How to Get Max S Class Multitool Damage | Over 10K Damage! No Man's Sky Desolation Update 2020

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that is insane this multi-tool does over 10 000 damage [Music] welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and today we are going to be finding and i'm going to show you how to max out your multi-tool for the most damage in the game this multi-tool will do the most damage in the entire game bar none you cannot beat it so if you like that hit that like button and i've noticed we've just crossed over 76 000 subscribers on the channel that is amazing that is so awesome thank you so much everyone you guys are you guys are amazing but we are trying to get to a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year so if you're not subscribed you can do me a favor please go down there and hit that red subscribe button for me and that way we can get to 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year besides if you're here watching no man's sky you know i make a ton of no man's sky stuff so you should be subscribed anyway let's jump into the video so you can get it with any alien multi-tool i'm going to show you how to get an alien multi-tool right now but you're going to need a a portal and you're going to need to know all the glyphs if you don't know how to do any of that stuff link up top and down below in the description because i have a lot of no man's sky videos up but i specifically go over and i searched the no man's sky coordinates exchange the nms coordinates exchange you know i love creeping over there and i found this multi-tool uh post by gundam 1516 or 1515 sorry i can't read so all credit goes to gundam 1515 he's the one who found it i'm just gonna show you guys how to get it so let's just jump into it right now let's put in these coordinates for you and remember when you're always hunting for stuff turn off your multiplayer make sure you're in the euclid galaxy the starter galaxy and let's get in there so the first one is a boat then it's the bird then it's the whale then it is the spider then triforce the flux capacitor the bird the moon the starship the boat the whale and then the dino remember turn off your multiplayer that way you don't get to fight anyone for this and also make sure you're in the euclid galaxy and you can use any alien multi tools so if you have an alien multi-tool you're already ahead of the game i would i'm gonna put a time stamp here to show you when you have to go to to get to the good information but if you don't have a multi-tool an alien multi-tool specifically this is where you get one so we made it to the other side now there is an important piece to this you're gonna have to actually save and reload so what i do is i jump into my uh my starship right here when you get out you create a an auto save and you're just gonna reload that auto save all right so let's do that right now so once you've reloaded let's jump into our ship we have to go to a different planet in order to find this multi-tool so let's go up in the atmosphere and i will show you which one to get to okay let's stop all right so this is the planet up let's get rid of this asteroid this is the planet you're gonna be looking for now it might be named something different if you're on a different uh system i'm playing on pc right now and so that is what it's named on pc but you might be named something different if you're on playstation 4 or xbox one but just remember it's this planet right here it's a humid planet with uh copper star bulb uh periphenium sodium and it's a yellow and red planet the planet will look the same the name might be different though so make sure it's that planet now let's head on over there oh look at how awesome this red planet looks you guys this is so cool now that looks like it's a base so we don't need to actually go there what we're actually looking for and if you actually let me slow down a bit look over here it says a new you know meet monta yonamata it's a negative 5.22 and a negative 128. we're actually looking for coordinates negative one point five four and negative one two eight point zero zero and so let's actually head over there we should be really close to where we need to be looks like those uh comm stations are actually going to mark our location that we need to be so let's head on over there yep it looks like the comm stations marked it so let me land real fast still here yeah all right so if you're in first person in your starship just make sure to land or look for negative one point five four and negative one twenty seven point nine nine that's generally where it's gonna be if you if there might not be comp stations on playstation and xbox one on pc there is a ton but just in case you have to do it the hard way if they don't load in or whatever that's where you have to go so let's come in here and we are gonna buy a multi tool let's go over to the bar box right here and look at that it's right here now the reason we want an alien multi-tool is look at that already right off the bat damage potential 3996 that's already how much damage it does now it takes into account it does have a scattered blaster already on on it but it also has a bolt caster and you can't get rid of the bolt caster but i mean it's already doing damage like that and so alien multi-tools are built for damage they are the most they have the most damage in the game if you get an experimental like what i have on me right now let's compare my i have an experimental multi-tool right here this one is more geared towards uh scanning range so if you're mining things and you're scanning things a uh an experimental one will be the best but if you want to do the most damage you want to go with an alien multi-tool that's why i'm going for this one so i don't have anything in here we're going to trade it this one's going to cost you 7 million 500 000 units so be ready to pay that if you're not going to trade one in so i got it now what you can do is i have multiple multi-tools on me so if you press down on your d-pad go all the way over to this gear icon select that one and if you all the way over to the left again you can swap your multi-tool now this doesn't mean you can trade it or anything like that that means i have three different multi-tools and so i could treat i could switch between all three multi-tools so this is my main the gleaming space-time beam it's an experimental as you can see these are what experimentals look like for the most part now as you can see look at this my scanner range 1477 that's pretty good and this mining beam is going to be really strong as well but my damage potential is 8 500 and that is not even the max you can get this is just me general you know throwing some scatter blaster in there but you could also trade it go to the same one you can trade over to my alien multi-tool right here so let's actually look at before i've done anything i'm not going to add anything to it but it's at 3996 and all i have to do is move this bolt caster move the iron barrel and scatter blaster over here actually you know what scatter blaster over there boom move some stuff around and you will see it goes up now that didn't actually go up that's kind of crazy but we're going to install technology now i have a blueprint already for the scatter blaster so let's go find it i'm going to right here the shell greaser i need a chloride lattice dang it we're going to have to get some some uh materials but i can't build that yet so actually we're gonna go home now that we have our alien multi tool let's go home because we need to get some materials we also need to buy some upgrades so i will see you back home so when you finally get back home you want to go to the space station all right now what we're looking for is an s-class upgrade for your scatter blaster remember our multi-tool had our scatter blaster but we also needed to upgrade some stuff and actually i bought some chlorine and i made a uh a chloride crystal where is it oh i'm blind okay there it is chloride lattice excuse me so we should be able to install this now remember our damage right now is three nine nine six we're gonna add the uh upgrade it's a c-class so it's not that big we need to do that and then insert that and now we're good right and now we're already up to 4 400. now look at this the yellow square that just appeared around them like if you pick it up and move it there's no yellow square around it and look at that it's also my damage potential is still at 3996 but because it's touching it's right next to each other it just jumped up by 500 damage potential and that's just the c-class so what you want to do is you land on the uh your uh space station come over here to the multi-tool merchant he will sell you upgrades and depending on your space station now you might not get lucky you might not have it so you might need to search for different space stations but i have it here so let's see and we go down down down and i have a scatter blaster s-class right here so you buy that 594 nanites so you're going to need a lot of nanites in order to do to do this so i have my my upgrade right here now in order to install it you hold down x if you're on plate or on xbox square if you're on playstation and it'll let you install it i'm going to put it over here for now i see i put it over there and my damage potential went up to 4500 so i went up by 100 but if i put it over here next to it it just went up to 4900 and if you look at my stats right there my damage my reload time my clip size they're all pretty good damage is two percent and uh reload time those those are okay stats now if you go back in there to the merchant he's not gonna have anything else see we bought his one upgrade so now it's grayed out so it means we can't buy any more except if you go and uh reload your save so don't do it yet come on down here you want to get into your spaceship get back out and now we created an autosave load your autosave we just reloaded our autosave so let's head back up there i want to show you that it's real that it will do this every single time so instead of waiting because i think it takes two hours for it to respawn but we're not buying the multi-tool we're buying the upgrades so it'll take two hours normally but if you just reload your autosave it should be instant so there it is you can buy another one right there boom so now that you've seen that let's actually keep buying some more so i will see you guys in a minute after i bought a few more upgrades so i bought a few upgrades let's look at it real fast i bought six of them technically i bought seven i installed another one because i'm dumb i was so in the moment i was installing i forgot i was gonna show you guys so what you want to look for are a couple of different attributes so let's install this one real fast so what you're actually looking for is damage and fire rate because if you can do more damage and fire faster that is what you want to look for so we don't have fire rate on any of these so we're going to get rid of them because the most you can get is three in a slot that's fine or three in a uh inventory that's fine we still have a ton of them so let's install some more and we're looking for there you go i have damage plus two and fire rate plus twelve percent so it'll fire twelve percent faster and do two percent more damage that's what we're looking for so let's keep let's keep at it so there we go we have a damage plus two percent and a fire rate plus 11 and there you go that is how you max out now let's actually move this around a little bit because we can make this better there we go 9344. now that's not what the best because you can actually get better stats now this is what you want to do we have our three bot you know upgrades installed you can get three of them plus this is our blueprint that we installed so you can get an extra one if you have a blueprint but the store bought upgrades you can only get three of them so if you had an a class a b and a c you could only have three of each doesn't matter or i shouldn't say of each you can have only have three total doesn't matter if you have like one a and two s's those are three store-bought upgrades so you can only have three total that's why you wanna only get s-class upgrades but we're at 9344 and that's not the best because you see if i add a fourth one right here it overloads it and they're all broken but if you look at it it'll tell you what it'll do now this one will give me plus two percent damage but there's no fire rate increase and so we don't want that one we need a fire rate increase so now everything's back to normal and what you what you should be doing is going through and min maxine so i'm gonna buy some more and i'm gonna try to get the best i can get so i'll see you guys in a minute 3 28 a.m so guys i i didn't think i'd be able to get to it but look at this my multi-tool damage potential ten thousand four hundred and four look at that i have a dip look at i have nothing else installed and i got it up to ten thousand damage that is insane this multi-tool does over 10 000 damage holy cow that is insane and so and i haven't even maxed it out yet i mean look at this thing i the biggest ones to look at are damage and fire rate now i have a damage of 2 percent what i saw i did it about 20 times or so i bought 20 different upgrades i saw a lot of two and three percent damage but my fire rate look at that 14 on this one i think i have a 15 in here somewhere there you go damage or a fire rate 15 so i can't even imagine if you were lucky enough to get a plus three percent damage and a plus 15 fire rate on all three of these you might get up to 11 or 12 percent you know 11 or 12 000 damage that's insane and what i noticed is the other thing is i had it all boxed up like that and i was only getting up to 9900 and i was like what the world make sure your scatter blaster the actual gun is actually in the middle and you have everything around it and you have everything touching the scatter actually you know what let's do this instead let's see if i can actually get it even better so let's do this no doesn't really work that way so you need the s classes touching but i mean look at that that is craziness that is insane over 10 000 damage on a on a multi-tool that is crazy so hopefully you guys like the video if you did hit that like button for me and don't forget to subscribe if you made it this far and actually if you made it this far put down in the comments that you made it to the razor's edge i want to see how many people get to the end of the video so just put just comment made to the razor's edge i want to see how many people actually made it so i will see you guys next time you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 297,775
Rating: 4.913775 out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no man's sky, no mans sky 2020, no man's sky beyond, no man's sky synthesis, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, #nomanssky, no mans sky exo mech, no man's sky living ship, no man's sky 2020, no man's sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2020, Multi-Tool Over 10K No Man's Sky, No Man's Sky Desolation, no man's sky multitool, no mans sky max damage, nms best multi tool, best multi tool no man's sky 2020, no mans sky update, no man's sky multi-tool max
Id: os_GnhStWDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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