BIGGEST Gemstone EVER found on Peridot claim!

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well hello everyone dan here with dan here prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i am here on my peridot claim with sarah hey sarah and bryson and we're up here to see if we can find them some really nice peridot crystals as i was walking over here for the sunshine to introduce myself i found a nice cluster and it has a gorgeous crystal in it we're gonna be playing with feather and wedges to split some rocks open and see what we can find today wish us luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] so here's what we're looking for these pockets of peridot are usually lots and lots and lots of small crystals but we're looking for the odd big crystal that forms in the little ones just like that and it looks like bryson just found one was it in a pocket full of little ones yeah i was in a pocket of little tiny ones i couldn't even see this one and then i started chiseling away then this was under the little ones i guess excellent beautiful i'm stoked oh and you are such a silhouette with that sun so some of the special tools we have today i have the hammer drill with uh the feather and wedges you drill a hole put the man wedge it in you know splits rocks i'll show you that in a bit i also brought the vacuum cleaner today because lots of our pockets like this when we chisel them away create a lot of peridot small but peridot debris and i'm going to be sucking all of that up for my peridot bags so one of the reasons i want to come back to the claim since i was here recently is the peridot bags i've been selling on my website have been just you know a small amount like a tablespoon worth of peridot in each bag i wanted bigger bags so i want to get more of this stuff so i can make sure that the peridot bags i sell have a lot more in it also i am making a special gold and gem paper bag for a christmas event where i'm going to put green peridot red garnet and gold in a bag of pay dirt for 25 a christmas event just available at christmas and i'm hoping you know for those people who it's hard to buy for but are like mining like treasure hunting that possibly they will like to have a christmas special bag [Music] there it is it fell out there's another nice looking one let's see if we can get it out too so i'm not really going for the big crystals today or of course i want the big crystals i want them just mixed in with the small ones so that when i mix them into parallel bags you get a bit of everything so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start taking some of the bigger clusters and taking my chisel chiseling them away as i suck it up with the vacuum [Music] there's a nice looking pocket i should be able to get lots from it no real big gems in there but i'll get lots of smaller ones [Music] there's some pretty nice cluster pieces as well i may have to keep those separate auction those off or something real nice crystal in that one now olivine forms in basalt this rock here is basalt and these are actually basalt columns basalt forms these great big vertical columns off and when it cools slowly and way way up on the hill here are vertical basalt columns we are working the talus slope or the slide that comes down where the basalt crumbles and falls this here is a piece of one column that's a basalt crystal a column i'm going to try to split that lengthwise with the feather and wedges because i see some really nice pockets big pockets with big crystals both ends of this one big pockets so i want to see if i can open up some new pockets inside i already drilled a few holes one two three i'm gonna drill one more right here put the feather and wedges in and see if i can split this down its length so hopefully i'll get away with four holes along the length of this and four feather and wedges let's go put them in so if you haven't seen one of my previous videos where i use a feather and wedge what this is this is a way of splitting rocks it's three pieces the two feathers those are the two sides and the wedge that wedges down between them the idea here is that you drill a hole you slip in the feather and wedge in a line and as you hammer down the wedge the feathers separate they get farther and farther apart wedging the rock apart and this puts a immense horrendous a huge a colossal amount of force inside the rock sideways and you can split huge blocks of stone with very small feather and wedges let's put them in there we go and the next trick with feather and wedges is that you don't hammer one down a whole lot that you bring all four or however many you have down equally ping ping i hear it going oh yeah how satisfying is that and the first one that fell open exposed a very nice pocket and another little pocket in behind let's spin around and see what we see so this was the end of this big pocket it actually went really deep in here another little pocket there great little specimen piece let's see what's in here when i pull this off might need the pry bar for that nope i won't there we go nice pocket this might be worth another split oh look at that one there's a nice one that's why we do this there's a nice crystal still not as big as i want but hey i'm not going for size today i'm going for quantity two nice ones so we're gonna try to get away with this one with just one feather and wedge see if i can pop off the end of this thing there we go no problem just trying to expose more of this pocket see and see that crack went right down through the pocket see if there's more big crystals in it oh yeah of course i didn't have the camera on for this one but it's doing a really nice split really nice split right through the edge of this pocket and right down like big chunk coming off here i better move my tools you could get buried i see pockets down in there so that split exposed lots of pockets none with big big crystals but all with nice crystals and there's one down on the bottom of the stone that was exposed and weathered when peridot weathers it rusts it's high in iron so it rusts that's why it goes red like that there's a really nice crystal and it's just about ready to fall off i'm amazed that actually stayed on there i could probably probably pick that off with my fingers you bet two nice nice crystals peridot at its finest got a real nice big cluster here just straight olivine i could either crush that down and get all sorts of small crystals or leave that as a sample the way it is that's really nice so bryson called me over what'd you find bryson i found a whole pile of them it seems like this rock exploded and there seems to be piles of olivine like literally like a half inch thick pile of olivine here and then there's another whole pile between this rock and yeah it's just it just exploded with olivine yeah nice big clusters if you hear us using the term olivine and peridot interchangeably that's because it is the same thing peridot is just big olivine crystals that's all it is let's vacuum it up there's definitely a pocket that exploded so it looks like the mountain goat sarah is halfway up the mountainside now wave sarah i have found lots of nice stuff on this side of the slide for sure so they're in the right spot hit it man hit it there you go look at it oh whew holy damn there's some nice-sized crystals in there too yeah there is the other is jackpot take what you want and i'll just suck up the rest there cool and i'll go in the peridot bags there you go nicely done wow look at all that that's just crazy that's so satisfying sarah found a nice one right over there i think i might need the close-up camera for that that's fair sometimes the biggest crystals are in the smallest pockets there's a tiny little pocket with one big crystal in it you happy i'm very happy now i want to try to get it out wish me luck trying to get this out now hopefully i don't break it so i've decided to try to get this whole chunk off as one so i put the feathering wedge just right on it i'm gonna see if i can split off just the end i need three hands because somehow i have to catch that as it falls there it goes oh what are we getting where are the cracks going kind of every which way there it is another little specimen there is a beauty of a specimen don't see any more big crystals in this guy though just hoping to find some more big ones there we go look at that nice big cluster medium-sized crystals throughout i don't see any more big ones but that is a big big cluster i'll be able to break that chunk off easy and get a nice specimen there's some big crystals in this pocket that might be the doozy of the day right there let's see if i can rattle them free one of the tricks to getting these good sized crystals out of the pockets without damaging them is by rattling the rock hitting the rock out here hard you can see where i was hitting with a chisel way over here hard and letting the vibrations break the crystals free their individual crystals if you get the vibrations just right they free themselves up and i see one that's doing it right now it's almost free so as i was carefully hitting it over here a crack started and went right through the pocket which means it will have freed up some of the big crystals bryson is goes hand close by to help catch them in case they fall let's see what we can do let's see if any of them are actually free yet yeah that one is the other one wiggled too oh there's a beautiful crystal that is amazing good one then bryson's got more free let's see that one's free where's sarah she's gonna see this she's part mountain goat that is a great great crystal so again whole bunch of good like big big to medium ones pocket seems to be empty and some really nice big big ones i think there's a big one right on the end of this piece of basalt too look at that i think there might be another big crystal right there i see that edge that just indicates that it could be an amazing crystal still sitting in the pocket right there let's see what i can do so i got this chunk of rock off and there's a couple of big crystals still left in this pocket okay i got bryson helping me here he's gonna try to break this pocket open oh there we go let's see what they look like yep that is really nice this one there too look at that the one that broke and just stayed on the surface i think i'm going to leave these big crystals right in the hosts like that so i can sell this one as a specimen of big olivine crystals in basalt if you want to look at any of my stuff go to my website these will be in the auction but i have lots in the shop as well look at that one just so jimmy perfectly crystal clear green that's amazing two other good ones right beside it and then the pocket i see big big crystals in that pocket let's see if we can get those out without breaking them so i think i found another pocket with big crystals i can't quite just tell because there's a white powder on the surface but i see the face of one right there oh hey that one's loose look at that this one's always falling out and there's more in there i have to find the other side because that pocket could be in the other side too i just blew on it real hard to get all the white powdery stuff off and that really shows how big that one crystal is it's one big crystal but you can see it's fractured down the center so we're going to get it out in at least two parts but both parts are pretty much bigger than anything we found today and another one over there that's what we're looking for it's loose [Music] yeah it's a nice one oh next one's loose too look at the forest green unfortunately those crystals never grow very big they're beautiful beautiful green crystals those but they're always small i just got my screwdriver under it and poked it and the whole thing lifted up the whole thing is free there it is big crystal and another and there the rest of pocket seems to be void of big crystals i will chip around in there to see if there's any more down lower but it looked like they're all just up in the middle now i have to find out the other half of this big rock and see if there was any in it and this little pocket held one more nice crystal so much for such a little pocket oh that looks like a nice one sarah seems very happy about something very happy look at what i found wow what a beautiful piece of peridot beautiful stone it's big enough to be fastened too and looks to be solid enough this is what she's got so far three beautiful pieces and there's more in there to be had hey so you guys got to come check this out i started breaking this rock open and it's like pure peridot right through there yes it looks like it goes for a waze another small pocket full of big crystals the most beautiful things come in small packages wouldn't you say bryson yes i think so i know look at that that's what i mean it's like a little slab it just keeps going and then over here there's some too but it's a bit lighter this is darker and it goes to lighter over this way be careful it's sharp it's not not that big of a rock we could carry that down to somewhere that uh is easier to work and we won't lose things okay bryson yep that's you i was gonna bring a piece of plywood to work on for these kind of things i just forgot to throw it in the car we decided it's easier to work this these crystals out of the rock somewhere safe so bryson is carrying the hundred pound rock down the hill so i'm gonna finish my pocket then help sarah with hers i just put a feathering wedge right beside the crystal pocket that i want to see if there's any more big crystals in hopefully it'll split right through the pocket and then we can free up anything big that's left in there there we go split right through the pocket so if there's any other big crystals that should show it so there still are some good sized crystals in here but nothing like what sarah's got so let's go work on hers instead so first thing i'm going to do is rattle the stone a little bit and see if anything comes free so just hitting the stone pretty hard to see if you know it shakes any of the crystals free trick here is not to hear your thumb pocket goes over there a bit i find my little screwdriver to get that one out it's a nice big one right oh it's loose it rattled free okay how my hands do i have okay finger on so it doesn't go anywhere camera on it so we can see what's going on screwdriver underneath it there it is nice here you go sarah so here's one half of the pocket there's the other half of the pocket and i was just hammering away at this one and shaking the rock a couple crystals started shaking loose on here and threatening to fall on us so we better deal with this one first there we go that one is just free on the surface oh for you thank you this guy looks to be free too yeah it vibrates when i touch it it's loose oh yeah there we go oh the whole thing came okay wow i think this is actually bigger than anything i've seen come from here can't tell it's actually flawless but it's pretty gemmy that's for sure how would you tell if it's flawless put a light on it uh yeah we have to start looking at with a loop and looking inside of it i have a gemologist friend that we could take these two actually we should because he's also the one that would send them overseas to get faceted for us he's got the hook up he does that looks to be all the loose ones so look at your hand that is the best pocket i've seen from this claim well done sarah thank you i'm excited wait until they're all washed yeah they're all dirty still so really you don't even see the uh geminis they're all so jimmy look at the size of that beast as bryson wants to make an inappropriate comment up there i can tell so here's sarah's hull for that pocket one pocket has what is that 20 30 big big crystals and some bigger than anything i've seen from this claim before that is so gorgeous and all of our biggest crystals today came from the smallest possible pockets the big pockets had little crystals the small pockets had the big beautiful crystals this is only sarah's pocket she did really nice nice big crystals that guy there is the best for sure but there's a lot of big ones in this pocket well done sarah now this is probably the best one of the hull the back side over here can't be used because it's fractured but the front side is in really nice shape the whole front side is great looking one crack looks to be going through it but still a big chunk that could be fasted down there that's a nice stone these are just beautiful things [Music] so we were supposed to have two other people on this trip with us today but paulie and jordan couldn't make it so ha ha ha we got the good stuff without you you guys suck the silhouette of bryson says you suck should have been here [Laughter] next time jordan we'll find you some too well that was a lot of fun pulling all those big crystals out of that pocket we had a great time here we got lots of great crystals got lots of smaller and medium stuff for my peridot grab bags and of course my christmas paider special red garnets green peridot and of course gold in the pay dirt 25 per bag order early shipping these days takes forever hope you all enjoyed i could not make these weekly videos of dan hurd prospecting if it weren't for my patrons on patreon so if you are a patron thank you very much if you'd like to learn more about supporting free online education and entertainment in the mining field head off to dan herd to learn more so until the next one everyone bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 223,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peridot, peridote, paridot, gemstone, gem stone, gems, gem hunting, rock hunting, rock hound, gem collecting, rock collecting, basalt columns, olivine, olivine crystals, crystal pocket
Id: p6RW2LgypfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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