How to Find Abandoned Systems in No Man's Sky Expeditions Update 2021

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welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and in today's video i'm going to show you how to find abandoned space stations and abandoned systems for the expedition update so if you're looking for an abandoned system to get your milestone you're gonna need a couple things i would recommend you go to a uh a space station because you're gonna need to buy some stuff now you go into your uh starship inventory you're gonna need two upgrades in order to find a abandoned station now you don't need them but it makes it so much easier to have them so you're going to want to build a conflict scanner which needs a walker brain and wiring loom so let's build that one real fast and then you're gonna also need an economy scanner right here which needs five microprocessors and one wiring loom now you're also gonna need to know those blueprints and so if you don't know those blueprints go to the space anomaly they will sell you the blueprints that way you know how to build those go to the the starship kiosk you're gonna buy those four nanites the blueprints and then once you know the blueprints you can build them in your starship now once you have those built let's get in and let's go over and find an abandoned station or an abandoned system so what an abandoned system is is a system that had a race in there they were trying to get it going and for whatever reason the system just wasn't good enough and so they just left everyone is gone so let's go to our galaxy map and you see the system i'm in right now this is my current system right here ho chi o or whatever it's called if you expand it you see because we have our economy and our uh combat our conflict scanner we know that the race in the system is a viking we know the economy is material fusion and we know the conflict is a level two intermittent so we know those things because we have those scanners in place but if you just press b or circle if you're on playstation 4 you can actually unlock it so you can go anywhere you want and if we look at one of these right over here that is what you're looking for right there so this system has gek as the race the economy data unavailable so why is there no data available and then it has no conflict data so we know that there's a race there and we know that there is an economy somewhat but there's no economy data which means that they left they abandoned the system so that's how you do that so if you find another one like a random one over here you see there you go it'll keep showing you all the information like if it's just a regular one it'll tell you everything about it energy supply perilous it will give you all those stats but if it's abandoned it will only give you partial stats so let's head there and i will show you what an abandoned system and an abandoned space station looks like they're really really awesome and i love it so if you didn't know the abandoned systems in the abandoned space stations are from the original release of no man's sky and so the space station itself looks just like it would have done would have looked in the original release before any updates happened and look at that that that freaking uh space station just fallen apart i love that all right that's how you know it's abandoned the light is red because it's abandoned oh look at this it's all red and falling apart it is so good you guys and you'll also run into this on the uh trading outpost as well if you go to a planet a trading outpost they will be abandoned as well so the lights will be red there'll be overgrowth everywhere so this is what a a space station used to look like in the original no man's sky before all the updates look at this it's way smaller they have you know a trading kiosk and teleporters but they're all hidden back behind all this wall because they needed more room before they expanded it all out and put a whole bunch of aliens in here let's go in here oh it's all broken up and everything i love it and no here you go boom so you have your trading kiosks now you can go in here and trade because they set everything up so you get it because it's a bad economy you're not going to get very many items you see how it's very small amounts the the system is abandoned of course they don't have very much to sell but you can sell and you can buy from an abandoned uh space station in an abandoned system there's that oh let's go over here we can show you i have my uh my atlas card let's see what is in here in this atlas uh locked door you need an atlas pass three there you go so that's what's behind here you can learn the word or the words they you know they'll have some stuff over here just some stuff they were doing so yeah that's that one let's go to the other side i will show you what the other side looks like in these abandoned space stations yeah and if you ever wanted to come if you want to go to this one specifically you're going to actually need to have all the portal glyphs and a portal to use but if you want to visit this one let me show you what the glyphs are so you see down at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen those are the glyphs for this space station in this area this system right here so if you want to come visit here you go it's right here let's go let's just look at this side just for a second this should be where the cafe and everything is normally here's your teleporter saying you can use it as totally active and then this one should be unlocked as well boom and it's just like a little uh a package area like this is with the warehouse where they they keep all their items i love it so yeah this is an abandoned station and that is how you find an abandoned system in no man's sky so hopefully you guys liked the video if you did hit the like button for me and if you want to see more subscribe to the channel i'm uploading videos all the time and i will see you guys next time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 57,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no mans sky beyond, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no mans sky next generation, no man's sky, no mans sky pet update, no mans sky expeditions update, nms expeditions, no mans sky abandoned space station, no mans sky abandoned system, nms abandoned system
Id: Q3MOobMqtbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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