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that might work I know they could have been super cool I just waiting it like this orbit at this point become uh yeah yes oh my god at this point you would just be chocolate milk like there would be nothing left I don't understand let me go I'm going back to jail welcome to injustice to the obvious equal to the first injustice that I'm really really glad the NetherRealm didn't call out justice or injustice er or injustice it's a fun-filled adventure for the whole family featuring over 30 different playable characters even though 90% of the player base is using flash aka Barry Allen this is why we can't have nice things Barry Oh before I have any deeper there are a few things I like to cover out of pure courtesy in case you're a DC Comics fan because much like Bane is a pretty big guy I imagine it would be a pretty big deal if I accidentally ruin this game for you you're a big guy for you bursting spoiler alert I am definitely going to cover some things that would spoil the story mode for you so even though it's extremely predictable I don't want to inadvertently destroy the plot because in the end you'll probably find yourself saying that was spooky second thing trigger warning there is an extreme amount of violence in this game including violence against women so I recommend skipping this video if you work at BuzzFeed or have ever found yourself saying words like I wrote a blog post about why I hate video games because this is what it does that it feels like some male fantasy last thing I'm not here to make fun of your waifu or your man waifu or your my foo so please keep that in mind every character in this game has a backstory and tangled plot lines with other characters like all Superman beat the [ __ ] out of his wife while she was pregnant because he thought she was doomsday to the Scarecrow's fear toxin zan accidentally nuke petrópolis because the Joker and I'm sorry if I'm getting a little bit of detail wrong so if you really want the entire backstory just read the comic books nerd enter injustice to where the evil villain happens to be Gorilla Grodd who aims to take over the world with his ensemble of other baddie is called the society to do the world vocals rushers well hold hold on hold on the society the society you mean to tell me that Gorilla Grodd didn't name his evil team the gorilla squad are you [ __ ] kidding me but he's not even the final boss because he's just a pawn for the real macdaddy Brainiac who plans to destroy earth after he extracts all of its knowledge he's basically the final form of Tai Lopez I collect world preserving there is central knowledge I value knowledge knowledge only instead of being in his garage in the Hollywood Hills with his Lamborghini Brainiac has a giant floating skull ship with next-gen shields and an endless supply of drones that he calls betas though I like to think of them as 50% scorpion for mortal combat stand 50% slur vending machines from Futurama I've got a big big thirst for human blood ow of course the only ones that can stop Brainiac and his goons are Batman and the Justice League or at least some of the Justice League because the Justice League just ain't the Justice League without my main man Martian Manhunter am i right fellas in typical Justice League fashion you not only end up fighting the bad guys but you also end up fighting yourselves in situations that really don't need to happen but are hilarious anyways like half the game it's just unnecessary conflicts arising from moral dilemmas I want to do this thing I don't want to do that thing let's slap the [ __ ] out of each other for two minutes before immediately coming to our senses and making the decision we were about to anyways also I'm sure you can imagine that the only realization that matters is you choosing Batman or Superman Batman doesn't want to kill people Superman wants to kill some people and in case you were curious I chose Batman even though his logic is definitely not always bulletproof if you kill a killer the number of killers in the world remains the same okay Batman but if you kill like a hundred killers then it goes down by like 99 right but I should warn you in advance that no matter your decision this game is certainly not mortal combat and you won't see virtually anybody dying because it's rated T for teen or rather T for try not to kill anybody remember out there there's no regime not anymore so we do not kill you blew it Robin ya blew it and why are you wasting your effort on murdering some random convict that's only kills what a hundred and twenty people Brainiac has slaughtered billions of Kryptonians in a near genocide shouldn't he be the priority in the situation even nether realm is self-aware of how silly this non-lethal attitude is because they poke fun at this theme throughout the game ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow so you won't kill but you're fine with traumatic brain injuries shut up Robin TBI doesn't stand for traumatic brain injury it stands for terrific bonding instance but I guess since you're such a failure of a son you can't see that Batman is trying to be a better dad you ingrate but ignoring Robin and by extension Nightwing yeah you can shove off too this game is amazing because of how colorful the characters are both literally and figuratively with the exception of Black Adam it takes all colors to make a rainbow sets black it's not black in a rainbow to kick things off I have to start with Deadshot ignoring that one kind he was in that one movie about that one group that we will never talk about ever again so you're saying that we some canna do a sad squash top that not only a dead shot awesome enough to shoot flash in the kneecaps but he also casually stabs himself to get out of a headlock how kick-ass is that got no choice god Bernie I was supposed to my head positive sure I could kill myself all day in fact the only thing better than dead shot in this game is to dead shots so we're completely identical except another shot anybody not even yourself oh my god shut up ha ha ha so come on Tommy call me young Metro because I don't trust you of course there is the teeny tiny detail the dead shots only a bad guy in this game because Gorilla Grodd has a micro explosive implanted in his head essentially holding him hostage so he unfortunately gets treated like a dog reporter Chuck we're ready to move on now go tell the others whoa that's like [ __ ] me on the topic of Gorilla Grodd who will not be the target of any harambe jokes because it's not funny anymore I really do not get his name like Gorilla Grodd more like gorilla giggles because all he ever does is laugh maniacally while Brainiac is the real mask mind pulling the strings but at least he gets made fun of by Green Arrow a bunch of times who has the best one-liners in the whole game now where's that damn 38 his rose against Grodd are hilarious because in the wrong context they could be perceived as horribly racist but because Gorilla Grodd is literally a gorilla they're not racist at all and it's perfect I forgot to bring my banana arrow wait you eat bananas right or is that an offensive stereotype Atrocitus is the other villain that I can't get enough of because his entire role is just a sideshow that isn't critical to the plot but he shows up anyways just because Green Lantern is involved like Rainey AK Batman Superman I sleep hey yo ho mob is Green Lantern real [ __ ] and as you saw during the intro Green Lantern super move is just as baller as nether realms decision to make Steve bloom from toonami his voice actor oh [ __ ] it even that isn't enough to convince you to play him he can not only spawn dump trucks but you can also become heavy weapon guys now Green Lantern is tasked with recruiting Aquaman who beyond his menacing super-move featuring his giant piranha looking fish buddy is really just a dude with a trident I love saying the word Atlantis Atlantis from next time my peoples blood is spilled it will be for Atlantis Atlantis masters Atlantis Atlantis Black Canary and Catwoman are basically two psychotic ex-girlfriends because one of them is constantly triggered and screaming and the other is trying to run you over [Music] and for the record if Catwoman ever faces another Catwoman the Catwoman wearing the least amount of clothing always wins in case you were curious like I was in the month of poor leads flash does have such superhuman speed that he can go back in time that's thoughtful I don't think you have any idea I'll back up again Foster but he is most definitely not a cyborg unlike most of the berries that I know and it's the return of Barry Allen yes very high however cyborg is in the game who ends up fighting a cyborg that came out of cyborg as a subroutine so if you're not confused yet I'm pretty sure there's some sort of animosity between flash reverse-flash cyborg and poison ivy is sprinkled in there somewhere it seems like poison ivy is only included in this game to direct dick jokes towards cyborg but he ends up demolishing her with his giant cyborg fists anyway so it's cool it won't bring back what you lost especially below the way [ __ ] Normie if I'm being honest I love today included firestorm and Blue Beetle but I just can't bring myself to play them because they're always together and I can't unsee that Blue Beetle doesn't have a nose at least dr. fate showed up to urgently tell us with a future hold even though it doesn't happen everyone everything you know will die Captain Cold is essentially what would happen if buck from Rainbow six became a superhero that knee ain't healing super fast wait doesn't icing injuries reduce inflammation and dull pain why are you freezing his knee after Deadshot shot him isn't that counterproductive Sheeta purely exists to button mash and spam that stupid purple laser right riot but I will admit that it's an amusing hunter versus the hunted dynamic when she's matched up against Deadshot I was the nice thing here at walnut now I'm tanning wow this is animal cruelty calling jobs here light is coming through the Zelan table got animal cruelty ads oh yeah I'm definitely triggered that Wonder Woman happens to be the one to defeat a villain as perfect as Scarecrow because I hate one of read but maybe he didn't die because the amount of blood shown during his death scene looks like he just accidentally sat on a few ketchup packets he's way better earlier in the game when he clashes with Harley who unsurprisingly is extremely well done especially her super move but I'm not sure how many of you are going to like the Joker now that he's all edgy Mick jared leto edge Lord but I don't completely hate him very have enough for him to go I mean he's not God to your Arkham Asylum Joker but he's the fresh take that I can respect not only do I admire that nether realm is careful with their characters but they're also self-aware like Bane has an achievement called out of nowhere that requires you to defeat Batman with the final head coming from a meter burn Bane bomb so they definitely know what they're doing [Applause] even though there are certain features like the clash mechanic that I don't like it's always canceled out by something that I do like such as the arena transition yeah no there's no definition Arizona very good how do you get that much philosophy with single explosive stuff combo oh yeah I got it I got me got it look I got you got it looks like able to smack the [ __ ] outta me yeah you press B right press B you nerd oh my god there he goes I just got kicked what dysplasia did you not the fact that the mass can be interacted with it all impresses me especially the fact that you can outright throw people at your opponent well god damn it why do you always throw that guy excused herself move move back so I can grab this there you go thank you oh my god why you gotta be back to school but insane invest for last the best character in the entire game has to be Swamp Thing not just because of his creatively uncreated name of Swamp Thing but his super move is incredible please no transition please no transition arena oh you know uh no what you doing this to me batma bag how do I do it his crouching mechanic is unmatched [ __ ] who is you wait wait why do you think yourself why should they go to the ground because I'm a swamp monster wait what did you do it you will never match my oh my but ours and of course he can make the entire earth into his own personal swamp without being shrekt here's my question that's littering Larry oh you would be the one freaking swamp monster I'm a swamp man I care about okay I don't know about the earth I care excuse me about my singular swamp it should be heard is my swamp what are you doing in my but you do it in my jacuzzi it swamp map happens to be wonderful but gorilla City is the very best while konjac will forever be the very worst like each other conduct what's wrong with you I mister random I'm pretty sure you chose conduct just because no I chose random you boil loving piece of trash so on I wanna [ __ ] a rock house to take one final morsel that I have to share with you is that if you want the most excessive unneeded super-move showdown you have to match Black Adam with Supergirl because Supergirl straight-up flies you to the Sun while Black Adam destroys an entire pyramid which makes me ask why seeing as those things are not only finite but we're built by slaves but I guess that just makes it all that much more excessive and also impressive and that's about it I would like to thank you very much for watching and be sure to tune in next time and we cross our fingers and hope the Deathstroke is DLC [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 7,375,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Injustice 2, Injustice, injustice 2 gameplay, gameplay, injustice 2 ending, injustice gods among us 2, injustice 2 walkthrough, injustice 2 joker, injustice 2 all characters, injustice 2 all super moves, injustice 2 review, guide, injustice 2 story mode, walkthrough, injustice 2 campaign, deadshot, the joker, flash, reverse flash, injustice 2 epic gear, injustice 2 story campaign, commentary, batman, black adam, supergirl, russian badger, wonder woman, blue beetle, harlequin, bane
Id: d0EGlWP1pkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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