U.S. Military Rifles since 1776
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Channel: hickok45
Views: 10,271,185
Rating: 4.8918777 out of 5
Keywords: Brown, Bess, Flintlock, caplock, cap, lock, flint, '03, Springfield, 1858, Enfield, musket, rifle, smooth, bore, black, powder, Mine, ball, round, .30-06, Garand, bolt, gun, muzzle, loader, frizzen, pan, Revolutionary, War, Civil, Spanish-American, Teddy, Roosevelt, Rough, Riders, Krag-Jorgensen, Trap, Door, .45-70, WWI, WWII, Korean, M14, M1-A, AR15, AR-15, M16, M4, 5.56, .30-40, Krag, 5.56X45, Eugene, Stoner
Id: lXh4Qhmt3xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2012
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