Finally Finishing The Trump Bit | Troy Bond Stand Up

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but here's the thing about Trump you can always tell when he's about to go off script because he sees a word he doesn't know how to pronounce and he acts like the word he's up is a new word he's teaching us and I learned it when he gave that press conference on Iran because what Trump does is he just starts going off script right before he's about to up a word but he he keeps it presidential he's still very trumpy about it I remember he was just like ladies and gentlemen [Laughter] excuse me excuse me the United States has commissioned a drone strike drone [Laughter] we did it with a death star could you believe that we did it the Death Star could you believe it they said we couldn't build the Death Star we did it we got the rebels today they paid for the desperate we did it we did it Yoda born in Kenya could you believe it also Luke Skywalker you know this guy he's gay he's gay I saw him fighting his father Darth Vader black guy born in Kenya all right everybody ladies and gentlemen United States commissioner Jones right in which we killed [Laughter] this guy you know this guy from Iran from Iran that's okay it could be good could be bad wasn't good for him wasn't good wasn't good I ran you have to work [Laughter] he was in Iranian General this guy Iranian name [Laughter] Jafar we killed Japan
Channel: Troy Bond
Views: 191,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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