EXTREMELY rich ore crushed revealing MASSIVE amount of gold!

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[Music] well hello everyone dan here with dan here prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new to my channel welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i have something a little different today it's been a long long winter spring is here and i'm back out prospecting now but over the winter i ended up with a lot of samples of gold bearing seams gold ore different rocks different gems all sorts of stuff that i wasn't able to process so today i'm going to show you the process i go to to process all those samples see what they have in them recover a bit of gold and gems and just have some fun there might be something good in there so wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] so i'm here at my prospecting workshop and i've laid out all of the samples that i have collected over the winter that i need to process and many of them you will have seen me collect on video for instance here's some blue chip stuff that you saw in my video where i tried to kill myself by falling down a hill there's some of the court scene from the new garnet claim i have i have three buckets full of garnets that need to be processed to refine them down to just the pure garnets this is an exciting sample this sample here is from a new claim of mine here's a sample from a friend of mine his mind he gave me a sample to process and see what it has in it here are some of the samples of the quartz the gold bearing court seam in my dream claim this is the stuff that the gold comes from that we're finding in the river we have some serpentine that needs to be cleaned up and get ready for sale here is another new possible mine site that i am looking at gotta process that um this one here is a claim that i actually let go i had i let go i have a big sample from it that i never processed so i'm gonna process it see if it has anything in it and if i have to i will restake that claim i know some of these have gold in it absolutely no it's a case of how much gold and then for others it's a case of am i lucky enough in my samples to find some free milled gold i have a lot of work to go through today i'm not going to show you very much detail of any one of them just a little snippet of each and what i find hopefully it's fun and something you'll enjoy watching some of these samples are very easy this one i crushed over the winter just in a dolly pot and all i have to do is pan it out to see what's in it so hardly even sulfides in there a little bit of sulfides but not very much moving on to the next one now this next sample i really hope to find something in this is a site i've claimed because an old timer told me that there's a court seam shedding free milled gold into the river at this point i searched the claim and i found one very mineralized scene and i've taken a small sample of it like this is from the seam here it's just pure pure pyrite for a small sample like this i will be using the cobra crusher that i've modified with an outlet port just into a pan here use just an angle grinder with my generator i got to break the bigger rocks into smaller rocks to fit in the port let's do this and get some crush [Music] so here's some close-up shots of this ore with pyrite in it and a lot of rotted out sections of sulfide so that have oxidized and gone [Music] away [Music] so there we go all crushed down crushing it down this way most it's all minus 1 8 there's a 1 8 screen on it but the majority the fast vast vast majority of it comes out at minus 50 to minus 100 mesh which means it's extremely small extremely small most of it and will you know liberate any gold that might be in there so here's a nice close-up picture of what the stuff looks like once i washed off the mud and dust so with about a cup of material left in the pan i see that there are a lot of sulfides in here sulfides could be galena iron pyrite copper pyrite they're the metallics that are in that quartz vein and let's hope they're hiding some gold so washing back the metallics what do i find [Music] and it looks like nothing so in that small sample there is no free milled gold doesn't mean that vein doesn't have it just means in the small sample there was nothing now these pyrites could be sent off for a fire assay if i want to see if there is any gold locked up in the sulfides moving on to the next sample let's choose one this time that i know has gold in it so this sample here comes from a friend's mine site and we have processed some of this stuff before to find the gold so this stuff i know has gold in it we just want to see how much this five pound sample actually has in three milled gold [Music] okay there we go nicely crushed i'm leaving enough of the sample again if i have to send something away for a fire essay or do something else with it i have enough that i can still play with but that is a very nice sample i'm going to break this right in half i'm going to process half in a pan but i'm going to save the other half to see how well the sluice goose gold drop recovers hard rock crush one of the reasons this miner gave me this sample is he has a hard time getting the fine fine gold out of his crush and he wanted me to see if i could find a better way to do it maybe this loose goose gold drop is the way here's half the sample let's pan her down now here's what this sample looks like all cracked down far whiter than the last one well we recovered a little bit of gold we're gonna save the two really good samples of gold ore that have lots of gold until the end but right now let's do something a little different let's do some gem sieving and recover some gemstones i will be using the gem sieve made by arbor fabricating to recover the garnets that i collected during my uh video at my new garnet claim i have two half buckets like that need to go into the gem sieve and recover the actual garnets from the concentrates if you want your own gem sieve i have a link in the description below with a discount code for arbor fabricating they also make the world's best classifiers now if you want to know the whys what fors and how to's of gem sieving i have lots of videos on my channel about gem sifting i'm just going to show you the results [Music] today [Music] there we go concentrated garnets in the gym sieve [Music] so there we go i'd say that's good another nice little circle of garnets but we're pretty much got them all now [Music] aren't they purdy a billion billion garnets these are the garnets i use for making my garnet grab bags that i sell on my website www.danherdprospecting.com i put a whole bunch of these garnets in i put some polish garnets in and i also put a couple of larger garnets from a different site in the bags and sell them if you want your own check them out on my website so we're moving back to gold now and now this next sample really excites me because this is probably the largest gold we'll find for the day you may have seen me collect on video at the blue chip mine from the seam that has shown me the biggest gold at the place maybe not the most volume but the biggest pieces so i'm breaking out the big crusher for this one because there's a lot of it to do unfortunately the output screen is worn through on the big crusher so it does let a few bigger chunks through but it still does a pretty darn good job of powdering the material and those bigger chunks can just be run a second time i'm really lucky today it's the perfect weather for doing this the crusher makes a lot of dust that you don't want to breathe i'll throw a mask on or something do i have a mask yes i do it's the perfect weather because the breeze is blowing away from me the dust is going to be created it's going to go away so i don't have to breathe it that being said i'm still going to throw a dust mask on just to help and just in case this is not the right type of mask for this job and the beard does not help things at all but the wind's blowing the other way i should as the wind stops and it blows right back at me i'll wait a second the wind will come back [Music] [Applause] so the crusher has absolutely no output screen on it right now it's worn right through bent right over this there's nothing stopping any size rock getting out this is the number this is the rocks that were half inch plus that made it through so that's not very much considering we have you know a bucket and a half of material and we got you know a couple dozen rocks so crusher does a pretty good job even without an output screen now to process this crush i will be using the gold hogs multi sluice here i've got it set just with a garden hose at a very slow speed very very slow speed and i'm going to try to process this nice and carefully and slow making sure i don't overload the mats because it's so such a slow speed but i want to try to get every last little morsel out of that and see what that contained i really like this multi sluice it's a very good product the gold hog makes i like gold hog mats i like gold hog multi sluice i like gold hog bay high bankers gold hog makes good products most of them [Music] [Applause] well there we go one empty bucket one full sluice let that just run for a little bit to uh clear off any extra light stuff it might get then we'll shut her down have a good look inside well i see some heavy pyrites up in the mats but i don't see any gold let's hope when i pan it out something more shows up hidden down in the mats [Music] after so many samples today my water is getting dirty dirty dirty and lots of floaties come on gold come on gold let's see some gold so there weren't any massive pieces but there was some nice gold in there let's get out the close-up camera and have a look well there we go a couple are a few a few bigger pieces and then a lot i mean a lot of micro gold up there but those bigger pieces are kind of nice to see that's kind of why i like that vein is it's got a few bigger pieces in it nothing wrong with that as i was playing around the pan i noticed a few more bigger pieces had rolled back as i was backwashing so there's actually even quite a few more bigger pieces than i first thought in there and still lots and lots of little stuff well now that we found some nice gold let's go back to gemstones let's talk about this stuff here this is serpentine it's like a low quality jade it's actually the precursor to jade if serpentine gets heated and compressed just right it turns into jade this is serpentine now it's a lapidary rock it's a rock that people use for making jewelry or carving because it's very very soft you can carve it with a knife now we sell this stuff on my website for lapidary artists who want to make sculptures carvings or jewelry out of it when i harvest this from the claim that i have it comes out with very very sharp edges a lot of it fractures off into these um little shards and i don't like selling it this way because people are going to cut themselves stab themselves or have it break up on them so what i do is i take all of my raw serpentine and i put it into my great big tumbler and i'm going to put the entire bucket full in there right now and then explain it to you now after tumbling for about an hour in the big tumbler with water and everything all the sharp edges get knocked off and any fractures that would you know make a piece unusable because they break so easy actually break up [Music] now once it's tumbled for an hour i dump them all into this wooden trough here i wash off all of the you know debris that has broken off while tumbling all of the little chips that are flowing away get caught down there in the classifier and all the sort of dust just flows right through clean them all up and then i grade them then i figure out what what pieces go in what size so the pieces that come out then get started in different sizes we have the small chips for people that want to tumble them beauties we have the bigger chips for people that want to make cabochons or pendants or maybe tumble a piece or cut a piece into some sort of jewelry or something and then we have the bigger chunks that we sell by the pound for people that want to do carvings or maybe they want to do lapidary work they just want to slab up a whole bunch to do you know a whole bunch of cabochons or something like that this stuff here has been tumbled already you can see all the sharp edges are gone there are no loose fractures on it anywhere and beauty beauty beauty color so i tumbled one bucket already we have the second bucket in there to tumble right now and i've got a third bucket to do when this one's done well here we are day two of my sample processing had a bit of a rainstorm last night it's really cooled off out here but back to processing samples this next sample is also from the blue chip mine this is the leftover material from that crystal seam i found video from oh you know six months ago or more where i found a whole bunch of crystals in a seam and when i extracted all the crystals or most of them there's a nice one i left the material cleaned it up nicely but it needs to be crushed to see if there is any gold in any of that material let's see [Music] well there we are i'm gonna sample about half of that see what's got in it and then the other half will go to my blue chip mine pay dirt bags hard rock pay dirt [Music] so the first pan had one real nice piece and a couple of smaller bits i think i'm gonna save the rest of that bucket for my pay dirt bags blue chip mine hard rock or pay dirt the next sample is just a small little sample so i can do it through the little crusher i was driving by a friend's claim and i noticed there was some fresh road work done which exposed a new quartz seam so i grabbed a little bit from it don't worry the guy is 100 okay with me doing this and i grabbed a little bit from it i'm going to test it and if there's anything in it i'm going to let the guy know well i'm going to let him know one way or the other there we go broken up into pieces that will fit in the small crusher let's get crushing [Music] now here's what that sample crushed down to i'll go pan it out and see what it has in it [Music] here's what this material looks like after it's been crushed and washed so some nice sulfides in it but i don't see any visible gold [Music] so let's talk a second about hard rock sampling like this you may have noticed that i keep doing these samples and coming out with nothing that is not unusual 99 times out of 100 when you're doing these samples especially when you're only looking for free milled or visible gold you're not gonna find anything it's that one in a hundred chance that you find something that really makes all this worthwhile more often than not the gold is tied up in those sulfides tied up in a way that you can't pan it out you can't visibly see it but it's there and that's where smelting and fire assays come into it but we're not doing that today let's find another sample okay this is a sample you may have seen me collect also on video this was my new garnet claim but when i was looking for garnets up there i found two or three quart seams that looked very promising that will be big enough sample for me to see what this stuff looks like crushed here's what it looks like before it's washed there's what the crush looks like after the dust and mud has been washed off and as kind of expected nothing all that exciting in the heavies but now after 15 minutes worth of work i know what to expect from that seam i know it's not something that i want to spend any more time on that's what prospecting's about okay this should be a fun little sample to do i'm doing this one basically so people get an idea of what a copper ore sample looks like now this copper ore sample good chance has gold content in it whether it's free mill gold or not i don't know but i'm going to crush a little bit of this stuff and show you what the crush looks like pan it down and see if i get excited i might put this piece up for auction and uh in case someone wants themselves a nice chunk of copper ore as i'm breaking it down small to fit in the little crusher look at some of the colors that are coming out of this azurite and malachite the green and blue staining in here and there's some of the copper pyrites coming out and here's what it looks like after it's been washed and all the heavy shaken down you can see some of the green malachite and the blue azurite and all of the sulfides will be down at the bottom malachite and azurite are oxides of copper there we are azurite blue malachite green kelco pyrite the metallic gold looking stuff in there and quartz and here it is mostly panned down a little bit of quartz on the surface still but then mostly just sulfides so this is all pyrites of some sort all sulfides mostly calcopirate the stuff of the green tinge in there um the bigger pieces are definitely calcapirite the smaller stuff could be a mixture of iron pyrite and copper pyrite but i don't see any gold coming out when i wash it back just copper so my next two samples i have to process in the little high banker uh i've moved down so i have some water access and a tailings pond and set up the high banker i've got it going at dead slow like the lowest possible water i can get through it because i am still using hard rock crush which is nothing but a powder so we don't want you know huge amounts of water blasting everything through very slow running today very slight angle very little water once the blue chip mine it has been crushed with a big crusher so there are some bigger pieces in it because the big crusher doesn't have an output screen on it so some bigger pieces get through but the vast majority is a powder this comes from the main seam that i've seen the best amount of gold from this is the best spot i have seen on that claim maybe not the biggest pieces but the most let's start running [Music] and i am using dream mat for this this is the first time i've used dream mat for a hard rock crush i've used that hard rock sights before but not for crush like this it'll be interesting well there are a lot of sulfides in this run this might be tough to pan out but i guarantee there's gold [Music] so here's the sulfides from that seam lots and lots and lots of sulfides the gold in this seam is usually very very fine but very plentiful i'll get it all together then i'll bring the camera out for you so there's the gold there there's the sulfides there's the gold one bigger piece of gold and a whole lot of powder and that's typical for that seam there's a lot of gold there but it's all extremely small and the last sample of the day yes i'm not going to get around to the sample from my dream claim that'll be for another time but this sample here through the high banker this comes from an old mine mine i used to own i don't own it anymore i had this left over and as you can tell it's been sitting here for years i'm gonna run through it was a very rich mine i assume there's a lot of gold in there but that one's long since sold and gone but let's see what we can recover [Music] so now when you see what's in this one you're gonna understand why i saved this sample for last look at that pyrite that's not why i'm gonna clean up what's over there and then take some nice close-up shots of it oh yeah oh yeah before i clean it up and get it all in one spot let's have a good look at that yellow smile oh yeah and of course as with so many different hard rock samples there are sulfides everywhere pyrites these are iron pyrite little teaser here before i give you the real money shot there's a piece of gold in iron iron stone iron pyrites probably a purity actually with gold still not the money shot but look at that smile well there we go we have two specimen rocks this one definitely has gold that one i think i saw gold i'm gonna throw it under microscope and find out for sure and then the gold yes that is all weathered out hard rock gold recovered with dream mats in my home built high banker absolutely love that kind of gold and that is why i left that sample to the end because i knew it was going to be absolutely full [Music] [Applause] now luckily i only processed about half of that material of that amazing mine site that i had down there i still have half of it to go and now i know which material i am going to which her rock material i am going to test through the gold drop but that will be for another video with lots of gold well that was a long two days of processing samples of gemstones gold ore copper ore silver ore all sorts of stuff i didn't get them all i think i have two left that i still want to do especially that one from my dream claim but that's for another day i hope you all enjoy watching me process all these ore and gem samples today and if there was something that you could learn along the way i hope you'll learn something along the way thanks everyone for watching big big thanks to my patrons out there because of your support i get to make these weekly episodes of dan hurd prospecting for youtube if you'd like to learn more about supporting my channel head off to patreon.com hope everyone's having an amazing day i have a whole lot of cleanup to do so i better get to that so until the next video everyone bye what a mess i've made i'm gonna be a couple hours just putting everything away and cleaning it all up the fun part
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 113,670
Rating: 4.94064 out of 5
Keywords: gold ore, ore crush, hard rock gold, gemstones, garnets, serpentine, copper ore, ore proccessing, finding gold, video, bc, canada, british columbia, multi sluice, high banker, gold panning, panning for gold, prospecting, claim
Id: SvoXglQrzko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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