Forever 21 Calls Customers Fat and Sends Them Atkins Diet Bars

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[Music] you don't know why we're celebrating you know how this party is for come back come back to the party this party is for you guys it's a thank you party it's a thank you for getting this channel to 100k subscribers me Yoshi and all of our friends just want to say thank you so much because I could not have done that myself I tried before I haven't even found five of me yet I've only been able to find one Michelle and one is very far away from a hundred thousand so uh definitely couldn't do it myself and I want to make sure that you guys know how appreciative I am of oh shoot you need to go outside [Music] okay I'm back didn't want any poopy accidents while I film that would be gross oh my thank-you gift to all of you is the two 30-minute workouts that I promise they're gonna be at home workouts and I thought since I am posting a video today I would let you guys know the equipment that you will need for the videos and it's only three things battle ropes the kettlebell and I would say around 15 pounds make sure to fit it towards you know your athletic level so keep in mind we are gonna be doing some explosive movements with the kettlebell so I got a 30 pound kettlebell but remember do not compare yourself with me choose a weights that you are comfortable with and you can always save up and buy another one when your body levels up to the next level of fitness and the last thing that you need is you got at Walmart our resistance bands so only three things to get this complete workout that we're gonna do we are actually going to do in all shoulder workout you guys always ask me my shoulder routine you guys always ask me what I do for my shoulders this is one of the things that I like to do i do love explosive type movements I like to feel like I am out of breath when I do my cardio and I did this workout for the first time last week and my shoulders literally fell off and I dropped dead and then after I got resurrected and my shoulders got placed back onto my body I was like I am making my subscribers die and get resurrected with me and I hope you guys are excited for that because I and I really want to make sure that you guys know how appreciative I am for you hitting that subscribe button and sharing my contents following me on Instagram making sure people see my content I am forever grateful I hope I do a good job with these workouts and you enjoy them and you sweat and we have fun so thank you I'll most likely post that on Saturday so if we can get a little sweaty Saturday on together I did just order them and they're supposed to come in tomorrow but it shouldn't be that hard to edit so until then let's talk about today's topic forever 21 since Adkins Diet bars - they're fast customers yeah we're gonna talk about this right now hello everyone welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name's michelle mcdaniel and today we are answering the question did forever21 fat shame their plus-sized client so let's read the article that you guys sent me together with me and then i will tell you my opinion at the end of the video but speed news wonder send me a BuzzFeed article you guys know how much I love BuzzFeed ever 21 cents some customers Atkins diet bar some people are very angry where ever 21 customers are fuming after the company added Bri Adkins diet bars to some online orders in the UF Daniela's Arcia I'm probably saying that wrong I pronounced everything absolutely wrong who often Shops at the store receives an online order this week with two dresses two skirts and a cami all from Forever 21's plus-size section I open the bag and took the clothes out everything was fine and then when I was trying things on at the bottom there was a car and there was an Atkins bar in a little bag it was very insulting and honestly I like shopping at forever 21 but I don't feel comfortable buying clothes from a company that thinks I shouldn't be the size that I am thanks at forever 21 I have received my order of five items from the plus section oh and this hashtag Atkins bar that slipped in there I don't take kindly to people telling me how to live my life oh and when you are packing the diet bar you forgot to put my actual invoice angry face quick little break Arab kids bars even delicious that's my real question right now she went on Twitter to see if anyone else had gotten one and it turned out she wasn't alone others were tweeting how the freebie made it seem like the company was body-shaming its customers at what the [ __ ] X Chloe yes shame on me for ordering from forever 21 but why do they have to push diet food on me it came with an Atkins bar at X azv underscore can we please get this trending and my friend ordered plus-size clothes and at forever 21 Center in an Atkins diet bar called customer services and they won't do anything I'm a little confused at what they thought calling customer service what do you like what do you want the person on the phone to do it's upsetting and I feel like a lot of people are disappointed in them as a fashion outlet that they rely on said Garcia they should acknowledge that what they did was wrong so a lot of plus-size women over very pissed off and took the time to call Forever 21's customer service line they made tweets they were very angry but it turns out that forever21 sent it to all customers not just plus-size women every single one it just looks like from all the tweets and who's tweeting about it who's upset is that it's the plus-size woman that took it personally offensive although many of the tweets were from people who ordered plus-size clothes in a statement for over 21 apologized and said the promo went to all customers from time to time forever 21 surprises our customers with free test products from third parties in their e-commerce orders the free items in question were included in all online orders across all sizes and categories for a limited time and have sinned been removed this was an oversight on our part and we sincerely apologize for any offence this may have caused to our customers and this was not our intention in any way so two things I personally don't understand why they decided to spend Adkins diet bars because once again are those even good and why would you send those when there's things like Twix and Snickers a part of me thinks that they were only trying to get people talking because obviously if you send a plus-sized woman a diet bar she's going to read in between the lines and be personally insulted and think that you're telling her to lose weight who else would think that or if you're a plus-size now would you think that if someone sent you a diet bar it's like it kind of seems like a movie when there's like the fat chick in the movie and she's very insecure about her weight and people make fun of her and then you know she finds a diet bar on her desk and then the popular skinny girls are over here like yeah you need diet fatty I think that forever21 knows damn well that at least one plus-size woman's gonna be offended that they sent a diet bar and then my other thought is I really don't think it's that big of a deal they did send it to every single customer it's just the plus-size woman that felt personally attacked by it because let's just be honest they're most likely very insecure about their weight even though this whole body positivity movie is going on and they say oh we love our body but then they someone sends them a free diet bar and they get pissed the people from the body-positive community always want to complain that they get treated differently well in this case everybody got the bar everybody got treated the same either eat the free diet bar you lost absolutely no money with it or throw it away and eat a Twix like I would it's very simple well now you know my opinion about this forever21 scandal now I want to know your opinion remember I read every single comment and I am looking forward to hear yours whereas forever 21 wrong were they right is it a big deal should we be pissed off about this I want to know European remember you do not have to be a size 2 abs are great to have but not need it to be healthy but health is important and I want all my watchers even the ones that hate me even the ones that don't agree with me to be as healthy as possible thank you so much for watching I am really looking forward to a sweaty Saturday with you guys make sure to hit that subscribe button so that you can workout with me all of us together sweaty muscle pumping probably cursing because the workout is pretty hard but we're gonna be doing it together so it's gonna be very fun I'm looking forward to it I hope you guys are too I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 126,149
Rating: 4.9627209 out of 5
Keywords: ketogenic diet, low carb, keto diet, atkins, body positive, weightloss, healthy weightloss, forever 21 diet bars, forever 21 haul, forever 21 try on haul, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, michelle mcdaniel workout, michelle mcdaniel, my thougths will probably offend you, fat positive, fat shaming, body positivity, body shaming
Id: ZXgNeFf9AT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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