quickly that's a 75 bill right there let's see what's in here it's heavy very heavy that's kind of nice but inside the boat where's that box that said beanie babies right there that's what i want to start with and uh oh yes oh yes all right guys you ready drum roll this is the exciting part don't don't don't don't pretty busy pretty busy right we were actually mobbed when we first setting up we're going nuts for our tools i think this is it let's try it let's go all right locker nuts are you ready for another episode you see i've already got in the locker usually i start with opening it this one's gonna be a little different because i'm here just to get some junk out really this is a dump load day and i got my trailer with me see that good old trusty trailer i love this thing i paid 1100 bucks for this a couple years ago and man it has saved me so much money over that time great investment i bought it used but it was basically brand new um so it doesn't look quite look like it's new anymore i've put it i've put it through some rough hauls many many loads and today's going to be another one of those we're going to load up some big heavy items like fridges and furniture and all kinds of stuff got to get rid of it got to start getting some more progress on this unit i rented it for a month i just extended that for another week till the end of the month uh they allowed me to do that but i don't want to pay another month it's four hundred and something dollars i think it's like 475 a month i don't want to incur those fees we got to get this thing cleaned out there's still some boxes in there but let's let's make some room first let's get started the ramp really is what makes a difference on that trailer being able to wheel things up on a hand cart is a game changer especially when you work by yourself especially when you're a little bit older and don't have the strength i did 20 30 years ago that makes it very very easy and that's what i'm going to be using today [Music] all right i got a bit started here guys so um let me show you the locker it's starting to starting to transform very quickly that's what the difference a trailer makes van and pickup truck we take small loads of this we take big loads i just listed these two that's why i shut the camera off for a while um i listed those for 600 bucks for the pair now i don't know if they work right that's that's going to be the only caveat is i haven't tested them but man they look like they're almost brand new besides the you know dust and rat poop that was on them they're almost brand new the back sides are super clean this is where like normally tons of dust and lint and stuff would build up around any of the cracks and crevices nothing they look clean they almost look like they bought them put them in storage but i think perhaps maybe use them for a short while but uh now they got that fridge out right that fridge and that was an as an old fridge i do think it's a garage fridge full of bottled water of all things that's what's revealed behind a garbage can which is kind of funny this fridge looks much nicer this must have been what was in the house i can't see if there's a water dispenser that'll help move it i'm thinking about just listing that for free and hopefully someone will pick it up here and look at this that was up on top of the fridge i think full beanie baby boxes and it's got some weight to it so that's that's encouraging that could be some good beanie babies right there this box right here similar to this one so maybe that's got beanie babies in it too we'll look right now though i do have to get going i don't think i'm gonna have too much time for unboxing we'll peek around a little bit this ladder right here that's a good ladder those uh whatever they are multi-use ladder that's what it is right there that's a 75 dollar bill right there love finding those okay well i just want to give you guys an update uh yeah starting to look a little bit lighter in here still there's a ton of stuff though a ton of stuff and we still got to get through this beast one more really good find i forgot to mention two more of these gorilla racks right here two more we've got another one that's over here oh it's right there that one we found earlier we found two more these are brand new i think they're i forget i looked it up and showed on the screen i'll do that again but i think they're either 100 or 150 something like that brand new so we've got three i think those are easily 50 bucks a piece [Music] so let's see what's in here it's heavy very heavy oh my goodness really it's it's garbage in a garbage can i mean not that i should be shocked or anything but um yeah yeah i'm a little shocked why would you store garbage why wouldn't you take this so i found a porta potty all right put this up wait i need that later all right but uh actually there's a few porta-potties in here but you should do me just fine all right i've got uh no reason to go through this i'm maybe at the dump i'll dump it out and see what's underneath it see if there's any gold bars at the bottom i think probably not there's some sort of a chest in there big wood chest doesn't weigh it very much this box is pretty light so i don't think that chest is full of anything interesting how they pack that up put that aside we'll take a closer look at that later right now i'm looking for things to go to the dome so that is not honestly all right we'll go through this box right here this is something about laundry room it was back here next to the fridge let's see we got it's got some weight to it wait what the heck that's his laundry room okay well there is laundry stuff in here but right on top we got this balloon danube what's that are just some boxes baby oh man i mean yeah there's a ton of these boxes so some i think some of them gotta have stuff in it and we have a bunch of chemicals too oh can you guys see that weird weird weird weird oh getting some action maybe on the washer dryer let's see hmm i'm asking if it's gas that's a good question i guess i should have put that in the listing that was a ton of stuff guys you will not believe my trailer check this trailer it's crazy psych major look just kidding i just got back from the dump took it all to the dump if you can believe it that fridge oh man the fridge 103 bucks to dump a fridge today that is crazy i say that's nuts but around here nuts it's often good not not today that was that was nuts in a bad way that fridge right there a little bit better fridge actually let me show it to you this one's a ge profile so of course we got the you know the ice and water and all that right here that's kind of nice but inside just kidding it's bad it doesn't smell actually too oh yeah oh damn gross what's up there ew all right pretty nasty i've listed it for free i've already had two inquiries one guy wants to come at 7 30 and i'm like dude the facility closes at six if you could be there by six then great the other guy just said i'm interested and i said great when do you want to come i'm gonna be there in a few minutes and that's when i was on my way back so um i think i'll be able to move that thing if you can believe that and i said been in storage for years worked when it was put in here i'm gonna assume it did because otherwise it wouldn't be mildewing mildewed inside because it has to be moist right um and who i just said i don't it's untested since putting in storage it's untested but it is free i think it's a little bit better fridge so for a garage fridge or something that would be a fantastic fridge even for a house but for a garage especially it's a really good fridge if you can hook it up with water you got ice the ice maker is money and you got the ice dispenser which is super convenient but anyways um yeah quick little trip to the dump made all the bad stuff go away and now everything in here is either untapped boxes or good stuff to get sold all right this is where our money is going to be this we're going to start making some casual uh right now i'm going to load a few things on the trailer to bring back to my locker since i got the trailer might as well i'll bring some of the bigger items uh over to my locker so i get that out and maybe listed on craigslist or whatever marketplace offer up that sort of thing and hopefully start selling some of this stuff because i got to clear this guy out i got like only a week left before i have to pay another month rent i got this uh rocking chair down and i must say this is a beautiful piece right here it is really really nice now it's obviously dusty and dirty um but it looks like it's in great condition and it's not very heavy i was sitting there earlier and it is comfy it fits me very well maybe it's a little bit smaller uh shorter i should say short and wide that's the way i need my chairs that's one that was nice and it was upside down so i don't have to worry about the rat the right contaminant any rat contamination is probably on the bottom side i don't know i'm dirtying it by now anyway so it doesn't matter all that much you never see anything different no fridge guy just came and picked the fridge up all right him and his son's a little pickup just put her on there and they left it was so easy they said that they have a fridge out on their porch and the thing is so old it's sucking up too much electricity and pg e gave him like some kind of warning or something so he's like yeah this one's way newer than hours i'm like well okay they were happy price is right free free all right actually i had tons of people interested i had like over nine messages on facebook two on craigslist and one on offer up although the offer up was a solicitation for someone trying to sell his junk calling business it's the second time that's happened all right so i'm just loading up right now just putting some stuff on the trailer to take back to my unit trying to get some of the big bulky stuff out the way we got the trailer loaded i must say i wasn't really expecting to take this big of a load i just got the loading it's hard to stop back here stuff i'm taking home the two patio chairs only because i got the rest of the set at home this ladder that should be an easy 75 bucks and this bike which might be four to five hundred bucks i'll pump the tires up and get it ready so someone can check it out and uh hopefully i'll get some decent money but yeah yeah that's a lot of stuff ooh i need a bungee right here all right these nets sure are handy though these nets i got two of them two nets right here i think they're six by six or eight by eight or something like that but yeah those are really handy nets i got two of them and i got a third one on the truck that's how i roll but look at this look at this whoa this looks so much different than when i first got here today so much different and there's still a lot of boxes go through i think all of this not these but those that those three those four and this all right the tool toolbox so all that we still have to go through i've got a few minutes well let's check this out right here 5 38. i've got until six i'm loaded and strapped so i guess let's start unboxing in yeah i lost the table i mean i lost my uh workspace right because i wanted to take that table the rest of the chairs are over at the unit so i'll put that with that hopefully list that and get it sold here very very soon but let's uh let's do some boxing guys and where's that box that said beanie babies right there that's what i want to start with well this is on top so i guess i guess we'll start with that but what does that say figures at as figures i saw that mustache where it might be a bug or something in there there's an ease figure you know that's funny with the mustache these look like they are um just generic ceramic figures that they oh man it's all cracked up but i think that they custom paint these put the logo on they want put whatever player they want these are just uh regular old ceramic pieces pretty neat all the shrapnel from the damage on them that guy's in good shape though rolly fingers oh that's hilarious i know they don't have the real mustache on him but he's in much better condition he uh is not and i didn't just do that hey last chance here another guy another guy bando looks like he's glued down to something all right well we got two two that are in decent condition and that's going to go to the flea market or garage sale see if we get a few bucks for all right this box right here this is animated it looks like animation something art all right that's interesting right because when the first pieces we found in this entire locker i think it's right here is that disney disney painting that's a really nice art piece and yes oh yes steamboat willie disney 75 years that is beautiful do you see that it's like three dimensional got different layers of the uh setting there i wonder if these guys are supposed to move because i see some little rivets in it i wonder if these pieces move this is very interesting oh and that maybe that's what it means animated animations because they move there's a certificate of authenticity right there this is really really cool guys yeah look at this turn volume on the wheel push the start button so looks like maybe this is a battery operated piece yeah that'll be fun to see what that does and we will i listed those washer dryers right there 600 bucks for the pair i've already had two inquiries but i think it's just because i forgot to put that the uh the dryer is electric so the questions were is it gas oh i know one of them asked me a second question which was are you negotiable and my answer to them is the answer that i give most people which is no i'm not actually i just listed it so price is firm and if i don't sell it in the next few days then i'll lower the price ah dang it these are empty hmm well you know what these are brand new empty beanie baby displays now what i'm taking pause on this is that i've got so many of these at home i've listed them locally no one's picking them up but this one two three four five one two three four five there are 25 of them they sell for like three bucks a piece on ebay plus shipping and this is all ready to be shipped see i don't have a problem with this uh getting there okay i think this is gonna be perfectly safe packed this way this is how it came look i mean we never even opened this thing right they never opened this thing i mean that's a brand new piece right there it's 75 bucks on either all right but this one is more interesting this one's heavier but it does say full beanie baby boxes all right so it doesn't say boxes it says full and this one's been open all right guys you ready drum roll this is the exciting part yes i see the light and by light i mean beanie babies i don't see any jerry garcias that doesn't mean that we have bad ones but i would like to see another one of those that's for sure who's this guy okay you're 2000 okay so these aren't terribly old uh they're not like the original ones we found a lot of the original ones that's not one of them so all right well still good find right that's another looks like there's one missing here so that's another 24 beanie babies yeah look for those in our upcoming live auctions all right and if you guys haven't been to our live auction that's what we do on monday nights 5 pm pacific we do a live auction and it's only on the youtube channel yeah that's where we sell some of the better stuff like these collectible beanie babies all right how we doing on time guys 5 46 what do you think time for one more time for one more garage that doesn't look too good we should probably leave some good stuff ooh omni collection that's more beanie baby boxes i think well that's the box it came in so maybe ornaments let's look in there oh i was not thinking hallmark for some reason even though we found a lot of hallmark already i wasn't really thinking hallmark i was thinking loose ones loose ones no this is way better way better look at all oh yeah tigger okay this is what polar express yeah it's good stuff all right there's a lot of them in here there's a whole box of ornaments okay good good good we got some good stuff this was in the back i was hoping we'd find more good stuff in the back indeed we have all right guys i think that's gonna be a wrap because i still gotta i gotta net down the back of my truck and ski daddle all right so good day i'll tell you if i bring back the trailer this is one more trip i could do this all in one trip we still got to go through this too that's got some stuff in it but i'm hoping i can sell these uh and not have to move them i'll sell them straight out of here all right and if i go can i gotta bring some little bins some plastic strong plastic bins so we can go through this and uh pull out the tools we want to sell and then i'm gonna try to sell this whole thing uh right straight from here too but i'm running out of time i'll be back here tomorrow i think all right good day dark too bright too dark too bright oh that's just right okay we got we found it we found the sweet spot where the lighting is just right i still got to go and load this whole trailer tonight not looking forward to that i'll be sleeping good tonight knowing that i just hit a bunch of this stuff i mean i knocked a chunk of this out two-thirds of this unit cleared out in one day that's a pretty good day all right all right guys i know you heard me say that i was gonna bring this to the locker and unload it but obviously it is even more loaded than it was before yep and that looks different than it did before change of plans you may have also heard me say before that i make it up as i go well i decided to go to the flea market tomorrow all right what's up locker nuts it is like 4 [Music] i don't know 4 30 ish probably 4 30. and getting ready for the flea market early morning i haven't done this in a while and uh i'm kind of excited i am all right let's get on the road and uh i'll be selling soon okay it's about 5 40. got here just a little bit ago found a spot it looks like there's a lot of spots but it's also a lot of people leaving their tables and piles of junk here overnight because this is a wednesday thursday market but um i found a couple spots decent place and the only thing that i wasn't prepared for is how windy it is it's pretty windy this morning so that kind of sucks usually the wind picks up a little bit later but it can get pretty nasty here in stockton with the wind so anyways uh it'll be interesting to see how today goes i'm gonna start getting the uh tarp off the van i don't even know if you guys can see that but i can get the tarp off of the trailer rather and uh i'm sure people start coming pretty soon because these guys they call them the coyotes they come early [Music] my all right it is 7 11 in the morning i got tony helping me today good morning morning we've been pretty busy pretty busy right we were actually mobbed when we first setting up we're going nuts for our tools so uh now it's a little dead snow when we'll clean up we've moved a lot of merchandise already made a little money starting to warm up and then just got light a little while ago soon all right we're back at the nut house and i want to take a closer look at this because i'll tell you what guys this right here has some significant value this might be might be the most valuable item that we found in this locker okay let me show you why i'm gonna i want to put some batteries in it let's check this out and see what it does and uh yeah mostly because i'm just curious and also i want to make sure it works before we sell it okay guys all right check this out okay there's that okay you ready i think this is it let's try it let's go oh wow [Music] oh oh my goodness that's cool that is so cool all right i want to see it again [Music] that's so neat okay so this piece i love it i love it that's so neat i'm so glad that we took it out and put batteries in it now the thing with this piece is that um it's got comps all over the board but these there are comps on this selling for between five and six hundred dollars i'll show that on the screen there's also comps far below that but it looks like those pieces sold for too cheap when they put people put it on auction on ebay and um sold them for a little bit too cheap but this one's in very nice condition and uh wow all right so i think we've got we've got a really nice find here maybe you know outside of the washer and dryer may be the most expensive piece that we found so far single item piece that we found so far and it's just so cool all right that's it for this video but we still have a little bit more boxes to go through not much we're getting down to the end of it but still a few more boxes to go through we'll do that in the next episode and i think that'll be a wrap but uh yeah wow that disney piece one of the last you know sets of boxes to go through we find probably the most expensive uh piece in the whole unit amazing amazing so maybe there's some more surprises to come out but uh yeah we sold took the whole trailer to the to the flea market we sold 850 bucks not everything came out of this unit i did stop by my storage unit and load up a few things that were from previous units so i'd say at least 600 bucks came out of this unit though um sold that anshi teak refrigerator ice box for 80 bucks which i know is cheap but um it's got to go and saw the the kitchen table with chairs man we're trying for 125 all day long at the end of the day 60 bucks all right so some of the stuff we just didn't have the right buyers for uh certain items but the tools went like fire super super good and what's great is we still have that tool box which appears to be full of tools and i'm going to go through that uh very soon we'll have more tools to sell at the flea market love that all right this unit man i'm kind of sad to see it come to a close so much fun so many great items but hey if you saw some stuff that you like and that you know come out of this dig um remember we're gonna be auctioning off some of the best stuff like the beanie babies and especially that mickey disney animated picture we're gonna put that in the next auction all right that's gonna be our highlight item so uh make sure you don't miss that all right great stuff coming and um thank you so much for watching all right we'll get through the rest of this unit in the next one until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts okay what we got here fire chief hallmark [Music] hmm that is cool whoa 25 bucks on that piece
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 16,934
Rating: 4.9695907 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, gun safe, stolen, robbery, break in, thieves, robbers, found gold, found guns
Id: xfXXt6DGT5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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