Flies in the Ointment | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] put your hands together and praise that name with me today oh let's praise the name of jesus let's praise the name of jesus praise his mighty name praise his might take a little time and give him things take a little time and tell him he is great come back and sing it one more time there is no rival there is no equals [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] and there is [Music] [Applause] no matter what's happening you reign is the glory the name of jesus [Music] christ what a powerful name it [Applause] [Music] giving is hallelujah hallelujah we bless you jesus we bless you jesus some of you haven't praised him yet this morning you think that's something they do but if you it truly from your heart given him praise he deserves your praise he deserves your glory he deserves to be magnified oh let's praise the lord together one more time at every campus wherever you are take a moment and say god i've got to praise you i won't let the rocks cry out for me i'm going to praise you i put on the garment of praise today worthy is your name lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's in order to praise it it's the right thing to do to praise the lord lord i give you glory and i give you honor and i give you praise bless your name bless your name bless your name bless your name and father in this atmosphere that is anointed with your sweet holy spirit i speak healing to every sick person under the sound of my voice i proclaim wherever you're hearing this that he was wounded for your transgressions and bruised for your iniquities the chastisement of your peace was on him and by his stripes you are healed receive health receive renewing receive restoring receive the healing power of jesus name cop your hands if you believe that he's a god who still heals and performs mighty miracles in the name of jesus in the name of jesus praise the lord praise the lord why don't you turn if you're at one of our campuses and smile at someone and tell them you're glad they're in church with you today what a wonderful wonderful spirit of praise we feel here today welcome to all of you joining us online and all of you who are here today in person we deeply deeply deeply appreciate you joining us at all of our campuses thank you for being a part and we're so excited about what god is doing how many of you were blessed last sunday by the amazing testimonies in that baptism service we have we have heard so many reports of amazing uh life change that happened from people viewing and watching other people tell their story and get baptized in water and we posted one of them and it has had over right at 200 000 views already in the first six or seven days and that's pretty amazing and it's just going to keep growing i love that i love that ordinary people because that's all god's got anyhow but ordinary people can tell their story and people get saved by the hundreds and it's just an amazing thing to me to god be the glory everybody shout to god be the glory praise the lord if you have your bibles i'd like for you to open them with me and i'm going to go for a few minutes today to the old testament book of ecclesiastes ecclesiastes the 10th chapter is where i want to go and i have something new that i want to share with you today that i think will bless you and will help you and i think you'll find yourself you may wonder where i'm going you may wonder for a minute what i'm talking about but i do believe that what i'm going to share today will hit you right where you're living before we leave this place in just a few minutes everybody say lord open my heart today speak to me today are you expecting god to do something in this service i am one verse of scripture verse 1 of ecclesiastes 10 dead flies putrefy the perfumer's ointment and cause it to give off a foul odor so does a little folly a little a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor dead flies the king james says in the ointment causes a stench dead flies getting in the oil causes a problem dead flies make something precious like ointment i mean if you don't believe this precious you ought to read the story in the bible about the woman who broke open the alabaster box the scripture said a precious ointment and poured it on the feet of jesus and the bible said it was worth a year's wages i mean it's precious it represents jesus it represents the anointed one christ it's not about some perfume some substance it's about it's always a picture of jesus and how precious he is and how fragrant his presence is and attractive to people when that woman broke open that alabaster box it was what she used in her profession of being a prostitute to attract men and when she broke it open and poured it on the feet of jesus she was saying i'm never going back to the old life that i used to have i'll never go back to what god has set me free from what a testimony what a powerful thing but in the text it warns us about flies one of the names of satan is beelzebub lord of the flies he's he's the head of the fly family and it said that the flies certain certain flies can get in something precious and cause it to go from a beautiful fragrance a lovely fragrance to a putrified and stench in the in the nostrils of the people who get around it it's really what he's talking about is certain certain christians i believe that because of the way they present jesus instead of drawing people it repels them and there are there are those in the fly family that we're going to talk about three of them real quick there's butterfly butterflies did you know it's the largest member of the fly family it is the weakest member also outwardly it looks impressive externally it looks so majestic but internally it's so weak that much smaller insects prey on it and devour it at will outwardly there's a show but inwardly there's nothing there and butterfly christians cause people to not be attracted to jesus i want to ask you how are you doing not outside i know you got your christian face on this morning i know you got all the if you would have seen eli the high priest when he walked into the temple with that priest's garment on burning incense hallelujah hallelujah you would have thought if ever there was a man of god there's one right there but the truth was he looked good on the outside but he was dying as a man of god losing his vision losing his his anointing with god losing even the priesthood losing his family because he had one thing outwardly but nothing going on inwardly samson when the spirit came on him looked so mighty he was a butterfly everybody stood in all of the anointing on his life when the spirit came on him and he would do amazing feats and yet the text tells us that he was so weak inside that he laid his head in the lap of delilah and fell into gross sin it's possible to have an outward show but no inward glow of a fresh anointing of the holy spirit i don't want to be a showy christian that is shrinking in my relationship with god where nothing's going on inside of me and all i've got is a show up and a show out at church you're not going to believe this but i found another fly and this one's in the church too look at your neighbor and say are you a butterfly i'm just checking anything going on inside there you look good today but is there anything inside that looks good i'm not making this up you can look this up there's a fly called the robber r-o-b-b-e-r the robber fly this is what they said it's a little fly with big wings it makes a lot of noise a whistling noise continually and it waits for the other flies to collect food and then when they go off to get more food he swoops in and he steals their food and he makes a lot of noise all the time except when he's stealing he gets real quiet and there's some robber flies in the kingdom where's that at in the bible malachi chapter 3 will a man rob god yet you have robbed me in tithes and in offerings but prove me in this area saith the lord and see if i will not open you a window of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't be able to contain it'll be so much you'll have to figure out how you can pass it on because your saucer will overflow overflow overflow and you'll have to come up with creativity just to deal with it but if you're a robber fly that makes a lot of noise but if we if we really look at you you take a lot but you don't contribute there's something about that that is a stench and then there's another member of the fly family and it's the last one that i wanted to hurry and get to it's the mosquito did you know it's part of the fly family and often we say this time of the year we're really battling with them in georgia aren't we i went and got my car together i can't figure out how they're getting in my car but i look on the windshield almost had a wreck i was fighting that get get away from me trying to kill it in my windshield we talk about the mosquito bite but did you know mosquito has zero teeth it has no fangs none well how did i get that red bump on my ankle he uses his tongue he's got a long tongue it's gonna get all right just relax it's like a needle and he sticks his tongue in and he has one intent to remove the blood and he flies from per once he uncovers and removes the blood and finds out about something about somebody he buzzes over to another christian and sticks that tongue in them and gets them good in poison and steals the blood they start talking about it lose the anointing and everybody becomes gossipers instead of people who bear one another's burdens [Applause] a tail bearer reveals secrets but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth a matter they can be trusted first peter 4 8 love covers a multitude of sin love covers mosquitoes spread with long tongues isaiah said give me the tongue of the learned that if i'm going to use my tongue that i might speak a word in season to them that are weary so i've been searching and i go on and start looking up every sermon i can find everything i can find on line about mosquitoes and what's the bible say about mosquitoes and it's interesting i came upon something that i think we need to understand if you go to these parks especially in florida they've got water parks they've got disney world down there they've got all kinds of uh parks where they attract masses and masses of people the amazing thing about them is that whole area where there's 30 000 hotel rooms and the park that is known as the happiest place in the world attracts millions and millions of people from all over the world it's built literally on a swamp before it was there it was nothing but a swamp and they build it up but it's still surrounded by nothing but a swamp and the thing you need to understand is when it's feeding time these little insects will take five millionths of a liter of blood during feeding all mosquitoes are after one thing they're after blood they can fly 1.5 miles per hour and the world according to guinness book of records the world's most dangerous creature is not the black mamba snake in south africa that i've seen before it's not the puff adder it's not a lion it's not a grizzly bear it's not a great white shark the animal that kills the most human beings every year is the tiny little mosquito it kills a million people a year worldwide it's responsible for a million deaths obviously when we understand that they have to be intentional about dealing with mosquitoes when they're attracting large amounts of people on top of a swamp and the church is built we're in the world but we're not of the world and we're built on sinners but it's dangerous if we start letting what removes the blood get in and feel comfortable and lay its eggs in our life in our family in our home and in our church galatians 5 and verse 9 says this is a warning a little leaven leavens a whole lump it starts very very small that small tiny little insect sin and mosquitoes have something in common they both want to take away the blood and we must be intentional the blood is what makes us like jesus the blood is what cleanses us from all of our sins we're redeemed by god through his blood jesus christ don't let sin suck the life out of you you know what they do they spray twice a day in those parks they spray at the optimal time in the morning and in the evening when they know those insects are feeding they deliberately with great intention know that the way that we can keep this environment we can be in a swamp but not be overcome by the swamp is we got to have something going in the morning i need to get up and burn incense and open this book up and i need to have a little prayer time and it's not how long you pray it's just saying god i give you this day i give you my family lay your hands on your children speak a blessing over them call all their names out you know what you're doing you're making sure the blood is not being lifted off of their life job made sacrifice every day and named every one of his children he did this continually 10 children and he killed 10 lambs and it's a type of how we ought to apply the blood of g of jesus twice a day sunset they do it again morning before the people come they do it again you would be amazed how sin wouldn't have a little swamp in your life if you'd start getting up and getting something going in the morning and then grab your wife by the hand before you go to bed and pray and plead the blood of jesus we've got to get the family altar back we've got to get prayer back we've got to get burnt in sense of worship we can't just go through the routine it's not that we're just raising our hands we've got mosquitoes buzzing all around us and all and sometimes we're not when we're praising the lord we're doing this get get off of me they paint a picture online about a world that doesn't have mosquito control it's a picture of mosquitoes out of control if we don't intentionally exterminate them in the morning in the evening health issues beyond anything we can't imagine torment like you can't imagine they said that if we hadn't learned how to repel and how to kill these things and it's a type of sin to me it's just annoying it's just tormenting everywhere you go you can't enjoy life when you begin to allow sin to come in and it just begins to to cause you to not it's annoying it's not it's not just annoying it's tormenting you ever laid there and tried to go to sleep you ever camped out in a tent that's why i don't like to do it all it takes is one to get in there and i can't sleep all night long what would the church look like without sin control they have a program called fight the bite well what are we doing intentionally they said even the buildings in those parks even the buildings are designed in such a way that water will not collect anywhere in the park they said the number one thing that they do to fight the infestation of larva and mosquitoes and mosquito eggs being being hatched all over that property is they make sure there's no steel standing water anywhere if there's water it's moving it's in a fountain it's moving they make sure there's movement going on in the water oh you don't hear me exodus 29 and verse 38 said every day you shall put two lambs on the altar for a morning and an evening sacrifice every day morning sacrifice every day evening sacrifice that is your worship that is your word that is your prayer that is you taking time to acknowledge him in all of your ways you know what you're doing you're killing that which wants to remove the blood which wants to torment you which wants to keep you confused and not hearing god's peace throughout your day it's the optimal time to do it in the morning and in the evening just acknowledge him just worship him just to give him even three minutes of a family altar coming together and everybody acknowledging jesus in this house and then make sure there's no still water i worry about our church i get burdens and i've been burdened because we've been through the pandemic and we still don't have all of our people back they've just decided for whatever reason and i understand if it's a health reason keep doing it but there's others who have just allowed the water to stop moving the water represents the holy spirit jesus said out of your belly will flow rivers you can't let it get steel you can't let it get stagnant you can't let because if you do it attracts those those insects those mosquitoes and they lay their eggs in still water if you've ever been to any of those parks as soon as it rains they run out with those little pushing those things get it out of here get it out of here that's what i'm doing i'm saying get it out of your life get it out of your life don't let that oh it's just a little thing pastor it's just a little thing but it's re it's trying to remove the blood not just off you but off your children off your family off your marriage you've got to it's you don't be a butterfly this big outside religious known but nothing going on the inside water has to always flow when it becomes stationary and stale and stagnant that's what causes sin to breathe and reproduce in your life how long has it been since you failed a move of god how long has it been since you wept and you cried and you prayed in god's presence i'm not a crier we'll let you get bad news today and you'll cry you just don't have enough motivation i'm not a shouter sit on a pen and you'll shout you just don't have enough motivation and when you learn who he is he'll move you he made you emotional and you won't just use those emotions for a ball game you'll use them for the king of kings and the lord of lords i need some people to get a get a river flowing again get to moving again get to hungering and running and chasing after god [Applause] steel and stagnant would describe much of the body of christ we're supposed to be a flowing river instead we're a swamp don't lose it don't lose the river don't lose it the bible said in genesis the first thing the spirit of god did in the third verse of the bible and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water if the spirit's in a church there's gonna be some moving i'm not talking about just physical i'm talking about you get moved in your core you hear these testimonies and before you know it you're embarrassed you're a big old grown man you got tears coming out of your eyes something's wrong if you don't ever get moved in god's presence something you want it all to disturb you because whether you realize it or not you are becoming a breeding ground for sin to lay its eggs and reproduce we keep them away by flowing you remember the four lepers that's what some of you need to ask the question why sit we here do we die man i feel like i feel like i'm preaching i'm plowing and i'm preaching and i'm gonna preach you out of complacency i'm gonna preach you out of lukewarmness i'm gonna preach you out of the swamp into the river i'm gonna preach you where there's some joy and there's some excitement and there's some there's some fire and some zeal of the lord [Applause] i've heard it all i've seen it all you know what you need a fresh move it's not enough to know it until the spirit moves on what you know it's nothing at the pool of bethesda no miracles would happen until the angel touched the water and troubled the water and when the water got to moving there's miracle in movement i wonder if i give an altar call this morning who would move rather than try and kill all the adult mosquitoes why don't we stop them from having a breeding ground to lay their eggs right in our life every day because we are not intentionally keeping sin out we're letting any and everything come in and take the blood take the blood take the blood take the blood you know what else i'm not making this up they said the way that they keep not only do they keep the water flowing but they said they keep fans going all they have massive fans that you can't even see and they have fans going all the time that blow in the air because the mosquitoes can't fly but a mile and a half you know per mile per hour and so if the wind is strong enough they'll give up and go somewhere where it's easy to fly well acts chapter 2 said on the day of pentecost when it was fully come there came a mighty rushing wind like the sound of the holy spirit when the holy spirit is blowing when the water's flowing and the wind is blowing that's not that's not breeding ground for sin in our life i'm sorry you came to hear a good make me feel better about myself message this will help you feel better about yourself there's nothing that makes you feel better than when you stand before god and just now listen i'm not claiming i'm not claiming they get all the mosquitoes there's some that get through and i'm not claiming if you worship and you give god time in the morning and evening and if you get the wind blowing and the water to flowing i'm not claiming you'll never get bit you're still going to get bit you're still it's susceptible to sin but it's just it's a big difference between occasionally getting bit and being a landing ground airport for them because she's just a big old puddle of water [Applause] that never moves we're going to take a praise break you need to get your dance back you need to get your shout back i don't care if you're baptist methodist presbyterian church of god assembly of god you better get a move going on inside of you you've got to have more than outward religion in an hour like this you've got to have something real you've got to be intentional about guarding the culture of your life [Music] can i preach five more minutes i will you know they designed those buildings the bible said that your body is god's building your body is god's temple am i allowing the water in some area of my life have i have i just said it's just a little thing because once you start doing that you'll have puddles all over the place where sin is attracted more and more to lay its eggs its lies its deceptions its compromises its carnality and you're not walking in the spirit i just i just think it's so important and i'm coming to a close but what blessed me was when i looked at ecclesiastes chapter 10 it showed me something it showed me that the number one repellent notice how the text starts dead flies in the anointing hole there's one thing that'll kill them every time when the anointing of the holy spirit brings a word and a preacher gets up and preaches under the anointing it starts killing flies butterflies and robber flies and mosquitoes that are trying to steal the blood and lift the blood off of our lives the number one repellent against the attack our our character our name our family our marriages the number one thing is david said in psalms 92 i shall be anointed with fresh oil isn't that something you know what else i heard somebody say as i was studying listening reading they said they even put chickens in coops all over those parks back behind the scr the fences you don't see this as an act intentionally because chickens have an immunity to the diseases those insects carry but they check their blood frequently because if west nile is in that area if zika is in that area it'll show up in that chicken blood and they know to concentrate more on that area because it's a little it's it's a little compromise right now oh proud arrogant simon peter said lord the others may he threw them under the bus the others may deny you but i'll never i'll never get drunk i'll never get high i'll never do this and do that be careful when you start saying i'll never jesus had a strange response he said before the rooster crows three times you will deny me jesus was trying to warn him to be forewarned is to be forearmed look at this area of your life look at this area where the enemy has a swamp where he's laying his eggs and stand up to it and get your broom out and sweep the puddles out of your life you need you need a fresh anointing that's where dead when they get in an anointed atmosphere their wings get sticky and they can't get out it's the only thing that can kill bl's above the lord of the flies is the anointing dead flies in the ointment i always saw it as a negative now i see it as praise god we've got the answer it's a fresh anointing it's getting in a service and saying lord move me again my water is still and stagnant but i'm open to a brand new wind and a brand new flow of your spirit anybody here ready anybody here longing anybody here tired of being a breeding ground for sin a little leaven leavens the whole love examine your temple are there any puddles that you keep saying it's just a little thing i know this is different but it's exactly what you need to hear get up on your feet at every campus and for the next five seconds throw your hands up in the air and i want you to open up your mouth and i want you to go after god with all of your heart i want you to ask him if you're sitting there until you die to give you a fresh move say lord i need the wind to blow away that which is trying to remove the blood from this area of my life you may have a struggle i'm not saying you the enemy won't ever bite you there again but i'm telling you you can get rid of that swamp you can get rid of that larva you can get rid of those eggs you can have a fresh encounter with god on a sunday morning that can change your whole outlook come on church lift your voice and praise it lift your voice and praise lift your voice and praise it lift your voice in praise and take a moment take them all take a moment anybody hungry for a move i want everybody in this church anybody in this church who and first of all i'm not preaching to you i'm preaching with you i'm hearing god just like you and something in me says i want the water to be troubled again in my life anybody feel that get out of your seat and come to the altar get out of your seat and come to the altar it's been too long since we had a mighty move of god it's been too long since you felt the fresh wind and the flow of the holy spirit [Music] come make a fresh commitment come get a fresh anointing come get a fresh anointing everybody raise your hands and say lord i want a fresh anointing i don't want an outside butterfly churchy religious thing with jesus i want a movie on the inside of me [Music] hallelujah worship him worship him worship him come on burn the incense it's the morning sacrifice come on you don't have to wait on this one it's the morning sacrifice it's the morning sacrifice if you don't do the morning i know you won't do the evening by yourself but if you can't praise him in the morning with a bunch of christians let's burn incense let's get rid of that which is lifting the blood fresh sacrifice on the altar this morning god i need a move i need to move [Music] revival to your house revival to your soul a river of living water come on worshipfield worship him burn incense that he's anointing you with a fresh anointing this morning sing it like you believe [Music] yours is the king your sister [Music] so now you understand worship isn't just something you do before the preaching it's a repellent so lift your hands and sing it what a beautiful name powerful name it's more than just noise it's a weapon it's a fly swap it's a spray [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we give his majesty jesus christ the biggest praise the anointed one that kills our flies [Music] every head bowed every eye closed at every canvas right here in this room somebody is about to get gloriously saved and you're going to feel you already feel something moving again don't stifle that if you draw nigh to god he'll draw nigh to you if you'll ask you'll receive if you'll seek you'll find he'll give you peace he'll anoint you today with fresh oil he'll write your name in the book of forgiveness the book of life you can leave here with dead flies in the oil and you can start a brand new life in jesus christ how many of you know that's the truth every head bound every eye closed say i'll do it another time but this is your moment this is your time i want to embarrass you i won't humiliate you i'm going to pray for you and i have faith because i know how to pray i use the name of jesus and that gets me through every time i'm gonna pray for you but he never comes where he's not invited pastor pray for me i need jesus to be lord of everything i need some things swept out of my life i need some flies to die this morning in the blood and the anointing of jesus christ pray for me if that's you and you're ready for change raise your hand as high as you can get it right where you're standing raise it high and unashamed it's powerful powerful powerful high and unashamed beautiful beautiful beautiful keep your hand right where you got it if you're standing around somebody with their hand raised gently just lay your hand on their shoulder it's an act of support [Music] you got to group up to grow up you got to get around the right people and right where you're standing there's some good people that are praying for you now everybody say this wherever you are say lord jesus i receive today this word from the lord and i receive the anointing that is coming to my life right now kill the flies the flies of addiction the flies of shame the flies of condemnation the flies of guilt set me free and give me a new beginning and a new life and today i receive the moving of the water i receive the river of living water jesus christ now just begin to praise him one more time and say thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus well hallelujah can we give god a mighty praise [Music] i want to tell you something in closing while i've been preaching just toward the end here i look down and i recognize somebody in our audience that i want to recognize how many of you ever heard man cow on the radio raise your hand you have a big you have a big crowd here sir and i don't mean to embarrass you but we are so honored to have you with us this morning man cow is down here on the second row what a blessing what a blessing to have you today and may god give you a fresh anointing sir and may your voice carry help to hurting people all over the world god bless you are you glad you came to church today next sunday i want to tell you something next sunday [Applause] the one and only the unbelievably anointed and powerful reggie dabs right here at free chapel if you've never heard this man play the sax and sing that's why i like it play the sax and preach [Music] you are in for the greatest treats of your life i've never heard him miss i've never heard him not bring a now word from god and now here's the blessing how many of you are not gonna be robber flies this week how many of you gonna give the lord your tithe and your offering come on don't give him the outward show but and remember we have a miracle going on oh by the way you next week we'll announce exactly where we are it is a miracle the way you've given the last four weeks an absolute miracle we had a family online that said we will match up to four million dollars over the next few months if you will get your church to guild and do you know that you have given over and above what we did last year this same period of time 1.6 million dollars over what you did this exact same time last year that is a miracle come on and clap like god's gonna win some souls god's gonna help us do some things we've only dreamed of [Music] so we're almost halfway so remember every dollar you give and it doesn't count till we get over whatever this was last year once we reach that threshold anything over that it kicks in so everybody has a part in this so if you were ever going to support the church do it now god will bless you are you ready and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and every one of you that raised your hand go back to the connection lounge and tell them you prayed we've got a devotional we've got a bible and we'll get you signed up to get baptized in water and we can't wait to hear your story we love you so much god bless you have a great great week everybody burn and put those sacrifices on the altar watch what a difference it'll make in the morning in the evening set your alarm and just take five minutes five minutes of a devotional five minutes you'll be amazed how your day will be filled with more of jesus if you just make a little room evening and sunrise watch what god will do we love you be blessed everybody walk in victory this week walk in freedom this week walk in joy this week be blessed what a powerful word that was if today you made the decision to be saved first off we want to say we are so proud of you and we are so excited for you please feel free to text amen to 313131 so we can get connected with you and help you out with some next steps in your spiritual journey also we want to get you connected into the online family so please go to freechapel.org online and you can connect it right there also please feel free to put your prayer requests in the chat we've got a team of people praying with you praying for you and praying over you so that's all for our time with you this sunday we pray you have a blessed sunday and we'll see you next week [Music] bye
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 52,978
Rating: 4.9034266 out of 5
Id: ZA4xOsNpemI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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