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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
um would you like some god hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to monstrum now this is a game that i haven't played in a while in fact i kind of forgot that it existed but i recently saw that monstrum 2 is about to come out and also this game has had updates ever since i first played it i didn't know that so i'm gonna go into it and i'm gonna see what's up because i've kind of forgotten i know that you're on a ship a few precious seconds against certain monsters plural i only remember there ever being one monster and it was a cool looking monster don't get me wrong i think i actually might have beaten this one now now i i also play dark wood again the only game that i won't play again that you guys haven't seen in a while is um a game that i've already beaten vanish i beat it a long time ago there's no need to ever bring that up again no new objective right who sniffed did i just sniff or whatever um oh hi so i do not remember left click to turn on the torch interesting use the torch to search the room i don't remember if this is exactly what it was i must wheel the switch items okay good to know um hmm handy handy that this doesn't seem familiar so i'm guessing this is new echoes what did i just get smashables okay so for distractions probably is that important three four i didn't know that i could throw that okay well i figured out how to throw things that's good so i'm on this ship and there's a monstrum on the ship as well now what that monstrum is going to do to me this question voice bright second launch went without incident again i see no indication that we were observed successful capture rate is improving as i accumulate time oh time at the controls six specimens this time all should be viable i guess we can enjoy our last day in hong kong we returned to dock at 6am under close inspection they are rather beautiful i observed them for over an hour changing color in the tank before submitting this report you should see them the risk from exposure while they are in the tank is minimal and it would allow us some face-to-face time without interference right no 12 good i don't have any context for that note so i have no idea of what you're talking about can i hide in this oh i definitely can yay okay well that's good but i don't even know what i'm running from so why would i be able to hide from something duck tape brody i checked up on the serial number and you're right it doesn't exist i was able to find the sender mr s kobayashi i wondered why he was traveling with us it would seem he's bought a new residence in l.a and figured he could use his own boat as free transportation i guess if you want to know what's inside you can ask him i like my job too much good night larry okay thanks larry no thank no thank you you hear that i hear that so hot i'm roasting i can't turn on my air conditioning when i'm recording so it gets it just gets really hot oh i'm uncomfortable okay i'm gonna restore power there are fuse boxes scattered around here maybe if i find some fuses i can power them up my head is killing me what's going on where am i um i'm on a boat i thought that would have been obvious what is this electrical connection okay good do i put the fuse box in here [Music] chunk yes wow good what did i do oh good what is all this okay good chekhov and wilson i think something's gone seriously wrong i haven't seen another pair in hours they went to investigate the engine but no one comes back there's definitely a fire i can smell them burning you can smell them burning the people i don't want to make any noise by banging the door i heard fred yelling and then he just cut off if you wake up and find this i'm making for the port side balcony to use the life raft i'm leaving i know you're sick but we have to get off this ship if you arrive in the next hour i'll be waiting oh yeah i remember distinctly something about a life raft and then me breaking my legs upon it right as i was about to leave maybe i didn't actually beat this game maybe i didn't all right oy give me that back all right what is this key to helicopter the helica chopper keys there's no need for that so if i can get to the helicochoopie then i should be able to get no it needs fuel or something like that it's some [ __ ] a ship how the hell did i end up here there must be a way out of this i better look around some more wow look at those waves well this is all fine and good but what am i doing here what i was drinking water okay i'm assuming that's totally fine okay so that's a hidey hole yeah no one would hear that bro you have no idea where i just went oh hey hi i remember you where were you coming from bruh bruh bruh don't do that to me come on what are you doing okay cool good i didn't want to win anyway this is different this is this is different oh i still have my same notes okay well that's good i guess the new note he has no notes stewart we got a big rat problem on board found a load of boxes ripped open food eating and a mess everywhere i think they're coming in from the vents but must be huge they've managed to bust the cover that idiot santos decided to be brave and dived in to investigate on his own anyway we'll need additional food supplies while we're still docked plus the biggest bottle of poison you can find oh tempo should have the list in rec forms from this note or we can have stuffed rats at sea your call all right cool not my problem because i don't think rats is going to be the biggest issue i have i have a funkalicious feeling well that's never a good sign i threw it again okay gasp for the hella troopy no date hopefully ellis didn't take too long running this to you carlson i want you to check out the engine room i know who was frying we've checked all the connections in the castle tower so it's definitely nothing on this side being without power in the pacific isn't exactly desirable so get to it p.s alice asked me why i didn't just fax this to you in a power out i think the fats finally moved to his brain nice one good one captain or whatever your name is x7 turlet heller turlit a bottler bob otter nice good stuff this ship's big oh hi okay what did i just sub sub battery a submersible battery you say who's hiding in these all right cool so does that mean that there's a there's a submersible i think that would be on the very bottom oh hey i've also got gas which i'm assuming is for the uh [Music] the you know the you know that's the fall that i don't want to go to all right oh backpack apparently two gas cans apparently why do i need two gas cans i i don't know maintenance good is a glow stick gonna do me it's only one right well this is pitiful and useless okay i guess i'll just keep going up for now oh wow wow wow wow okay is there a point to go to the bridge hello who died here anybody good hello wow cargo ship didn't know there was what oh hey why you wouldn't be coming to see little old me would you i'm harmless no way come on you gotta leave me alone i'm just lost at sea a harmless little baby all right i'm gonna go down to the submarineable i'm guessing it would be somewhere down here maybe in the engine room maybe it's actually closer to me than i think it would be okay deck four that's where i spawned last time i don't know if this is completely okay well whatever was making those noises can go make them in hell and i will carry on that's fine okay i gotta be getting no i remember something very bad about these i remember something very unpleasant about the cargo i remember something very unpleasant about the cargo holds hey a bike pump i'm guessing i don't need two gasoline canisters i'm pretty sure it's a bike pump no it's a pump for the the the thing the life raft the life raft is gonna need this i probably need that and like a chain and something else i remember there's a whole bunch of crap that you need to be able to get where you need to get i'm just gonna keep going down oh um oh yes oh my god what is that sound what is that noise am i dead am i gonna die am i what frick screw you i don't know why i'm unsure i don't know this is a dive there's a bad place to be i don't know what you're doing what do you die oh you're done [Applause] all right then i don't know what i did to anger him so but i just remember that i don't like the cargo holds probably running it's probably the old running thing is that the gurgle of water that i hear how did i get all the way up here oh but there she be okay so submersible battery yeah it's got to be right there do i throw it in nope good thing i didn't throw it all right sub a fixed spoken panel power console replace headlights well that's a lot of crap that i don't have how am i supposed to be able to get all that kinds of crap okay let's just explore i'm just trying to find a way back to the midship oh this is where the hell at chippy would be yeah this is where this is okay i don't have anything for wait maybe the gasoline i don't know if this should be really good wait is it look at wait [Music] oh that's handy okay so i don't know if the gasoline would be for maybe some mechanism to control the the the winch for the raft i'm gonna go back to the raft i'm going to pump it up because i know i can do that oh it's creepy why wait why does it go wubba wubba what do i need the radio for what do i need a radio for that's some blood that's probably good oh this is um [Music] no i forgot about that just had a horrible flash from the past why why are you being all creepy don't do that okay well this is a big wide open deck this is a big wide open deck of nothing how do i get up there there's got to be a ladder up here somewhere kitchen no no breakable breakable breakable nothing useful for me hi no no okay here's this i don't like the girly i really don't like the gurgley [Applause] okay is that the sub i already have that i have that that's useless to me why would you just give me another one of those what am i gonna slap to go double fast probably no thank the you is that [Applause] [Music] what was that was i supposed to know that that was going to be a thing was i supposed to know that they were gonna be shadow monsters on the wall that were gonna eat my face was i supposed to understand that before the fact because i didn't because i don't because i definitely didn't know all right then take three i remember now this game's kind of hard game might be a little hard i was looking through the container manifest on the night shift and there seems to be a misprint container 106 lists telon as its point of origin i've never seen this cereal before and it doesn't match any of the other container blocks on board i thought you might have a long look into it brody all right whatever i don't know what t-lon is but if it's anything like elon we want to get it off the ship immediately all right cool let's do this what are the odds there's gonna be a monster right outside exactly zero no stop what is that what is that i don't trust oh i don't trust like that i'm going no no no no this is a dead end that was no point in me coming in here i don't like you yeah you look the other way yeah you look away you don't look at me oh no okay we're fine we're good this is great breakables i'm sure that this has meaning sure lighter lighter right this is a big ass lighter security that's got to have something nice ah so i can power the security room and then i'll be able to see where the monsters is and they'd never be able to sneak up on me ever eh i see nothing i see absolutely nothing this seems to be absolutely pointless well this was worthless thanks i'm on a boat okay i got gasoline again but i don't know what for i don't know all right how about up down up hmm would you like some what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god what happened i don't see anything i got a lighter i got a lighter i'm gonna burn your tootsies off oh oh it uh well it's a demon oh it's a mind player great good good that's fantastic okay all right well i'm never coming back here again oh oh geez how chihuahua i don't know [Music] am i supposed to do something about that other than run and pee objective updated uh sure uh life raft oh should have a closer look at it i'm really far from that now you have no idea what i'm trying to accomplish why am i using that i got a big bad feeling about the big bag cargo is there anything useful in here kobe beef sure that's still good okay ah more gasoline the one thing i definitely need yeah what exactly tore its way through all these by the way because there these are a lot of very consistent holes you think that it would have just been able to pick its way out and not randomly go literally every direction where am i what am i wait what is this well this is weird okay no go away any mind flares about mind flares want to flame them brain what was that okay sub battery is if that's gonna actually help me as if i'm even gonna have a chance at this but i might as well go drop it off i guess there you go bud take that hope you feel better subbie do i even have this go away i don't want it god is there anything actually of use here am i gonna get anything of use did i get new one no can i get anything of use please something you literally give me anything i'm begging you for i can't oh why but there's something cool in there i need that how am i gonna open that how does one open this what is the mystery here do i need like a crowber uh well that's fancy what would that be for welding kit maybe i can cut my way through the thing through the door maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe baby maybe maybe here yeah all right fine then sure oh my god did you just blow up my heart did this bastard just blow up my heart one more try this one is for all the beans where am i now uh bathroom okay larry i opened container 106 at the start of my shift doorway blocked off with a bunch of old books floor to ceiling i just left it later when i sent chekov out on patrol he came back and told me one of the containers was damaged container 106. it looks like it [ __ ] exploded maybe we should ask some questions yeah maybe maybe brody that is your real name all right i guess here we go again hello i'm not gonna pick up anything unless it's actually useful no well this is a nice area doctor's report date 15th february follow-up enable stephen wilson and check off at the behest of captain mickelson and mr kobayashi both patients are currently sedated due to pain both patients showing slow recovery possibly due to current conditions no sign of infection and mr kenikov at present that will probably scar but also no sense of infection in mr wilson either what will probably scar what did you just do to him i don't really care i have no say in the matter it's not like i care about mr wilson but just kind of worried if it's gonna happen ben i heard her again i was on the helipads carrying the fuel hold she came echoing out of the stern i tried to make out what she was saying sound like numbers maybe either way there's something out there may ask wilson for his recorder once he's feeling better okay great a ghost report no stop doctor support don't do that okay suddenly i'm finding these there's a lot of delays in the big boss kobayashi's on board some of the guys are wondering why he's here and what's his big private stash down on the hold let explain why the caps are in period edge too but the ship starts soon so i better make this one a quick one for now so uh stay tuned for more i have absolutely no idea how to do this yeah okay it's a freaking vlogger it's a vlogger in whatever year this was in hey what's up dudes hitting you with another vhs vlog coming at you well i guess it's not a vlog it's just a log hot and heavy with the newest habity haps on this ship anyway lots of demons blood everywhere everyone's dying everyone's practically already dead um i'm trapped alone yeah tell my family please subscribe i got the helicopter keys that's good i don't know what i'm going to try to go for i don't even know what i'm going to be able to get oof okay there's gas whatever the gas is for i don't know go away hi oh there needs to be some kind of like spool reel for this to actually winch ah it's too much work i'm real lazy i can't even be bothered to fix my hair right so why would i do that okay i'm just gonna keep going okay another room of nothingness if i could just get a room with something besides a cup yeah i get it there's a lot of cups on a ship oh my god the first time i ran through this it couldn't not get me anything no i have nothing well i have something but i have nothing practically nothing all right i'm just gonna climb clump stim stomp my way across the deck hope no monsters hear me that'd be terrible i'll be terrible if they heard me please don't hear me okay sweet i'm practically free cut restraint cables find fuel pump unlock helicopter door okay uh tada easy peasy fuel stomper and slap her on one of my twice it's so dangly why are you so dangly okay no really look i don't know where the fuel where's the where would a fuel pump be how did i find a fuel pump do i gotta go get a fuel pump all right whatever man oh no i don't know why i'm just waiting here until it gets me but i just want to see it coming hey hey man don't kill me i just wanna leave you alone hey hey man don't kill me oh don't kill me i want to survive hey man don't kill me i just want to be left alone oh no okay ah great did that nailed it okay sub hey i only need to figure oh that's what the welder's for and then i would just need to find headlights that's practically nothing there would be some good in here there just better be something good in here that's all i got to say i guess i could take the fuse out why didn't i think of that i could take the fuse out if i was done right hey it's the spool it's a chain spool that's exactly what i needed for an escape route that i wasn't going for all right cool hey don't mess with me i'm more powerful than you could possibly imagine all right i'm gonna tramps through the storage containers looking for anything else like the items that i need to survive but what i've had my fair share of alien fungal spores trying to kill me what's down there radio and i don't know what else weird boxes of medical supplies it doesn't matter they all one-shot me anyway so what's the use of even trying to heal more gas cans what is the gas canister for what is the gas canister for i don't know and i don't care it's not gonna help me survive so i don't care hello where am i where am i where the hell am i i've never seen this before in my life hi 911 one one please thank you come rescue me there are monsters i'm going to die you better hurry or uh i'm not gonna be hard to find because i'll just be a big red smear on the wall so i am in the engine room i did deduce that but is there any particular reason that i'm here is there something that i could possibly do to fix the engines is this what the gasoline is for no can't be but it does seem like some place that would have a nice tool we have secured the specimens in the cargo hold for transport the manifest have been doctored the container is under a shell company's name which should keep the prying eyes away we do not expect the crew to be opening up any containers at any rate the specimens seem to be coming more active in the dark so it'd be worth checking on the tanks every so often in case they exhibit any unknown behaviors or if the stress of the transport has impacted them oh the poor little babies oh whoa is the babies oh the sweden schnookums there's another spool i don't need another spool my flashlight no work what did the battery die is that a thing that can happen i don't know i don't know this game all right i don't know anyway it's a big ass engineer whoa oh i was so confused i was so confused i felt a box dropped down there i thought tiny box tim came to save me i'm dead was it hiding on the wall lixian was it hiding on the wall did i just miss it did i not see it i don't know that's enough of that okay so monstrum 2 is going to be coming out soon i don't know when exactly but when it comes out i will play it i look forward to seeing where they develop on the experience it just seems like they added more monsters to this and maybe updated the layout in random generation i don't know but either way thank you everybody so much for watching it's always fun to get a blast from the past like this and uh cool to see that a game from six years ago is still around that's pretty cool so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,723,039
Rating: 4.9728627 out of 5
Keywords: monstrum, vanish, markiplier, indie horror, monstrum game, monstrum markiplier, markipliergame, mark fischbach, scary, horror, scary games, horror games, indie horror games, scary games markiplier
Id: aVS32fZRplY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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