One MILLION DOLLAR crystal pocket!

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[Music] well hello everyone dan here with down here prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today we were off somewhere else to get another kind of mineral when henry from the amazing pocket called us up and said get your butts back here we have something that is absolutely crazy coming out of this wall so we turned around rushed back there and we are going in to see oh my goodness henry i see it from here wish us luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] so we were here yesterday at this private mine site this is not open to the public this is that world-class mineral collector's private pit that he's invited us down to and we're here yesterday pulling out the most epic quartz crystal we plan to go today to find some other minerals some wave of light some turquoise some other stuff when the miner called us all up and said you know get your butts back here the stuff coming out of that wall just went from amazing to out of this world and i'm looking over right now he's not lying quick peek before we get at it that's all you got we're gonna get over there in a second first they're holding up brittany what's in your hands oh yeah i dug this one that big one after lunch today a big one back here in the corner i was trying to dig around it looks like it's got inclusions henry what's in your hands that's our hostage rocks look how clear that little fella is little feller little feller and that is nothing compared to what's right over there right now hey look at that you can see right through it it's so clear brian what do you think i'm glad we turned around okay let's give you a quick sneak peek of what is in there they haven't pulled it out of the wall yet it's still stuck where where it was found look at that crystal no no look at that crystal a one here that's gotta be every bit as big as what henry was just holding no that's bigger that's bigger and then the beast and they're everywhere they're everywhere i did not plan to do this video today but you can't let this go all right starting off with a little small one here [Laughter] look at that how clear normally that would make anyone's year but then look at this this makes your lifetime right here i mean this is crazy town look at this crystal and it looks like it's kind of dark and smoky that's because it's so clear that it gives that sort of smoke look i am speechless right now let me give you a better perspective here this might be this might be amazing really that might be amazing this might be the back end of something amazing look at the clear the oh it's like a mirror it is so flat there isn't a flaw anywhere in that surface there are no words that can describe this right now no words jake is amazing yes we have pioneer paulie and jake from the almighty here with us again today but the hero of the day henry here who discovered this and then not just discovered it was nice enough to call us back thank you thank you and of course brittany yay and paulie's with us again today paul the silhouette of paulie here comes brittany taking one of the tiny ones out not bad at all it's got some real weird like maybe heels no uh that's a key way at the back maybe yeah anyway yeah that's what was in that key yeah is it double terminated it's a reheal yeah re-healed and end on it yup okay okay handful after a handful after a handful can you dig it we can dig it we can dig it i could not possibly imagine me pulling that and then slipping and dropping it or whatever and no i don't want to wreck anything okay i don't i'm not going to touch it what do i do i go and touch it again don't even listen to my own advice oh oh oh i didn't do that am i mad okay go ahead yeah after i said i wasn't gonna touch anything look at this i'm doing it anyways oh cute little guy now yesterday when we were here this pit looked a little bit different wasn't it way out here somewhere yeah it was like right along in here and it was uh it was straight i had to take all of this out this morning and uh and i took all the clay off the top of it by hand pull the burden down with the big machine oh yeah yeah and then all the clay out of here by hand exposing explosing explosing there's a good word exposing these crystals oh i gotta stop doing this there's another one that's loose i wanna pull no no no there's a part of a crystal and there's the other part of a crystal right there be gentle be gentle neither of those have the termination on it though these are just fragments of that crystal let's get them out of here the whole trunk is about to come i'll put my hand on it all the same here we go that's a pretty good one big crystal behind i got it for sure see what you can do with it dude okay it's not falling we got a big i think we should just put it all in the basket huh that go back to the shop as one big chunk to get washed and then it will crumble as the clay goes away revealing the clean crystals still cut me with that long sleeve oh all right ready ready all right i'm gonna take a look holy crap they're huge yeah look at look at this oh my goodness if that last one was worth fifty thousand what are these didn't expect it to be that big [Laughter] all right this is wild let's find some crystals and so of course just like day one day two we have jake from dl mighty here joining us today again what an honor i can't believe i'm here with these world-class crystals and a world-class youtuber yes sir thank you you're the world-class youtuber hey henry here you go here it comes here comes the whole mountain side you got crystal's hands right here there you go you need a bag holy crap you see it you see it there it is henry's got his hand on it oh the other one that's the one there's two of them there there's another one but oh that's a nice one that's a good one yeah it's a good one how does that feel finding that henry oh it's good it's all about the treasure hunt it's all about the treasure huh all about the treasure hunt look at the sand inclusions in that one these sand inclusions in these crystals make the neatest patterns deep inside the crystal unbelievable what you see in there the patterns the shapes love it when it's clear on top with the inclusions deep down and behind that sand inclusion is actually on top of a phantom crystal that's a crystal inside a previous form of this crystal that's smaller inside and the sand is up on top of it amazing and that really makes this piece very very valuable [Music] a chunk of clay just fell off in front of henry here revealing another big crystal paulie really wants to pull one of these you can see he is eager oh i'm so excited yeah i pulled a monster yesterday so i'll leave it to paulie to pull one today mother nature wasn't real nice this place right here was it like earthquakes and stuff that broke up this pocket originally yes the earth moved a lot earth moved a lot the crystals fell probably fell into clay which protected them but they still bashed against each other a lot got it got against each other yeah and you'll find maybe on the top edge of a lot of them some chips and marks and stuff and that's because of the earthquakes millions of years ago okay oh here we go here we go what we got what do we got there's a huge one right above you right above you about the footage that's really good i'm not sure what all is in this big cluster maybe yeah you know brian's got something epic coming oh yeah oh no the other side brian the other side hold on guys oh look at the inside yeah wow okay that's not bad look at this right here beautiful little rabbit here oh yeah the crystal underneath henry's hand is free and the one above it is also free that's the back end of a crystal under your hand right yeah this is the back end of it so who knows how far into the mountain it goes it could be huge it could be short careful okay that's probably bigger than you yeah let it roll down there we go there's another big one in behind it see something great cluster oh yeah it's still tight eh oh yeah what if they're attached oh if they're attached it might not be an epic crystal it might be an epic cluster oh it's moving it's moving separate from the one above go ahead and get some more one britney gets an amazing one well we're working over here on this she's just secretly over there grabbing crystal after crystal that's pretty phenomenal right there it's crazy that's probably one of the largest nicely double terminated points that would be an arkema right yeah guys that would be what you call an arkemer which sounds familiar to herkimer and that's because that's the nickname for these when they look herkimer-like we call these arkemers because they come from arkansas because they come from arkansas yeah [Music] we got another one all right non-stop already action [Music] now all fragmented up still big but um not what we're looking for what we're looking for is still to come right here the mountain's coming a little bit more a little bit more right there yeah i believe we got this thing coming out we got two of them here oh we got two crystals popping out i'll catch this if that falls pull the top one first here we go look at that you guys this is a huge point sticking in the wall and look at this point there we go oh wow oh nice that is amazing that's a footlong that looks amazing and so does the crystal huh yeah yeah oh no no that that did you and then there's a piece that was uh it was light it was light right there yeah right beside it right here all right guys gonna loosen this crystal up above it i'm not sure what's happening here that's coming right there the top one above it is coming too okay let's see part of that main cluster okay this is just a clump part of one barbell looking clump all right guys here we go this could be the largest point i've ever pulled in my life it's recording right it's recording all right we're all recording you got to pull it straight out oh there we go okay okay and it is the largest clunker i've ever had in my life but hey i ain't complaining look at that that's a nice re-healed clunk i love these things actually guys and that was part of that main cluster so they can all be sort of put back like a jigsaw look at that this one right here that could be good that's a good one right here that could be a gun right there all right all right you hear it you hear it from the man now there we go here comes the biggie here comes the biggie that mud's gotta got it kind of stuck in there guys here we go here we go all right all right i got that this whole left side's coming all right this is a really weird one look at that that is cool the point goes up and out up and out yeah guys something happened we're there and it re-healed itself i think i'm gonna bring this up it with great crystals all through it and look at big guys in behind is that sand i see from a distance yellow sand oh this is not huge we're going to get a video this is the camera is the sand inclusions that we have come to love out of this pocket and this is why we're calling this the sugar cube pocket right sugar cubing we're having so much fun here [Music] it's not loose yet but they're working on getting it loose there are so many cameras on this crystal right now it is ridiculous crystal's blushing there's so many cameras on it the mountain is moving everyone's jumping in to hold it so we don't damage anything um crystal's falling everywhere when this comes things could happen really quickly here so we want to get as much off as possible we're in full labor now lots of children coming right there get your hands on it great big one there is about to go right here paul's gonna grab that guy grab the whole trunk in your hand oh get behind it and then you got one in the wall oh this is a is that serious that's a serious that's the serious one right there that's serious pick it straight up wow holy crap that is unbelievably clear that's probably the biggest crystal of your life right biggest one i've ever pulled yeah that's wild man oh i see it oh yeah in behind it in behind it can i get a close-up of this without getting in the way there's another wrapper right there right in there henry's seeing some faces from behind that are just huge oh that's gonna expose that one no oh i can't catch that if it falls there's something behind it that's going to fall on them too so yeah so can you i got it i got this side up here there you go yeah baby yeah baby look at what that just exposed is that hanging out jake i think that was yours something crazy right here snuck out of their way oh yeah pull it out i think that one's yours jake double terminated oh yeah inclusions oh look at arkemer look at that oh wow is that together they don't even see it yet yeah flip that there you go you got it that's good oh yeah oh yeah it's pretty that's a pretty cool one right there all right paulie your time's up [Laughter] oh my god oh just like that that's beautiful there's like sand in the back no no don't worry about it i wanted to take it crazy yeah that was pretty good the phantom in there it's losing get right in there behind it see you oh you got that james er right right easy yeah i just called brian james what an insult eh my goodness i'm sorry james i'm really sorry [Music] they know who the real boss is here and there she is right there yep are you none of those man i've got my eyes set on this crystal right here it is so beautiful this whole thing's about to come off but there's going to be crystals everywhere we can expose something unbelievable here in a second let's pull it off we're just going to come right off there's a couple crystals we are talking like 10 grand worth of crystals every few seconds coming off this wall right now that's because i showed you everyone you asked me i'm kidding if it weren't for jake we would be broke right now yeah all right so here's the one i had my eye set on let's pop it out from the wall y'all back here i don't wanna fall all right here we go wow that's unbelievable that is so beautiful it's clear it's a little muddy but it is so clear look like i'm shaking a little bit this is probably a cluster of crystals potentially we don't know until we get underneath it but a cluster could be more valuable oh at that point right there dude well wow i'm having so much fun look at like crystal's inside the mud really it is just crystal after crystal after crystal we're pulling out of that sand right there wow bring that front down and try to catch everything i want to hear a big woohoo when we open this up it's going to be crazy behind it [Applause] oh my god oh no look at these guys you got a wall of crystals right there i was like i don't know how was that jake how was that feeling that was stressful i didn't want to break anything that's so cool there's crystals we haven't even started with the massive ones over here yet we're just getting everything around it we're just kind of we're getting there we're keeping that one [Laughter] what am i talking about here right now i don't know henry's about to pull a nice one pull it out beauty amazing crystal i don't know it goes back in it's a cluster on a longer crystal look at that dt cube dt great cluster that'll be really cool that's going to be amazing as crystals all the way around not just on one side of it all the way around oh what wow are you amazing amazing and then unbelievably amazing and then it's going straight up here with inclusions throw as much mud at me as you want i'm good with look at that sand look at the sand sand inclusion huge pretty cool i like it what do you think i think uh i'm dreaming this is going to be really pretty cluster not one of the largest points we've seen but as far as aesthetics go yeah you ready okay here we go that is the one they're all the one that's right [Music] look at the imprint oh wow and then the crystal that's a good one it's like a sword dan's been doing a lot of filming so we're putting him on the pull section that makes sense the whole section the pull section where you get to pull stuff hey dan can you tell everyone what you're doing i'm pulling crystals out of clay in arkansas half of the time of my life in the most amazing place with the most amazing people possible oh at that handful of crystals look at this this is attached to that they're the same thing look at that just getting the debris out of the way and i'm pulling epic crystals and it's loose here we go here we go all right dan's pull out a world class phenomenal point here wow and the rotation and he sure did there it is there it is look at that beautiful what a phantom inside of it the big one is ready to go brian has the honors today okay guys we're gonna pull this top off real quick first so we don't mess anything up while we're getting to this huge point we're pulling out other crazy points here that are really nice it's because of brian organizing this whole event that we're all together today so brian has the honors of pulling this behemoth of a crystal this is definitely the largest crystal i've ever pulled in my life look at this thing that's it this is the largest crystal i've ever pulled in my life this is the largest crystal i've ever pulled in my life this is the largest crystal i've ever pulled in my life one more time this is the largest crystal i've ever put in my life it's exciting just to rip the big one right out but we need to get this top because there's phenomenal points i mean look at this we definitely don't want to run the risk of chipping one of these edges or even one of these beauties just see if that happens just in case it shows this a little bit i don't probably wrap this but i put it in here for now anyway yeah yeah look at the sugar cubes look at those dandies i mean how can you look at those when that's sitting in front of you man can you imagine it okay here we go guys here we go the biggest point ever i'm gonna keep this still oh out oh it's huge be careful look behind it but look at that oh what hey can you dig it oh nice just incredible look at that you dug that one man you knocked that out with the help of brittany and henry we got him out look at this thing brad if you got to put a price on that what do you think that would be worth oh man it's probably worth more than my life [Laughter] you know this could be a 50 000 point or more maybe you know wow i mean if i had the money and it was for sale i'd probably give a hundred grand for it do you feel like you were holding out at the goonies and you just found that treasure ship yeah i mean look at that thing that could be a hundred thousand dollar point this is wild amazing stuff i mean oh it's got the phantom let's get this thing cleaned what a day at the crystal pocket here what a day well everyone's oohing an eye about the big crystal i'm gonna come over here and steal this one oh oh yeah across straight across no one saw me pull this i'm running oh never mind here's the boss so we're just about to pull this one here it's had a rough life it's broken here it's broken there we see a long skinny break right down there okay oh we got a beautiful piece right below it we're gonna pull it out and see what it looks like it's huge but it's had a rough life here we go and the flip flops fit everywhere it looks great i thought it's going to come out pretty easy let's see you don't want to force it yeah okay pretty easy yeah you can damage my hand you just can't damage the crystal got it all right and it does have the rehealed bottom check it out mostly mud but you can see once clean this will be beautiful and then there's the other half behind it the base of it over here and it was probably attached to that at one point too you grab that and there we half go now that's pretty neat actually because look at this it's huge as you turn it look at that that is what you call reheal there and be sure to catch these pieces on the live shows at mining on their facebook channel instagram check it out this one will probably be for sale look at that crystal we were not expecting that because we were only seeing the back end of it and is that a crystal teeing into the side of it there brian it's a piece of fluorite i think no i'm just kidding it sure looks like it look at that it's like a square crystal butt you better kiss it for good luck oh yeah [Music] look at this huge pile of material that they have here all wrapped up and bucketed up ready to go back for washing there has to be hundreds of thousands of dollars of crystals sitting right there right now unbelievable well i'm not sure if i'm gonna get a chance to see all of these cleaned up or not if i do i'll put that into the video here if not you'll just have to imagine from what we saw as they came out of the clay i really hope you all enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if you haven't subscribed to my channel already i hope i've earned your subscription and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because of the support of my patrons i get to make these weekly episodes of damn heard prospecting hope everyone's having an amazing day until the next one [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 2,269,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prospecting, mining, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, video, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, arkansas, quartz crystals, quartz, crystal, crystal collecting, crystal mining, crystal hunting, avant, zegras, arkansas quartz, dallmyd
Id: q1TLTwdkU2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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