ORKS - WAR IS LIFE | WARHAMMER 40,000 Lore / History

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[Music] orcs are one of the most fearsome savage insidious and most well established races in the 41st millennium they lack any empathy even toward their own race and they exist as a genetically engineered creation of instinct and a DNA coded sense of purpose they're created for one task and one collective goal only to wage unending the orcs are one of the older races in the 41st millennium along with the elder being created by the old ones the then crook would later become what are now known as the race of walks the elder were a higher form of design with them possessing many levels of high intelligence the orcs are their exact opposite working on pure genetic instinct orcs and green skins in general though are not born from sexual reproduction they're rather grown from spores and all walks are grown from the same spores and fungus be they lowly snot Ling's and Gretchen or full-blown orc warriors once a planet becomes infected with orc fungus either by chance or invasion it likely never be free again having to forever defend against the unrelenting green menace this infection is often likened to something like a terminal disease once a world is contaminated it will surely be a case of when not if it will eventually wither and die books are enemies to all throughout the galaxy but despite their crude and instinctive driven nature they should never be underestimated defense to an orc assault can seem almost hopeless from the outset for some human worlds with all their strength and power they can wield to fight the orcs is nothing other than a of attrition a slow grinding down of morale and willpower for a successful defense against any assault from the greenskins only boys their spirits and emboldened them further to attack again with more fury and more enthusiasm they won't relent they won't slow or surrender there is no respite there is no escape a planet infected by the orc menace is a doomed world orcs possess a powerful genetic sense of being to fight to conquer and to never surrender under any circumstances their strategies we could call them that are usually unsurprisingly simple and unashamedly direct to overwhelm the enemy with sheer weight of numbers or absolute weapons superiority to never show their enemies mercy to smash and obliterate all who oppose them under an unrelenting green tide of ultra violence they wage war with machines that defy logic and technical understanding and they care little for strategic gain a seemed to be just as likely to slaughter one another as they are the enemy but most especially if an enemy is in their sights aux often reported to for example skewer one another with swords and other melee weapons just so as to gain a killing blow to an opponent crush their kin with their own vehicles with little if any regard and use heavy weaponry without thought to such a thing as friendly casualties Imperial forces often left to wonder how does one battle an enemy that defies all logic and their answer is usually exterminate us the orcs as mentioned previously are an engineered species they were created some 60 million years ago by the old ones who also created the elder and seeded life across the galaxy the orcs were created as were the elder to wage war against the necrons the ancient enemy of the old ones and the orcs would refer to their creators as the brain boys now while the elder were made to be highly intelligent with extremely powerful psychic powers so as to best counter the nekron and Kattan threat the orcs then quark however were the antithesis of the elder muscle-bound irrationally aggressive and rarely showing signs of advanced intelligence they're driven by designed instinct auctioneer acquire war and brutality as others might need food and water to sustain them to an orc war and brutal savagery is not a desire it's a physical requirement to their identity and this is why they often fight amongst themselves as much as they would any outside races while they do possess advanced tech it is maintained by a class known as odd boys who as with all other orcs are driven more by just a gut feeling a born knowledge than a true awareness of what they're actually doing unlike the Imperium of the 41st millennium the odd boys possess the instinct of skill to not only maintain but more importantly to actually develop technology if you can really call it as such this skill isn't learned or researched by any conventional sense of tech development it's instead bound into their genetics as with all things orc most of their skills are instinctive the best way to really envisage this is for them to just smash things together until by some miracle it just works a kind of deadly galactic scrapheap challenge if you will orcs don't possess any random evolutionary psychic powers as humans might and say you know evolutionary if it's the old ones which have seeded life but how it's by design but nonetheless the psychic power with auxes comically random and again being by design from their creators the old ones this bizarre psychic power allows for orcs to literally willed something to be true that if just enough of them believe it then it will be so for example the classic painting their war machines a certain color may imbue it with a power like being more powerful with explosives or just to go faster just because enough orcs will believe it to be so with the proximity of numbers of them means it will become a reality this enables orcs to achieve things like space travel even controlling space hawks and bringing them into real space under orc modified control a terrifying thought as well as bringing huge war machines to a battlefield all these things by all rational logic should be outside their realm of skill and possibility and this genetic trait is also why awk technology whilst essentially being just a random collection of things smashed together will become devastatingly fearsome war machines in the hands of orcs but then would just as easily return to being useless junk in the hands of other races it's a clever solution to the threat of your war gear falling into the hands of an enemy and again this is by design of the old ones conversely though if oak numbers dwindle then it can be potentially counterproductive unlike other races who can wield immense power reliably even in singular or small numbers any number of examples would suit from say Imperial assassins to grey knights and elder race lights the more or less of their own race will not have a bearing on their success their strength or their functionality of their tech not so much with the orcs the awareness of this psychic functionality came into general understanding through the impairment man's tech priests who through their own cultivated belief in a machine spirit that inhabits technology and that this machine spirit serves mankind at the command of the machine God this imbued them with a perspective and point of reference that enabled them to see the truth how orcs were able to bring technology to the fore that should have been far out of their reach lastly the orc races Anatomy is particularly interesting the old ones obviously wanted the orcs or croc to be functional as a warrior race a biological war machine but before you have the ability to wage war you still have to fulfill any life-forms basic needs like sustenance food water the basics of life the old ones in their wisdom imbued the orcs with a powerful genetic advantage here on top of their already many powerful genetic traits for one when it comes to food and liquid intake the orcs can use their own growing fungus as a food source now happily eat pretty much anything though when it comes to meat and the lower orc forms of snot legs will cultivate this fungus food the more interesting elements of their biology though is that orcs really are something like a symbiotic animal fungus hybrid making them partly eukaryotic in nature now fungus was historically part of the plant kingdom but fungi lack chlorophyll the green pigment in plants that converts light energy to chemical energy they also have other distinct structural and physiological features and are so classed separately from plants now it has been suggested that orcs green skin and their blood could directly contain chlorophyll so as to allow orcs to actually photosynthesize as a plant does and thereby provide orcs with some energy so they can survive longer without actual food now any problem this makes absolutely no sense for the reasons they just mentioned fungi don't have chlorophyll so if orcs grow and were cultivated as a plant-based life-form in part this would actually be more reasonable but they're not they're grown from fungi so apparently their generator may cause biologists of the Imperium should actually do some more microscopic comparisons before they reach their conclusions however it's also suggested that orcs in their blood and bodies may contain some sort of algae and that this might be actually what's responsible for the coloration and then also possibly ability to photosynthesize to a degree this is a more reasonable concept but as with all alien races information is pretty scarce and speculation is abound so this one point aside other orc anatomical interests are that an orcs animal fungal symbiosis means that they actually contain less critical organs than say a human meaning orcs can affords to take wounds and damage that actually might kill a lesser creature but it will allow them to continue functioning part of the reason they are so surely haphazard when in battle almost careless is their bodies are essentially designed to be simple practical and operate even when catastrophic aliy damaged which rings true of everything we know about their purpose and their design they were designed to be a biological war machine and nothing more auch growth though is a strange thing whereby orcs will grow according to I suppose unsurprisingly how violent they are they'll generally continue to grow at varying rates dependent on how successful they are in combat be that versus other orcs or their enemies and then their growth will stagnate again [Music] books live across a wide and scattered number of worlds throughout the galaxy some in a state of war some in endless skirmishes and some dominating worlds ruling them as overlords with often human slaves obeying their brutal command the orcs expansion was really an accident as best known in orc history of course it was this is why even now their settlements are often random with no real pattern focus or direction the Eldar claim orcs have become part of reality itself mankind as well scouted probed the galaxy all of the known galaxies and everywhere that they explored they found the orc the Galaxy at this point is contaminated beyond any hopes of cleansing and salvaging it from the orc because of the random and haphazard fashion by which orcs discover explore and inhabit the galaxy they have splintered into various communities if you want to call them that these communities are usually just a confederacy of tribes either loosely or under a warlord each tribe is a random bunch of orcs just smash together with clans and various mechs and materials it's a mishmash of violence and constructive 'ti it's best not to overthink it it bears no resemblance to any ordered sense of a community or a society orcs have known of mankind and their emperor for some time they know that humans worship the Emperor and have seen his shrines and symbols across human society they regard the emperor as the god of the humans and this is easy for orcs to understand as they have their own gods even though they see humans as weak they do respect the emperor as a powerful war god from the Ault point of view the emperor is a constant warlord to the humans they see him everywhere in human society and so do the orcs this widespread war god must surely be powerful and therefore to be respected some orcs speak of a legend where the emperor would appear as a manifestation challenging the orc gods to battle but still despite this he's also seemed to the orcs as a confusing figure why he would command his human servants to take on so many pointless tasks when they could be just fighting makes no sense to the orcs the humans constant failures or their stress and despair seems to underline this confusion for orcs hence why they often use the word omen as a slang for things that are pointless impractical or just can are productive the orcs attitude to life is very simple and therefore they cope with the realities of the universe far better than many other races with no overarching goals and day-to-day concerns being really only whether to build or fight or eat it's quite a stress-free life especially when you have no fear of your own mortality from an aux point of view generally speaking they don't try to influence their own destiny they don't try to apportion blame unless it's some stupid Gretchen looking to get his head bashed in their hatred is spread equal among their enemies and their allies and if they fail they feel no guilt try again in a different way unlike humanity chaos has little - any fear or effect with orcs their minds are hardwired to simple day-to-day activities so dreams of power and turning against each other for some cause or something that's likely to spread very insidious II through a tribe of orcs they're probably too busy already killing each other over some far more trivial matter and because of their simple and objectively speaking stress-free lifestyle it leaves little psychic stress by which chaos can actually invade them also even though some races may look upon the orcs as evil either due to their near mindless savagery or their endless conquest of worlds this is actually pretty ignorant perspective lumping aux-in alongside dark forces like chaos or Dark Eldar is really a disservice to the orcs because they exist by design and they have become simply very effective at existing they follow their instincts and these are hard-coded into their very being evil I don't think so but brutally savage definitely it's also often mistaken that perhaps if one were to see chaos and orc fighting on the same battlefield that they are somehow an alliance in reality it's probably more simply that the orcs just see them as other fighters on the field who they'll probably turn to deal with in short order once the nearer enemy to them has been battered into submission then when it comes to trade orcs strangely do have this as part of their culture and they use that literally their teeth it's actually a comically natural solution to economic inflation because ox go through their teeth similarly to something like a shark they replace and regrow them frequently ork teeth also degrade over time so it's impossible to stockpile them this keeps prices in ork trading constant and ensures that all orcs have access to regular currency and commodities and besides if you're running short on teeth it's no problem you can just go smash some other orcs face in and get yourself some more awk language is deemed as being low gothic and orcs are able to communicate with others but at a very basic level awk script though is very different altogether and it's actually written in glyphs the core of this is simple clan indicators and these are then adapted using phonetic symbols which can form some of the key orc words it's pretty simple though because it's just generally not needed by the orc race they function by design not structure or organization they have no need to keep records log data or any other useful societal function for writing and literature these aren't important for orcs the awk way is one of near Anarchy they're ruled by traditions and understandings much more than laws and governing it's pretty simple awk society is about conflict strong orcs will rise up weak ones will work or are killed and they in turn benefit from the leadership of the stronger orcs if an ork tribe is beaten by a stronger one the survivors gain the leadership of a better tribe making them stronger and there's no rules about a tribes size location or purpose it's just the rough grouping of orcs in a given area at a given time and each is led by a warlord whose authority is pretty loose giving just maybe enough rule to prevent all the orcs from turning on each other a tribe could be a few hundred strong a few million the literal numbers are not important large tribes they usually split into smaller groups of war bands which are ruled by war bosses and these war bands are usually a few hundred strong creating smaller forces ready to battle wherever it's necessary or whenever they feel like it while orcs will belong to a tribe they also will belong to a clan now a tribe may break apart into parts of form new ones but clans are enduring and remain a reasonable constant from an orc point of view some of the most noted orc clans are as follows now the bad means these are some of the most wealthy orcs they're essentially what could be regarded as the merchant caste in orc society the blood axes were the first orc clan to encounter the Imperium of man and they adopted human tactics of camouflage albeit slightly bright camouflage and usually for orcs they're sometimes that she retreat having picked this up also from humans but they're usually returned and in greater numbers this clan will sometimes even trade with humans even having been known to work as mercenaries for them which sounds crazy but maybe uncomfortably necessary the deaths girls are essentially looters and scavengers they appropriate bow filled loot to make themselves stronger including Imperial War gear the evil sons orcs who are committed to speed and whatever makes them go fast should be as loud as possible they also love flying vehicles like fighters fighter bombers and they usually seem to wear at least some red material because as all orcs do know the red ones go faster Goths the Goths are simply tough orcs they're the biggest the most brutal they thrive on battle more so than others and they're driven by the blood fury of close quarter battle snake bites worship ancient traditions over advanced tech they protect themselves with war paint and may even choose to remain as feral orcs instead of developing their skills with max and guns finally the freebooters these are the Pirates these orcs are notorious thieves preying upon anything or anyone that they find they'll kill anybody they see they'll seize upon hold their booty back to their hidden bases so now we go to orc religion whether intentional or not the old ones end up imbuing the orc with a religious sensibility they worship her to gods Gork and Mork one is brutal and cunning and the other is cunning and brutal New York gods are the center of orc energy they drive and power their whole culture the best idea we have of how the orcs perceive their gods is in their max these are the physical manifestation of their gods and drive their followers into stupefying frenzies of violence and bloodlust they also seen in armored battle suits gouken and mcnaught these armored suits are seen as idols and the orcs piloting the suits gripped with visions of their gods urging them to fight on harder faster more brutally and inevitably to meet their demise on the battlefield while orcs often talk of Gork and more cursed separate entities is even possible they are one perhaps with two sides or provide different visions to different orcs still it doesn't stop the orcs from often favoring one or the other being known as either Gawker's or more cos one figure in the Imperium knows more of Gork and Mork than most others he's Vulcan the primark of the salamanders here's what's known as a perpetual in the 40k universe essentially he's an immortal he can regenerate from almost any injury even something like being vaporized in Vulcan disappeared after the Horus heresy but he would appear some 1500 years later on the Imperial world of caldera to aid in defending it against a massive orc invasion now though he died many times over he would regenerate and appear again on the front lines the empiric inquisition requested he lead a mission to destroy the orc war bus known as the beast but Vulcan refused until caldera was saved with the aid of Imperial forces Vulcan saved caldera from destruction and we've returned to terror gathering an imperial force to Illinois to the homeworld of the Beast Vulcan would lead the final charge into the beasts massive temple Gargant confronting the war boss there during a powerful struggle the prime mark and the war bus would fall into the Gargant power generator and Vulcan created the detonation in the generator so powerful it killed not only the Beast but a massive chain reaction shattering the temple Gargan and obliterating them Volcom presumed dead by the MPM but the salamander Space Marines still hunt for him believing him indestructible and that he will return to them and the point of this story was what Vulcan would witness in the heart of the orc Gargant when exposed to its powerful generator he witnessed the raw energy that was the culmination of all the orc swag and he would witness the origins of the orcs and their gods Gork and Mork battling one another at the beginning of time this powerful vision allowed Vulcan to understand the true nature of the orcs how they are a race of evolution through experimental anarchy [Music] [Music] now the orcs have been an ever existing threat to the Imperium of man but towards the end of the 41st millennium there's been seen an explosion in orc war now the oak Dominion or Empire marks the regions in the galaxy currently controlled by the zenus some planets are now completely controlled by the orc race where others are in an unending state of brutal nightmarish and near hopeless war orcs have been heard to keep under control some of the local populace creating a prison workforce who are kept in unbearable exhausting and dangerous conditions abiding by their uncaring savage slave masters most of these prisoners will be unlikely to ever know any other life than being subject now to the orcs brutal will the orcs will at any time also control random isolated worlds as well as rampaging hordes that sweep through the galaxy battling all that they encounter they also been found inhabited ancient space hulks now as an aside a space hole is simply a term given by the impairment man to any ancient Rex of space vessels these Hulk's are no mere freighters or even warships but giant ancient vessels possibly from the early exploration of mankind or even lost in the age of strife they can be so massive as to even maintain their own gravity or in rare cases atmosphere the hulks can often appear and disappear transitioning between the warp and normal space this makes exploring them extremely dangerous as well as orcs they often can host other dangers like the vials in US tyranids who have been found often using these hoaxes as breeding grounds for their gene stealers even chaos Space Marines can sometimes be found there either searching for ancient tech or preparing to launch hidden attacks against the Imperium rather is great potential reward in searching a space Hulk there's also immense danger coupled with the ambient danger of the own Hulk's instability as such searching these vessels is left to the elite warriors of the Imperium and the space greens the Space Marine terminators they're some of the most heavily armored units within a space moon chapter and their ancient terminate armor enables them to carry out the extremely dangerous task of search in the hoax now humans have explored extensively in the 41st millennium and they have found orcs to inhabit every corner of the galaxy and this seems unlikely to change now or in the future the orcs are not a race of reason or diplomacy or even needs they exist as a genetically engineered creation of instinct and a DNA coded sense of being they spread across the galaxy more like a plague than conquerors this plague of war is often referred to as the [ __ ] what conflicts usually will remain localized to their own planets or objectively speaking small raids two worlds inhabited by other races or other orc or pirate like raids on passing ships again as with most things that aux do there's usually not a grand plan here so don't overthink it a Waggoner is a different happening all together when numbers of orcs reach a critical mass they feel a need to migrate to form a crusade of apocalyptic aggression that will sweep through a region destroying anything in its path numbers of books are beyond estimation then they'll swarm through a segmenting of space exterminating everything in that path you could liken this to a locust plague or a viral pandemic until it eventually burns itself out work also refers to a psychic field that affects all psyche this is again as with all things orc an instinctive state enabling them to make simple observations of understanding this applies to everything from the designation of seniority which again don't overthink that it's usually more kin to who is just bigger and therefore more right Hawks generate this dull psychic field by default it binds them together and helps their ramshackle culture function the more orcs that are present the stronger this shared psychic field becomes and this is amplified through sheer numbers or if they say are enjoying a really good bit about and smashing their enemy's faces in the [ __ ] helps drive them and you could think of it as being akin to momentum where past a point is just gonna increase a while can begin on a small scale sometimes there's a small individual who may have some vision of great carnage and feel inspired to share with others bike smash in their heads into they get it or if he's imbued with a sense of tech skill maybe he's gonna create some giant Garg and war machine that gets the blood and hype of his fellow orcs running high the rumors of war and coming carnage spread like wildfire to the orcs only exacerbating this sense of war an orc war boss who is simply a big powerful orc in command of his tribe will usually rise to their aspired position through just basically beating the hell out of all around them until fella walks just get it that he's the biggest and the strongest his decisions will be enforced by a ruling caste of orcs known as knobs and these are again a bigger than normal orc who will surely remind those below them of the fact at every opportunity with some casual violence a war boss in a time of work will assert himself through unsurprisingly more savage senseless violence towards his fellow orcs when a war boss has created enough blunt-trauma to be recognized as a powerful boss he'll then be deemed an orc warlord as his status spreads more and more clans will come under his control growing an unrelenting green mass of aggression the mechs and brain boys will build ever more outlandish creations absurd in their brutality and genius in their creativity vicious war machines belching smoke and oil poisonous vapors acrid smoke mobile fortresses titanic war engines created from basically random scrap metal and abandoned twisted now cannibalized war engines as the war boss grows ever stronger toward becoming the warlord he'll subsume his challenges armies with many of the orcs now seeking the sense of war in the bloodthirsty insanity mech boys raised towers of wag and Gargant will start to be seen Gargant SAR the equivalent of Imperial Titans and so represent a world ending level of firepower these gargons are idols or seen as avatars to the orc race as manifestations of their gods Gork and more they are merciless weapon Assemblies of sheer destruction gargons form no standard pattern of design as does barely anything in the auch way of creation they are instead a random collection of parts and combinations of cannibalized war machines this excitable and chaotic nature of these builds makes their weapon systems unreliable their whole design is haphazard and probably about as dangerous to the crew as to their targets on their battlefield a clear difference between most Awkward machinery and other races in the galaxy is they don't utilize guidance systems commonly they also carry large crews of orc and the lower smaller race of Gretchen and they operate these war machines as a team passing down orders as you might imagine a steam ship of say the 19th century calling down orders to the engine room and so on Gretchen's are significantly physically smaller than orcs and so they used to repair systems on the go by crawling into tight spaces gargons are usually weaker in terms of armor compared to imperial titans and relatively shorter range of weaponry however they're still difficult to destroy because of the compacted dense nature of their construction there is one rare of variety above a normal Gargant known aptly as a mega Gargant and this is essentially a mobile fortress running on tracks Imperial tales tell of orcs laying siege to cities spending even as long as 18 months to construct these colossal machines of war returning to the apocalyptic war the continuous swelling of open mobs starts to reach a critical mass ships and transport vessels are smashed together and the orc armies reach a point of no return this wave of violence now comes crashing down as the orc armies overfly with bloodlust descending into battles that consume entire worlds the Gargant idles further trigger the instinctive drives of the orc clans and tribes who would do anything to outdo each other's destructive capabilities at some point this wave of fury and raging violence reaches its boiling point and the orcs begin to gather their great warg army the ground shaking under the weight of tracked vehicles and striding walkers the skies turned black from flyers belching out blackened exhausts and their ragged banners of brutality raising high atop these rusting illogical contraptions of war Hawk works are very decentralized and have very little true coherency even with a powerful war boss or warlord overseeing things various fragmented factions will exist in a [ __ ] cults of speed for example whose principle is to go fast essentially speed freaks who love the thunderous roar of an engine and if they can shoot some guns at the same time water batter probably driving over and crushing some of their own kind in the process spawn boys are elite shock troops who strap huge rockets on their back to make sure they're first into battle charging with no thought much to the consequences this is actually frowned upon by many orcs as they prefer to charge in under their own feet they get physically into the battle still seeing a storm boys volatile rocket pack malfunction those spinning off into an exploding disaster certainly killing the pilot in the process is great entertainment for the comrades on the ground and then of course you've got the mad boys these are orcs overwhelmed by this psychic energy of [ __ ] and they also can occur in clans of orcs inhabit a planet and have to develop their own technology over generations of spawned orcs either way mad boys don't coexist well with their kin they're essentially best described as feral which is saying something by orc standards these feral crazed orcs also known as nutters and they're grouped together into squads who will either be a secret tool to success when unleashed on the enemy or a hindrance when they accidentally slaughter any fellow orcs they happen upon once combat begins mad boys can still be some of the most savage fighters to an orc foe or fellow Orca like ripping them to pieces still they're just as likely as sitting at whimpering huddle unable to move overwhelmed by psychic confusion no orc can tell exactly how they're going to behave and making them an unpredictable and extremely dangerous force to bring onto the battlefield along with their crudely smashed together spaceships and Space Hulk infestations orcs have even been reported to convert asteroids into massive space fortresses known as the uncreated Lea titled rocks the ork species is one of the most adept at making the best of their surrounding materials and this is the genius and danger of their desire the old ones created the orcs with only two things in mind making them deadly and to make them near impossible to exterminate orcs are a plague upon the galaxy to be sure but not because of their skill in battle or because they spread insidious ideologies they're simply because they're so difficult to truly eradicate humanity for all of its technology and experience often must resort to planetary exterminators to be truly sure of destroying an orc infestation orcs defeat their enemies by either overwhelming them or wearing them down to a point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and materials simply by attrition orcs operate from a [ __ ] antithesis of ordinary warfare usually any force will seek out this slice of victories utilizing minimal resources and seeking to limit casualties orcs on the other hand seek no limitation in casualties or resource management they have no control over this but to burn as hard and as fast as possible and even when defeated they will return to grind down whatever crumbling defenses remain of their enemy [Music] now there are many individual stories and tales of all warlords and bosses as there are within the Imperium and its various leaders captains in general history in all culture and history you can't speak of the orcs without mentoring the warlord Gaskell Marg oak Thakur he's an author warlord of the goth clan and is an immense symbol of everything oak now despite orcs being generally an anonymous mass of Anarchy he stands out as a powerful leader he's commanded multiple campaigns and crushed most if not all in his sights be they Imperial elder or cows smashed the metal skulls of the necron into brittle scrap he has influence above that of any ordinary orc warlord and is often described as a prophet of their gods he travels the galaxies subjugating slaughtering and burning the enemies of the orc his vision is to wage a war so immense as to summon the gods out of the immaterial and into the physical realm and he extends their will but his beginnings were nothing of note just another or crashing in other walks brains to climb up the ranks and originating on a planet known as Earth originally or Cleese founded by humans during the Dark Age of Technology humanity prospered here rich in mineral wealth and with easy walk tides flowing for space travel it was an excellent trade hub lights and noise attract attention resources make good mechs and the orcs would become aware attacking with a voracious assault the orcs would raise the planet before riding back into the warp tides as with nearly all orca salts the departure is not as clean as it appears to be they'd leave behind fungal spores and the orcs would return in time other species would periodically form outposts on the planet sometimes the orcs would rise up other times not sometimes they'd be destroyed sometimes not it wouldn't be until the Great Crusade of mankind though that any humans would return here in numbers the Dark Angel Space Marine Legion would lay claim to the world and for 2,000 years humanity would build mine and establish a functioning order on the reinstated world of achlys that was until around the 32nd millennium when a great or quark swept through the system humans were overwhelmed again and evacuated fleeing into the wall but it's tides destabilized and Kirklees would be cut off and not easily reached by outside influence again for about 8,000 years the orc tribes however remained battling one another and fighting over the human ruins that remained a state of genuine attrition was reached with various war bands fighting over ever diminishing resources none of them able to unite under a single leader then came gas coal one thing the impairment learned about the orcs though was that their wargs could be quashed if detected early enough the Imperium would begin to deploy observation posts so it's the best detect and monitor all numbers and activity the Dark Angels monitored this as well as they've routinely monitored human populations for potential recruiting planets after the warp tides had calmed the Dark Angels were able to establish one such outpost on Berk so as to monitor this well occupied orc planet the orcs however desperate for any Lewton resources managed to discover this observation post and it was quickly overrun at this time Gaskell was just a ghost trooper in a war band and during the frenzy to claim the base he would be shot in the head by a bolter shell a devastating injury that would shatter his skull and pulp a section of his brain staggering back to his feet with immense toughness he drew the respective orcs around him especially Goths despite being a physical wreck staggering and stumbling his blood and brain spilling out into his own hands they eventually found their way to a doc who would perform what I guess Hawks deemed to be an operation as is often the way with orcs this was less of repair and more an improvement an augmentation and probably a bit of an experiment Gaskell found that his skull and brain were now strengthened with bionics squeaks in you and adamantium plating these physical alterations were great to be sure but nothing compared to the vision he would see awakening from this augmentation he would see a vision from Gork and mork themselves to lead orcs the greatest most destructive and carnage reaping wag that there had ever been it was his soul core belief that he had been in direct contact with his gods and he was the chosen leader and the executor of their commands that his brain got poked by a bolt gun round through the skull either way his purpose was clear and his resolve strengthened and as is often the way in all culture the whys and wherefores is the actions that count and Gaskell's actions would be notable oak warlords began to fall immediately under his crushing will the death goes war Lord dregg mech with gas go barely minutes out of his surgery the deaths caused warlord would attack unleashing a bullet storm that left Gaskell untouched by perhaps godly intervention drag mech could not believe his eyes as Gaskell would stride forward beating him into a bloody pop head buying and smashing into pieces as his mobs looked on some getting carried away in the violence and even cheering guys go on roaring from his victory Gaskell declared himself the prophet of Gork and Mork and that this was his mere beginning the word of gas goes blue tality and power spread fast on orcs flopped to join a band with a sense of purpose and direction to be something more than the pitiful squabbling and clamoring for scraps that they've become the tales of a new boss touched by the gods with a vision for war was very appealing his father battles with the evil sons and bad moons will be no less aggressive but required more tactical sense using burning fuels to shield his troops approached or outwitting wards through their sense of pride for that disposition he was placed as an inevitable leader his subjugation of other warlords continued until he stood poised to do something Noah though awkward have done in 8,000 years unite the tribes on the planet of Earth his domination of the planet was on question but the gauss girl had set his sights far beyond bringing together the orcs inhabiting his world his words drove the orcs to their purpose the [ __ ] beginning to form their energy attracting others void ships began to arrive for the first time in centuries max work together building machines they never could have imagined previously but now with the energy and the power of the [ __ ] it all just worked it was a miracle the orc energies flowed as they've riveted together giant battle fortresses and mechs everything that occurred was the wheel of Gork and more and Gasca would declare every passing day every achievement every new ship arriving proved their quest was divine some of the orcs they were wondering how they were gonna get so many of the orcs off the planet they didn't have very many fliers and no large ships to transport and begin their war Gaskell quickly silenced them a solution would present itself it was the will of Gork and more days later the ever unpredictable tides of the immaterial would shift again and that rarest of occurrences would happen a gigantic ancient Space Hulk would emerge from the warp Gaskell ordered tractor cannons and harpoon rockets on the few space craft that they had to secure the Hulk they couldn't guess as to how long before the warp would swallow the ancient ship even with them holding it in place and they needed to work fast the orcs rushed to assist him at construction they crafted as many transports and war machines as possible once they deemed enough was enough they crammed as many orcs into every possible space and set off this great exodus from their backwater planet filled the skies not without many mid-air collisions and engine failures as well to be sure crashing into the space Hawks outer hull some managed to make their way inside some straight-on ploughed into the vessel and those with more sense sort out landing positions the orcs in discovered that they weren't alone on the space Hawk with wave after wave of demons spilling out of its corridors battling through the horrors Gaskell and his band fought through to the center of the Hulk where they found merged and jumbled by the warp was the ship the Dominion this was the vessel the humans had attempted to flee from the planet on some several thousand years ago and seemingly it had been swallowed by the warp its human occupants devoured by the demons as they lay trapped in their vessel the void rift that was spilling demons had to be closed but GAO's goal after ordering his orcs to fight everything they had was furious to discover it had no effect his own weapon even his own power core eventually with a massive headbutt and a flash of green light that did the job closing the demonic Paul it seems likely his latent psychic energy was what affected this enclosing before the olks observing it was only further imbued their belief that this warlord was a force like no other Gaskell now named his conquered space hog the old warship world Killer the ship would drift on for an undetermined period of time in which the orcs would explore loot and generally rip off whatever they could find on board cannibalizing the ship and using its materials to craft ever more powerful mechs and weapons they appropriated everything they could lay their hands on and built everything they could lend their hands to the best scrap would often lead to infighting and rivalry all a positive thing for the orcs to keep their tensions and blood up it would not be a quiet period though traveling through the warp in such an unsecured vessel is dangerous and many times they'd be assaulted by further demonic incursions and these assaults only further heightened the book swag into the entire space off with seething with all energies the space Hawk jolted and huge tremors swept across the ship the world killer had shifted back into real space Imperium records date the emergence of the Space Hulk in the year nine for one m41 they were headed for the core planet of the star system an imperial world aptly named Armageddon an industrial hive planet where thousands of years of extensive industry had left it a barren wasteland with a totally collapsed ecosystem humans only survived in the concentrated hive cities that stood kilometers tall and also in the Imperial military facility stationed there food needed to be imported offworld and no life existed outside of the hives it contained multiple vast manufacture arms vital to munitions supplies for the Astra military 'm but with one of the most savage and relentless woggs ever seen headed straight for them it seemed like nothing was gonna be able to stop world killer and its crew the ship would head straight for the planet without stopping the plan there wasn't a plan they would crash straight into the planet Gaskell was literally on a collision course with his destiny caught off guard nearby Imperial fleets and the planet's defenses did what they could to slow the assault but this only chipped away at the massive Space Hulk that approached taking minimal effective damage it plowed straight into the planet's polluted atmosphere crashing with obvious devastation onto its surface even though many thousands of Orcs would be turned to ashes on impact this is but a tiny percentage of their total force to the survivors gasps go seize this opportunity it is the will of Gorka Mork that we survive he would proclaim the orcs now twice as pumped-up having survived their world ending crash into the planet would be a force none would wish to reckon with and Gaz go quickly divided his massive army into five hoards with leaders that he'd subdued and recruited to his cause back on earth they now stepped forth millions of ork but one voice the human defenders weren't prepared for this they had many forces Walker and munitions but the sheer scale of the violence and ferocity they were met with was of nothing they dreamt of in their worst nightmares which in the 41st millennium is certainly saying something this was not an ordinary awkward this was guys for [ __ ] wild the orcs showed expectedly no mercy at any instance and they defeated the humans on the wastelands with their speeders and battle wagons ruined enemy supply lines and cut down anything that moved and they quickly turned their attention to structures that they had never seen before these hive cities taller than mountains industry and engineering on an imperial scale the mechs stood in awe so much scrap they would have murmured at the first hive they encountered despite the Imperium putting up a formidable defense of hive volcanoes heavily fortified this would take all of gas kills cunning he had his gargons but he wanted to take this city with orcs on the ground scorching burning and reaping through the trenches milk's would smash crush and break this city using his visionary choices of Units Gaskill crushed the human defenses quickly and I'm breaking the gates unleashing a wave of infantry his will was executed perfectly a tall order for an Ottawa desperate humans resorted to guerrilla warfare but despite much her ISM the orcs swept through like a plague slaughtering and enslaving its occupants his manufacture arms were quickly converted to awk workshops human slaves turned to stripping their own city for every scrap of resource that could be used to fashion more awk max now on the planet of Armageddon one humans stood out from the general perception of the orcs as a weak and puny race commissar Sebastian Jarek he drew unusual respect from the orcs not least because he wore goth colors of the black and red but also sporting an Augmented Power Core and bionic eye this was a human the orcs could get on board with even more so when they learned from enslaved humans that they often feed Jarek as much as they feared their other enemies the eric known for shooting disobeying soldiers out of hand orcs upon seeing him in battle they often disappointed to see he wasn't quite as as they'd imagined he was only a human sight figure oh well he was an uncompromising warrior nonetheless Jarek was the man credited with withstanding the Orca Sultan hive Hades for a significant period of time this assault brought the Armageddon war to a new level of brutality the orcs had already sacked two hive cities and Hades stood next in line the Imperium in desperation would launch virus bombs device is not used since the time of heresy against the orcs and even though hundreds of thousands of orcs were perish it wasn't enough Gaskell wanted Hades and he would direct the assault himself he tried everything he could think of growing ever more frustrated all the time but all his traditional assaults would fail time and time again eventually he summoned his weird boys to use their warg consume mines to blast a psychic storm at the hive consumed by madness the human defenders fell apart but still the humans couldn't be defeated the orc fires were ripped apart by anti-aircraft fire tunnel fighters cut their orcs trying to advance underground to pieces and humans suicide assault squads took down the immense orc Gargant all this would be Cammisa Eric's doing Yas go by now had become fixated and obsessed with bringing down hive Hades his vision and judgment clouded by the frustration and needing to bring it down while still battling this bitter assault he would direct an all-court to assault another hive city Acheron perhaps in the hope to divert resources away or gain a victory and rally his troops to greater energy but then the worst possible development for the orcs orbital bombs rained from the sky as roaring Space Marine Thunder Hawks would sweep down into the planet the bloody angels ultramarines and salamanders the Emperor's chosen warriors were here to defend Armageddon Gasca was still so blinded by fury in his efforts to defeat Derek and Hades he was unable to think with clarity enough to counter the arriving space burns he would throw everything he had to take down his obsession breaking in the blast doors of Hades in a final rampage the Space Marines would be too late to save hive Hades its citizens massacred with Gaskell's numbers now though severely depleted and loosely scattered across the planet he consolidated his last reinforcements to a new hive Tartarus the planet stood at a crossroads even with the arrival of the Space Marines they would deploy even as the orcs began their assault would max stompers and even Gorka noughts the battle though was not in the orcs favor but then Gaskell himself arrives the orcs could taste things returning for them but then just as quickly as he arrived he'd gone chatter spread quickly through the orcs to the wall boss had fallen they began to waver to break and the empiric crushed the remaining orcs driving them from Armageddon but the orcs thinking Gaskell had fallen in battle was not so Gus go was not slain but he did disappear from the battlefield rumors spread that the hand of Gork had plucked him from the battlefield and his detractors would say fled usually to be met with a swift headbutt from a nearby orc putting them in their place however it did happen Gaskell had escaped after Armageddon Gaskell did not rest as with most orcs defeat is not really a thing it's just a stumble a setback the chance to have another go this was the beginning for him in his larger journey a plan of Gork and Mork Jarek recommended the MPM hunt down this brutal war boss and eliminate him once and for all but the Imperium assumed him dead or defeated and didn't want to spend the resources or time to locate an orc they were sure that that was the last they'd see of this was a grave error of judgment as is often the case with most things in the Imperium to the Imperium mind his [ __ ] have failed and therefore even if he did survive orcs would not look upon him for leadership with his energy deflated after losing a battle while orcs will happily try try again they'll often topple their leader as is their natural order of things but not so with Gaskell while he may have had to defeat several challenges in brutal fashion after he regrouped with various orc tribes to remind them just who he was he would begin gaining new followers again curiously for an orc not just with his actions but with his words to him the invasion of armageddon had been a starting point a testing of the enemy to find their strengths and their weaknesses a large-scale intelligence gathering oak style leaving millions dead and burning cities in its wake and in this they gained much useful information now Gaskell knew about Imperium strategies he would regroup rebuild and restore his prophetic [ __ ] he would reveal to his fellow orcs in order to destroy your enemy you must know him too the orcs this is about as profound as it gets and their spirits would reignite the second coming of gasps goth rock ax was only a matter of time [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 3,207,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Space Marines, Ultramarines, Army, Conversions, Custom model, Tabletop, Warhammer, Imperium, Astartes, Ultra, Macragge, Battle, Dreadnought, Terminator, Scout, assassin, Dropship, Luetin09, overview, Discussion, Greyknights, Librarian, Psyker, Psychic, Elite, Veteran, Tactical, Assault, Heavy weapons, Warhammer 40000 (Interest), Eldar (Character Species), Imperium of mankind, The Emperor, 40K, ORKS, Ghazghkull Thrakka, Armageddon, Dark Angels, Blood Angels
Id: 1j3QRl-Vuro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 29sec (3449 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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