Raw Gemstones still in rock, found on my new Claim.

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one quick thing before we get on to the video i made a mistake in this video that i have to correct as you may have heard me say in the past i am completely self-taught in geology i have never had any formal training and because of that my knowledge base has some gaps some things i don't know or i'm incorrect on and in this video i started calling a whole lot of areas where i was finding these garnets pegmatites and you know as i was saying it throughout the video i knew in the back of my head something was wrong pegmatites are igneous these garnets were in metamorphics i knew there was a mistake but i kept saying it over and over and over again so when i got home i had to go back and do some research and sure enough i was mistaken the garnets i was getting in this video were not in pegmatites they were in metamorphic rocks so in this video every time you hear me say pegmatite realize i made a mistake and it was actually just a zone in the metamorphics where the crystals grew much bigger i am a firm believer that you should never stop learning in life and here was another example of where i got a chance to learn something from a mistake i made so the lesson you can take from this is never stop learning learn from your mistakes making mistakes is not a bad thing it's just an opportunity to learn something new here's the video hope you enjoy [Music] [Music] well hello everyone dan here with the enterprospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i'm back here standing over top of harrison lake i was here six to eight months ago checking out some placer garnets and looking for the hard rock source i told you guys i would bring you back and show you the hard rock garnet claim i now have i never got back here i am now so i'm gonna take you up there show you all around and show you these beautiful garnets in host rock wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] [Music] [Applause] well here i am on my hard rock garnet claim the garnets here are all hosted in a schist careful how you say that word it is a garnet schist combination where you have all these little garnets formed in this sort of breaking up mica schist now there are pegmatites around that's areas that the crystals have grown much bigger because of the alteration of the rock it has just the perfect heat and pressure and all that kind of stuff to make the crystals grow bigger and that's what we're looking for we're looking for those pegmatites in the shift that really show good size beautiful crystals let's go show you what it looks like so here is the schist yes it is the schist and the shist is just this broken up rock made of like a mica and other things as well we call it typically a mica schist because it sort of glitters and go glows when you move it around because mica reflects light nicely anyhow it's a mica schist that is full and i mean full of garnets let's get the close-up camera to show you that so here we are here is the schist yes it is the schist full of little red garnets now at this site we have red garnets we have brown garnets we have some that are almost ripe black and they go anywhere from about an eighth of an inch up to about 3 8 of an inch what we really want is the big ones we want the big red ones if we can there's a nice size big red one and the garnets definitely form in zones for instance right there that schist doesn't seem to have any garnet in it over here you see a few a few and then a whole lot a whole lot of garnet right here whole lot of garnet and then over there we see some bigger garnets and some more red garnets you have to find the right zones and these pegmatites these areas that host the big garnets it just has the right situation when the rock is metamorphosizing there's a good word metamorphosizing to actually create these um pockets that show much bigger fancier crystals unfortunately it's starting to rain harder i was hoping this rain was breaking it's not it's getting worse let's get to this before i get washed out unfortunately this dreary day the lighting is terrible today to really show off these red garnets they look very dark and brown but that's actually beautiful red garnet we just need sunlight on it not rain so i'm gonna just find some of these bigger ones here and bust them out see what they look like but my real job here today is to find some pieces of host with real nice big garnets that can have specimens of garnet on host let's just pop a couple of these out and see what they look like look at that again i need far more light to make this look great and those gardens need to be cleaned up some but there we go first little tiny specimen of garnet on host there is a nice little specimen again we really need sunlight to show you how much these red garnets glow and how transparent they are but there's a nice little specimen of a garnet a nice-sized garnet on the whole schist with a bunch of little ones too and a double there's the specimen that i'm looking for nice one on the front weathered out a little bit but on the back where i broke up a fresh break fresh clean two or three garnets on the back there's a nice big one right there see if we can pry him out ah i broke him oh he was a really nice one and i broke it that takes more time i didn't have the camera in my hand i probably could have got that one and it was a beaut see if i can get those out without trying to hold a camera i managed to get this one it's great great specimen two big ones in that and i just managed to push in the screwdriver for another one another big big garnet on host i'm gonna take these home and clean them up i've got a couple ideas how to clean those up to make great little specimen micro specimens yes they're small but they will be a perfect addition to someone's collection there's a great one but let's get out the big chisel see if we can get some bigger samples there's a nice one well there's two nice two nice garnets one there but this guy's already loose i'll make a perfect little specimen oh yeah perfect so i didn't know what to expect for extraction on these garnets so i started small with just a little tiny screwdriver and a hammer and pulling off the you know micro specimens garnet on host but i think i'm gonna take a step up and bring out the little uh battery-powered chisel and see if i can maybe get some bigger pieces that have multiple garnets on one face okay let's step this up a notch [Music] here we go let's see what we got whoa oh that is definitely the best specimen yet look at that there's gotta be 20 nice big exposed garnets on that surface nice let's see if we can wedge some more out of there little specimens nice garnets two of them that one just popped out of the stone completely free look at the perfect shape of that garnet [Music] crystal i can't wait to get these things home and clean them up some more this might be the biggest jimmiest one yet today nice so i brought the sprayer over i just want to see if spraying the dust off the surface makes uh the garnets show up better i can already tell it's going to okay let me get the close-up so you can see this better i was having a hard time sort of seeing where the garnets were because there's so much dust on the surface but have a look at this when i put the water on it oh yeah washes the dust away really exposes the garnet wow that really shows shows what we've got properly look at those i gotta get that specimen out of there see if i can pry it out somewhat loose there we go there's that one i think the one above it was loose too yep that is a great size and shape i thought i'd check out the next little pegmatite zone and see if its garnets are any different they do look slightly different the schist comes off in layers more with the garnet serve right in the layers not quite as exposed as much i'd have to see if you know sand blasting with walnuts or something like that it could actually expose those better but that's the kind of thing i have to do at home when i'm cleaning these up [Music] [Music] [Music] one nice piece of it got her free [Music] just washed down this new section thought i'd give you a close-up of the garnets coming out of it definitely sort of a different type of the schist hosting it here a lot slimier kind of hides the garnets a bit more but we'll see when it all cleans up look at that guy oh i think he's free he is oh that's the garment they sure are pretty weathered out of the rock like this look at this plate garnets garnets everywhere found another thin little zone here that's just showing some beautiful beautiful garnets a little hard getting it out of this zone but they are just amazing and i got that beautiful section there free garnets everywhere in it and some of the best looking i've seen today and right in behind that was another thin layer of jimmy jimmy jimmy garnets i really got to go and take some time and show you some of the rest of the areas around this claim but i'm having way too much fun at this one you get the right spot in one of these zones and the garnets just start coming out big big big [Music] well i have a nice full bucket of specimens everything from those micro specimens one nice garnet with a little bit of host attached right up to like that 10 pounder there with i'm sure it has a hundred garnets in it a little bit of everything and of course like all the rest of my stones i will have some up for sale or auction on my website www.danherdprospecting.com anyhow let's go look at some of the other pegmatites and host areas of these garnets i have around this claim that i've identified so far it's a big claim i've only identified a small portion of it let's go look so along this road cut there are three distinct areas one two three that are little seams of you know highly altered mica schist that has lots of garnets in it but around the corner there there are more let's go have a look so these garnets are all being formed in an altered rock a metamorphic rock that under heat and pressure has changed from its original igneous or sedimentary rock i think igneous in this case and is changed into something else in this case a mica and garnet schist and there's also some kyanite here black not blue unfortunately and what we're really looking for is something like this where the altered rock goes funky goes crazy it goes into what we might call a pegmatite where the crystals start forming big the conditions are just right that crystals start forming big pockets open up fills in with quartz it creates these bigger crystals including bigger garnets let's get the close-up and show you what's in there because that's fascinating now unfortunately these garnets are very very tiny in here but you can really see the pegmatite you can see the different crystals that are forming nice and big all around there you've got the quartz right above it you've got that transition zone you've got the kyanite crystals in there the conditions were just right for crystals to form way down deep under high pressures and high heats and we get these crazy deposits maybe i'll take one or two of these smaller pieces of this highly highly altered material with the garnets the quartz i'm not entirely sure what the black is the assays of here say it's kyanite but i'm not sure that's not what i know as kyanite that's probably because i'm more familiar with the gemmy blue kyanite i don't know anyhow these are really neat rocks so let's take some of those home [Music] the tulgey wood the fog is rolled in i see extremely fresh as in this morning excavator tracks down this road hopefully that means they're building the road down farther i love forestry companies building roads it opens up so much new ground to check out now here is another highly altered zone here and this one has created big garnets like these are up to a quarter inch even bigger in this section here and lots of them every rock is absolutely full unfortunately these are all a dark brown to black garnet they're not all that gemmy not all that exciting but i mean a lot of them now there are hundreds of big rocks like this around here let's give you some scale in there there's a finger uh so you can see that they're bigger they're up to maybe a quarter inch across and fairly uniform in size there's lots of them but just not all that exciting but i tell you like there's hundreds of these rocks every one of them the same and you can see this chunk of bedrock here is again that same stuff just loaded in brown garnets if you want brown garnets you could get a few billion more crazy crazy crazy altered rocks we're coming up on another altered zone here another pegmatite it's this is created by hot fluids most likely pushing up intruding into the host rock and as it does it deposits the quartz that you see here you can see quartz over there in a big way and then changes the rock beside where the hot fluids are going in into you know this craziness craziness that's the technical term that is also the same process that you know deposits gold in quartz um veins and whatnot is those hot fluids containing minerals like quartz gold iron that kind of stuff pushing into the rock gets up to a certain height in the rock a certain pressure certain temperature all that and it starts depositing starts coming out of solution and made into you know quartz gold iron garnets all these other things definitely looks like they're doing some work down here i like it this road did not go nearly this far in the spring when i was here there could be new things to see i left my truck unlocked way back there that's not smart i really expected to see a um excavator parked out the end of this road but nope looks like they were in this morning before i got here because it rained hard last night and uh their tracks have not been rained on so they must have been up early doing some road work down here i really hope they're planning to push this road through farther what more could i find here so walking down the rest of the road i found lots more lots more of those ho-hum garnets whole bunch more of those highly altered zones uh some really neat pegmatites but yeah there's one right there but uh no big red jemmy garnet that's what i would really like to find it rained heavy heavy heavy last night and this stuff has not been rained on so this excavator was here this morning anyhow [Music] so [Music] when i was prospecting this claim the first time around that would be like six eight months ago now i did lots of sampling i sampled the little creek that goes down the edge of the road here i sampled the road bed itself i panned some of the dirt from those brown garnet areas i checked out a lot of different spots to see what i could find for those gemmy garnets right there was the only spot i found with red jemmy the first time around and for my prospecting today again it was the only red jammy spot though i have only sort of explored 1 100th of this claim there's so much more that could be out there i've got a bucket full of material to take home clean up and post on my site for sale and i think what i'm going to do now is i'm going to drive down the hill to big silver river to garnet beach and do a little bit of gem sieving and show you what you can find that's been washed out of these hills all these hills are covered in garnets washed out of the hills down into the main river it's exciting as jeff would say come on let's go found him he wasn't there when i drove in this morning he's definitely out doing some work today digging the garnet gravels at garnet beach classifying the gravels at garnet beach and filling the gym serve [Music] sifting the garnet gravels in a gemsiv at garnet beach [Music] draining the water from the garnet gravels at garnet beach and here comes the flip garnets at garnet beach and a absolute pile of garnets at garnet beach and this is why they call it garnet beach gathering my garnets at garnet beach handful of garnets and into the bucket they go [Music] flip number two [Music] yeah little circle of garnets [Music] and flip number three [Applause] and a bucket full of garnets from garnet beach absolutely love it here well here i am back where i started from overlooking beautiful harrison lake you cannot beat that view wow really hope you enjoyed my video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if you haven't subscribed to my channel already i sure hope i've earned your subscription and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because of the support of my patrons i get to make these weekly episodes of dan herd prospecting hope you all have an amazing day and until the next video [Music] bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 336,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting
Id: RUP713Eroaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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