Gemstone Hunting, Finding the Money Stone! *Peridot*

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look what the little twerp found well hello everyone damn heard with Dan heard prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new whoa and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am breaking away from goal for a little bit in search of some gemstones I am here on one of my gemstone claims hope and find some of a utiful peridot t' that is the goal hope you enjoy [Music] we got the whole family here today we've got Evan Evan say hi we've got Dina and Alex we're chipping away at the basalt here looking for the peridot pockets a nice fresh ones that are that nice lime-green the bigger ones can be faceted into actual beautiful expensive fantastic gemstones but the medium-sized ones are still a beautiful gemstone and we're trying to grab as many of those as possible today to include in my golden gem painter bags and I'm also going to make some peridot sample bags so little tiny bags they're full of peridot crystals but today we have this entire talus slope to investigate and see how much we can acquire should be fun a peridot comes in these little pockets of little crystals that you see in this basalt this is actually basalt columns up there that are falling down breaking down and all through the basalt columns you'll see these peridot clusters and the trick is to find the clusters that have the bigger gems in it these little olivine peridot is all of the same thing the little ones yeah give or take down but the medium and big ones those are what we're looking for here is my first cluster that actually has some good sized gems in it nice close-ups of them I'm gonna pull out the little chisel and chisel that cluster open now look at the pocket Dana's working on wow it's the size of my hand and I see some really nice big crystals in the center of it it's a heavy rock it's a heavy rock that's impressive sometimes the nicest crystals can be in the smallest pockets these are some pretty nice crystals in this one but it's a tiny little pockets another small pocket pretty nice crystals in it here's a nice pocket full of like medium-sized crystals nothing big but a lot of medium you try to grab that whole pocket put it in my bucket few and far between today you don't have a big sledgehammer to open up new rocks which I should have brought there we go we got some good crystals in this one got some beauties look at that guy they're beautiful stuff almost what I want almost fast able but not quite there you can make excellent gems for my golden gem Peter pegs the most gorgeous lime green wow that's a keeper evan has found a pocket that has big big crystals that's actually the best pocket I've seen yet there are some inside there that could be fashionable there's lots of you know medium/large but like inside that one that is big Evan awesome find the orange crystals are just peridot is high in iron so they rust and that's also why they're heavy gemstones are so high in iron so left out on the surface for too long they just rust those are beautiful big big big crystals that's that's the one right there right there that could be the paid crystal that one's nice to catch that one excellent excellent hopefully those done your hand we're losing something Alex oh hope you got that one lined up wait up get that one Oh beautiful yes we are getting some great pieces out of here the good the good uns another beautiful crystal oh good thing we have glasses on not about you but that just showered my face of rock got some pretty nice crystals coming and we don't have them all yet there's still lots in that pocket so we're only actually recovering about 50% of these crystals because they keep jumping and going down going down the cracks between the rocks but this one here we want to be careful with we're gonna try to recover that one because it is a beauty look what the little twerp found oh yeah don't drop it I deserve more respect around here old twerp beautiful crystal put that in your bag that's one of the nicest we found so far yeah don't know how I'm gonna do this and keep this crystal right out here for the camera can't see the we're getting it I move all around it if you work on yet okay when we gonna do is I can put my finger right on uh how am I gonna hold the chisel and I feel get any candy footage of this but yeah just get in there not great footage when I have to cover up the hand mums filming and protecting the crystal we got all sorts of good crystals going away but I want that amazing one there it is okay let's do camera on his mum reveals it whoa there's the money crystal that's a festival crystal all beautiful nice finest beauty I think I'm gonna put this one up for auction on my website oh you got another big one oh you're blurry you got another nice one over there yep look at you I've abandoned my diggings way up on the hill for you guys because I got one good ones up there too but you cannot beat this no they're not this big so my other child Alex here I found a beautiful little pocket with really nice gemstones in it it's a gorgeous one gorgeous how many times in this video can I say gorgeous they're all lime-green they're all the perfect perfect color let's see if we can get them out there we go Alex's rock produce some pretty nice crystals you have your bag your ox No okay well put them in mine came back to my pocket it doesn't look nearly as impressive compared to what Evan was finding hmm you get the good stuff down there [Music] [Music] lots of medium crystals lots and lots of medium crystals [Music] so Evan just called me over he said he's down another good one he's the man today [Music] gonna walk very carefully up here correct dress walking on one of these talus slopes got some good yeah yep yep that's just what we had down there a bunch of smoke a smaller scale up yeah sort of medium let's get those out no Evans got a handful of peridot look at that we'll be cleaning and those will be amazing what a pocket he just cleared that whole thing there nothing look nicer hmm yeah no okay so you blew off the best [Music] I'm trying to get a lot of samples of the salt and peridot together so I can keep them up for auction on my website because people seem to sure love the peridot on the salt I've managed to get myself about half a dozen good actionable pieces so far so hopefully you know I can go for you know one a week for a month and a half or two months or something that would be nice get lots of people some pretty nice pared over a lot of the peridot pockets are really weathered out and rusted so they don't look very nice but when you get these ones that are fresh breaks they're beautiful door just gorgeous how you guys doing for lunch as how you doing okay he's turning into a teenager yeah whatever dad hmm I'm making fun of you Evan on camera you okay with that that nothing new alex says we have disturbed the mold people apparently he sees moles running in and out these rocks all over the place the mole people here's a good piece of the column here all this basalt is in columnar kölner calming I can't sit in columns up on the hill and it all breaks up and falls down the hill don't break up a fall downhill and here's one of the columns that still somewhat you know in one piece it looks like someone has tried splitting it lengthwise they put a chisel marks all the way down and you can see there's a beautiful peridot pocket right there I see another beautiful peridot pocket over here who I might actually even try to catch that peridot pocket that might give me lots of medium-sized crystals but they tried to split this thing lengthwise parallel throat oh that big pocket over there - just a case of beating away on the rocks to get it out or beaten the way on the Sun well beat beat on you happy really careful when I do this I don't put the chisel through my hand come off the rock really hot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there we go mom and Alex are leaving us I think they're good have lunch without us ah there we go we got the big chocolate okay I think we're gonna call our quits there now we will take these crystals back home and get a bunch of them sort of not cleaned up but just separate so I can get really good pictures for the end of this video and you can see what some of the peridot looks like we've got one crystal that is definitely festival we have a whole bunch of really beautiful sort of medium to large crystals and then thousands of medium ones for the gem bags and the peridot bags it was fun and I plan to be up here again in about two to three weeks time some other prospectors who want to help me with this claim oh no it's mosquito season he's sucking my blood [Music] so Dean is a little bit worried about these storm clouds blowing in that we might get a thunderstorm up here and that's not where you want to be if lightning strike and we don't want to drive home in the rain and there it is one amazing amazing crystal I miss you get a few of these the last time I was there that big I sent two of them off to Taiwan to get faceted and we got some beautiful gemstones out of the faceted peridot crystals really these all could be faceted you just get very small gemstones into those you'd get a nice one out of that so here's that crystal that Evan found and I extracted well definitely putting this up for auction on my website and you know because it's Evans crystal I think I'm gonna be putting every last penny of what it sells for into Evans college fund I really hope you enjoyed our adventure on the Telus loaf looking for gemstones we're gonna call it quits now because the skies are about to open up and rain if you enjoy my adventures out here in the wilderness maybe more than my you know product reviews give me that thumbs up let me know that you enjoy these videos please leave a comment below what you think of gemstone hunting versus gold hunting and a very large thanks to my patients out there it's because of you I can do this thank you until the next one everyone bye here's more pictures of that peridot love the look at that stuff [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 449,110
Rating: 4.9209104 out of 5
Keywords: peridot, peridote, olivine, crystal, gemstone, gems, gem hunting, rock hunting, gemstone hunting, gem stone, facetting, facet, jewel, gem claim, gemstone searching, gem mining, mining, where to find gems, mineral collecting, how to find gems, gem collecting, british columbia, digging for gems, peridot gemstone, where to find crystals, finding peridot, where to find peridot, how to find peridot, find gems, rock hound, hunting for gems, rare gems, stones, money stone
Id: abupUpnBBHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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