FINALLY BACK FLYING THE TBM850! - Bullet Hole, Engine Issues and the test flight goes wrong!

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after a bullet hole fix and two engine swaps it's time to get back in the tbm 850 of our 851 tango bravo we'll go take it for a flight here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] me all right welcome aboard the tbm 850 here at pompano beach we'll start this engine pull boost pump on bolts will go in the battery starter is on clear outside watching the ng rise up once it stabilizes right around 14 we'll introduce fuel to low idle there it is fuel the low idle now we're going to see our light off watching for our hot start on the ng a hung started on the itt there's a warm day out plus 34 on the ramp here degrees celsius looks like the itt is going to temporary out at 7 23. nice cool wind up there now we're watching the ng for the rest of the way for the uh hung start there we go good start all right our first step we'll go over and get the adis here airport information november 1848 zulu weather win one three zero at one zero visibility one zero two thousand seven hundred scattered temperature three three two point two three altimeter two niner niner one landing departing aircraft expect runway one zero visual approach in use advise direction of flight prior to your taxi use caution for cranes in the vicinity of the airport all aircraft read back runway hold short instructions and runway assignments advise on initial contact you have a disinformation november all right we have information developer go over the ground taxi here [Applause] i'd like to welcome everybody on board it's been a while but we are back in the tbm 850 very excited carefully there with our wing tips got airplanes off both sides look at the wings you'll see our flaps are coming down so since we are getting this airplane out of maintenance we are on high alert today we've had a bullet hole fixed in this plane and also we had some oil spitting out on startup issues so hopefully that's all resolved but anytime an airplane comes out of maintenance as a pilot you always want to be on high alert uh make sure everything goes good we're gonna taxi up here by spot five and we'll go over and get our clearance popping up ground good afternoon tbm eight five one tango bravo spot five with november looking to pick up bryford pbm 851 tango bravo pompano ground clear to the opalacka airport the fort lauderdale eight departure hurricane transition as filed i maintain 2000 expect flight level 31010 minutes after departure miami departure frequency 119 point seven squawk four five three zero clear dope locker four arnold eight hurricane transition as followed maintain two thousand three one zero ten minutes after nineteen seven departure frequencies clocking four five zero bravo runway zero attack should be uh mike lima cross runway six at lima so one zero mike lima crossed we're only uh six at lima to runway one zero eight five one tango bravo roger all right so we got our taxi instructions here we'll pull up the airport diagram here on the ipad maybe in one tango bravo will you be ready or will we need to run it uh we'll need a quick run up 351 roger advise me run up complete right here in front of us and lima's coming up hey i'm gonna turn left on lima and we're cleared to cross for only six over to one zero quick knock out a run up real quick and then we'll be on our way we're gonna be ifr on this flight going up to 31 000 feet which is the service ceiling of this airplane we're gonna make sure that bullet hole does not make any noises and it's got a good pressurization clear to the left even though this rumble is closed clear to not and i'll see you guys available the other side of that if you look out the front window there you can see there's the goodyear blimp hanger all right this looks good here pointing to the wind and we'll see you guys just a few minutes [Music] [Applause] all right we're back with you everything's checked out all right we're gonna go to the ground let him know our rob is complete i'm gonna ground number eight by one tango bravo our run up is complete cbm 851 tango bravo tower 125.4 aegis oscars now current thunderstorm west roger will go to tower if i want to take a brother next good afternoon tbm 851 tango bravo hold short one zero maintain two thousand runway one zero cleared for takeoff clever takeoff one zero zero nine zero on the heading we'll maintain two thousand eight five one tango bro all right here we go guys final is clear clear down the runway and we are cleared for takeoff on this takeoff we're gonna turn left to a zero to nine zero heading and maintain two thousand feet we're gonna line up the center line here there we go we're gonna ease the prop rpm up into the prop governor there it is now i'm gonna advance the power for takeoff power here it is set oil temperatures pressure's all good in the green we'll release the brakes now we're watching our air speed for our rotation speed standby one moment and there it is pull back on the yoke back up this into the sky one tango bravo goes to gear in transition gears selected up helicopter 68 tango air texas lima delta cross six and one zero in route thank you what's up there's our zero nine zero heading dbm tango bravo heading zero nine or zero maintain two thousand contact miami departure one one nine point seven zero nine zero two thousand main and uh over departure eight five one ten brother okay laps up gotta damper on over departure one two zero to intercept the localizer four four one zero seven beautiful view of the beach down there i mean good afternoon a51 tango bravo eight hundred climb to two thousand zero nine zero heading all right five one tango problem i am a departure radar contact climate maintain a three 000 turnover two-way journal put you in between two areas of heavy precipitation out to the northwest roger three thousand left to two eight zero eight five one tango brother yes hello a little shout out there not ideally the best day to be doing a test flight it has been already flown once by the maintenance test guys so this is actually the second flight it passed the first one but i still like to make sure everything's good before i put all my passengers on board okay one beautiful view of the beach inlet just let me know in between all right thanks looks good eight if i want to take a brother advice there's our two a zero heading we'll put the autopilot on is mode autopilot on we're also in heading mode if you guys keep a good eye out the front there you'll see where all the storms are at we're gonna be splitting those two seven kilo delta miami center on one thirty two forty you can also turn our radar on the onboard weather radar if you look off the left wing there we'll see that fall on the wing there that's our onboard weather radar now we're going to turn that on it's going to sweep out in front of us to give us a real accurate picture what's going on in front of us our 7-3 posh run contact is it that was the airport right down there to the left off the left that we took off from the beach right now i'm smelling to make sure there's no weird odors coming out from the vents the engine everything smells normal so good the temperatures pressure is always good in the green ng's good idt prop rpms look good we've got our torque set to about 95 right now everything's looking four three five we're gonna keep the inertial separate run right maintain the five thousand i maintain five thousand eight five one tango we got five thousand set up in our altitude pre-selector we're getting some bumps through here going into this okay so that was the autopilot disconnecting with the pumps this plane has always been known to do that so we're just gonna get everything stabilized and reengage the autopilot [Applause] roger maintain two thousand one percent perceived directive glory for skyhawk one now the autobahn's back on this plane's always had issues and bad bumps of the autopilot disconnecting continue on that heading to your honor give you a 320 and put you around that cell at your 12 o'clock uh this setting looks good with eight five once again i want to tango bravo roger i hope you guys got your seatbelts on it's a little bit bumpy out here today miami departure on 126.05 getting to eight thousand eight thousand eight five one tango bravo single pilot it gets busy when you're flying ifr we're gonna bs that three thousand feet a minute up and bleed off to speed if you don't need to punch and lower it again when the airspeed gets down to 140 we'll go into is mode if you look at the front you'll see we are more in the clear now which is nice shouldn't be as bumpy now since we're going to be going up high we're going to turn our oxygen on up here 19 45 and then lift it on you'll hear a gushing sound where it's energizing all three masks i got my [Music] [Music] vectors in a moment but expect uh some modern bumps and occasional light on the way and there's our 140. we are now an eye yes another now the airplane is gonna hold right where the air speed was when we pushed the button and it gives us more power that's one thousand ago seven thousand which will give us more power to get up higher quicker you just have to be careful now because now we can over torque the engine or over temp it so we have to keep a good eye out on that for that you know i'll get ahead of the flight and let me know i'll actually get the atus and the ground frequency set up for opelock i want to go down there to land today that's where our destination will be today yeah after we're done with the test plate i see a cloud here i kind of want ten right i'm eight five one tango brilliant chance ten right one tango bravo yeah turn right heading uh when you're able 280 heading 280 hitting one able if i want sanboro thanks 98 heading perfect so i saw this cloud out here in front of us i did not want to go into that because these are pretty bumpy clouds out here today a lot of vertical development and five degrees left and right to pick your way through so if you look now i see a nice little gap out there where the sunshine is we'll go with that turtle bravo turn right when you're able to direct jones maintain one zero thousand right when able to jones maintain one zero thousand eight five one tango bravo i'm eight five one tango bravo jones wasn't on our uh flight plan do you have a spelling for that yeah i'd like to use her uh one tango bravo turn right heading three two zero all right three two zero one take a breath thank you three two zero set up the heading bob one time i'll probably come and maintain one three thousand one three thousand eight by one tango bravo and three thousand set up with their l2 free selector 2605 depart yolo heading 305 and then five degrees left and right to pick your way through there if you need it see he doesn't see all these uh yellow uh build ups here on his radar but there are storms that are currently building up necessary to the 2605 things a lot of people are deviating today down here in south florida the storms will build up quickly you can deviate through there 1 000 feet to go five to three s mode real quick what i'm doing right now with my left hand is i'm keeping the rudder trim so we can stay in coordinated plate to keep the ball on the cage one three thousand feet man what a busy flight it's been so far one tango bravo contact money center on one three two four five thirty two forty five one tango bravo good day good afternoon i mean already by one tango bravo one three thousand three two zero heading in november 85 one tango bravo miami center climbing maintain flight level two three zero stay attention we're gonna climb a tank flow two three zero we need to go up to three one zero just for a minute or two and then we'd like to go back to oblong and already five one tango bravo and once again our non-rvsm we are our vsm uh and if you look down here at the uh flight plan this was kind of our game plan today that's kind of the routing we would have taken on this flight to achieve what we need to do but basically we're just going to be on radar vectors for the most part i do use the ipad mini and i use the pivot mounting system the pivot case and the yoke mount system for this airplane they have different a lot of different mounts that you can use with pivot cases contact miami center there's a link in the description below if you guys hold it for something like this for your airplane or if your rent airplanes you can switch in and out real easy you can say 15 with stevo juan canigo as a discount code so look down the description below if that's something you'd be interested in sure check it out the pressurization is about to level out here we have a cabin altitude of just over 9000 feet and the diff pressurization is climbing still will be pressurized for 31 000 feet now we're going to be passing into the flight levels november one level 180 push the standard button november down to miami that goes 299 and we can now put the armrest down get comfortable just because we're working here today doesn't mean we have to be uncomfortable so now with the bullet hole fixed i had a bullet that went through the roof of this airplane the fix is right up here above my head if you do have a leak and pressurization you'll hear a real high pitched whistle 5.07 is the type of noise you would hear i've had fun airplanes in the past where they had leaks in the windows once you get to a certain altitude you're here whistling i'm listening to see if there's any type of leak in that patch one thousand to go number one bravo contact miami center one two five point zero seven twenty five zero seven eight five one tango good afternoon i've already fought one tango bravo two two five climbing to two three zero on a three two zero heading i'm ready for one tango bravo uh oh you said a 360 honey we run a three two zero heading eight five one tango okay three two there all right roger number one tango bravo roger uh three zero zero i'm just uh doing air work today yeah just a maintenance flight we'd like to get up to three one zero just for a few minutes and then we'll go back to blockade [Music] so far i still don't hear any noises which is good with the bullet hole if we did lose pressurization i got the oxygen on i got the quick donning mask right behind me here that i'll show you i can pull out 23.89 right here [Music] and we could have don that it's real quick and easy if we did have a depressurization i would declare an emergency and start emergency descent yeah it feels good to get back up in eight five one tango bravo it's been a while with this airplane thankfully i've been flying other airplanes holds a special place in my heart getting up here is like therapy if any airplane you get a bond with it the more you fly an airplane it's been a rough go with me in this airplane the last few months but hopefully we'll be back up and running full schedule here soon heading at three three five three three five in the heading eight five one ten bro four four five three three five seven they're heading back slow turn over there one clear out that direction how have you guys been good we haven't talked to you guys lately go ahead glad to hear if you guys are doing good i'm good i'm just glad to have you guys back up here riding in the 850 with me we get to 31 000 that'll be the service ceiling of this airplane that's as high as this airplane is authorized to go you look down here at the ipad you're going to see there's our breadcrumb director the little green line out of pompano beach through the storms and straight up to where we're at now we're leveling out at three zero zero since we're doing an attitude change we're not we're going to push to the left over here with my rudder trim keep the ball coordinated this airplane doesn't have all the newest bells and whistles nowadays let's make you do a few more things in some of the new airplanes three one zero maintain final three one zero five one ten number six limits and we'll vs that two thousand feet a minute just have a few more little clouds up here looks like 31 000 feet everything's still doing very well on this flight which is good here echo four one zero number four looks like we're gonna be leveling up right in this cloud layer look to the left you'll see we're pretty much cloud surfing there's a cool sensation there we go now i'm listening [Applause] i don't hear any squealing no whistling sounds coming from any part of the airplane so it sounds like our pressurization is holding really well [Applause] i'm also looking down here at the pressure the ecs panel and looking at the pressurization gauge everything's holding real steady and good [Applause] hole may be leaking at all if you look out the windows this is the beautiful view from 31 000 feet a little bit hazy out there american 1831 clouds but i'm pretty content with how everything's looking so what do you guys say returned to opal 1287 1905. all right here we come i'm the 851 tango brother we'd like to uh return to opelock it went able memories uh one tango bravo roger main team fight level uh two four zero for now twenty four for now and i have a turn for shortly does that maintain two four zero eight five one tango bravo so two four zero set up in the ultimate selector and we're gonna vs that down three thousand feet a minute ninety two out of three thousand feet a minute is the limitation of this auto pilot number one thing above all right turn clear right kill me right right gilby one tango and we'll go cursor down to gilby direct enter enter nav mode just make sure that autopilot does a right turn which it is direct to guilty as we're pretty much going to be coming all the way down to 185 we're going to turn our pressurization for our landing elevations we're going to turn the rate of descent pretty high since we will be coming down pretty quickly when you make the compared to a normal flight we do have a lot of big storms down in south florida i don't know if you guys can see here right now opal walk is in the clear hopefully it stays that way and to stay ahead of this flight we'll go over and get the atis there at opa-locka oh one night one two zero one zero scattered four thousand two hundred broken four thousand eight hundred broken five thousand five seventy nine contests point four seven whether it's four children yeah [Applause] [Applause] a v-nav real quick cursor key climate maintenance we're gonna go seven thousand zero miles at gilbeat it's calling for 3 400 feet a minute to get to gilby so we're gonna be a little bit shy of that crossing restriction we'll let him know i'm eight by one thing abroad we're going to be like two miles uh long uh passing that crossing restriction okay so he's aware that we're going to be a little bit off on the crossing restriction so no issues there he'll let us know if we have an issue yeah we're screaming on down we're riding the elevator back down look up at the wing there left wing you'll see the angle of us coming down out of the sky it's pretty steep we're going to expect the ios 9 left so we go to approach we're going to click on ios 9 left there it is we'll get that all set up and briefed but we do have two really big storms showing went over the palm beach area went down a little bit past miami you look out the front window there you're gonna see those are the two storms that you see the two big build-ups one over there to the left one to the right so right now we are looking good where opal is i always say it's better to be lucky than good i wanna take a bravo contact miami approach one two six one zero five twenty six zero five thanks for your help montana bro thank you good afternoon of our ready five one tango bravo one tree doesn't descend to seven thousand with lima one thing bravo welcome things just wanna verify you guys are going to um opal and you are ifr today hey firm we are i are fire and we're going to o'clock thanks guys the altimeter is 29er1 looking here oh block is now east uh for now landing i guess platinum left to maintain 5001 tango bravo roger descent maintain 5 000 expect nine left eight five one ten percent one time bravo you can descend and maintain the three thousand seventeen three thousand eight five one tango bravo three thousand set up an rl2 pre-selector and i like this heading right now i'm sure we'll get a turn once we get a little closer but there's a gap in the clouds straight ahead so hopefully it won't be as bumpy up there 175 vector for the descent in traffic 175 in the heading 851 tango there's a turn i was expecting and going down to 3000 pass through 10 000 feet get our landing lights back on protect our pressurization i have the approach all set into the computer systems here and so we'll be ready to go and since we're on heading assignments procedures and we'll activate the approach and i also have it all set up there over there on the right side for you guys to follow along as we're getting back down to these closets down here i'm going to pull the power back the slower you go through these the less violent they will be bravo contact approach on 128.6 have a great day 286 851 tango bravo hi good afternoon already if i want tango bravo 11 out of 3000 and a 2 or 175 heading pbm 851 tango bravo let me approach roger we're going to slow it up under 200 knots that's the limitation in this airplane to turn on the inertial separator when you turn it on you just have two flaps up there in the engine intake that rotate to redirect a lot of the air there's under 200 knots flipping the switch by my left knee it takes about 30 seconds and you'll get the master caution light on to let you know that we're got the initial separator on if that way if we were to ingest any birds or anything it would most likely not do as much damage if you had it off also for fod and icing that's when you'd want your inertial separator on it was nice and smooth up there in the flight levels now we're down low against all the thermals bouncing all over the place there's our initial separator light you guys got your seatbelt on that right all right good deal good comfortable over there our next frequency should be the tower 3467 so we'll get that set up to stay ahead of the flight staying ahead of the flight will make flying a whole lot easier especially when you're flying by yourself if you get behind the airplane and the flight it can make things a lot more difficult also go back on it 850 mode so flap lever just goes back to the uh position as well not utilizing the torque above 100 anymore [Applause] we're going to intercept the uh glide slope over sas about 600 feet we can go right down to 258 feet on this approach vm 851 tango bravo descent and maintain 2 000 2001 tango brother all right 2007 vs 1500 feet a minute down if you look you can see the storms up there by palm beach a lot of lightning a lot of lightning down by miami thankfully our approach is uh pretty much clear into opalaca maybe one tango bravo present heading intercept the roman nightlife localizer president you intercept nine left localizer eight five one ten all right so we're going to activate vectors the final and present heading to intercept the localizer it was 1710 speed 210. the last test today is to see if this airplane will with the autopilot will do a good job with the ils approach if that passes it's done a good job in my book today right now we're watching for the localizer to come in see right over here and also the green line will come in right here once that starts coming in the airplane will start to turn left to capture that localizer once we get over sas those where you would intercept quite slow if you were at 1600 feet we're at 2000 right now right now we're just watching for that localizer to start moving there it is coming in airplanes turning left to line up on that that was quite a uh number one eight keyload decent amount of uh degrees for the intercept i mean we were at a 90 degree intercept almost 85 degrees maintained 2 000 until established a localizer cleared ils from a niner left approach speed 170 or less 2000 until established on the localizer 170 or less cleared for the ls9 left a510 pro we're going to pull the power back 170 or less now see we blew through the localizer now it's coming back from the other direction the airplane will capture more appropriately on this intercept and what i'm going to do to make up for all this craziness i'm just going to take the autopilot off and we're going to get us on this a lot quicker number three eight pounds are good let me approach your decision to a certain point sometimes you just gotta take control of yourself and get this airplane where it needs to be 17 15. you're going to see the localizer coming in let's start the turn 1754. zero nine three okay so what i'm seeing now is i'm having an issue with it's showing a 76 knot wind coming from the right there's no way that's happening one tango bravo contact overlock a tower one three four point six seven oh retire eight five one so ten brother on the localizer then our flap speed first nitrogen flap set one dot above we're gonna go gear down here is down but what i'm seeing is a 70 knot wind coming off the right we have an issue with our system also is why we're not getting an accurate reading oh guitar eight by one tango bravo on the ios nine left three five one tango bravo runway nine left foot land win [Applause] we were getting some faulty indications here we're getting a it's showing a wind at 50 knots now off the right which is putting us at a really weird crab angle which in real life out the windows is not matching up so i'm going to have to have that looked at once we landed youtube guy on this pbm i guess they're talking about now we are having issues with the airplane will you continue to fly the airplane don't get too focused and laser beamed in on those uh issues that's happened before other pilots where you have a small issue which turns into a big one because you're just focusing on the uh small issues looking good still hand flying it was it's showing us 46 still not crosswind five pushing the crab angle on the gauges but it's not like that really outside the windows we're showing the localizer right in the glide slope that's 500 feet to the ground i said we could go to 258 on this approach if we needed to memorate alpha mike number two runway nine left that's about 100 feet to minimum there it is there's a decision height that's where we had to make decision right there if we see the runway environment we'll continue to land or go around we can see everything so we're going to continue it'll be out at the corner after the hour we're gonna a little bit of a wind off the right holding the crab go back to flight idle go back into the flare there we go center line nice smooth landing go back into beta we're going to come to a stop here and get off let's see i guess we'll get next the runway at foxtrot so we almost passed this test flight but no we have an issue with the onboard computer system telling us there's massive winds out there when there really isn't exit here in foxtrot go over the ground better hold short lines cross that come to a stop we'll clean up the plane bravo clear nine left on foxtrot i need to go to signature 351 tango bravo block ground november november 6 welcome back november 6th and the signature 85 montana all right well welcome back to opalaca guys it's been a while since we've been here in these videos if you did like the video smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also ring that little bell and i'll tell you when i upload a video it's a shame that uh i don't know what's wrong with the computer system there but you know it's showing a massive wind coming off all right that was not accurate which was also not giving us proper indications on our heading if we take a look right now our compass we're at a zero nine five zero nine five over on the right over here we're at a one zero five so it's 10 degrees off right now on our display right here i checked that before the flight i did not notice that so i don't know what happened during that flight where that became that issue and this is signature right in front of us here we'll come in here follow the hand instructions of the marshaller and we'll shut this thing down they are right in front of us there this is where he's gonna have his park right here turn off her and he still has to stop right here so anyway hope everybody's doing well we'll talk again someday soon take care guys [Music] bye [Music] but you don't succeed [Music] when you get what you want but not what you need [Music] when you feel so tired but you can see [Music] i will try to
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 234,498
Rating: 4.9744382 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM850, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, Becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Pilot life, Stressful Flight, Daher, BOSE Aviation, PIVOT Case, ATC, ATC audio, Cockpit, Flying in bad weather, S1K, Pilot
Id: sWfxVRUuNEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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