Springfield Armory Hellcat

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are you ready to upgrade your character s'tel are you tired of reloading after every shot are you tired of burning your fingers let me introduce you to a new miracle breakthrough product it's called the Springfield Armory Hellcat and here is one an amazing an amazing product let me put down the probably thumbs carry pistol over there okay and let's talk about this pistol yes it cocked 45 is the Springfield Armory Hellcat I haven't lost my mind totally but I wanted to get your attention it's a 9 millimeter you've heard about it you've been asking us about it continuously and so we're gonna give you our opinions ok I'll give you mine and if you don't see John I will relay some of his opinions and we're gonna shoot it and talk about it the Springfield Armory pill that look pet cat it's a family friendly Channel all right let's put the ears on shoot the thing a couple of times at least like maybe even the stop sign yeah I got another right you know I have another magazine here that holds 13 13 bullets they'll shoot some more stuff I went on into the paper I just saw I got Claire crazy you know with this heck hat you know so you know my if we call it a head cat dear we really don't like these profanity in our videos actually I guess since that's what it's called with Paul to hell cat so yes a lot of people curious about this pistol and those I because it falls into that category of you know the the P 365 so it's impossible to talk about this pistol without talking about the Sig p3 65 they're both pretty innovative a lot of ways and so we will do that to a degree and let you know what I want to think about it so got it from Bud's gun shop calm again that's the advantage of their help we really appreciate buds so it's great to be able to get this pistol actually have two of them have the one with the RMS see a shield side on it God borrow that from a buddy so we've got that and then we've got the standard you know model just called the what the OSP model for you know optic sight pistol okay and I'll let you know what I think of that okay you know that's something I don't do very much at all and I have shot it though shot both of these shot this one extensively and that one a fair amount to get a feel for that and so I'll let you know what I think about that because some of you maybe are in that same ballpark trying to decide whether you might want an optic optic you know on your on your handgun because I hear from a lot of people that have eyesight issues seeing the sights and that sort of thing with their glasses or you know whatever it might be so we're fine federal anti or the Russia's federal warrant for grain animal appreciate their help Federal Premium okay and don't forget some other folks that help us like Sonoran Desert Institute we really appreciate the help from the SDI edu go check out their site and we get all the interesting coursework that you could take to get a degree you got to learn a lot you can be as smart as I am if you really work at it yeah right pretty funny huh so we appreciate all the help we get and again it's cool to be able to you to get these without buying it although I might want to buy one but to try out so thanks again buds the hellcat it's it's new it's Springfield Armory and you know there's some controversy around Springfield army we're not gonna get into all that don't know all the specifics I know there's two sides to that story and all that so you know if that just is a total turnoff so you understand yeah it's not a farm you're gonna buy you don't wanna hear about so you know and go somewhere look at something else but I understand you know that so but again there's a couple three different schools of thought on all that and so I'm not sure where they're all that really comes comes out so it's a very it's a pistol very much like the P 365 okay and you know we're gonna you're gonna hear me referring to both back and forth because you know it's it's how I cook past the t quote-unquote as compared with a Glock 43 which I have out here and I've got the I got the shield it's higher capacity than the shield it's not higher well yeah it is higher than the Glock 26 actually with it you have ten plus one we're talking flush mags now I mean I could put a 333 round maggot there for one - well we're talking flush mags on all these firearms you're talking a ten plus one you're talking - think seven plus one on the shield of the Glock 43 you're talking about six plus one you know that in what we have here the oh yeah the 43 X you're talking ten plus one with it and if we're to get the longer grip okay same length as the Glock 19 so just to kind of put them all in perspective we're not going to be comparing for three hours all these pistols and everything mainly we'll talk about these two and then what we think of this and before it gets too hot let me go ahead and just show you how it breaks down push up on the leverage there we go it I mean it's a simple procedure you do pull and normally I mean I double triple check but they didn't do but you got to pull the trigger oh how horrible you got to pull the trigger get it apart and there's nothing too crazy about the internals it looks like all these pistols we've seen all right fine striker block there and everything seems things well made one thing about it I think the the rails here seem pretty beefy if you notice that pretty pretty beefy and some pistols that are very successful and very durable have fairly anemic looking rails and so just that's of interest to you okay and I've wrapped this up there's no Talon groups for it yet and I don't know if my hands weren't so large I don't know I know I can't really speak to it whether you would need some additional grip here's one without any grips of course and it's still trying to small for me that's the thing and I say and I really I don't get the friction that they talk about they don't get enough friction I like friction and it's not enough there so I got to wrap them up and also I wanted to kind of compare apples to apples for myself and for you all so I wanted to get this grip feeling better and feeling more like the 365 because I've beefed it up with two layers of Talon grips and I just wrapped some around here it's a kind of equate that be equal to it and so they both have they both feel fine to me in terms of the grip size so that's not a problem otherwise it's not we're comparing this and this you know without any wrap on that I'd be just bad-mouthing that grip law and I don't want to unnecessarily badmouth it or bash it if we bash something we want to be well deserved okay crystal something you can modify okay so there they are the beautiful now for go any further I want to thank again at max calm at Max's the distributor or seller of precious metals and ammunition we can at 45 that's made of silver is not real it won't fire but we appreciate their support check the links in our description there's a pic on 45 favorites page and all kinds of cool stuff in the precious metals world and speaking of precious metals here's some right here the difference quick overview basically in the claim to fame the reasons there's so much talk about this right now is like the P 365 you know and I came out recently they were able to get ten rounds in a flush magazine and if you're not under these new people every day hundreds thousands of them so you may not be for me but there's ten rounds ten plus woman in a small gun okay about the same size as a Glock 43 so that was the big deal with that well now Springfield's come out with a hellcat and it has eleven plus one the magazine I pulled out in shot first had eleven just like this one yeah eleven and so I've got eleven rounds in there it's flush fit alright also a magazine holds 13 all right that's available of course you have that with the Sig you've got the whatsits of the 12 you know 12 then you also have a 15 rounder which I keep handy I carry that sometimes so you got longer magazines available for both of them they're roughly the same size and you'll see a ton of videos on these things so we'll give you as much as we can his we're not going to go over everything they're roughly the same size I've measured them I've laid them they're about the same length there's not enough difference really anywhere to write home about okay there's just really not they both weigh around 18 and a quarter 18 and a half ounces in fact I weighed on a couple of times so and I know that's important to people this sig weighs about the see once it does just a tad more like a quarter of an ounce or yeah more than Hellcat but when you get the extra round in the Hellcat 11 plus one so if you load them up that d almost exactly I mean right down to the quarter of an ounce really because a bullet I think weighs a quarter of an ounce generally or something like that so so you're going the same way about the same thickness length grip link you know this orange flush magazine so none of that is going to be a big difference maker if you're trying to decide now I will say the the Hellcat the slides are about the same and I put their calipers on the frame is just a little bigger yeah the frame on the the sig now your controls stick out a little bit protrude there but you know your frame there really is no thicker than then the slide there you do have an extra thickness there but it's not a lot at all not enough to make a difference put it that way now one place that does make a difference I think and one thing I like about this over the six I like them both so yeah I've been shooting this one a lot and I like them both the Hellcat has a little more girth to just a little more substance to the grip all right I think if I were wrapping tape around them and putting layers of Thailand grips on them I might want ideally two or three layers of talent grips on this this one it would take one less layer on this okay so I like that added gurke you may not but I do it feels it just feels better to me okay then as far as weight and everything else that's the same you got a flat trigger on this got more of a it's a striker fired of course it feels little more like a Glock a lot of triggers your used to wear as the sig is a little different it's nice they both have great resets they have pretty good trigger pulls as we know both of them do the C gets famous for having a great trigger I like to trigger on this pretty well it's a little more crisp than maybe the sig okay look if you know slowly they had a little creep there but it really pulled up and shoot the thing is it's pretty crisp it's got a little bit of a wall like I like a shoe again and I've got a yeah plenty ammo here all right like I said I've been shooting it and I I have been feeling good about how shoots now I may not suit it well right now or something but it just feels pretty good I just I just week what do you call that I didn't limp wrist it but I week loaded it there's probably a name for the craze for that all right let's just shoot something here I mean I like the sights on it's not that you sight and I'm able to shoot it pretty well for me it just comes right on target today I was earlier today I was messing around over there on the hill and hitting those red plates regularly I'll miss them now of course because you're all are watching over my shoulder let's try the left wing this is the way it goes in it oh I got it let's try the next one so even though those combats right defensive sight I feel pretty good about just flanking stuff at longer ranges one just like I do with the suit so you know interesting gun and a lot of capacity what's called stock and a half magazine or something and it 11 versus 10 on these firearms not a big enough difference to again to make a choice probably nothing wrong with an extra round but you know they they both feel good to me and I tell you I like that extra size on the grip and I could take either one of these things and just carry it for the rest of the week and feel really good about it let me bust the bottom line John has shot him boat showing back-to-back and I'll do some of that he prefers the Sig I think it kind of winds out for me maybe I still can't get away from that added size of the grip on the the Hellcat it just feels better to me I like to fly trigger and you know but in terms of shooting them I don't think there's a much difference and of course they are defensive pistols not very big I think what I'm going to do is load two of these I'm gonna shoot them back-to-back and you know do it that way all right so what else about it it's got their real proud of this new grip texture we call the adaptive grip no adaptive grip texture and it's supposed to be kind of a miracle and we should have done infomercial on that grip right and I don't know yeah it's fine I'm sure but it wear it it's it's a little small for me I can't be impressive supposed to the tighter you grip it the better it works on which any grip would right so what I'm gonna do I've got you know I've got sick bags loaded I got these loaded and I'm just gonna shoot a little bit for through both of them so Walter the field was trying to freshen my mind this helps me maybe help you okay so all right I'm just gonna try to be kind of the same thing and just just take some shots here I've even come out of the holster let's put one in the tube those come out of the holster they both hit the same holster the Glock 43 holster that tells you about the same thickness yeah all right let's do something all right well that's fresh on my mind on my hand let me shoot this one in the same way just kind of messing around here yep let's put one in the chamber and then do it how's that all right a lot of bad guys out there feels good I say a difference and John and I both notice it this you know it's a small gun so it's going to jump a little bit it's gonna be a little what's that they call the four always snappy yeah it's a little snappy a little bit more than the sig is my impression a little bit more different spring setup and all that probably so it's a little snappier but not enough to bother me if you're a new shooter and you were to shoot both of them like that you might come in the conclusion you would prefer the sig for that reason okay let's try that again I get a good feel for it I'm gonna pilot got a bunch up on that something try that with the other one yeah maybe a little bit less recoil impulse I think the smaller grip you know so I sort of was losing my grip a little bit affected me oh this little bigger helps me as I said about eight times so that might be important if you have large hands so not a lot of difference let me show you about this it comes with the I think it's about thirty bucks extra these sell for they're gonna sell I think though they're selling for around under five generally a 480 or something and then maybe over five with the plate you know the OSP model so you can put this on here if you want to now I'm not sure what those costs but there may be a couple hundred bucks you for the actual site but you know it might make sense to get one of these with the plate so that you know you may think you don't want ever put an optic on it like to have but then again you may change your mind and you've got that option so I'm sure a lot of the different ones will be coming out for it this one the RMS sees out now and there be others coming okay so this is kind of a new thing for me and they have new management degree it's a new thing for me I just with a handgun I am not accustomed to that and if you've never fired one I shot it this afternoon several times it's weird it's a real change especially a small jumping pistol like that but I have to say I it better than I expected the bullet does tend to go where that red dot is yeah well most of us are accustomed to firing you know like a rifle with that and it's just really sweet you know a handguns a little different proposition but it does go where the red dot is so oh let's just pull it out and try it try something that's not too easy maybe like the the tree here I gotta find the dot there so it'll take it let me try red plate over there thank God I mean even at long range it's kind of a bright up there I'm gonna try the buffalo okay try something up close like that too later ride cowboy so I can see the appeal to that yeah I mean I really can i I'm not ready for it but a lot of people are and a lot of people prefer the NFA have excellent eyesight and so that's something that's available all right so it's cool to have all have that to kind of show and also for my sake because I've been meaning to like get a hold of one of these and buy it or something and install it on something and kind of just do a video on it and so I'm kind of glad to try that out it's a bit of a new thing for me okay and I'm reminded a couple of things you got your witness all you can tell where there's around the chamber I'll show you the sides of course that Co witnesses your sights I kind of like that sight I wouldn't have thought I can I'm not crazy about new dramatically different sites so that that's pretty cool and the mag release is reversible flat trigger I like like I said it's got a nice reset fairly crisp trigger C recess not very long and you know there's no major problems with the trigger at all I don't think about has a big problem I did read where it's a where where they go standoff that's right y'all to standoff on the front where if you is not loaded of course where you could push against something and still fire but I know two boats like that so we get caught up in that too big so if I push if I'm pushing against the guide rod you know that one's still shoot and I'll push it on that okay but now I find if I've got any part of that slide on there it's a different story it's not going to fire this one so if it's moved at all a trigger won't pull so as long as you're pressing somewhat the guide rod you're okay it is a defensive pistol all right what else about it I know you're trying to get to dinner the only thing I didn't do is maybe shoot a couple whole points I meant to do put a couple of those in so it's another offering it's in the same price range same way basically same size and hope one more round so it's really going to come down to what whether you're kind of brand loyal probably for a lot of people to sing or to Springfield you like the feel though better I'll tell you I know people like for us to to come to a conclusion and bash one while antelope with the other but I really can't bash either one and it's hard for me to choose them to tell you the truth I would like to have both and I might possibly choose the Hellcat for the reason that I've talked about because it's a little bit bigger I like that I think that both were great shooters and feel great okay so let's try and make sure it will fire some hollow points all right let's write a little bit on the paper target let's put one on it right in the middle if we can all right wow did I pull that thing that badly that's pathetic I can tell I'm going can't be now there's some targets on this yeah I see goods on paper but it feels great feels great okay so negatives I can say for some people it factions Springfield Armory that would be a negative you know there's still some of that out there they the grip to me is still a little small smaller than it has to be but for most of you that's probably not an issue and the breakdown is simple I like the sights it's got lots of separations to grab and it has not malfunction trigger is fine I could carry this thing without any trouble and be happy doing it reversible mag release as I said we've got the 13 round mag to care if you want to along with the other or just one a longer mag in it you've got that option and I did say you got a nice sight there's a tritium insert in that night side I think that front side so the Hellcat I'd say is it's gonna be pretty successful just like the sig one one thing to point out of course is that the sig has had some issues you know early on now we not had issues with even that very first one we had a year and a half ago whenever that was and John has one I've got two of them and I had a malfunction okay but the the data is there you know there have been people with problems now we don't know about this it's not out in huge numbers yet but you know there might be something pop up with this he knows but right now based on our experience you know John prefers the sig I I think I prefer the sig I like to feel this one a little better in some ways but you know no major major negatives that I can think of really so it's it's one and it's the the role we serve we hope for you it's one you want to look at as I say often okay if you can rent this at a range and the cig and anything else you want to take a look at it cuz you get 11 rounds here plus one without having any longer grip you know like 243 X and some of those so it might really appeal to you or you might want the longer grip some people really do and shoot it much better so the help chat head cat is a seems like it's pretty pretty decent pistol at this point okay so we'll keep an eye on it and I'm gonna want to own want to think and so will will get a hold of one that we that we purchased probably and shoot it and you know just like a lot of you will see how it does so Springfield armor he'll cat I know the nice offering we're living in great times in terms of pistol choices because there's the the competition is strong and some cool firearms still coming out all the time anything else I forgot no glad you came out to watch and we'll talk to you later life is good oh yeah that's better this is a great gun for the fence oh hey didn't see you guys there well I've got here I want to remind you of our friends over at Talon grips and ballast all Italian grips makes grips can you believe it for all different types of firearms you can get rough texture or more of a rubberized texture just sticks right on there you know really affordable really cool options and improve the grip for your handguns or or rifles so please check them out at Talon gun grips comm you'll be glad you did and also ballast all dad has been using ballast all for many years it's a cleaner and a lubricant and it's non-toxic it works really great and we're happy to have them on board since it's been a part of our shooting endeavor for a very long time so good ballast all calm towel and gun grips comm and also while you're out there I'm juggling all these things here also while you're on the Internet please do check out our other social media like Hickok 45 on Facebook it's also Hickox 45 on twitter be real Hickok 45 on instagram there's a John underscore like 45 on Instagram where I do some things there's Hickok 45 calm you can find us also on gun streamer so check out all that stuff and then watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,749,957
Rating: 4.9147635 out of 5
Keywords: CCW, 9mm, defensive pistol, comcealed carry, Springfield, serrations, SIG P365, HEllcat
Id: DjfIWLGiiIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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