MACK 'N CHEESE | Rainbow Six Siege

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[Music] snaps whiskey-tango-foxtrot ricky roasted toasts a maverick you dumb maverick the only operator and all rainbow six with a gadget that's useful in the kitchen making [ __ ] mac and cheese whole line the only operator that specializes in heating up metal without making it explode you went to chaga came in peace outside on his turret who set him on fire with no mercy but we're getting ahead of ourselves here let's start from the beginning I thought I was gone for a long time Eric maverick thorn which do you get it by the way Eric maverick no no okay forget Eric grew up in Boston with two overprotective parents so upon turning 18 he grabbed an ar-15 and said [ __ ] you walnut dad I'm going to the sandbox that's not a direct quotation I'm actually doing something called paraphrasing which means that I'm roughly shitposting from his wiki which come to think of it isn't even really paraphrasing that's just lie after doing a bunch of operator [ __ ] in the Middle East he randomly disappeared for two years before reappearing with enough Intel to tear down on our insurgency operation what do you mean two years where did he go oh we thought the other died or faked his own death but then one day he just showed up back at base laughs which makes him mother really good at staying laughs we're really bad at faking his own death so I was trapped for a long time live and seen things you couldn't imagine now I see things in a different light I'm sorry guy but that doesn't make a modicum of sense to me because it's so incredibly [ __ ] grace is worse than the time that I never mind but you know what I'll forgive the Provos backstory because his exothermic siree torch happens to be powered by propane and anybody that uses propane and propane accessories is a friend of mine this iPhone two one I plunked one I got um Bandidos down you know by now that it can be used to draw dumb [ __ ] in reinforced walls but the possibilities are endless like you want to set the coldest character in the entire game on fire no problem Hamid e-cash I thought I hit it it was premature I got it don't worry you there I need ariana grande right in the face damn it I'm gonna rush up see the Badger was about to take a fat dub and then all of a sudden clue just keeps himself off the roof I have so many questions badger why did you use your torch to kill people but knock down when it comes the pulse you just burned I use a scalpel not a sledge hammer I'm surgical with this [ __ ] is heavenly just mentioned it can also be a wonderful resetting tool when your teammates are low and you want to boost them back up to 50 l Summerset me what's right will try next time say use my torch another one up here mac and cheese and nobody you can stop why does nothing happen when like a Ubisoft dev is in my chat like I want to Ubisoft dev just to see me shadow reset somebody with a 50 Cal I'm so glad I designed all of the schematics for this weapon that you shot blitz machine what a great resetting tool and you have a torch in your hand tries to reset 151 am ia joke to you what I only said it was a wonderful resetting tool I never said that I use it as a wonderful resetting tool this is now being a flaming Dawn of War fan growing up I happen to know a thing or two about destroying things with fire and those lessons learned definitely apply here the first of which is tearing apart cover because in the words of the dread [Music] but why infiltrate shelter when you could simply turn that shelter into a cage by dotting the walls and trapping defenders punctuating yet another line that's been stuck in my head since 2009 John you mean right run away oh that's a Jager who else we got I don't know he can see me from right there oh I got him I know you may be thinking we already have hard breachers like thermite and Havanna how is this new and to that I say they quiet though he's in the corner northeast corner just gonna run out - I got love how you can't hear that [ __ ] at all that's yeah can throw mine in here bond up reach through sappy sappy walls from Kate and Bandido to Reno I didn't [ __ ] think so tough guy firing before the hole even burns open look at this where are your batteries now my chat is so terrible with any cash opens up maverick allow me I have no idea what that accent was but like it or not the human torch here is gonna take your best laid plans poke holes in it and say whew what's this no matter if you bring bandido Cayden you tur even tachanka what the [ __ ] [Laughter] why is that so visceral jello dying to the Almighty Mavic no and my love for maverick is only matched by the hate for maverick by Thatcher because with his ability to easy clap mute jammers banded batteries and cake laws let's just say that he's ruined the old man's relationship with thermite harder than Netflix ruins relationships and my twitch chat Netflix ruined my relationship with my sister I was just trying to make out with her and then Rick and Morty came on like deep-fried [ __ ] he's not without counters because you should always remember that holes have no allegiance and bullets do in fact travel both ways oh we got a man on when i'm garna hey come here alrighty this mouth nice so let's say that I was that same maverick in that same situation I would go for the tiny holes first and only cut in large strips once I'm ready to sneak in somebody's boob underneath me this way jumps back out all day he jumps back out yep spirit spirit bomb in shells did you think I was gonna do my god got him please question is can I get this without him seeing me can I lean with I got it [ __ ] Oh 15 seconds left oh no come around to the right they're in bedroom now leave them head here the bed yup got him I'm so glad I fit my fat ass through that hole I totally think I've thought I would be discovered right away and if you thought Ricky roasted and toasted here was cool for being boron 4:20 and being able to burn whatever he wants just wait till you see his guns like somebody's in the closet Oh smokes here - got him oh my I think that was one of those ones where you just pop in when they least expected and you just kill so many people that they don't have the time to call it out that's perfect plenty start by saying that he's a 3-speed so even if you're a [ __ ] like me you can still avoid rounds like boris the bullet-dodger and pull off some crazy straights that was the hole yep Thank You blue the first ever body shot kill on doc since the inception of this game regardless of stats the ar-15 chambered in 50 caliber Beowulf even though the magazine doesn't make sense is the most badass gun in the game from the reload to the aesthetics to the firing sound to the one tap satisfaction it's not even a contest my guy what an offensive cat can there's another one in that corner oh that goes in there bad you know me to give you a scan but that helped oh my god okay so meaty you're a Beowulf round it's not a conventional 50 caliber round it acted more like a 5/5 kick really were they oh hey double window a static man he's dead it was right it was a red fro or Redfoo and Sky Blu or something like that what I want a [ __ ] I got him to his melon who can go in nice and quiet by slapping a suppressor on at the size of a submarine which is arguably more satisfying if you're a CAV main that hates playing attack smoke Oh God got to that guy like dead ass thought he was a shadow that's terrifying dude I got him too my god I can't believe I got the first sued with one bullet got the shadow and that was just a lucky spamming what is the cone with the suppressor dude badger paws in this [ __ ] the m4 is a little more complicated definitely more flexible with 31 rounds instead of 11 but do you guys know what I mean when I say I love the ACOG on this thing oh she's coming again I don't care what the names are I don't care if it's friendly or enemy I got a trip spray dumbass scuba suit you dumb expect you out here bright orange in the middle of [ __ ] Canada everything white you look like an orange peel I don't know I thought two names over there so I was like I'm about to die I better spray some bullets another triple kill right before he secured the triple kill he told his CEO that he was going to quote hit a fatty I also loved the angled grip on this thing they're still too worried I am [Music] this two left Bufton she popped it got her oh god I was just making sure she wasn't hoppin that big-ass shield instead of Bob was a mirror nap shot [ __ ] that was good is that shrout the doctor disrespect rad wood I did that in like the core a quarter of that time Doug do you realize how quick rowdies machines and I love the ultra tactical ultra operator suppressor that fits his character so well that it's in his operator art the murder : yup so independently I love those things but when you bring the ACOG that I love the angled grip that I love and the suppressor that I love together it's kind of shitty it's like Jim Gaffigan talking about fruitcake fruit good Kate good fruitcake craps although it may seem like the most appealing combo to go angle grip suppressor an ACOG the recoil is super wonky and slow to reset it ain't it it ain't until damn I got Sears to Rico with the suppressor any angle [ __ ] goddamn head shot there it is there it is baby so even though you may want to hang me for this red dot angled suppressor is the go-to kid if you want a single handedly tear an enemy team to shreds t-rex dot that's a clean head shot my guy wants to hear me this is bangable by the way something quite the risk well your party is soft wall punch it please there's a couple of air jobs and no way no email he'll actually pull it out the wind no flap turn it off flaps yeah you bet he's impressed that was the guy you killed good job cam you did it you're really gonna make it in this world the [ __ ] voice flying from milk you feel like a little [ __ ] I'm yeah cam you finally did it you [ __ ] die and I got an alpha pack to boob look at that look at it you've longed a mission LMFAO they really put in the goddamn chick-fil-a on mother I got a t-rex look at it yes my guy but no matter if you go five five six or 50 Cal flash banks are a must because I ain't got time to put down a claymore when I'm too busy winning the game I'm gonna have another one through the same hole watch this clash is looking right on me and we're still gonna send it oh that's that's bulletproof I'm still gonna send it probably kids are kids I'm sure we can tell by now but any flashbang bit i throw is objectively perfect and any flashbang thrown by my squad it's a one-way ticket to brain damage but it's hard to destroy the defuser when everyone on the server is blind flash you buddy that's pulse I got him don't worry about it stop with the flash bang Jesus I'm making [ __ ] mac and cheese and nobody can stop me that is freedom 45 seconds of Rainbow six siege that Ubisoft can't explain Wallis victory you can't forget about the taco secondary and yes that's the official name look it up my guy taco PS which is a bona fide agent 47 finishing tool there's a bell I gotta execute I got a class shot damn it got him yo echoes couch couch couch magically right here I know he's on the couch watch as he 92 tests look you ready he was washing you on his drone the whole [ __ ] side he's probably watching his other one bang hey Don and all you want for being his only pistol and only carrying nine rounds but I'm not complaining when he's this fast nice bamboo table ager so hard I didn't kill that's which weapon god I'm still alright fine I can your sworn enemy I would say outright arch-nemesis is of course hashes because you have to burn them so goddamn much with so much goddamn propane to pop one open but who says you have to open them in the first place I hear someone's going over the point I think Fat Boy rook looking at his phone like on my drone that was such a good coordination of you called in so he would like Brooke was like what the [ __ ] my fault somebody lied pinged him and then I opened up that hatch a little hole I was perfect his dog was just bullying him and he just laid down on my drunk your ruber eats driver is here rook on the contrary if the hatch isn't reinforced you've got a free pass to pop in unannounced on unsuspecting enemies especially frost right away you gonna push so hard yeah you may hear from everybody that blah blah blah maverick is terrible on self-service is because these vulnerable behind them and takes forever to throw them yeah if you're not thinking with portals you dumbass got the spinny leaf 45 seconds whenever you want yeah yo I love that little delay of like it just kind of opens up and they start firing that that is it chief that is it and let's just say that the hilarity of Maverick burning frost will never get old unless they somehow add Captain cold in season 27 or something never gets old oh oh I can hear the overbearing news like didn't you do the new knit then I could oh [ __ ] I gotta reload sorry sorry all I say is this man so you're such a riot to play I may even make a second video on and when is the weed skin comes out or if they add a master Miller skin either one of those things I will make another video dead-ass I want to skin I want to skin for maverick where it's just like a straw and a Bic lighter and like he's spitting they smell like the elite skin where it's like old school or budget you just spitting gasoline into a Bic lighter through a straw that would be great he's a fire breather I feel really [ __ ] slimy God it's Tyler the Creator spat on a lagoon creature or something my whole face is so moist don't forget that I sell t-shirts as the last second she love myself and you find all of my gear from my keyboard to my brand-new PC and by the way a hundred and twenty eight gigs of RAM still hasn't saved me from this editing there's just so much [ __ ] in Sony Vegas it doesn't know what to do there's a 79 80 XE in this computer still can't handle this many [ __ ] you forget it it's not important but especially we're in the holiday season I was gonna ask about t-shirts my PC specs and what keyword you use so I've consolidated all of it down below thanks again for watching all the way to the end of the video that's some serious dedication you got going on my man sorry that sounded kind of shitty I'm actually genuinely appreciative so thanks a lot guy and be sure to tune in next time when the Metal Gear fans won't stop [ __ ] posting in my comment section
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 7,992,781
Rating: 4.9293261 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege maverick, maverick guide, maverick, rainbow six siege gameplay, operation wind bastion, wind bastion, gameplay, siege, rainbow six siege tips, new operators, rainbow six siege kaid, rainbow six siege nomad, siege gameplay, ubisoft, nomad, kaid, rainbow 6 siege, rainbow six, r6s, clutch, r6, rainbow six gameplay, tactic, rainbow six siege wind bastion, r6 siege, montage, strategy, clutches, tactical, buff, new dlc, dlc, multiplayer, new operator, rework, pvp
Id: e3cYbZroSr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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