Four Attacks from Euroclydon with Perry Stone

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jesus where the name is jesus in the night i went out jesus watch out y'all don't know i can get real crazy you've i've not been real crazy lately so you don't know i can get real crazy if i want to i want to tell you something um there in about the next 60 days i know in our ministry there are things happening so fast right now and accelerating so quickly that it's uh it's it's very exciting it's so exciting um you know for everybody in the world the past year has been really tough some people have not had their businesses open schools have been closed in some areas and i just sat on that front front row and felt like saying time's up devil time's up because uh all testings only have a time element connected to them whatever you go through remember this this is a little nugget for you that whatever you deal with it is time sensitive and it only can last for a certain period now you can with your mouth or attitude stretch it out longer or you could cut it off sooner good preaching perry amen all right i'm going to take notes on myself if i keep talking this well but um we are going to see some things happen and i'm going to go ahead and speak this out because i believe ramp has heard this word from the lord before but i was in prayer last thursday and i have a man who is a very dear arab friend of mine his background is muslim but he's he has literally worked with and hung around so many christian preachers maurice sorello and you know all you just name them they know him personally and he worked with them and uh he was in ramp cleveland on tuesday night he was clapping and just going you know having a good time you know and uh on thursday night i was praying and i heard and i didn't just hear that our ministry would have something there i heard the words ramp israel i really heard the words wrapped in israel so on tuesday night his name is shweki shweki from jerusalem is there rick says i need to talk to you and we go out and he says i need to tell you a dream i had he proceeded to tell me a dream and he said it's about it's about israel and i said you will not believe this but i said there's something going on so i and i don't think he would mind me saying this he's a businessman he's a very wealthy businessman he's the number one antiquities and coin dealer in all of israel uh that's all i need to say bro and uh so anyway just a little i knew him i knew him 30 some years ago when he was a peddler on the street selling postcards and a jewish man laid hands on him and said god spoke to me to tell you you're going to be a millionaire one day because of your spirit he has done he has a gentle spirit he's he told pam when she had covered i pray for you every day i pray for you every day and i said to him schwecki we need a building we need a big building with a lot of parking he said where do you want it i have land in jericho he does he has big property in jericho he says but you know we feed people in bethlehem we've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars feeding poor people in bethlehem our ministry has he said maybe bethlehem this is jesus hometown jesus would like that jesus would like for you to go to his hometown and then we talked about tiberius and we talked about northern israel and i'm just i'm just going to speak this out i'm going to speak this by faith because the bible said if you feel like you have a vision you write it down make it plain and then you run with it so what we do in the new testament is if we feel like the lord has spoken to us in any way we begin to speak it and pam pam will tell you i did this i spoke manifest 12 years before it happened because god told me i'd have a tv program named manifest it was 12 years later so we're not going to try to force this it will happen naturally i just felt that it's going to happen naturally we're going to this door comes and then somebody contacts you and then do you all realize with our tv program over there among the arabs and jews i have young converts that have been one to the lord through christian television programming i'm talking about guys like in their 20s and 30s that were orthodox that went away from god um you wouldn't believe it and so we've got a base over there of people so i prophesy tonight god i feel the holy ghost my god oh jesus that lord the gospel started in jerusalem in judea and samaria and everything goes full circle it must end in jerusalem and israel and samaria it began it'll end there and i prophesy ramp israel in jesus name the right the buildings the property the people people from the land arabs and jews there is no peace without the messiah arabs and jews sitting together in the same building christians sitting with them and in jesus name you will flow through this and you will open the door and everybody said amen absolutely look you know those things you know this is in my nowhere now it's not in my head it dropped into my spirit and so this is going to be exciting and we also had another door open i'm not going to tell you about that because that's something down the road for our ministry we're buying we've already no we bought it i'm saying we're buying we just bought 160 acres of property with a house on it uh we're going to do some kind of well i'm not even not even going to speak that i'm not we're on the internet i don't pam is nodding her head shut up perry you talk too much because i'm like karen i'm a visionary i see it way before it gets here i talk about it way before it comes and uh then people look at you at the moment like really and then years later they say well you know i was there when brother perry showed that prayer of god hallelujah they were the ones that didn't believe it but you know now that they see it they believe it so i just want to announce to you it's going to be exciting you're in the best season of history i know it i know you don't think that but you're in the best season of history that we've ever had for this generation without a doubt and you better get ready because this is going to move fast and all your gifting and all your learning and all that you're encountering you're going to have to use you're going to have to use so learn everything you can learn about the subject god has put you in learn everything about that call that focus of what you feel if it's counseling if it's music if it's ministry if it's children's ministry if it's advantage whatever it might be learn everything you can and then every opportunity you have put it into operation and you use it now finally my brethren and sister and i am excited so excited that chosen is coming to our oh the only warrior fest i have this year was the summer we didn't know what covert would do that's one reason why july 9th 10th 11th cleveland tennessee ramp cleveland the big building you're coming and we opened up registration and have 4 000 kids already in five days five days and our uh karen knows this we pull from the carolinas more from virginia maryland uh new jersey new york that whole eastern seaboard kind of uh the edge so it's a whole different group of young people so it excites me that that there'll be a different group there you'll be able to minister and i'm gonna i want chosen i'm gonna tell you something you've never been to warrior fest we will wear you out so you know you might end up ministering like five times in just one service eight times and you you will be you know when we had uh the former team that we had they literally were going they were laughing and puffing they did a dance one time up there where they fell out on the platform they like to never got up you know it's like please let me lay here like they were slain in the spirits you know lay hands on yourself and fall out here but anyway uh it's gonna be wonderful and i want to let you know that if you have your bible let me get right into the word today appreciate any of you that are watching online we know that a lot of people watch this maybe later if they're not able to and um i'm going to look at acts chapter 27 and i'm going to be focusing on an event a a major event that happened in acts chapter 27 and 28 and instead of me going to the verses because it would stretch it out too long i'll just make the point and tell you what's in the story is that okay here we go one verse of scripture paul is on a ship and all of a sudden in acts chapter 27 verse 14 but not have taken glasses off to read but not long after there arose against it against the ship a temptuous wind called youroclodon everybody say your rock ladon now i'm going to minister on the subject of why god lets your rockledon hit your boat why does god let your rock of god what is your rocket on it's a sudden storm why does he allow it to hit your life why does he allow it to hit your your focus why does he allow it to hit the direction that you're heading in because we have this conception that if we are in the will of the lord nothing bad will happen to us don't tell paul that he got shipwrecked beat up beaten with rods stoned or left for dead and he was in the will of god don't tell job that he lost everything he had but he was in the will of god so it is not the fact that watch me you're not blessed because you are exempt from trouble you are blessed because you keep surviving through it you're not blessed because you never had a storm because can i tell you you'll never know whether your faith works or not till you're in the ship you are blessed because you keep coming through one after the other after the other in fact we ought to have shirts made with a great big s on the shirt that doesn't mean superman or superwoman it means survivor because there's something about believers even in persecuted countries that they keep on coming through the mess now i want to i want to show you something here because i've learned something from the bible that when you take stories in the bible you can find a pattern beginning to emerge in many of them that you can make it applicable to your situation in modern time i'm going to give you one quick example this is not in the message but in the 12th chapter of revelation satan is the dragon and he attacks the man-child who uh the woman who is israel and you can read for example where it says he tries to devour the child as soon as he's born that's the enemy trying to stop your blessing the moment you get it then it says that he persecutes the woman and then it says and that persecution always follows your salvation nobody mess with you till you start talking jesus then after the persecution she's driven into a wilderness into a dry place and so then you go through a spell where you can't feel god can't sense god nothing's moving you don't feel like reading your bible and then you keep reading but in other words if you keep reading the process of what the dragon does the last thing he does now he is the dragon and he's spewing water out of his mouth to try to drown the woman i was at jensen franklin's church preaching years ago two in the morning studying this i said there's something here first of all dragon is a mythological creature back in the days of king james that's why they translated dragons there was stories of knights fighting dragons but it's really it really in greek is the word for serpent so when you read in the king james translation dragon it actually is the greek word for a keen-eyed serpent a serpent that has great eyes that can see in the distance and see things all right but when you read about the the dragon we know that a dragon does not produce water from its mouth you all know what a dragon is supposed to produce would you tell me what comes out of a dragon's mouth fire and it puzzled me why doesn't the metal the analogy here say the dragon breathed fire from his mouth to burn the woman what is a dragon doing with water because water is a metaphor for the holy spirit out of your belly shuffle or rivers of what living water withdraw we draw water from the wells of salvation i will pour out that's rain that's water of my spirit and the dragon has water in its mouth and it hit me one it just really hit me that whole chapter deals with satan being the accuser of the brethren and see the last attack that satan does see he i don't know why i'm preaching this but it's it's going to be all right you see he first of all tries to stop your blessing before you get it then he tries to persecute you if that don't work he'll throw you in a dry place and if none of that works the last thing will be spirit-filled christians spirit filled living water supposed to be coming out of their belly but instead of them using their mouth to speak good things they start accusing you the last attack is believers accusing other believers meaning the believer becomes the accuser of the brethren come on talk to me somehow so i can go to revelation 12 for example and i can show you those four things that happen how the enemy moves against the woman and the man child and they're the exact four things he does to a believer so i i just hit myself on the leg and i got shingles if you all know what shingles are so i just felt that go through god that wasn't the holy ghost either okay let me let me switch hands while i preach slap this leg for the glory of god now if you go back to the story what i'm going to show you as i'm going to show you that in this storm there were four things that happened and this is the four-fold process of what happens when a major uroclidon or a major spiritual physical financial mental whatever the case may be when a storm comes into your life now first of all what's paul doing on this boat here's what paul is doing on the boat paul had stood before the governor and he stood before some of the leaders that were in israel in that day and they were he was actually giving them a testimony of his conversion and so he'd been arrested so in order to to actually this this is pretty interesting what he did because he looked at those men high-level men and he said now i appeal unto caesar now when he said i appeal unto caesar as a roman citizen it is the same thing as saying we're taking this case to the supreme court there is no higher court you can go to in the united states outside the supreme court outs there's nothing higher caesar was nero nero was the worst emperor of all the emperors that came before him most of the other emperors simply went by strict roman law they did arrest people there were times they tortured people they fought battles but nero just so you'll know a little bit about him nero murdered his wife he first of all history says he was very schizophrenic we would say today a split personality he murdered his wife and married a kid that looked like his wife that was a boy and so he he was you could tell just by that he was a little bit messed up to say the least from the start then uh he got to the point where he's persecuting christians and he invents a slide with razors and he puts the christian on top and as they slide down it splits them from the lower area all the way up to their body he then takes something called the appian way which was a road they were building and he took crosses put christians on and poured oil on them and lit them up so that they could work at night with burning christian bodies he also is one of the men that put christians in the uh big uh theater there in rome you've seen the amphitheater of the theater they call it uh the colosseum i'm sorry and they would they would actually turn put put blood on christians bodies or dead animal skins and turn hungry lines loose that would gnaw on the leg and the christian would die this man was the master of torture this is the same man by the way who beheaded the apostle paul and beheaded the apostle peter this gives you an idea watch of the man paul has just appealed to his name is nero caesar and so in order to get to rome how do you get there you can't take a plane you can't take a car you take a ship now the problem was this it was winter time if you've never been to israel in the wintertime and we do go in what's classified winter time most of the time in the month of november the weather's nice and fair and i've actually been there when it didn't rain at all but i was there one time when i was in caesarea where this boat was leaving that paul got on and was headed to rome and i have never seen wind or waves in my life like this the wind was blowing close to 60 miles per hour the waves were just rocking and i literally stood we went there to tape and we they said the weather's bad there you might not want to tape there we got there and i literally um micah could take my body and move it forward like i wanted to fall and the wind was pushing me back now here's the problem paul said to the man who owned the ship i perceive that this voyage is going to be a big problem not only for us but for this ship see paul knew it was winter time he knew that this storm called yorochlodon normally hit in wintertime here's the problem the ship's master is making a lot of money by transferring over 200 slaves on this boat he is paid per slave he has a deadline to get them to rome so he's saying boy i don't care what you're a slave on my ship you don't tell me how to run my business nor my boat so paul knew he was in danger when he got on the boat now let me tell you something you got to watch who you let on your ship because if you remember there was a group of men who led a man named jonah on their boat and when jonah got on their boat everything was supposed to be fine and dandy good travel season but a storm rose and they said there's a problem because this is the god's becoming angry and jonah said well it must be me and watch this they had to throw jonah read your bible in the book of jonah off of their boat to get their storm to stop sometimes you got to throw people off your life sometimes you got to get rid of folks come on to get your storm to stop to get your trouble to quit well that's uh that that's that's free that's just an additional note that i wanted to say to you now i want to show you what begins to happen as jerochlodon begins to hit i'm going to show you four things number one and all this is in your bible number one the winds become contrary in other words they're moving in one direction but everything is pushing against them what is happening where they're supposed to be going it's not flowing so there is pressure or resistance pushing them back instead of the wind normally supposed to be moving them forward so instead of the wind cooperating with them the wind is working against them now when this begins to happen the bible says that for 14 days no sun moon or stars appeared you must understand that they did not have gps that the only way they knew where they were headed was by watching the stars at night especially the north star because you can tell where east west and south is when you see the little star on the handle of that er major there in the uh in the sky so now imagine this now there is no light and there's no light to give them direction level number one of any storm is you will get in the storm and you will get in the in the problem and you will start realizing god isn't telling me nothing i'm not hearing anything i have no revelation i'm trying to figure this out how did this happen or i'm trying to figure out how was i so stupid to let that happen and i'm needing god to show me what to do right now to help me through this but why is it there's no light on my situation i i hope i'm preaching to a few young people that's been through something like this there's no light on my situation so what does paul do the bible said they started lightening the ship in other words they started lightening the loads around them anything that was an excessive load that was going to weigh them down they begin to throw it off of the boat so in the middle of not hearing anything they said here's what we're going to do we don't even know where we're going we don't even know where this boat's going to end up but what we've got to do is lighten the load so we don't sink in the middle of this i feel like preaching in just a minute you better stay with me so they begin to take off what the bible in the new testament would say it this way lay aside the weight and the sin that does so easily besets you so now when you're in it you've got to examine yourself first thing and say is there somebody i need to lay aside is there something i need to lay aside is there something that's creating more pressure on me then i need that pressure to be created now the second thing that happens and this gets really crazy is the ship then starts moving inward and it hits quicksand now you've seen the movie and i'm an indiana jones fan you know if you've ever watched all of the those movies and there's one of them that's crazy where there's this big python and he's getting in quicksand there is literal quicksand that will suck a person in so as the boat is coming in look out i'm about to preach here now now not only are they getting no direction at all there's no light or revelation on why am i going through this god would you talk to me please all of a sudden they are stuck in quicksand in other words they can't move there's no movement they're not going backwards they're not going forward they're not going to lift they're not going to the right they're just stuck in one spot it reminds me of the battle of elah in israel goliath the philistines are on one mountain israel is on the other your bible tells you this goliath is in the valley taunting them send me a man to fight send me a man to fight you know what makes this whole story so bad that these israelites are stuck for 40 days nobody wants to fight nobody wants to challenge no and here's what makes it bad do you know what the jews are praying in the morning in the evening they're praying something called the shema in english it looks like shema but it's pronounced hear o israel the lord our god is one god when you pray that prayer in that time there was a line in it that said and no man shall stand before thee all the days of thy life and they're out there saying no man shall stand before thee and they're hearing send me a man to fight the next day no man shall stand before me what's wrong with you hebrew chicken send me a man to fight oh no man will stand before thee in other words they're praying prayers that aren't getting are not getting them anywhere because the prayer is from a routine and they're not trying to figure out what to do they can't figure it out watch this because the battle is stuck in one spot for 40 days so now as they've gone through the storm now they're in quicksand the boat can't go to the left the boat can't go to the right they are stuck in one spot look and you're not going to get out and try to mess with the boat do you know why because you will sink in the sand you are dead so now not only was he 14 days without no illumination oh my god no sun moon and stars now they're stuck in quicksand so we go from there where now there's no not only was there no direction for me now i have no movement at all so the next thing that happens is it says this oh it gets rough the ship suddenly broke up into pieces and when it says they broke up it broke up into pieces the the the image i get is all of a sudden your ship starts falling apart and everything around you starts falling apart and oh mama go ahead and preach this and all those friends that you thought would never leave you suddenly are nowhere to be found and instead of getting someone to encourage you you get four friends like job had he did have four by the way if you look at it one one other guy showed up and they gonna tell you why you're going through the storm you're going through and they said this to job job the reason you're going through the storm is you're a rich man and you got so greedy with your money and god's teaching you a lesson and the next one comes along and says job the reason you're going through there's hidden sin in your life if he wasn't sinning god wouldn't be judging and the next one comes along and this one says i know what your problem is job you were looking at women lustful and he said what are you talking about job said i made a covenant with my eyes i wouldn't even look on a woman so job's trying to defend himself against four friends and the bible says if you'll go to job chapter 39 40 41 42 read all that together you'll find out this is what god said to job's friends ready you have not spoken that which is right about me before job i mean all these guys philosophical religious spiritual conversations were completely useless because they were not joe's comforters they were job's complainers i don't even know how bible scholars call them comforters it says and they came to comfort job they didn't know comforting all they did was complain the entire time so here's what happens here's the third level of the storm i know you're too young to go through some of this but you live long enough like me you're gonna be going through some of your rocklands baby come on you're gonna you're gonna go through some of your rockets you might as well get the message in you now you might as well take your sermon notes now you might as well keep your journal handy because when it hits you're going to say where's that sermon stone did on that rock storm right put your hands together and shout yes one time if you hear what i'm saying oh yeah so now storm's hidden sudden storm out of nowhere contrary winds stopping your momentum you hear nothing from god you're totally completely stuck nothing's moving any kind you need a financial breakthrough nobody's sending you a check no rich uncle has died mom and dad's taxes found out that they got to pay him instead of getting back everything's not working like supposed to now the ship is totally breaking apart all your friends have forsaken you all the people that you thought would stand with you are not standing with you that one person you thought would never leave you has suddenly betrayed you your ship has fallen apart how bad can it get well here's what they did they all came in the bible says on broken pieces sometimes god will let you live your whole life completely whole but sometimes you'll have a jacob's limp the rest of your life yeah yeah sometimes sometimes you have to come in on broken pieces well that's pretty bad they get to the island they're all gathering wood you know they're all wet they're wanting to dry their clothes off it's men so i can see them here taking their shirts off and complaining ah the ship's gone i just lost everything i got they're collecting firewood so paul reaches down being a good servant to gather wood for the fire and he is fastened on his finger a viper i need to explain to you what this viper is because i did not know till i encountered one because i was in the dead sea area uh several years ago we were taping and i looked down and there was a little old cute snake about that long as thin as my pinky finger yellow colors like different colored design on it and i just want to warn you now if a snake has a flat head run if it's got that little curve round they're usually non-poisonous but if they're flat they got that kind of weird-looking flat head just get away well that had a flat head and i didn't know that so i take a stick and i start flipping him and he goes and i'm thinking he's a baby he can't do enough and my jewish guy grabbed my shirt said come here back up i said from what he that he said back just do what i'm saying back up because he said he can move faster than you think he's little but he can move faster than you think it's a little thing it ain't much but it'll move faster than you think i must be some preaching to someone i feel conviction in the house right now and i said what's the deal it's just a baby he said that's a viper and he said if that snake were to bite you and pierce your skin you would die in five minutes before we could ever get you help and then he went to this story he said go to the he took me to the book of acts he said when it says that the viper fastened on the hand of paul that's the kind of snake it was he said that is one of the most deadly snakes in all of the country and i was stupid enough to play with that snake with a stick think about it now it's funny how people react to your problem because i want to show you how the people reacted when the snake bit paul and he holds it up they see the color of it they know what it is and the first thing they say is ah he must be a murderer the weird part about that statement is ready he was before his conversion you know and they'll talk about something you did and here's the point it might be true he was a murderer in his past life before he must be a murderer and now the gods are angry with him see they got the first part right but the second part wrong because the gods were not angry at him now what's their reaction sir they're waiting for him to die just standing there waiting for the guy he's gonna drop over in a minute now there's another one well we didn't lose nobody on the boat we're about to lose this guy by a snake bite can you believe it he survived the storm he survived the quicksand and now a snake bites gonna kill him and the bible says and paul shook it off into the fire and felt no harm touch a neighbor say sometimes you gotta shake it off now touch your neighbors say all the time you got to shake it off put your hands up and do a little bit of shaking right there there's a bunch of young people tonight shake it a little bit he's shook it and now and then and then watch what they do then he didn't die they said oh he's a god make up your mind either he's a great man of god or god is really mad at him see people are weird because they want to judge your storm or your snake bite and they've always got the answer as to why you got bit and they didn't i'm gonna let that sink in for somebody in the house right here well if you weren't so stupid well you know what it takes stupid to know stupid it's called dumb and dumber well if you listened well how many of you have listened your whole life but god's just trying to teach them a lesson be careful because with the same judgment you judge it's going to come back on you let me teach you something right here people will say to me what did you think about what happened brother so-and-so i said i don't think about it well don't you have an opinion no one well-known preacher got up and said he wanted an airplane and people are asking me what's thinking about silence i want that big million-dollar airplane i said none of my business well i think it ought to be in the kingdom of god i said no i haven't given him an offering in my lifetime there it's none of my business that's the business of his partners and that's the business of his church people and if they think he needs it it's up to them to deal with it and it ain't none of my business you see my nose let me just take my glasses off so you can look at that i'm italian but i didn't get the hook in my nose like my other family members did but i want you to know my nose is long and the reason it's long is i kept it out of other people's business and gave it time to grow [Applause] okay are y'all still here so now i look at this the storm the quick sand the broken ship and the snake bite and i asked myself what's the route to all of this why is the adversary so threatened by paul getting to rome stay with me now yeah stay with me now i have learned something and i'm not talking about your basic trouble you had a bad day you got a migraine headache that's gone two or three days thank god it's going to go away i'm talking about major stuff when we have gone through things i turn to my spiritual mentors or leaders tony scott and floyd lahanna rick rick's been with me since i was 18. and i had tony scott say to me some time back he said i'm going to tell you something what god told me god told me perry not not tony god that the trouble you have dealt with is not about what you have done in the past to get you to this point in ministry all the buildings you built all the ministries you started it's about where you're going and every minister i've ever talked to has said this to me when you come under a direct satanic attack and most of the time a satanic attack will come through people's words or their ideas or their thoughts or their strategies when you come under it i want you to remember this when it's very severe it is not about where you've been because the int ready because the enemy can't do anything about where you've been think about it he cannot do anything about you once everything's forgiven he can't do anything about you when everything's under the blood so he cannot watch he cannot go back and undo what is done good or bad and neither can you so why am i under attack because it's where you're going can i prove it to you stay with me because this gets real this gets now now we're getting into some really rich rich stuff in the word i meditated on this and i said why would the enemy want paul dead before he got to rome and i started looking at the book of romans and i read romans and at the very end of the book of romans paul says this the very god of peace shall bruce satan under your feet shortly now wait a minute the the book of romans was written to the people in rome paul is headed to rome but that wasn't the clincher the clincher was philippians 4 22. now greet the church in caesar's house wait a minute did you catch it who sees her talk to me said it louder nero whoa whoa whoa whoa so this guy that has orgies and even same-sex orgies and i could tell you all this list of horror i mean this guy was really just as bad as it gets he got a church in his house he's not even a christian so how did a church get in his palace let the early church fathers answer it by the traditions that we have the empress who was nero's wife became a believer could be why he killed her what did i just tell you he killed his wife right then he marries a young man could be not saying it is i'd have to do all the research on it it is believed that her and a number of the servants held bible studies secretly in the house but never made it known to the citizens and paul said greet the church and the very god of peace shall bruise satan under your feet your feet the believer's feet shortly and i felt like the spirit of god said to me paul had such an anointing of converting people look think about the herod the herod that killed the babies in bethlehem the herod that beheaded john the baptist the herod in acts 12 who beheaded james they're all related and there's a fourth one called herod agrippa the second and paul preaches in front of him and what does it say in the book of acts a grip of the second who was he said agrippa this was not done in a corner this gospel you know who i speak of you know about this christ paul could have said you know about this christ one of your relatives killed the babies of bethlehem you know about this christ one of your family members beheaded john the baptist you know about this christ a group of the first beheaded james you know about this christ the angel struck your relative and he died with worms after killing the man of god agrippa this was not done in a corner and agrippa says paul almost you persuaded me to be a christian do you remember reading that in the bible now think about paul's ability to take a family of cold-blooded murderers wicked men and get to that fourth one and come just that close with a testimony no miracle no healing of a lame man at a gate no blind person being healed no sheriff going blind under the judgment of god no simon mangus uh coming under the no no no no nothing but i want to tell you what happened to me on the road to damascus a testimony and satan says i hope you're listening i cannot i cannot let this paul the apostle ever make it to rome because if they got a church in the palace what if he appeals to nero and converts him then all the persecution stops all the murdering of christians stops then this gospel even spreads further in the empire sir here's what i'll do i'll send the wind to stop him but the wind couldn't stop it i'll send quick stands to s stop him completely but the quick sin i'll make the ship break but they came in on broken pieces and finally he said i'll hide a viper under the wood but the viper couldn't kill him pedestrian tallahosha i've come by to tell somebody that when you've got a promise hanging over you the storm cannot destroy you the snakebite is not going to kill you the demons and the devils through the mouth of ungodly people might try to take you out but god is still going to raise you up because the calling of god is greater than the confusion of a bunch of people that they are trying to create clutch put your hands together and praise god one time in this place how hallelujah now watch what god does look look i think it's going to be really interesting to get to heaven when the knowledge of the lord has covered the earth to see in the sky and all things are made clear we no longer see through a glass darkly just to see how god strategized with angels to get stuff done while the enemy thought he was winning god already had an outcome nothing really think about it i mean think about it job will curse you to your face and god's going really really take what he's got he won't he didn't do it take his health that's how he'll curse you really take his health go ahead see here's the thing satan could plot it but he couldn't see job's heart because the integrity of job's heart and his love for god was greater than anything that he owned on the earth he was greater than his wealth greater than his kids greater than his family and god said you think you know him you don't know him god almighty i feel his presence all right now watch what happens so i got to read this to you they're on the island the ship has been blown totally off course but the point is this and this is the thing about storms i said to karen the other day my most puzzling thing that i've ever had to ask god is the attack of the enemy was from the enemy but god had it set up to be under the attack to get the alignment he wanted how do you figure that how do you figure how do you figure you got to go through this crazy stuff to get the snakes off why do you have to go through crazy stuff when the ship is wrecked but you're still you still are coming in on a broken beat you're coming in on a broken piece you survive the quick sand the storm and the sharks and everything else and you're on the island said i don't know how i did that glory to god hallelujah but i'm here lost everything in the boat but i'm here so because watch god so god says years ago an angel can i preach this my way an angel comes to god and said you know all this gospel is going out but there's an island called malita and there's no gospel message on it what do you think we can do to get somebody to go there and the father says it's not on the regular shipping routes it's not you really got to go way out of the way and there's just not much there but but father the gospel has to go out but we've got to have the right man there we got to have the right person so paul's getting on a boat going this way but god says go ahead and let the wind hit because we got to blow him that way now if you've not if you've not read what i'm about to show you i'm going to give you an opportunity to shout in a minute because i want to share with you they're stuck on this island three months now in the same quarters we're possession where we're possessions of the chief man of the island whose name was publius who received us and lodged us three days courteously and it came to pass that the father of publish lay sick of a fever and a bloody flux whom paul entered in prayed laid his hands on him and healed him when this was done others also which had diseases in the island came and they were all healed so see your storm really might not be about you it might be about who you're about to touch i'm preaching myself paul said i think myself happy i'm preaching myself happy tonight huh i think myself happy so remember this so when you go through it you have to keep saying to yourself this isn't about my past the reason the enemy wants to always bring up your past is he'll get you stuck in your past and you'll never move forward he's always going to bring it up get you thinking about it because you'll never go forward you always live in the back live in the back moving back living back and you can't plow a straight line with the plow by looking backwards okay so just remember when you're going through this and and they will hit things will come things will come that you brought on yourself but things are also going to come that you didn't have it just i mean it was wrong place wrong people wrong time hello it's going to happen remember what happens you got to say to yourself this is not about where i've been this is about where i'm going that's that's the point keep that in your head it's about where i'm going god knows there's something i'm going there's some where i'm going there's something i'm going to do this is something trying to wear me out wear me okay i feel the holy ghost just sister there's a spirit of confusion that's tried to come on you to try to hinder hinder what god would want like what god where am i going what do i do what am i supposed to do what is all this about you you're doing the thing you're supposed to do now but you're looking out there in the future trying to say where am i going to end up god said don't worry about it he's already been out there just he's in other words let any fear be gone any anxiety be gone he's already been out there he's already been out there there's a couple of you young people here you're already worried about where am i going what i'm supposed to do don't you understand this he's already figured it out because he's already been there so don't let there be any like don't let the devil bring anxiety in your mind or confuse your mind as to say okay now where do i go from here what's it from here do i do i stay do i go do i move do i do don't worry about it don't worry about it god's got an island somewhere who's that for god's got an island somewhere are you still here say i'm still here so paul gets on the island starts laying hands on all the sick people and a revival breaks out but the only way this man would have been healed and the island would have been saved is it took a oh this break want this to say again if i'm not preaching to nobody but me and my scoring no more it took a situation to get him off course to get him on course right yes now you want to hear the cool part yeah this is the cool part and i'm going to paraphrase this all in your bible so three months they're on the island and you know what paul's doing he's teaching everybody and all of a sudden this is so funny and a ship from alexander egypt that has the symbols of castor and polis on top of it that it's painted it's pa okay shows up at the dock publius says i want you to load up paul with everything he lost plus everything he needs plus some stuff i want to give him publius says now i want to take my head bodyguard and i want you to i want you to go with this man and i want you to guard his stuff on the ship i want you to make sure he gets there safely okay but you don't understand the caster and polish part because that's gemini the gemini twins you know in the heavens the constellation but i did some research on this and found out that when you have the alexander ship you have the cadillac of all ships because alexandra made the best ships in the world what wait a minute you're missing it he was on a slave boat who's rowing the boat if it was a rowboat it was they did with paul was rolling now he's got a cruise line seriously this is what this boat was he's got a cruise line and it's got the emblem of cat which means it is the number one ship made and now think about three months before three [Music] ninety days before he is soaking wet standing in sand with a viper on his hand thanking everybody thinking he's dead 90 days later he said come on boys let's get that stuff on the boat come on we got to get to rome come on fellas come on that's right bring that package oh what's that fine china fine china yes bring it right on the boat right there what's that oh some gold and silver good bring that's that's we're gonna build some churches with that put that right there on the boat and they're stacking a boat that's like a cadillac ship hey and when it gets to rome god i feel the holy ghost stole over me right now paul had talked about in the corinthians how that he was given a thorn in the flesh a messenger of satan to buffet him lest he should be exalted above measure that word messenger is an angel of the devil that attacked him everywhere he went go to second corinthians 11 read the 22 things paul had to go through he went through hell for the gospel he born his body the marks of the gospel he'd been stoned left for dead three times beaten with rod shipwrecked the whole nine yards read it in your bible then he says i best the lord three times that this thorn this devil this angel would leave me alone but god said my grace is sufficient for you and my strength will be made perfect in weakness but i would like for i'd like for you to go to one of the translations of the bible and read what happened when he got to rome here's what it said and paul spent two years in his own hired house no man hindering him so god not only got him to rome but when nero burnt rome down he blamed it on paul and that's the only reason paul got arrested was on a lie that he had burnt rome down he literally as a roman citizen got to rome the jewish people could no longer persecute him the pharisees had nothing no power there he was a roman citizen he was a high-ranking roman citizen they already knew his name when he got there they got him a house and he had a house and when they wanted to come in and hear the word he taught the word and no man hindered him that means i won't i want to preach i'm going to give god a little bit of glory right here i used to preach that paul died with that thorn in the flesh but he died with grace no he didn't die with that thorn because for two years god said devil time's up you've messed with this man long enough you beat him up you put him in shipwrecks you know you hit him in the head they slapped him with rods but i'm gonna let him preach two years on the hindered with miracles and signs and wonders i've got news for you that hindering devil is not gonna be on you the rest of your life don't you let the devil lie to you that spirit that's attacked you has got to give up sometime it does not hallelujah somebody give your jesus praise in this there are times let's break can we let's make it practical for just a minute i don't have i'm almost done of course paul said finally my brother wrote three more chapters so you never know when i say that but i mean let me say this to you being someone who is a visionary which pam my wife will tell you perry is a vision there he sees it my problem is and it is a problem it's a challenge it's not a problem it's it's a good thing but i am the kind of person that the moment i see it i go after it it's like god you're moving too slow i'm gonna make this happen right here you're busy you know i ask a catholic friend of mine one time you know he said i pray to mary i said why he said because jesus is too busy it's kind of cute really i see he's not he's not too busy he could he can't hear everybody pray you know it's kind of like okay god you're a little bit busy i know you're taking care of all the world peril go take care of this uh i'll give an example i actually i don't know if enough rick knows this because rick's on my board we had discussed give me a minute let me go back in time one year one year year and a half ago maybe i think it was it two let's say let's say a year and a half ago it's been we had a board meeting and i was going to build three things i was going to build a railroad station it looked like a railroad station but it had a theater a soda cafe a game room offices but it looked like you'd love you'd love to karen if it got built and i was actually going to get a train up there like a caboose and that's what you eat in it's just a cool idea you know visionary yes that's oh i like that yeah i'd say amanda what do you think she says i think you need to pray about it that's my daughter's answer to everything thank god i need to pray about it and then i was going to build dormitories and i already had the dormitories drawn out pam you remember this we were already getting uh we were going to have i'm funny because when i if i'm going to build a building i happen to know that girls need mirrors and more than guys guys take quick showers girls don't because i have a daughter i know amanda 45 minutes come on girl so we had like 30 showers in each dorm of three stories remember that rick we had it all lined up in the month of november i know when it was now i came back from israel and god said stop it all what stop it all i had to call my builder who had to call the city who had to call the permit department who had to i mean it just went cold turkey and then property opened up we looked we went to this property looked and when i went to get this property which i thought it had seven lakes on it it had uh 400 and some acres and i'm a visionary oh we could do this we could do that we could do this we could farm it even we could get far poor people through it and it had seven liens against it and i'm thinking okay what's going on here now watch what i'm about to say only god knew now that my total projects would have been nine million dollars and coveted hit and i didn't get to travel anywhere and churches were shut are y'all aren't listening pay attention pay attention if i would have gotten stubborn and said well i'm just going to tell you something the lord told me to do it god don't change his mind i'm going to i'm going to prove to you god will change his mind ready abraham take thy son thine only son to mount moriah the mountain i will show you and offer him before me takes the wood takes the boy builds the altar lays him down puts the dagger up stop no don't offer him now what if abraham said i that cannot be god that is the voice of the adversary god has told me slam that knife in his boy it was a test all it was was a test to see would he be obedient god tested me to say if i ask you to do it will you do it yes he said okay now you can stop because can you imagine in covet not preaching for almost a year 9 million dollars in debt i mean the builders would have loved it because they're getting paid but we our ministry would have plummeted i'm trying to say something to you so pay very careful attention now let's go ahead in time i wanted to build a youth camp but was one thing always bugged me there's a train on my property and that's train if i built what i wanted to build that train would shake every block loose on that property in about three years wouldn't it rick i mean if you're talking about it depends on what you build but i mean it go you can feel the ground rumble you're in that prayer bar and praying i remember the first time the train came through and someone said oh my god this is so far there was a little that's a show for jesus i said it's a train and it's a train calm down i'm like fly paper i attract some very strange people do you understand what i'm saying so anyway so watch this because i wanna i wanna i wanna teach you this i want you to learn this because you may need this somewhere in your life many years ago when we were dating the omega international building which is where ramp is in cleveland and many of you have already been there when we were dedicating that building at a partners conference a couple was sitting there and their name was williams lyndon steve williams steve i had bought the property that the the omega center sits on all you know what i'm talking about the the all the property not just the parking lot in the building all that property was purchased from steve williams and they were there that day they had just bought a very lovely colonial style three-story house with 80 acres with two lakes on it and ponds and she was asking the lord a little bit about you know god what is this what you know what is this for what and the lord speaks to her and says it would be used for ministry she told me later i always felt it was for your ministry and it's connected with youth or or something okay i'm not going to say too much man by the way i have plans i'm not that dumb i'm going to keep quiet so i would go from time to time and i would ask steve oh you want to sell that property no we're living up there now so linda loves it you know three years later so this year track with me this year for 30 days god spoke to me and said go see stephen he actually told me when to do it and i let my wife talk me out of it yeah i did you did you send up harry honey you don't need to be looking at the property right now just you know get healed get better get gus work your way in that's just more care she was really trying to help me i said pam i'm telling you so i go and call steve a month after the lord tells me to call him and he says you will not believe this that went under contract two days ago what you mean i waited ten years i said steve you told me i had first option of that property he said you know what i forgot about that you i did say that when his wife found out that i had called she could not sleep because she said this is supposed to be your property and not the people getting and i'm not going to say too much because this is on the internet but the people getting it were from out of state and they had plenty of money there had she's a lawyer they'd won a huge lawsuit case and they could have wrote out 10 checks for the amount of that property not missed it they already had the house inspection they already have the earnest money and it was going to sell the next day right rick tomorrow the next day they're sending the money from florida we're sitting there at the table in this beautiful million dollar house beautiful and linda says i don't know what to do there's nothing we can do i mean this they want this and we have a contract there's just no way of getting out of it what can we do and rick speaks up rick let me tell you something rick tao is a quiet man but he's full of wisdom no when rick speaks ef hutton listens that's commercial i can tell you not seen that commercial he said let me just tell you how it is i believe that if perry is supposed to have this property those people will cancel their contract they will cancel you won't have to do anything and i looked at rick i remember said rick and steve was saying the same thing i said when you got that kind of money and they love this and they can't believe they're getting it for this price they say if they had to pay for it down there it'd be worth three times more they're freaking out they want all the property around it they've already asked for the property i i'm not trying to be faithless but i just don't he said no if god ordained you to get this i got a text the next day steve said he ain't gonna believe what happened at midnight last night the couple texted us from florida and said we're canceling the contract am in shock okay before we drove down here we signed papers now you listen to me now rick i'm not exaggerating of all the property in bradley county it is probably the second or third prettiest property we've ever seen in the county would you say that i mean that i've seen we just closed on 160 acres now you boys that like to hunt jensen franklin called me and said are you really buying that yes he said would you sell me about 20 acres of hunting i said no i'll let you hunt free we're like me and jensen go back a long way before he was ever married now i now see i now see what that property can be used for and we won't we won't get into that pam and i and rick have agreed we don't we don't discuss this publicly because people freak out on you you know and uh we're praying we already know some things and then another piece of property which we had rented to someone will be coming open in two months and the lord has already showed me today i had a vision folks i was praying and i shut my eyes i mean i usually see dark like everybody else and i saw an absolute vision and i it was right there and i'm talking to myself out loud oh this is a vision wow that's so cool look at that picture wow look at that and the lord gave me an idea and we pam and i had talked for three days what are we going to do out there what are we going to do out there and he gave me the idea now here's my point the lord is doing what he was going to do anyway he's doing what he dealt with me about doing but see now instead of me having to build a dorm with a hundred i already have a dorm with a hundred kids i got a log dorm it's there now i don't have to build i don't have to build it it's there i didn't know it would be there i didn't know it'd be i didn't know would come back up god knows everything here's what you want to remember if you are planning something and this is for the ministry school if you're planning something and it doesn't seem to be flowing it could be that the dream is off it's not the right dream yet you may be getting a drink but it's not the right dream yet or the team is off i was going to move to the state of virginia after pam and i were married and i'd had the wrong board the wrong people and oh lord the wrong place oci i wouldn't even be there today ramp wouldn't be in cleveland if i'd have moved to virginia and god let a storm hit up there and i pam said don't move up here don't you i know you got 10 000 people you preach to and they love you up here and you could you could we could have started a church with a thousand people if i don't want it to i'm 22 years of age god said no wrong place and i did not know i did not know until years later that in 1959 in the month of june which is the month i was born william branham was in cleveland tennessee at a church on a hill with brother littlefield and an angel of god appeared to him in a hotel room and said to him before the coming of the lord cleveland tennessee is going to be the hub of the last end time revival william branham an angel in 1959 in june same month i was born and now we sit there right on the property and have all the voe on one end look view he's down here ramp's in the middle and judy jacobs is on the hill oh i used to preach down there and i told them i said i know what they're saying about me perry stone's going to own the town i said no i'm not going to own it but all the people here are and we're going to own this thing run this thing have the restaurants have the hotels have the buildings and this is going to be mecca for the christian world one day if you want to get saved healed and filled with the holy ghost there's a place in cleveland you can go [Applause] so sometimes the team is off it's just not the right people doesn't mean they're not good people it doesn't mean they weren't supposed to be with you for a season but they just can't go where you're going and sometimes the timing is off so god will allow storms shipwrecks and snake bites and it's not because he don't like you and it's not because you're worse than somebody else and it's not always because you really did something bad he's going to punish you for it sometimes it just is you're wanting to get to rome i'll get you to rome but i have a little trip this way i need you to come home never lose your dream but it may take a while final message final word final final thing i want to tell you i'm going to go into this i'm going to go into this just a little bit more detail without going into a lot of detail rick will rick will remember this and i'm going to go ahead and leave names out this generation might not even know who i'm speaking of which is fine in february of 1988 i was preaching at a church in cephalo here zephyr hills florida still see it shotgun church two sections of pews and orange was the color back then for some reason there must have been a contractor from tennessee that you know tennessee falls that i don't know carpet was orange the pews were orange everything was orange remember back then everything was orange back then and uh at six o'clock that evening a little was around six pam came running in and she says perry there's a breaking news story about an evangelist that has had a real moral failure and his denomination has met with him and it showed him and his son coming off a plane and they were trying to the new you know how the news is the news just trying to get news that's their job i guess and uh so i knew who to call i knew to call rick and the reason i need to call rick was his father-in-law was on this man's board was the biggest financial giver this man had in the world and uh i said rick is this true he said well we just got a call that there's there is something true with it we don't know how deep it goes or whatever and i go into depression you you it was it was as if you told me my mom and dad just got killed in a plane crash it really it was depression so as people gather into the church that night you know they're starting to hear they're starting to hear and this everybody love everybody that i knew loved this guy i loved his preaching song and uh and still do by the way but the depression was so heavy i told the pastor i watched the news that night and it was all it was everywhere now and i said dear lord what what are we going to do this is awful especially for sinners you know centers are critical anyway and so i went to pray at this church on the front seat and i said pastor i'm i'm gonna stay up all night i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm just gonna pray i groaned i cried i travailed i prayed for people i prayed for the family i i did i i prayed everything i needed to pray at three in the morning now this she this my wife knows exactly what i'm saying is true at three o'clock in the morning i'm laying on my back on that front pew and i audibly hear manifest and i jump up i set up manifest but i didn't hear it m-a-n-i-f-e-s-t like a manifestation i heard it m-a-n-n-a manna from heaven fest and i said what is that and i hear a voice your television program i didn't have one in july this man walked up to me and said you are going to have a ministry similar to this man on television i did not own a studio i did not own a camera oh nothing remember that rick leeds alabama i bet you forgot about that you never forgot about that 1988 i did not i did not build a studio i did not go buy tv equipment i hid the word in my heart stay with me now you listening when god tells you what you're going to do it doesn't mean tomorrow and you may do the thing that you really see many years after you do three things before you get there stay with me i'm helping you if you listen from somebody who's been there so i went home and told pam manifest i said god told me to have a tv program i said i don't want a tv program you lose your privacy you get criticized by people i really don't want one but god doesn't want to have one i started getting invited to go on as a guest on christian television and i would preach and the phones would ring they they they had to bring phone workers extra phones they were phone i mean they would plug it in phones we got to have help we got to have help then they asked me do you have any teaching we want to do a telethon but we'd like to use your material if people give to the station we'll give them your material i said no but i'll come up with something and i started doing prophecy videos and from 1989 to 1999 i helped christian tv stations every one of them the only one i was not on at that time was tbn all the others i was working with every year working with him rick will remember this and we built enough income up to build a little studio it was so small i had to sit down i couldn't even stand up to teach but we kept doing what we could do with what we had then then in the year 2000 i'm on the platform now listen to this listen listen how bizarre this gets with the entire singing team of this man from 1988 his keyboard player his drummer his bass player the whole team were you there rick then and they prophesied it's time for you to go on tv 12 years later manna-fest went on the manna-fest telecast has been on tv for 22 years no 21 i'm sorry 21. and on networks networks they have told me there are times it is the number one rated watch program in the entire united states and other times it's the most watched program in the entire world i'm not bragging i'm telling you what god did but i want to make the emphasis that i did not go out just because i heard the word and tell everybody i hid in my heart people will mock your vision then it will discourage you then you'll say to yourself did god really speak to me so sometimes you just hide it god may have something really heavy for you and he just wants you to hide it pray about it hide it okay 12 years later i waited and i waited and i waited and now we just purchased the top tv equipment in the world with a green screen i don't know if you understand green screen but green screen means i can stand here and preach and hit a button and be in 1 000 places of the world if i want to be inside the dome of the rock i'll hit a button and i will stand there and teach to the whole world what looks like is absolutely inside the dome of the rock that's how most hollywood movies are made people don't realize it they're made with the screens are you listening but i had to be patient you're young you will have a lot of decisions to make but i promise you i promise you just like this little sister i don't know what that was about i have no clue but i just want to tell you just flow just every day thank you lord for today flow you'll see everything come in time all whatever the lord's put in your heart it'll come in time would you just lift up your hands and begin to bless the lord with me hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus lord god we bless your name we bless your name we honor you today we thank you lord for this opportunity to share this word in my spirit god i feel that someone someone has received this that needed it there are a number of people young people and folks in the building who are i know there's a ramp graduation coming up but there are some of you that are really asking the lord now what do i do and you've been in consternation about you know do i do i go there and kind of go it goes back to the normal do i just go back and get a job do i what do i do some of you are asking the lord right now where does it go from here in the next six months three months or whatever but you're praying about this those specifically who have really been intently asking god about this stand to your feet would you do that just for a moment there's just intently you've been [Music] now wait on the lord with me for just a minute here i think there's three things i've told you this before i believe but i want to say this i'm going to give you the three things he's telling me when you have a series of choices to make only go with peace do not go because it looks good do not do it because your best friend's going to go there but weigh it out and you go with peace number two for some reason people have the idea that doing the will of god is going to be depressive a burden in a way the bible says the commandments of god are not grievous now i'm going to tell you something that sounds strange but go with your excitement because god wants you to go do what you're excited about there's nothing worse than going to a job you hate someone told me 88 of the american people don't like the job they work on that means 88 of the american people are miserable every monday but what excites you is it working with kids is it is it like when you see poor people you're like oh god if i could just help them i got to do something that's where your excitement is and i want to tell you number three and i've never said this in my life i've never heard this greatness is progressive as an illustration young men will come to our ministry and they'll see buildings and buildings and i have a warehouse four times as big as this with books and videos and i can see it in their eyes well i could do this too yes you can but let me take you to one book that i had to sell a drum set for trade a drum set to get my first book printed let me show you a beat up car that leaked gas i had to drive in don't look and compare yourself with others that are doing more because you will always feel like if you're always comparing yourself with something big you will always feel you're doing less and somebody had to make the slingshot that david used he's not in the bible but without him there'd be no story somebody had to trim the rod they gave to moses they're not in the bible but i'd sure like to know who the man was that handed it to him so what you do this is the third word might appear to be more behind the scenes and there's not much recognition to it and it doesn't even seem like there's much honor but great great things and greatness is always progressive because god says i will never open up big doors till you first go through little ones and i'll never bless you with more until you use what you've been given now let's lift our hands i want to pray for you tonight god on this sunday afternoon in hamilton alabama as your servant [Music] all the young people that are standing all those that are under the on their feet lord they want to know your will i preached here that there's acceptable there's the good and there's also the perfect or the complete will of god and i know how they are every one of them want them they want the complete perfect but sometimes lord you take them through processes and help them to understand the process not to just not to despise the process not to despise the little help them to be faithful this the lord says be faithful in the little things be faithful when you're asked to clean the church be faithful when you're asked to park cars in the parking lot david said i'd rather be a gatekeeper in the house of god than dwell in the tents of the wicked god honors you when you do little things when he sees your faithfulness in the little things get this in your spirit when he sees the faithfulness in the little things then he'll give you one more responsibility he'll add on one more blessing everybody that is seated point your hand over there or walk over to somebody and lay your hands on them and start praying in the holy ghost would you do that right now if someone has stood up go over there to where they're at [Music] especially father in the name of the lord jesus christ the son of god we come into complete agreement right now for every one of these this is so important this is a moment of time in their life when they just want to know where what your purpose is the footsteps of a good person are ordered of the lord i'm asking you every one of them to order their footsteps order them direct it god in jesus name whatever it might be whatever it might be in jesus name god what excites their heart the most what gives them peace the most help them to do it father in jesus name for those who desire to be here at the ramp i command financial blessing to come and help to come in jesus name lord that god's supernatural strength and ability will help them whatever they need in jesus name let the spirit of the lord provided for them god even the apostle paul worked and made tents with his own hands to help him in ministry when he was starting churches god none of these young people are afraid to work with their mind and work with their hands not a one of them but i'm asking you god that what burns in them the most that you will help them to be able to do and i rebuke the spirit of discouragement off of you right now in the name of jesus loose them from discouragement right now [Music] this be gone out of their heart and out of their mind and i ask the perfect piece of god that passes all understanding to bless every one of them in the name of the lord jesus christ god as they pray here in the school as they prepare for what is next you will help them to know the will of god and the mind of god mora and torah let everything flow everything will flow everything will flow in jesus name everything will flow in jesus name everything will flow [Music] sometimes you'll have a plan sometimes you'll have sometimes there's something that's open and just just walk through what's opened now because it will not be where it's not going to be permanent the holy ghost has already showed somebody that this is this what you're going to what you're doing now what what you've been asked to do now you've got the holy ghost already showed you it's not permanent but but you're kind of saying okay god what's next and what he's doing is saying just do what i've told you to do now and the door will open when the time comes okay so do what you're doing now don't try to don't try to force anything make it happen it'll just start happening it'll happen around you it's just like those people canceling that contract we had no idea that was going to happen god did it's just like this this other thing that came open like one yesterday wasn't it pam yesterday and we had no idea that was going to happen and god just tells us do what you're doing because now listen it's going to start accelerating i'm telling y'all there's going to be ramps coming up all over the place there's a lady from ramp cleveland who's from brazil and their 12 year old daughter had a vision of ramp brazil get this get this ready i have on my phone a text i got this week from brazil to go to a massive youth conference in brazil and this lady's prophesying about iran brazil look if i got to be the guy like john the baptist to prepare the way and go into the nations and say all right who wants a ramp all right come on karen bring him down here i'll be the one to go preach and prepare the way i'm just telling you i'm excited to be around god that's doing something in these last days
Channel: Ramp Church Hamilton
Views: 146,405
Rating: 4.8851151 out of 5
Keywords: perrystone, perry stone, the ramp, ramp church hamilton
Id: suqDNmPtr_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 27sec (5427 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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