Red Dead Redemption 2 Guns

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This gentleman has the best gun videos. I'm such a fan

👍︎︎ 138 👤︎︎ u/SuddenlyFlamingos 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is such a refreshing fuckin video. It's 41 minutes of guys talking about what they're passionate about, with a less than 1 minute ad shout-out, and nobody telling me to smash that like button. For the love of god, can we get more content creators like this on the internet.

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/Novu 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Love me some Hickock45.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/OhHerroSpreen 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Top notch channel.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/normpoleon 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

I think we are going to see a resurgence in Old West style firearms. Tactical is getting played out.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Kurtotall 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

RIP my chances of ever owning more cowboy action guns.

Guns like this are fun as hell, and comparatively "safe" in public perception versus the scary black rifles. Though obsolete by modern defensive standards, there is a joy to shooting them that I compare to driving a manual transmission. Lever rifles are also remarkably light, handy rifles that are well suited to carrying around in the woods and hunting medium-sized game.

You can get a wonderfully slick, accurate Henry .22 lever rifle for under $300. If you think this kind of stuff is cool, then man go buy one.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/iron-while-wearing 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

He's definitely right about games getting people interested in guns. Most people don't really have access to guns (not outside the US in the western world anyway).

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/RedSnt 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Skip to 8:07 if you actually want to see the gun reviews.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/DavidRandom 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

God bless Hickok

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/PhantomFuck 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
she's empty Arthur Morgan here actually Hickok 45 we noticed have noticed that many of you are playing the new game Red Dead Redemption - we notice in comments on certain videos especially firearms like this or the Schofield of the Colts that that many of you're playing that game it's very obvious and some of you are new to the channel and a lot of you're not you know everybody plays games these days well not everybody but people of all ages play the games and then it's supposed to be one of the best ones out in a long time yeah I'm actually kind of excited about it even though I don't play video games I have played a little bit with John just enough to get a taste for them and and to know that the firearms that are represented in these games worth it's a world war two game or a Western game that sort of thing it's it's I mean they're it's fascinating to see how realistic it is I didn't realize that I used to be one of those old fogies I guess to some extent up until about 20 years ago whenever I saw one of those games with an agar and in it John a buddy of his were playing a little bit and Wow that thing looks like the real thing so anyway we know a lot of your playing that game and and it's developing an interest I think in these old guns of the West which is great I think because if you've been around here long you know these are probably my favorite firearms you know the Colt single-action the clones of the colt the lever guns whoever makes them the lever guns the old double barrel shotguns and all those things we have haidle know we probably have 200 videos we've done over the last 10 years on these firearms because I own a lot of them and we just love them so we thought in a way we would we would do this well many of you have recommended when you're going to do a Red Dead Redemption to video when you go I see that all the time and to tell you the truth before he even started asking about it we had talked about it but we didn't want you know look like we're pandering to to the people over the games or trying to get views or some silly like that you know but the more and more we see the comments and the more people have asked us to do it why not why not these are my favourite guns and some of John's favorite firearms so what we thought we do is bring out some of the farms that are in the game and I happen to have most of them imagine that and with John as my advisor because he plays the game song he has it I played it a little bit at his place and it's pretty amazing I have to say I'd like to get back over there and play a little more and get a better feel for it I'm not a big game player okay it probably won't become one but I'll tell you I can see if any game ever drew me in it would be that one because it's pretty cool I've watched Westers all the time and I you know I shot these firearms a lot and they're just some of my favorites so anyway what I thought we'd do John's gonna give you a lot more information about some of these firearms and how they relate to to the game and if they're realistic or not in the game and if there's any differences in that sort of thing so I can't really do that but I know of the farms that are in there and we have most of them I think we don't have a Oh what is it uh weathers there's one at least he'll come to me but we have most of them in my collection and I shoot them so I thought I'd give you kind of a rundown of the firearms and before we do that we want to thank buds gun shop comm of course because a lot of the firearms you have seen Western guns have come from but in fact this one did we just happen to have this 1866 that's one I don't have and you know so we appreciate Bud's gun shop comm I just called up and ordered that and so while we had it we thought we'd do this too and then we're going to that's a Winchester a new Winchester so we're going to do a separate video on that we're not done a Winchester 1866 and appreciate their help and we're going to shoot some federal ammo appreciate that it's not an NRA member because I've been since my 20s check the link out in the descriptions and coming in I remember most of all I want to welcome new people and we get over 2,000 new subscribers every day and so there's a lot of people that come in and see something and they don't understand us yet but you will if you watch some videos and we forgive you know a lot of troll comments from brand new people it takes a while to get to know people and how they operate and I'm a little goofy at times and I test people's gullibility at times I realize that but I think that of anyway I want to welcome you if you have not even seen many firearms videos on YouTube at all but you've been playing the Red Dead Redemption - and it is I don't know it is caused you to develop a more of an interest in these sorts of firearms well let me start with this that's a good thing because as much as you hopefully you enjoy shooting these forms in the game and they are very realistic you would enjoy them in real life believe me I do and always have so that's good news there's no big surprise you might be playing that game so there's no notes no negative surprise wow they're cool in the game I wonder how they are in real life probably wouldn't want a fire than they probably kick too much or they're not as cool they don't not reliable or whatever you know you might imagine no they're reliable generally and they are a lot of fun so so I want to enjoy just introducing some of you to them and I know everybody's not you know new of course a lot of you had fired lots of different firearms but maybe you've not fired some of these okay and maybe you hate video games you know and that's another thing I want to point out there are too many people and I maybe I've been in old FUD in my life about some things but there are too many people who leave comments on videos making fun of the game comments people who mentioned Red Dead Redemption or some other game and I kind of understand it because until I saw that video game with John with the garand and everything in a wow this is cool I see why it's interesting to you I was a little like that you know I've never been a big game player so I guess there's a level of ignorance and I don't mean that in a negative way we're all ignorant certain ways if you're forty years older you're 60 years older you're 80 years old maybe you're just a little ignorant about video games and how cool they really are okay now again I don't enjoy sitting and playing them a long time or anything but you may not be aware of how realistic they are in these firearms how they duplicate these real firearms and how they're bringing people into the firearms world and helping to make more shooting enthusiasts which guess what that's good for the Second Amendment if you're for the Second Amendment maybe you should lighten up on those folks that leave a comment about how they saw this gun in a video game or something all right people that play video games not just 15 or 12 or 9 they're 20 and 30 and 40 and my age okay so that's my little soapbox on that so let's lighten up on the people that play video games I mean however people come to the farms world hey more power to it I guarantee you some of the people who have insulted Oh someone who plays video games online they're the very same people who bought on a 44 Magnum because they saw Dirty Harry or they bought them a hawk and rifle because they saw Jeremiah Johnson you know so we all fall prey to that okay this is the 66 one would you start with it it's a Winchester 66 it is in the video game it's a lever gun I'm not gonna go into great depth on any of these you know this was kind of the second in the big chain you had the volcanic but you had the Henry and then this this is basically an improved Henry rifle maybe I should have started with the Henry but they put a forearm on it and a loading gate and you know there's a winchester 1866 you know the Henry came out in about 1860 and when they grabbed it real quick the Henry came out in 1860 and well that's the patent I think it didn't believe show up until a couple years later so that was really kind of a growth outgrowth of the volcanic you know in a full-length rifle version and pretty interesting fired forty-four Henry round it was a rimfire and while we just load it I've got some 4440 and I'll show you how it loads that's all I want to do with these basically give you a real brief history of it and and then just shout loads and in fire a little bit okay so the Henry was open at the bottom as you see there and we have videos on this you can look further of course a lot of you already found it because I've seen a lot of comments on the Henry videos he had to slide him in there like an old 22 or a new 22 with the tubular magazine is open in the bottom that was one of the limitations of it it would get dirt in there that's why they wanted to fix that for the 1866 model what's the barrel get hot because this was black powder and you know it's hard to hold on to when it was hot so then you close that up and you got that spring there see that's your magazine and there was no forearm and I always thought they were really cool looking that's one reason you see them in a lot of movies or video games they're just really cool and it's a lever gun Benjamin Tyler Henry was very instrumental in this and of course the New Haven Arms was was run or owned by Oliver Winchester at a time so it was kind of a Winchester but let's just take couple shots with it okay and you'll notice this tab will come down further down the magazine as we shoot it let's just shoot a two-litre so good for smoking cowboy appropriate and it hold I don't know 14 15 rounds or something like that sorry the rimfire it was a rimfire so you'll see one of these at a gun show I was hit a civil war show this morning believe it or not and and I saw some they're like 40 $50,000 original Henry's you know but they find the rimfire you can't get ammo for them anymore alright and this fires 44 40 chambered for a cartridge you can actually find similar chambered and 45 cold and different things but this is a reproduction okay Henry rifle cool used in the Civil War in fact not in great numbers but it was so you'll see that probably and then the improvement of that a few years later in 66 was the model 66 of all things you say you got the forearm on it so it doesn't burn your hand up and you got a loading gate so we put a couple of rounds at it now that's our 44 40 I don't want to mix those up this is chamber and 45 colt this was chambered in 44 as well and it was a rimfire okay so that's the problem with these two guns if you had an original one you couldn't even shoot it you know nobody really loads ammo for that you know rimfire 44 yeah I'll try to find that okay you might find a couple as antiques and there's like 40 or 50 bucks to buy one okay I've already fired this but I fired again so you got your loading gate but you get the same toggling action so it's essentially the same rifle with four arm and a loading gate and maybe just minor tweaks okay this is a cool rifle it really feels good molding pic lift Mayor's off and I was the first to know it but now it's not like excruciatingly loud let's shoot this target Red Dead Redemption target all right now again it may not sound like me will be doing a video like this John and me but III just tickled to death that there's something going on out there in the media world entertainment world that is drawing new people for these firearms because I've been promoting them for a long time and that game is going to promote them a lot more than I ever could so it's just it's just great they're fun there's replicas of all of them virtually yeah so anyway that's 1866 and guess when it came out yeah 66 the next one was 73 which I don't think is in the in the game but I've got one of those too alright it was the first one I actually fired centerfire cartridge and by the way it was chambered for the 44 40 this exact round these are chambered for these rounds but it's you know it's just so we can shoot them okay they would be worthless if you you know they were chambered 44 rimfire as I said but when you got to the 1873 that was a big year that's when we went to the centerfire cartridge and 4440 the 1873 rifle and it's much like like this one same kind of the same action it's called a side plate if you see something with a side plate there it's probably a 73 or a 76 okay all right so hey I know what you want to see to the Schofield let's look at it okay because now I did get far enough I think when I was playing into John's the guy Arthur was carrying a Schofield and they're they're kind of an interesting firearm and if you're not familiar all of these Western firearms I'll pull out my that's 45 here my Colt both unloaded but they are far different these are a couple of very popular handguns of the time and of course the Schofield breaks open that's what is so dramatically different from the the Colt and some of the others like it okay it's over the Schofield you just pull that back you [ __ ] it there a little bit and you're ready to load see now it was chambered also for a shorter cartridge the 45 well the Smith & Wesson Model 3 is really what it is the Schofield was a variation of it but it was chambering 44 and 45 and but not the 45 colt which were shooting in it but most of them that you find today replicas like this are chambered in 45 colt again why because there's a lot of ammo for it okay all right now it there are there are some 45 Scofield rounds if you can buy there's just a little shorter 45 Colts what it amounts to alright let's fire this thing and then ante it again I just want to kind of load all these and hits them for you wow it really came out it's a little smoke that big pot well let's save the rest of it for a shotgun maybe hit a stop sign yeah let's go field then when you're ready to empty it you just pull back on that lever there they go they come out easily I'll just capture those so I'll save those reloadable okay so that's a little different you pull out this screw right here unscrew it lift this up and the cylinder comes off it's pretty easy to clean but it's a breakdown model on that big hinge pretty interesting that these these types of revolvers I think came out first in about 1870 I believe you know with actual cartridges the rimfire cartridges and then in 75 they changed the latch kernels or major Schofield whoever he came up with a different latching system for the cavalry so that one hand they could just pull it back and open it up okay and so but essentially the same thing with Smith & Wesson Model 3 this is the Schofield version and just an interesting firearm kind of fascinating okay the colt you see the difference in how they load you go to half [ __ ] on the old actions and I'll do that again one two second [ __ ] to load it and you load one skip one so you just have five in there have an empty chamber under the hammer for safety we have videos on that too and [ __ ] it it's gonna come on or an empty chamber okay so with this one yeah hit the cowboy again nice little gun you see the difference in unloading though and reloading see I can't break it open and again this is the got a good half [ __ ] let's see it make sure the half [ __ ] never go so this one's a little slower to unload and load but not too bad had a reputation for being real solid and simple say so now it's empty now some of the newer versions of these these Colt look-alikes or clones they they operate a little bit differently and they've got a safety device and you can open that up and turn the cylinder like the Ruger so there's differences you need to study up on that and which one you would be interested in if you're old enough to buy one of these that sort of thing so that's the colt you see the vast difference in all these work the same way I brought out three just to show you again the different barrel lengths the colt you know was so popular in the West and then 45 of the most popular caliber in it even though 44 40 was pretty popular which the 73 was chambered in as I said earlier and then people could carry the colt in 44 for it it was actually 44 it was called at the time Winchester or centerfire and they could carry their handgun in the same chamber but the colt was chambered or it was made and three different barrel lengths you got a five and a half this one was four or three quarters and that one's seven and a half so if you see a Colt single-action and in a clone of it it's gonna be one of these barrel lengths okay and I like all links as I've said before they're all cool okay so that's the Colt single-action very common in the West and the westerns and everything else let's move on down here a little bit now this is a Remington rolling block and I've not seen that in the in the game John tells me it is in there this is a pretty cool and a simple design well fire out here you just [ __ ] the hammer pullback to block their breech block put the round in now that we've got one here somewhere yeah 4570 slip it in there close that up and it's ready to go now what happens you think well how is that going to hold it well as soon as that hammer Falls at all it locks up that block there okay so it won't I'll let the hammer right there see I can't move that it's really a solid gun so this is forty five seventy in fact I just traded for this today at the Civil War show you're the first to see it okay hoping don't go too dark to see here I'll see if I pull it on the gun we did so then the way you open it up is you [ __ ] the hammer back and that releases that there you go on another one in close it up and you're ready to go pretty cool huh and the other single-shot rifle that I think is in the game is the old Springfield trapdoor now a lot of these were converted from the old muzzle loaders but now this one was not in 1873 that's what we went to the military did that Springfield trapdoor single-shot and it was a 45 70 and they grabbed that other round here and here's how you load it put that thing in there close him up and just shoot and then the cool part is how it unloads let's go talk it back mm pumps it out of there that's the Springfield trapdoor that's pretty neat huh looks like what we'll get rained on so we might cover up here and come back and talk to you in a minute how's that it got like 45 back we had a rain storm for about 20 30 minutes and I changed my hat I'm not gonna change my shirt hey little water won't kill you or so we were about to grab a shotgun I think I just fired two 4570 single shots you know the I was telling you about the trap door and show me how it worked and you know 1873 45:17 around a big ol round that's when that came about the military used that up into about 1892 then they went to the crag which was showing a second well let's just show you now the crag the first smokeless round you know still use black powder cartridges and the Krag Jorgensen is an interesting firearm it loads in a very interesting way I'll bring it over here we've got some wet ammo I'll tell you what we never let rain stop what we're doing these all clean up and they dry off just just fine you do want to take care of firearms you get them wet you want to dry them off which we did dry them pretty well and we'll oil them up and they'll be fine yeah this was this was 1899 model - and so as I understand the game I think is set in 1899 so this is I guess the most modern firearm you know in the game the Krag this is the Krag carbine which is mine and I've just always been kind of fascinated with the Krag it's just an interesting rifle and it loaded in a different sort of way it was very different from most others you put your shells in here and I'm fired to sing a long time it's me hang it up here I was put three and holds five and he put one in and you're ready to go let's shoot it very interesting firearm no doubt about it get your safety there and it locks it up kind of like a mauser all right let's uh let's see we can hit the gong with these since it's AR 500 and what do we have here there's a two-liter now all the pots are wet so they won't smoke very well now but that's the crag carbine and it it doesn't kick too much it's a 30 caliber I mean you know you're shooting something 45 70s that's another thing I want to address they kick a little bit but don't let people scare you too much I think they push you they don't hurt you okay that's the kind of thing about recoil now these this 1866 that Henry they don't kick at all there are heavy guns and I shoot a light cartridge or pistol cartridge basically in the 30 caliber there's a little bit of punch but not much the 4570 punches you a little bit and then the 12 gays on the game I understand you got double-barrel you got a model 97 let's let's shoot the double barrel first okay and with hammers these are all fun these are fun guns we have lots of videos on Facebook we bring these out every now and then and they're pretty cool very simple to see how they operate and you know you just set the lever opens it up and you want to fire it it's got two triggers like the old ones that right barrel is usually the front trigger left barrel is the rear trigger let's just [ __ ] them both and shoot them both I'll shoot that pod anyway well that target dude didn't do so well in the storm there did it let's shoot it again in the movie we pop so messed it up a little more so nothing like a good old stagecoach gun yeah these are these are so cool they just really are I've got a few of those as you have seen probably like I said you know I just happened to have all these firearms and I never played a video game of day in my life hardly other than here and there now this is the 1897 the pump and guess when it came out yeah 1897 and very popular it was used as a military shotgun hunting shotgun you name it very very very popular you notice it it's a little different for most the bolt comes out the back in the model 12 kind of correct his debt and kept it all in the receiver but it's a little quirky I find them a little quirky so yeah they're very interesting and they're very historical but I would not want to rely on one I just find them kind of quoting myself okay I'm gonna shoot a couple times though see if I can do that that's what I wanted to do is show you how these loads and fire them let's put the shell in the right way this is a pump it holds uh no I don't know how much how many does this thing hold holds about five or six okay Joe I'll not have the bolt closed I'll tell you like I said they're kind of quirky I'm gonna put one in the chamber and I'm gonna put one up in here there we go alright and Cowboy Action Shooting these are really popular and you have to load them just like I did you only have two rounds in so that you know the double-barrel and these they compete a kind of honor an even keel level playing field to some extent let's hit that other pot disappeared mr. cowboy yeah shoot the cowboy I see that just hit my thumb when I [ __ ] that the bolt did that's just it's this little quirky but a really neat firearm of quite a piece of history 1897 okay so they both kicked their 12-gauge depends on what kind of ammo one advantages with these you can shoot any sort of 12-gauge ammo really light if you want to order a little warmer of course these are old you don't want to shoot anything too hot okay and as I said the Krag I guess is the latest firearm in the in Red Dead Redemption to 1899 this would be an older one John tells me there's something like this in there but this is not a cartridge farm this is the how to fissile what you may have seen we have a video or two with that it's a percussion but it looks like something that's in there I think so interesting firearm really cool and I think I shot everything I've shown you the differences and I can go back throw them the breakdown on the Schofield this is rather unique you know when you compare with the Colt and a lot of other handguns and you know the lever guns the 1866 and the Henry great old guns go back into the 1860s of course and then they're single shots very very popular this gun in fact this very gun this was made this specific gun and hates brown 18 it's hard to get the exact dates on these but based on the range and and the serial number it's around 1880 somewhere between 1879 and 1882 or three right in there so this may have actually been used to hunt Buffalo this this remington rolling block 4570 okay this actual firearm it's not a reproduction yeah okay so those are those are just kind of a quick look at them and again welcome you guys that gals you know from the game if that's where you're coming from or not okay and we'll have a little more to say about that maybe now right now I want to let John kind of give you some specifics on a couple of these firearms because he actually plays the game I played a little bit winning but just briefly probably will some more in the future because it is kind of interesting but we'll let John feel you know a couple things right now hey John Hickok here really quickly I want to give you guys kind of a little bit more overview in depth of that as it relates to the actual game itself I'm gonna be really quick I'm not gonna mention every detail everything that's wrong with with every gun in the game they love to do that some other videos because I'm still playing the game I was being played through the whole story yet and having unlocked all of the weapons and then we'll do that some other times gonna give you a quick quick overview but it's a great game I'm really excited about the first Red Dead Redemption you know brought a lot of new people to westerns which is a really exciting thing and in this game is even more successful and more popular than that one was it's the second largest inner tainment release of all time first largest being grant up to five so that's a big deal and I'm a westerns have not been this mainstream since the days of Gunsmoke and then back in the old western TV day so it's a big deal it's really a big deal and we're excited about it okay so the 1866 in the game is referred to as the Lancaster rifle now they made up some of these names so I wanted to kind of point that out this is the Lancaster rifles they called it is in fact in 1866 which had this brass receiver like like the hen realism in his brass looking it was kind of a slightly different composite than exactly brass but basically brass receiver the what's kind of a Henry rifle in the game I've noticed they've got kind of a big lever loop on it I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate historical wise exactly that was something that kind of jumped out at me is a little weird but it's called like the Litchfield rifle something like that so they changed the name of those two for some reason I don't know what those two where those names come from something that I'm aware of historically and then the Colt single-action as that pointer showed you here is referred to as the cattlemen it's interesting about that is you Bertie who's an Italian reproduction they make this Italian company that makes Western gun reproductions theirs is called the cattlemen so I'm thinking maybe it came from that but they refer to as the cattlemen in the game and one thing that jumps out at me about the Colt in the game whether the cattleman is that the cylinder and the recoil shield field you know it seems there's something off about it just seems too big all right like this area right here in relationship to the grip it just seems too big I think they got the proportions a bit off on that it almost looks like you know instead of being chambered in 45 it's chambered in like some kind of you know 50 caliber you know some kind of huge bigger caliber or something like that that looks a little bit off I want to point out something about the DOE barrel now a lot of these have kind of a name that sort of fits they didn't give it like any sort of weird name like I think they just call this a pump-action shotgun this is a double-barrel you know something like that they call this the Springfield rifle I know and this thing is just called the bolt-action you know so they were pretty generic on some of these but then some they decided for some reason to give them an actual different name so the double-barrel a couple of things jumped out at me first of all I notice that they have a tang safety on it which this right here is the tang and a Tang safety basically just like a little toggle or you can put it on safe essentially so it won't fire and it's possible that a gun like this could have had something like that pre 1899 but very unlikely and I've never seen one so I'm guessing maybe they just saw a modern double-barrel shotgun and saw one on it and added it because that seems a little bit off to me and also here the lever for the to open the to break it down it sticks out kind of like raised you know from the Tang when normally they would be like right up against it and that that that doesn't seem right I've never seen one like that before it seems like that would break off or something like that so little details I think they kind of maybe screwed up on that one but overwhelmingly I've been very impressed by how accurate these things are I mean even on the reloading action you go into first person mode on the game you look at it closely even see the elevator coming up you know you have to do another action to actually lever it you know you pull the trigger to fire in the game on the controller and then you push it again he goes out and you release it and it comes back I mean it's it's pretty it's very very spot-on now you might notice this gun just appeared magically on the table you know we actually forgot we didn't get it on the list you know I talked about it before we forgot to get it on the list right before we did this and so we ran inside and grabbed I thought of it while while I was filming but this is the Browning 85 great shotgun it's a little bit of a stretch I think to put this in the in that game considering the singing is 1899 not impossible if you look up some history on it but a little bit of us a bit of a stretch but it is in there in fact that I haven't unlocked it yet so I can't really tell you how much how it operates in the game and coming up dad mention this earlier this is a how-to pistol it's a percussion but in those there is a regular shotgun cartridge version of this something like this in the game that looks very very similar so yeah that's just kind of a quick I want to give you a quick overview and it's we're kind of it's a neat game I've been really enjoying playing it I'm excited about more people being introduced into Western Western guns and then just a culture around these it's the first time that what I would consider guns got good you know and part of the generalization that's just it's a really really neat time in American history interesting time fascinating time and in weapons history and the evolution of weapons it's very very interesting time lots of cool guns from that era but I'm gonna hand it back to dad and appreciate you guys you know for for hanging with us and checking this video out and I'll see you guys around later thanks John John has more information about the actual game obviously than I do so just a couple of last points some of these firearms are our new reproductions some are not I'll point those out and also a Spencer was the rifle I couldn't think of the name of earlier it's a Spencer rifle which we've even done a video or two on that yeah it's a neat rifle but it's kind of awkward to you so it's not a rifle I'm driven to have even a reproduction of it believe it or not so and that's kind of thing we wanted to show you how they operate and you can tell by the firearms I own the ones that I know they're probably the ones that I kind of like you know that kind of thing and just again this is reproduction how the pistol this is reproduction firearm the Schofield if you have an original you need to be firing you black powder cartridges in it okay if it goes back into the 1875 everything these are well Colts kind of hard to say Colts been made since 1873 so yeah whatever you want to call an original they're all cold signal actions and again the 66 is a reproduction that's a Winchester it's a new gun maybe it's not a reproduction it's paid by Winchester but of course they're made now in Japan Marrocco they do a great job but they're you're made overseas this is made by Henry rifle company it's a reproduction of the Henry okay it's a new gun you know both these are new firearms this is an original like I said sometime in the eighteen eighties 1879 the rolling block okay 4570 its original model 97 okay and this is I forget when that was made now have to look at my own videos but you know it's a it's a nice seven whatever 20s 30s I forget and then the the a five out of five that's that's a maintenance 70s I think if I remember right this was made in the early you know like 40s or something I think this if akka double-barrel so it's a it's not made in the eighteen hundreds but it's an original gun and I've looked my video on that the exact dates on these buddy original the main point original trapdoor and then the original crack rifle okay just information on those and yeah I don't know if this helped for a lot but we since we have these guns I have so many of them I thought just get them out give you a quick overview of them and you know if it helps or not or it it makes you want to shoot one or not once you want but there are a lot of fun and again one of the main points I want to make and reason for doing this is to encourage you folks that are getting a little bit of fever for these these types of firearms these are kind of like the classic rock of firearms you know hey they are falling and there are really cool there's no doubt about that and a lot of young people have discovered that not just old guys like me okay and again my message to the folks who are not necessarily just old guys you know that that get upset when people refer to games if anybody's gonna get upset about that you would think it'd be me yeah who's older than I am okay but hey it doesn't matter when somebody writes in the comments if they're civil you know so try to take it easy on people who like to play a game whatever the games are I guess try to take it easy on them folks in my age bracket younger wherever you are you can be afoot at any age right these games are bringing a lot of people into the firearms world that in mind even if you'd like to say something even if it does bother you even if you hate video games yeah trying to bite your tongue and we want these people that are coming to us from any entertainment venue to develop an interest in firearms I mean look at it from a selfish standpoint if nothing else so I guess I do that to some extent but and these things are so cool I enjoy sharing them and I wish everybody could appreciate them and again I'm excited about this game even though I probably spend a lot of time playing it I'm excited because it's bringing as I've said before so many people apparently to these firearms okay and some of the folks are obviously playing the game are too young to buy them or maybe even go shoot them but they will down the road and many of them are already ok so trying to keep that in mind don't be a food you know games aren't necessarily my cup of tea either but then again when you look at it you know maybe games are my cup of tea maybe I've been playing games my whole life I've been playing a basketball lot I played all kind of throwing darts I love throwing darts I have been shooting all my life shooting at targets that are fun that's kind of a game I played the USPS a game the GS SF game competition shooting the what l IMS a long-range silhouette game played the IDPA game you know that's competition shooting I've played the SAS SAS s Cowboy Action Shooting game for 10 years so I guess I am a game player yeah we're all game players to some extent and again if you've ever made a comment on a Dirty Harry on model twenty nine video make my day or something what's the difference between you or me and the folks that make a reference to a game the difference is we don't know I think about that game okay but they do and so let's be easy on ok so anyway if that's how you got here you got to our videos where anybody else's videos you're welcome as far as I could and I am happy that you're showing interest in in these firearms alright anyway they're great they're a lot of fun life is good just playing my favorite country-western song while I've got you here I want to remind you to check out our friends over SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute you can find them at SDI dot edu they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can become you know associate's degree in firearms technology or become certified in gunsmithing so if you're interested in the career like that please go check them out SDI edu also while you're on the internet please go to Hickok 45 comm and see everything we have over there we have all of our social media links all that kind of thing like like full30 comm links to our store they have t-shirts now that you can you can acquire for yourself through Bunker branding mat from demolition ranches new company it's check out 45 on Twitter just to save you the time from going to the website pick out 45 on Facebook the real Hickok 45 on Instagram there's a John Hickok YouTube channel there's a John underscore he got 45 Instagram where I post some stuff so please go check that out and then I'm gonna get the back to playing this country song
Channel: hickok45
Views: 8,244,372
Rating: 4.8967705 out of 5
Keywords: Henry, Winchester 1866, Schofield, Colt SAA, Henry Rifle, .44 Henry, 1897 Pump Shotgun, Model 1897, Trapdoor Springfield, .45-70, Springfield, Krag, double barrel, 12 gauge, Coach Gun, REmington Rolling block, sniper rifle, A5 Browning, Auto 5
Id: TN6-mLD7K5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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