SPACE MARINE CREATION/RECRUITMENT - Your guide on becoming an Astartes | WARHAMMER 40,000 Lore

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you they shall be my finest warriors these men who give themselves to me like clay I shall mold them and in the furnace of war shall forge them they shall be of iron will and steely sinew in great armor I shall clad them and with the mightiest weapons they shall be armed they'll be untouched by a plague or disease no sickness shall blight them they shall have such tactics strategies and machines that no foe will best them in battle they are my bulwark against the terror they are the defenders of humanity they are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear [Music] Space Marines are humanity's most elite fighting force their defenders of civilization but their immense power is forged through a harsh selection process extreme genetic and body modifications this grueling transformation kills many recruits and those who do survivor are left arguably barely human the conversion from weak mortal to demigod like superhuman is one gifted to only a tiny amount of humans in a 41st millennium Anna studies when his transformation is complete will be stronger tougher mentally more powerful by factors than an ordinary human and while a space marines prime mission is to protect humanity their physical disparity from ordinary common humans can actually leave many our studies to look down on these lesser common humans while others will feel renewed sense of dedication to protect those who can barely protect themselves it's important to remember that space marines are the defenders of humanity and not the rulers of it humans for better or worse have been the leaders of the Imperium of man until recently with the return of Primark Roebuck gulaman while the transformation of a human to space marine is complex you'll often hear the terminology of a gene seed be used now gene seed is not literally a seed but it is a specific organ that each a star T's carries with c-like qualities it's a term used to describe generally the genetic material of anistar T's it's more accurately these cells and DNA required to engineer a human into anistar T's the gene seed more specifically though refers to the space Queen's progeny ID glands and the clue is in the name there when you think of progeny these organs in a space Queen respond to the other genetic implants they have and replicate DNA essentially they are in a manner of speaking an asexual form of reproduction which is why when a space brain is fatally wounded on a battlefield and Apothecary will fight to recover his gene seed it's also why yes space means do not require heterosexual reproduction five years from implantation a space marines neck pod Glantz can be harvested but the chest glands won't be harvested up until 10 years space means essentially depend on themselves to produce new Marines for the chapter lastly in this general sphere of discussion two ants a very commonly discussed topic our space marines actually castrated and then how do they excrete waste well I can't actually record anywhere in written law this being noted so if anybody has a specific point of reference please do link it but my speculation based on a few things that I've kind of looked at is that pretty much the Canon opinion is that Space Marines have no sexual drive however when it comes to excretion it's true that their armor is also an environment suit that would cycle and process their own waste much like a still suit in the dune universe also space means do not live in their Armour although they may wear it for extended periods of time it can be removed it's entirely possible that their external genitals are removed and they have implants to take care of waist but I've got nothing to see that it points towards this so it's an unknown but it's not something that's critically really important in the scheme of things it's equally possible that it's just seen as an organ as with everything else and they just leave it all be now before we look further into how a space moon is forged in the 41st millennium let's remind ourselves how they were created over history now the first form of space moon was originally created by the Emperor during the unification Wars of the late 30th millenium earth at this time was a barren wasteland of scavengers and barbaric warring tribes after civilization had imploded as a result of the age of strife earth being cut off from its supply routes in the warp cannibalized itself and fell into total anarchy after the Emperor originally created techno barbarians a crude adapted form of super soldier he would form later into the Thunder warriors these Warriors were brutal powerful and most importantly highly unstable the Emperor knew that he wouldn't be able to work with these soldiers forged in the fires of anarchy beyond the unification of Earth's warring tribe and so he secretly constructed his genetic facilities in a fortress deep below vast mountain ranges on earth here he would with some few remaining gene rights create his pry marks using his own genetic material as a template then subsequently the very first of the new breed of warriors the space mines or a starties but what are the Thunder warriors Imperial records state of the Thunder warriors were nearly all wiped out during a particularly bloody battle at the end of the unification Wars on mount error conveniently the newly journeys estar tees were created readily to replace them now records from this time are understandably fragmented but described eyewitness accounts from the few Thunder warriors to survive this battle like Eric tyrannous stated that it was in fact the Emperor himself who massacred the Thunder warriors others have stated that it was also in collaboration with his custodian guard in several instances that occurred since this time where Thunder Warriors have appeared and faced their starties brothers the Thunder Warriors have nearly always managed to inflict casualties beyond expectation before they are finally felled this gives some indication of how powerful they were as warriors and why the Emperor felt they were perhaps too dangerous given their power and psychological instability to function as a disciplined fighting and defensive force for the new Imperium regardless this whole situation is a dark and little spoken of episode 4 the Emperor of man vocalizing these events would no doubt have some Inquisition or ecclesia key on their way to you very promptly with the Thunder warriors killed in the Battle of mount ararat the new space means that each Ernest artis would come to the fore unlike their Thunder warrior forebears they would undergo rigorous mental training as well as physical and genetic modifications this would give them immense physical traits as well as being near unbreakable with their mental conditioning the new Marines were initially segregated into 20 legions this separation was not for simple organizational purposes each Legion was imbued with genetic traits from their and as such this impacted their character and behavior to ensure unity the emperor designated them to stay together in their legions to reduce friction and ensure cohesion of the estar t's brothers through recruiting and conquest of human colonies as the impairment expanded so did the estar t's legions what had begun as a handful of Marines swelled to tens of thousands during the Crusades this would lead later to heavy damage caused during the heresy after the prime acts holding such immense power being the sole commanders of each space marine Legion after that period of chaotic incursion ro boot gulaman prime Arkadiy ultramarines would draft the Codex s star T's and the remaining loyalists pry marks would after much consideration agree at best that the space we need Ian's be split into chapters this was to ensure no space borne Legion could wield the sheer weight of power they had during the Crusades and subsequent heresy this was known as the second founding each of these chapters would take a permanent home world or fortress monastery in the Imperium the Codex our study states that each chapter would be one thousand battle brothers in number and manage its own recruitment a specific development in the creation of a Space Wing was discovered after the Horus heresy weaknesses in the genes heed now as I previously explained the gene seed is the core biological component in the creation of a space moon during the heresy Space Marines were created on a massive scale and as with any biological replication process if you do this on a large scale then mutations and errors can occur in this DNA replication so another result of the implementation of the Codex of studies by government was to slow the process of creating a space moon to more closely monitor their genetic material and the material implanted within new recruits to ensure purity and expunge defects government would also establish core genetic banks on Terror to ensure a stock of genetics existed these pure sources would provide new material for the foundings of a star these chapters and also prevent any further contamination as previously described each chapter is responsible for its own replenishment it chooses where and how to locate potential Space Wing candidates many will recruit solely from their own homeworld but others will reach out to hive worlds of the Imperium to locate powerful and resilient fighters who have shown promise and an unnatural ability in combat even potentially recruiting from gang fighters in hive cities feral planets can also be good for selection as the humans here are physically tough and have to deal with daily hardships more frequently than some other Imperial planets surprisingly the less recruits actually appear from the militaristic worlds like fortress planets maybe because although knowing lives of military discipline they haven't endured the true horror and hardships that come from the rougher ends of Imperial life any candidate for a Space Marine will be usually young between the ages of 10 and 15 years old obviously needed to be strong healthy and fiercely loyal to the Imperium often on worlds where recruitment occurs young male humans who show exceptional skill or strength are pushed hard to give them the best chance of potential recruitment candidates can occasionally be as old as 20 but the full effect of their biological conversions may not be as effective or complete standard trials for Space Wing recruitment often involve combat endurance perhaps hunting of some extremely dangerous indigenous animal and for the few who survive the tasks set by their studies who are there to supervise the rewards are beyond estimation it's difficult to describe just how revered space planes are to ordinary citizens of the Imperium while they wouldn't be directly worshipped they are certainly individuals with godlike reverence and/or many humans in the Imperium will go their entire lives without ever even seeing and estar teas and they may only arrive on impure planet once in a generation on some words they are even somewhat mythical so for a family on an impaired world to have their son chosen for space moon recruitment and candidacy would be an honor beyond imagination but from some perspective bittersweet in as all likelihood they may never see them again once they have been accepted and in very high possibility will probably die in later processes but it's nonetheless the highest honor to serve the Emperor and the Imperium in this way and would no doubt lead to adulation even possible special treatment for families after the fact ordinary citizens understand that to be accepted for the conversion to their starties the Emperor's chosen warriors is nothing short of becoming a demigod then again you could just as easily have been recruited from a hive world full of daily extreme violence and your gang was just forcibly made to participate in the trials and you were simply the only one left alive at the end so that's your flip side of the coin pray you never seek acceptance to the grey knights I'll cover that later despite all the physical mental requirements for candidacy another element is spiritual purity in the 41st millennium Imperial societies heavily religious worshipping the god Emperor and most importantly decrying the ruinous powers of chaos chaplains and the ecclesia akhi will continually monitor society around a starties recruitment sources to ensure that there are no signs of taint by the dark forces of chaos [Music] with the easy part over the selected candidates now known as aspirants we'll begin the ritual process of becoming a space moon this may be a formal process of reciting scripture or it could involve further trials these could take place on the homeworld or result in immediate departure for the aspirin each chapter has their own private and guarded initiations some of these can be heavily traumatic and are usually significantly harder tests designed to break those who show even the smallest cracks of weakness these trials for the young aspirants may even include ritual slaughter scarification even amputation and bloodletting it's all designed to prove their commitment loyalty and unwavering faith in the estar T's chapter unsurprisingly some aspirants do not pass this phase of testing physically or mentally aspirants will continue periods of testing and examination as well as actual live combat during their period as a recruit for the Space Marine chapter and some of these trials may be cleverly disguised as coming-of-age rituals other celebrations some more combat based although will be observed carefully by senior members of the chapter and chaplains will be assessing key traits and behaviors looking for candidates who fulfill their exacting requirements some of these aspirants from fairer worlds or even other worlds may not be truly aware of what space mines are and this innocence may in some way protect them from making overthought errors that cost them later still some chapters actually take little interest in these early stages Maloney actually become involved later once aspirants have been further thinned down the whole process is a physical and psychological minefield some challenges could be unachievable while others the simple act of survival is enough to merit approval to progress to the next stage all the tests put the space between aspirants are designed to test every element of their being to the limit and expose any weaknesses that are present as well as learn about how they handle and make judgments on situations they are presented with while the recruitment age for these aspirants is undoubtedly young it's worth remembering that the nightmare environment of the 41st millennium is undoubtedly very harsh and so growing up and becoming an adult quickly is something which many learn to do and so their age shouldn't necessarily dictate your judgement of them based on our current period in time standard estar teas trials for these young recruits can include knowledge of self a start easy to look at recruits mental strength equally to the physical the horrors they will face in their lives as a Space Wing despite later conditioning require the strongest character in a recruit to be successful and worthy they may use a chapter librarian to impose psychic horrors on a recruit to see if they survive the nightmares they're forced to witness he may be forced to take drugs and face the worst parts of his own psyche the stress and trauma of this trial can often physically affect their bodies as well so in many ways this becomes the ultimate test for recruits completion of this trial will undoubtedly fundamentally alter the young recruit forever some chapters like the Imperial fists consider this kind of mental testing especially important but do so by exposing their recruits to a literal physical pain and we use devices like these subtly titled poem glove these hook into the nervous system of the recruit and inflict horrific pain but also maintain their consciousness well past what a normal individual could handle the result will either be a mentally toughened but probably scarred individual or a complete mental breakdown and death an obvious and standard test for many recruits is exposure most worlds of the Imperium have unforgiving environments and so sending out recruits into these wastes with a little to survive with is an easy way to tell who is strong enough as a candidate Space Marine apothecaries can rebuild damaged individuals so the test is less of can you survive without consequences and more simply can you survive many worlds are severely irradiated frozen wastes toxic waste lands or ashen wastes where planets have suffered total ecological collapse ultimately a planet could also be a literal jungle full of horrific creatures small and large ready to tear you to pieces or just melt your face off as stated the test is simple survive for a set period of time it will also likely involve some object of crossing a distance from A to B so as to avoid recruits just digging a hole somewhere and sitting in it until time has elapsed some of the tests could well be impossible to complete and are simply assessing who can survive longest or travel farthest before dying or near death the ultramarines and space wolf chapters are known to favour exposure testing a fairly self-explanatory trial recruits are pitted against one another in one-on-one combat when the last or last few remain the assessing estar T's will usually halt the assessment the type of Jew could vary between armed or unarmed combat consecutive combat or recruits switching out on completing rounds there is one constant though and that is it's always a fight to the death again apothecaries are able to heal most ordinary human wounds with ease so these fights are often fairly no-holds-barred brutal Affairs amputation and heavy trauma being the norm unsurprisingly joules are the blood angles trial of choice but others such as dark angels and pure fists and space wolves also put this trial - their recruits war is life in the Imperium and although some world to know this more than others planets used for recruitment usually have some form of regular combat going on this trial is that's a trial and more means of assessing potential candidates the studies may have observed headhunting particularly strong champions or they may watch them from orbit observing infighting between tribes on Imperial feral worlds in this trial recruits are tasked to head out into their homeworld and slay a beast for causing chaos or harm to their world many Imperial Worlds hosts highly dangerous life-forms or worse orc infestations the group must go out alone or sometimes in small groups and return with their captured hunt often alive with these group hunts though the nasty twist is that there can only be one successful recruit so they could turn on each other break off alone to achieve or steal victory I personally questioned the validity of this test fighting to the death to show strength over others seems plausible but setting out in as a group but then betraying other recruits seems to go kind of against the traits of starties look for in recruits anyway I'm returning home they'll be required to slay their successful hunt in a ritual in front of their community before being led successfully away in the throes of glory lastly the quite vague challenge trial and this is exactly what it is some form of probably unsurmountable challenge this could be to attempt to fight a full-blown Space Marine in combat an impossible task you might imagine but usually remember this is the 41st millennium and bizarre occurrences are abound while the thought of a child fighting a Space Marine seems insane remember the task is usually to see how they approach it not necessarily their success in some extremely rare situations though the aspirant may actually beat the Space Marine challenger as completely impossible as this may seem that individual usually will hold some unusual or rare power and will go on to become a legendary hero of the chapter the aspirant will also usually be armed while the Space Marine unarmed and without his power armor still as with most of the former trials the test here is really about if they can just survive at all not so much best their opponent other arguably more horrific tests that could be non-combat based and test a recruit strength speed mental skill or resistance to toxins so they might for example be forced to drink nightmarish toxic chemicals lift weights so heavy they break their bones apart or evade some kind of horrific dangerous trap recruits deemed to have succeeded by whatever standards however unlikely will then be restored by chapter apothecaries ultramarines and again in peril fists favor these trials clearly a great many recruits will not survive this stage of assessment but even those who fail to be accepted but by some miracle survived will usually be heavily respected for having done so not just by their families in front but by the assessing estar T's having done no wrong but maybe just not made the cut the surviving but unsuccessful aspirants who were assessed on their homeworld may return to their former communities a rare occurrence or they may continue on to serve the chapter as a serf a menial but loyal servant who takes personal care of saya Marines armor and weaponry those returned to their homes are extremely few but surprisingly are not perceived as failures it would be made clear to all that having just survived they have shown sheer strength and integrity as an imperial citizen they would then likely go on to become a strong leader for that world as Imperial Guard planetary defense force or some other leadership successful aspirants will now become neophytes they will move on to the next stage where they begin the early stages of conversion to a full space moon with the initial implantation of the gene seed and chemical adaptation of their genetically enhanced organs this could mean immediate departure with a spaceman brother to the next phase where it may be that they are allowed to celebrate in their home community before departure a very huge morale boost for the Imperial community there and also to help reinforce Imperial values and loyalty to be able to say your community gained a successful start ease recruit is no small thing and statues paintings songs and stories will be told for many years if not generations to come near fights will be expected to engage in training for combat as well as other mental training as well as following chapter law if a near fight should break chapter law through ignorance or unthinkably by deliberately doing so they will expect severe punishments a neophyte breaking chapter law will not simply be thrown out they would likely be mined scrubbed live out their lives as either best-case scenario chapter serfs being menial servants or worse forcible amputation and body conversion to life as cybernetic drones and slaves as servitors successful near fights immediately will begin conditioning to be implanted with their gene seeds and relevant genetic enhancements space brains must be male because the gene seed is only compatible with male hormones and genetics so no you won't see female space brains the neophytes also need to be tested for compatibility I'm always kind of surprised that this doesn't happen before the recruitment trials but anyway so they're tested for compatibility otherwise as with organ transplants rejection would be fatal for the neophyte even with this testing it can still happen later down the line they will then further have their mental strength checked before implantation of the gene si begins to ensure that there are in no way compromised by the forces of chaos if all these criteria are approved the neophyte recruit will now become a space moon scout or in some cases a full space green initiate they will live isolated in the space main chapters fortress monastery on the homeworld safe for any approved missions the individual will be tutored on battle methods tactics psychic conditioning values and the history of his chapter the reason these early Marines are titled initiates is because it is still unknown as to whether they will even survive to the final end process of becoming a full battle brother 19 organs grown from the chapter gene seed will be implanted to the near fight initiate summer transplants and others are grown in the training Marines body the gene seed will also adapt and change and grow the individual's body to become the giant size of a Space Marine towering over ordinary mortal humans much of the body chemistry will be fundamentally reworked during this time and the gene C contains genetically engineered of viral machines which rebuild the body to the template created by the Emperor any implant has a potential to fail and this rejection will automatically end and probably kill the initiate as if the odds weren't stacked against them already this further things down the number who survive to the end of this odd Juris process in brief the 19 implanted or grown organs to become a full Space Marine are as follows first a secondary heart to increase blood supply and capacity it can also pump steroids and extra adrenaline for battle situations the US modular or iron heart this strengthens and grows the skeleton of a Space Marine so that his bones will contain a ceramic base mineral which is added to an initiate diet after a few years this base wing skeleton will be exponentially stronger than a normal human the ribcage will have become fused to a solid bone plate providing extra protection for internal organs the Bisco Pia is implanted within the chest cavity and this increases skeletal muscular development essentially muscle density the HEA Masterman assists in carrying oxygen and nutrients more efficiently throughout the blood it also assists in regulating the second and third implants the Lara Mons organ is also placed in the chest and manufactures synthetic alarum and sells these serve like ordinary human blood platelets but faster and more efficient when a space wound is wounded they form fully healed scar tissue in seconds preventing hemorrhaging this ability can make space wounds appear invincible as they take wound after wound anything other than the most catastrophic of injuries is going to leave them still standing the catalepsy node is implanted in the back of the cerebrum allow space means to avoid the need for sleep entering them into a form of ongoing coma allowing their brain the ability to systematically recharge by individual parts at a time this enables them to stay on duty for hundreds of hours the seventh implant is the prion Noor it functions as a decontamination chamber above the stomach and will analyze ingested materials neutralizing any organic or inorganic toxins it also enables the studies to eat materials for sustenance that would kill ordinary humans the Omo Foggia is implanted in the upper spinal cord it absorbs information through ingested DNA and RNA related to memories the purpose is to gain tactical or survival information by eating animals or life-forms indigenous on a planet in addition to a second heart space brains also have multi lungs as their ninth implant 3 in fact this is to give them extra oxygen absorption in thin air environments in a toxic environment their ordinary lungs are shut off to allow the third lung to act as a filter for any necessary toxins the 10th adaptation is the okiya lobe it's a gene seed adaptation that enhances eyesight along the optic nerves this gives increased accuracy of vision and increased low-light sight ability the Lyman's ear is not simply better for more accurate hearing it enables means to resist ordinary human dizziness and for them to be able to filter out white noise and sonic attacks the Cesana membrane allows a spaceman to enter a state of suspended animation this can enable mortally wounded Marines to survive until help or an apothecary's arrival this hibernation period has been known to be able to last for anything as long as half a century monochrome alters the pigments in the skin cells in a start is to shield himself from dangerous radiation and heat different levels of this in effect can cause physical differences between chapters such as the very pale skin of the bloody angels or the darker skin of the salamanders the oolitic kidney filters blood to further remove toxins that have been ingested in combination with the seventh organ it is best not to think of this though like an ordinary kidney as its organ functions to assist in removing toxins before they have passed through any normal process of absorption otherwise it wouldn't be very useful it also helps to regulate the advanced circulatory system and other organs the newer glottis in the mouth allows a marine to biochemically analyze things by taste or smell or determine if something is poisonous or safe despite their advanced organs this could still be very useful for a variety of purposes and it can also enable them to track targets much like a canine the Emiquon ID is implanted in the nervous system and if activated through an external treatment will cause the istari skin to secrete a waxy substance this will cocoon them to protect them in situations or extended suspended animation even the vacuum of space or other temperature extremes the batchest gland consists of two glands implanted in the mouth these allow these studies to use their saliva as a corrosive acid when consciously activated this could enable them to corrode bars if they were held captive or removed doors from their hinges it also can assist them in eating difficult to break down substances some marine chapters have found this organ no longer functions or has become less effective over time the progeny glands or the gene seeds are the critical organs of a space marine they're implanted into the neck and chest cavity and serve as reproductive glands to allow their DNA to be collected upon death and safeguard the continuity of the chapter apothecaries of a Space Wing chapter will cultivate germ cells from the progeny glands to create the 19 organs of a Space Wing or some of them because some are grown within the space between themselves the final organ is the black carapace otherwise called the interface this material is implanted under the skin of the chest with the now shell-like rib Paige fighbird bundles then grow inward and interlink with the Space Marines nervous system points for these bundles are pre-cut by apothecaries and form neural connection points the function of these are to allow Space Wing to interface with the heavy power armor or as some would have you believe the armors machine spirit these connections enables faster reaction and maneuverability without their space wings with lumber around very much encumbered by the heavy armor they wear it's worth remembering that this whole process probably sounds heavily traumatic but consider that it ideally happens on the young near fighter initiates between the ages of about 10 to 12 years old and should be then completed by age 18 many are going to suffer critical or multiple organ failure during the process the penalty or arguably mercy for this is usually euthanasia although conversion to a servitor for the chapter is sometimes an option depending on chapters and their needs again for those families who never see their sons again in some cases it's probably for the best all they need to know is he's serving the Imperium now more recently since the involvement of Belisarius call of the mechanic 'm primaries Marines are a new breed of super humanist artis under instruction from reboot Gulman primary studies are only created from the gene seeds of loyalist pry marks they contain three additional organs and their gene seed is considerably more genetically stable Gulman had instructed call to develop these new organs with the goal of creating the primaries and their additional organs are the sinew coils this enables the sinew of a primary studies to be dura metallic contracting with immense force gifting them extreme strength and his body further resilience this increased strength will literally enable them to crush the skulls of their enemies with bare hands the magna fact and this small lobe is inserted to the brain cortex it secretes a hormone to increase the body's growth functions with the goal of also intensifying further functions of the other implanted organs apparently this organ is in fact half of the immortus gland the god maker gland of the pry marks for undisclosed reasons call was only able to discover the right half of this gland not the full gland itself the left half had been fully eradicated from impure records by either the Emperor himself or others unknown and third the ballast alien furnace this organ lies dormant and connects to both a Marines hearts in times of immense physical stresses it expels chemicals simulating combat stimulants increasing the regrowth of tissue bone muscle this is a short-term use organ and requires time to recharge after using now if this incredibly harrowing physical conversion is successful the neophyte or initiate will have completed the arguably most challenging part of these transformation however during these changes they will still be undergoing some of the most challenging training and assessment regimes humanity had ever known psychological and physical conditioning subconscious therapy and endless live battle training sessions their senses and mental abilities far exceed ordinary humans by the end of this process their mental toughness is beyond measure and anistar T's will essentially ignore pain and environmental conditions and a starties will assault enemies who to simply look upon would make an ordinary human suffer a complete mental break many through endless conditioning will develop photographic memories much of this round-the-clock therapy will also neutralize any latent character flaws and create stable highly single-minded warriors this endless mental and physical indoctrination will also teach and reinforce high respect for authority and to expertly carry out orders with that said it's important to remember that Space Marines are not mindless drawings or clones they are individuals and while always following the rule of command if a situation warrants it they are entirely capable of disobeying orders if they believe it to be ultimately necessary the consequences for this though could be and usually are potentially highly severe at the end of this process the few successful young children who are pitted against one other and survive the ordeals to reach this point will be welcomed as successful young initiates becoming full Space Marine battle brother Imperial starties the greatest warriors in the galaxy a starties aging though does seem somewhat random with some living even as long as ten thousand years but given the fractured and strange nature of time in the 41st millennium it can be really hard to put accurate expectancies on this and many Marines who are not killed may reach at least half a century in age into no exaggeration to state that unsuccessfully becoming inner starties these men would be far from what you would recognize as human their extended lives and nearly unbreakable bodies are truly no prize their lives from this point on are spent in the sole act of defending humanity and the Imperium of man accepting that their lives will be lost in battle at some point in the future probably in horrific circumstances they'll never see anyone they had ever known in their lives again families friends will die far before they even begin to think of such things Space Marines are the protectors Humanity in the 41st millennium stands on a precipice we've known many horrors disasters and catastrophes the ending of many worlds but the next millennia will be the most critical threats surround humanity some still difficult to gauge just how severe and if we can resist them our hope is in the estar T's and the impairment man and the Emperor but the Primarch Robert Gilman returned there was a glimmer of hope in the darkness [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 1,919,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Space Marines, Ultramarines, Army, Conversions, Custom model, Tabletop, Warhammer, Imperium, Astartes, Ultra, Macragge, Battle, Dreadnought, Terminator, Scout, assassin, Dropship, Luetin09, overview, Discussion, Greyknights, Librarian, Psyker, Psychic, Elite, Veteran, Tactical, Assault, Heavy weapons, Warhammer 40000 (Interest), Imperium of mankind, The Emperor, 40K, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Roboute Guilliman, Cawl, Gene Seed, Aspirant, Neophyte, Initiate, Primaris Marine
Id: whtHtyAy0Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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