Finding the source of Billions and Billions of Gemstones!

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[Music] oh hello everyone dan here with gender prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today it is late january the middle of winter and i'm out prospecting this is awesome i'm here at harrison lake doing some prospecting and scouting of uh some places i've been interested in for quite a while this is actually where i have got all those garnets in my garnet videos in the past and i will be hitting that spot today to get a bit more but i also want to check out a few other sites a few places that i might do some mining and prospecting in the future and i want to see if i have access to uh the herd rock garnets today i have a lot to do here i am in the most beautiful country you can imagine look at this place this is amazing oh wish me luck and i sure hope you [Music] enjoy now i'm stopping at a lot of the washes along this road uh the the creeks and rivers coming out of the hillside to check out and see what i can see visually on most of them for rocks and minerals that are being washed off the hillside on some of them i'm also pulling out the pan and checking uh some of the finer details like how much black sand there is if there's any pyrites in it how much quartz is crushed up in the sands i'm not expecting to find any gold in the quick pans i'm doing i'm just getting an idea of what kind of rocks and minerals are sort of being washed off the hillside all along harrison lake i'm not where i really want to go yet but i want to get a good idea of the overall area so i'm taking it slow and checking out all these washes beautiful little waterfalls everywhere now this wash here does seem to be a very rusty material so there's a lot of iron in the hills around here a lot of iron coming down and rusting the rocks i do see quartz vein lit through some of these shales but it is still mostly shales a sedimentary type rock not necessarily an igneous but i am trying to get an idea of how much igneous and inclusive rocks there are in these in the you know rocks and minerals coming off that hillside and i might take a few samples take back and crush and see what it looks like inside all right big chunk of quartz i think i'm going to take those two pieces mark them from where they come from and check them out later [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a couple of tiny specks of gold in there tiny tiny tiny specks of gold iron stone lots of iron stone those are the black the black rocks in there that doesn't surprise me with the amount of rust that's around here and a couple of tiny tiny tiny specks of gold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so this little river right here underneath that waterfall has almost nothing but shale shale or slate another shale nothing but shale uh very little black sands i don't see any quartz in this nothing in the pan that made me think it was anything interesting beautiful waterfall though so when i'm on these active forestry roads uh i do listen to a radio that tells it's a resource road radio it tells me when logging trucks are coming and i just heard that at 24 kilometers there's a truck coming down and i found a safe spot to pull off on the side of the road so i'm just going to wait here until the logging truck goes by so i don't interfere with them and you know it's just easy for everyone to pass i am not licensed to broadcast i can't actually tell them where i'm at but i can listen to them and make sure that i get out of their way when needed so on the way up to where i'm going there is a gorgeous i mean gorgeous little campsite i can't remember if it's a provincial campsite or a forestry campsite or a regional park or what it is but uh this little campsite right here you can tent right on the beach you can have a fire right on the beach you can camp right here on harrison lake it is the most beautiful camping spot people bring their tents right down onto the beach and set them up and just listen to why the waves crashing all night long you can't beat this [Music] one thing i absolutely love about this mining and prospecting business youtube all this is it takes me to places i normally wouldn't have gotten to unbelievably scenic and peaceful and just exciting places it gets me out doing things that i wouldn't have been able to do i would have been sitting at home playing games at the computer if i weren't for doing this i am so thankful i get to go out and do these kind of adventures what an adventure it is and it's sunny it's sunny and warm it's like a well above freezing well above freezing and it's the middle of winter here in canada you can beat this let's go do more prospecting yeah [Applause] [Music] so here's the first big river along the way if my memory serves me right this is bear river right here it's not the one i'm looking for i'm actually going to the next one silver river but beautiful beautiful river as i'm saying with everything here everything's beautiful i can't believe the scenery i'm getting today awesome little swimming hole really nice campsite along the back side there i don't know if i'd be swimming this time of year but in the summer wow i'm not prospecting here today i'm looking at the little rivers the little washes that are coming off the hillside and then over to big silver so i know i said i wasn't going to prospect here but when i came down to the river to take some close-up shots of the river just for the video sake um i saw behind a rock a bright red glowing stone so there are garnets here i'm gonna do one pan and just see what kind of garnets there are in the gravels of this creek here goes another logging truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can see them i can see the garnets i'll bring up the close-up camera show you this there is a lot here too so there we are gravels here are loaded in small small garnets but let's do a pan or two and see if there's maybe any bigger ones in there as well okay just a little bit of the pan so i don't have my gem sieve with me today i wasn't actually planning to uh do any gem sieving or harvesting of garnets other than maybe some bucketfuls of the material but garnets will pan out in a pan just as easy as gold will so let's see what shows up garnets aren't as heavy as gold so you do have to take it a lot slower otherwise you wash a lot of your garnets away let's see what it is absolutely just a pan full of red oh there's there's a nice one oh there's a there's a beauty in there twice there's some nice nice red garnets here but not as many as big silver creek so let's get over there so this wash i just discovered here i can see a huge brown orange stain coming out of the rocks so you know it has some hefty iron mineralization in the rocks and it's bedrock so it's like right there you can see it i can smell it actually i can smell the sulfur as in pyrites rotting out of that orange stuff nasty now let's see what we can find when we do a pan or two of this cool works lots of quartz i like seeing that lots of rust lots of stinkiness well i'm gonna find a spot just below that rust stain maybe down over there take a pan see what it has [Music] nothing all that exciting you'd think with all that rusty i'd see some black iron sands but i don't i don't see any chunks of pyrite i saw lots of corks in there but nothing all that exciting one tiny tiny tiny speck of gold so i'm just down at the beach at big silver river here on my new claim and uh to harvest a bit more garnet for my garnet bags to sell on my website www dot uh i've brought my vacuum cleaner today to vacuum up the garnets here is a little pocket of garnets right there i'm just gonna go in there and suck that all up [Music] so i'm not actually processing this stuff at the river other than you know concentrating getting the concentrated garnet spots i'm gonna be taking home this bucket of uh garnet concentrates and processing at home through the gemstone but as i said earlier i didn't bring the gem sieve today and i'm not actually here to do any gem sieving and stuff i'm more investigating this spot and other spots around so just grabbing a bucket of garnets i spilled some look at that spot right there it is just a mat of redness see what you can do for the close-up picture of that that is crazy yes those are all garnets where they lay on the beach i did not place them there that is just how the river has deposited them love this spot so i quickly stopped by garnet beach here this is where i've done the last few videos on garnet collecting you know the 96 million garnets i found and how to gem sieve and all those kind of things i just stopped by here to have a look around enjoy the beautiful weather take a walk on the beach but really where i want to go is up there i actually have a new claim up that direction that i want to go and investigate and see what the access is like and maybe find some garnets in the river and maybe find some more importantly hard rock garnets but you can't drive by a spot as beautiful as this without stopping and enjoying the scenery i'm gonna go for a little walk the ground on this beach is absolutely red in garnets there are billions and billions of garnets here [Music] looks like fish eggs in the water but nope those are stones those are garnets [Music] look at this this is insane those are all garnets i am absolutely just loving life right now this is awesome everyone should have the opportunity to do this i hope all of my viewers out there have some sort of opportunity to get outside get out into the wilderness and enjoy what nature has to offer because there's nothing like it but anyhow i have a task to do and it's not walking the beach even though i love walking the beach i have to go check out my new claim and it's just up the road once i get distracted garnet insist i'll take this with me anyhow my claim is just up the road i am going to uh go have a look at it and see what i can see wish me luck more garnets and schist schist is the type of rock that's the type of mica shifts we have here and if you see the little blebs the little bumps those are all garnets that oh you can see that's broken and there's actually a bit of red on it that is how garnets form in the bedrock well in this bedrock shift flares with garnets in them and i'm looking for that in situ in place not eroded by the river i am very happy to see this last time we were here there was a gate across this bridge closed and locked and we couldn't get up to where we wanted to go an inkling that may have come down so that's why i'm here checking things out today and sure enough it is gone and that means oh too much sun i can probably get up to my claim and check out the hard rock garnets that is so exciting if i can get in there to that claim i might show you around a little bit but i won't do an actual video there i'll do another video of that claim and me harvesting or searching and harvesting and all that stuff of the hard rock guards that will be awesome but i am so happy that this gate is gone i don't know if it's just the fact that i've been sort of laid up recovering from my heart surgery for months and months and months now or if it is actually this amazing out here but i cannot believe how good i feel being out here and how amazing everything looks i know us here just you know six months ago and it was awesome and all but for some reason it's ten times better right now there we go loaded and weathered out garnets we're on the right track so for now i'm just gonna give you a little of a teaser of my new claim and what i've found to see the whole story you're gonna have to wait for the video on this claim well schist [Music] so i found two big quartz seams like big big quartz seams there's one here and then there's one over there and i've taken samples from both of them because they're highly mineralized so i'm going to take some back process it and see if there's anything exciting in it i am absolutely loving this new claim absolutely loving it this has been an amazing prospecting trip scenery that you cannot believe fines on the claim that i could never have imagined such a peaceful time outdoors and i love the fact i'm out again doing this sun is going behind the mountains right now it dropped probably five degrees in the last 10 minutes it's getting cold so i think i'm gonna have to call it quits there for now you will see this claim again i will be back here very shortly to uh do another video of the exciting part of this claim which you guys are gonna love those hard rock garnets so until then a great big thank you to my patrons out there i could not make these weekly episodes of dan heard prospecting if it weren't for your support so if you are a patron thank you so so much if you'd like to learn more about supporting my channel head off to dan herd and a big thanks very much for watching commenting liking all that kind of stuff i really hope you enjoyed so until the next one everyone bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 513,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gemstone, gems, garnets, rubies, ruby, gem hunting, prospecting, gold panning, gem prospecting, gem collecting, rock collecting, rock hound, hard rock, big silver, harrison lake, harison lake, video, danhurdprospecting, dan hurd prospecting, dan hurd
Id: xZP_Kzu509U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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