Prospecting for gold using MAGNETS.....!?

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[Music] well hello everyone dan here with danner prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today you want to learn how to find gold easier by using magnets now you're saying damn gold is not magnetic you can't use magnets to find gold you want to learn how stick around so wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] now the weather outside is still frightful it's still winter there's lots of snow everywhere i can't get out and do any prospecting so i'm doing what i can indoors during the winter having fun working in the shop i'm doing things like you know cutting my ocean picture stone on the sauce or going through my cons from years gone by playing with new technology just having fun playing in the shop today we're gonna learn how magnets can help you find gold easier and faster and you know with a lot less work now the people at were nice enough to send me one of their dry magnetic separators here to play around with try out and see if possibly it'll work nicely for my bigger operations coming this summer yes this summer we have some massive plans in the work including one new claim that i never even thought i would ever have a chance possibility of getting and i've got something amazing coming up but today the dry magnetic separator from now if you're yelling at me saying dan gold is not magnetic you're totally right it's a non-ferrous metal it is not magnetic you can't put a magnet on one of these nuggets and pick it up there is a really weird effect that if you put any kind of conductive metal into a moving magnetic field it induces electricity into the metal and electric current in a conductor creates a magnetic field so yes there is a possibility that you could actually induce a magnetic field into gold but that's a totally different topic for another video altogether today what we're gonna do is we're gonna use magnets to separate everything else that's around the gold get rid of those heavies those magnetic heavies so it's easier to recover the gold itself now what the great people at have done is they've created this contraption it's all 3d printed it's all made so that you can just pour your concentrates that are high in magnetics that's those black sands that you find in the heavies at the bottom of your pan or in the bottom of your sluice box those heavies are highly magnetic or there's a high concentration of magnetics in them and they've created this contraption that you can pour all that through and it has a motor here that spins a magnet inside the spinning magnet grabs those magnetics brings it all over to one side gets rid of them leaves all the non-magnetics like the silica the quartz the granite the gold all on the other side if you have concentrates that don't have the iron magnetics in them it's a lot easier to get the gold out than a concentrate that is full of these heavy heavy black sand irons and that's what this contraption does let's have a closer look at it so let's get in here and have a look at this machine now it has some you know basically three four components to it let's unplug the magnet to start with this here is a removable spinning magnet all well built all 3d printed inside here there's a magnet that spins around and it grabs the material the magnetic material and loops it over this bump and takes it away from the non-magnetics now one thing that i should mention i i did say it's a dry magnetic separator when you are working with concentrates and you want to get rid of the magnetics it either has to be 100 dry or absolutely underwater like completely soaked completely wet or completely dry it can't be damp in any way and this here is meant for dry separation here's the magnet on a motor completely enclosed it's not going to get the magnetics into the motor and mess it up or anything like that it's nicely made and it just slides into the machine one-handed yes yes slides right in it has a hopper for feeding it into it has the mechanical sort of housing here that does the separation the magnet is inside here it brings the magnets up and around the center column and drops them out on one side the non-magnetic strap out on the other side and then it has its speed control a little voltage control let me quickly plug her back in oh plug back in and it's got a voltage control you can change the speed that the magnet spins around that oops i left a little bit of the magnet magnetics in oh and there's a nice little light so you can see what's happening inside i left some magnets in from when i was just testing it out but there you go let's see it in action so to start with i'm going to use a bag of my what i call the hardest pay dirt this is concentrates from a sluice run on the fraser river so this is really really you know heavy magnetics lots of them it's probably fifty percent magnetics fifty percent non-magnetic it has um i'm guessing three quarters to a gram of gold in there yeah it should be a great first test for the machine it's the same stuff i have in this bucket here a whole big run from the freezer all the cons from it lots of great gold okay let's look in the bag of the hardest paydirt should be lots of fine gold in there lots of heavy magnetics lots of fun there we go that's what this stuff looks like up nice and close that piece of gold in the center well probably not i can't tell looking through my camera lens but there's the material now one thing you never want to do is just take a magnet and go plunk and say okay i've got the magnetics they're gone and that's because those magnetic particles those black sand particles will trap non-magnetic particles in with them and some of those non-magnetic particles could be the gold now there are tricks to using a magnet like this to remove the magnetics without getting the gold and i have a whole video on that but don't just think you could take a magnet jam it into your cons rummage it around and say hey that's a whole lot easier and quicker because that will not be effective to you and effective for you and you will lose gold doing it that way but again if you want to learn how to use one of those cam magnets effectively i have a whole video on my channel about doing that and now for ease sake today i am going to take a just a little measuring cup here i'm going to put my cons into that just to make it easier to pour into the machine now there are instructions that come with the machine that tell you how to set it for now i'm just going to go halfway 16.4 there's still a few little magnetic pieces in there flopping around and grab my phone very slowly we're going to pour a little bit in and then just see what's happening down there now let's take a break right now you can see that the magnetics are all spinning around that upper wheel cylinder all coming to one side the non-magnets are staying in line with the cone and just falling down this side non-magnets in one bin magnetics in the other i only put a little bit in there's still a lot to go let's give it a shot okay there's half of it after half of them and that took me what 15 seconds if that we'll have a look see what's going on looks like magnets are dancing around nicely it's like some are falling out into here and that looks like it's just straight black sand for sure over on this side it looks to me you know there's still lots of black in there but that's because only half of your magnetic fans are actually black magnetic sands are made of hematite and magnetite magnetite is magnetic right in this name hematite only some hematite is magnetic not all hematite is magnetic and therefore some of it will not be removed in this machine but what is left over is still a whole lot easier to pan out than what it was originally and there it is everything's in the machine everything's separated nicely magnetics are falling out nicely non-magnets are over there we are very very happy we can pull out the magnet if you want to you don't necessarily have to but pulling up the magnet will let the rest of the magnetic that were in there fall out and then we can have a look this here let's pour it out is the magnetic component only stuff that a magnet can pick up should be in here if we take the magnet to this now it should basically grab 100 of it let's put that in here for now if we check out the non-magnetics this is all just your regular sand and in there will be any of the gold sand and you know some hematite this will be a whole lot easier to pan out than if that was still in that component that magnetic component is very difficult to pan the non-magnetic component is a whole lot easier and if we take our magnets and go through here now it should still pick up some there will always be some that you know is only slightly magnetic and a magnet like this will have a better chance of grabbing but compare what's there now compared to what we've had originally originally it looked like that coming out of the cons but now almost nothing and if you really wanted to you could probably run this a second time and remove even a little bit more of the magnetics out of here because it is really quick to run honestly i could probably run this through in 30 seconds let's do that only if it's plugged in so there we go 20 seconds and we ran all that through one more time getting a little bit more of the magnetics out of it now let's go pan these two see if there's any gold in there and see what's in the non-magnetics okay now let's start off with seeing how much gold got caught up with the black sands using this method i know by using just a straight you know plunge of a magnet in there to grab black sand you would get a lot of gold with it machine like this that's designed not to catch the gold let's see how much gold actually came out into that pan into the black sands i should say panning straight black sands like this takes a lot of time to do properly and carefully i'm going to do it quick just because i want to see if there's any gold or not not that i'm trying to actually you know capture all the gold that might be in there so i'm just going nice and quick to see if there was any gold left behind biggest problem of using magnets to remove black sand from gold cons is that it's just so so easy to have the gold caught up with the black sands and taken away that's why i typically don't use magnets to remove black sand now i have this machine maybe i will be okay that's down enough that we'll be able to see if there's any gold now here we go we got the close-up camera on it let's see if there was any gold left in the black sands look at that not a speck of gold every time i say something like that on video i have people say look there's a speck right there dan's wrong no i do see some white marks on the bottom there i do see oh maybe a tiny tiny maybe maybe not if that's a piece of gold it's so small my eyes can't even tell so it looks like there is no essentially no gold in this if you want to see what i was looking at there's one tiny tiny tiny piece right there okay so now the skeptics are saying well of course there's no gold in there there was no gold in your pay dirt bag well let's see what there was in my pay dirt bag okay nothing in the pan let's pour the non-magnetics in here pan her down i don't quite have enough water in my bottom pan here to pan properly needs to be just a little deeper not seen any gold yet but this is very easy panning right now where i said before panning just the straight black sands was very difficult this is very easy to pan because the non-magnetics are mostly very light material so a huge differential between the very lights and the very heavies makes it so those very light the very lights the non-magnetics are mostly very light makes them go away very very fast and that's why a machine like this speeds up your oh i see gold that's why a machine like this speeds up your cleanup panning so much because it makes it so the material that's left in the pan is the stuff that has a very high differential between the heavies and the lights now as i'm getting down to the bottom you're seeing lots of black sand in there that's because there is a portion of black sand that is not magnetic the hematite has a chance of being non-magnetic i see a lot of gold in here this is where things get really difficult and slow so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to bring this all back into the bottom of the pan bring in the close-up camera and have a good look at what's here that is a pile i mean a huge pile of gold so have a look at that consider that that just went through that machine one tiny tiny tiny tiny speck made it into the back sands and 400 billion pieces came out in the pan okay i might exaggerate a little again everyone's gonna be commenting no dan there wasn't 400 billion you lie okay just gonna quickly pan off a bit more of these heavies if you want to know some techniques to doing this final you know clean up panning like this i have a whole series on my channel about different techniques to do you know this last little bit that is so difficult you see that piece of gold just float away on me look at that thing right there that is a piece of floating gold floating gold sucks i have no jet dry in my pan i should have put it in there oh gold you're the edge let's not lose it you should be lost a piece well i tell you what you don't need to watch any more of this i'm gonna get this cleaned up wait up put on a scale you get to see the final result without the tedious panning but if i hadn't used the magnetic separator this tedious part would have been so much longer well there we are all cleaned up now let's go dry that and weigh it now not that it makes any difference for the video on magnetic separation but everyone always wants to know what the gold weighs in the video so let's go see what we got all dried out we have point eight seven two grams of gold in that hardest pay dirt everyone loves seeing fraser eric gold now remember don't use a magnet like this and just plunge it in and think that you've got nothing but black sand there you will have gold the gold will get trapped in the black sand and get sucked up with it you will lose gold if you use just a magnet in your black sands there are ways to limit that but it's not a good idea without some little tricks now i'm gonna put all this black sand with gold back in there i'm gonna take the remainder of the gold pour it back in there i'm gonna grab another handful of new cons from the bucket and pour it in there and i'm gonna put that up oh in that bag why not i'll pour that all in this bag and i'm gonna have this one up on my auctions when this video comes out so if you'd like a bag of the world's hardest pay dirt it will be on my auctions at that one right there or you could just go into the store and buy you know just another bag of world's hardest painter it's the same stuff and if you're interested in getting your own dry magnetic separator you can head off to and check it out and tell them dan sent ya i can't remember i looked it up last night i think that was like 200 250 bucks something like that for that setup but they have all sorts of things there all sorts of neat stuff go check them out so separating those magnetics from the non-magnetics does definitely help your final panning your finished panning a lot it will speed you up a lot there are a lot of different methods out there to using magnets to get rid of those magnetics i personally don't use them i just pan them out but i like panning i find it therapeutic but there's other tools out there there's the spin it off another rotating magnet there's those little plunger magnets they work well if you use the right procedure to actually use them and not lose your gold and you know there's the dry magnet separator from if you check them out tell them damner sent ya anyhow i hope you enjoyed my video on this new fangled magnets newfangled yes if you did please leave me that thumbs up if you haven't earned your subscription yet i hope i've earned your subscription now and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because as for my patrons i get to make these weekly episodes of dinner prospecting hope you all have an amazing day and until the next video which is hopefully out there in the wilderness doing some prospecting until then bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 979,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, magnets, magnetic, magnetic gold, concentrates
Id: NgooIxf2hcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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