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once a year i come up here to simcom in orlando florida to hone my skills in the tbm 850. well this year i'm completing my training now we're going to jump in the tbm 930 sim to go to one of the most difficult approaches in the united states into aspen colorado this should be a lot of fun let's get this started [Music] [Music] all right welcome aboard everybody we're here in the tbm 930 at simcom in orlando florida very excited to uh bring you guys along for this and thank you to the simcom crew for allowing me to do this so we're here at aspen out in colorado we're going to be taking off if you look out the front window we got an overcast layer today out here in the mountains of aspen if you look down here at the ipad we're going to be doing the sard three departure the lens transition and this is going to keep us clear of all the different mountains around here we'll be taking off a 3-3 if you look down at the notes we're going to climb 343 heading to 9100 feet and then a climbing left turn to 16 000 feet on a 273 heading to intercept the ipkn northwest course outbound to lens and then we're going to a holding pattern which will give us one turn around to get us back in for the arnav gps foxtrot approach which is one of the most challenging approaches here in the united states and you can see that's our approach plate so we're going to get that started right now we're sitting on runway 3-3 and we have the simcom crew in the back that will be doing air traffic control for us let's call tower and tell them we're rated for departure aspen tower 851 tango bravo we're lined up and ready to go on 3-3 ready for departure november 851 tango bravo aspen tower you are clear for takeoff runway 3-3 via the sard 3 obstacle departure procedure climb and maintain 1 6 000 clear for takeoff runway 3-3 one six revie eight five one tango bravo all right so here we go guys as you can see out the front window there it is a very overcast day here in aspen so here we go so we're gonna ease the power prop rpm up onto the governor and now we're going to advance the torque for takeoff takeoff power is set now we're watching the airspeed for a rotation speed you can see that the uh how our acceleration is not as fast as down at sea level because we're pretty high up and there we go there's our rotation speed pull back on the yoke and up in the sky we go tap the brakes and we got a positive rate and indicating put the gear up gears in transition and on this departure we're gonna turn to a three four three heading and gear is up and there we are on our heading go over to the uh departure procedure here and we're going to go flaps up y'all damper on it is pretty intimidating because as you can see at the windows we're in overcast and there's some pretty tall mountains all around here tpm851 tango bravo aspen tower contact aspen departure on 123.8 over departure one two three point eight my right five one tango bravo i got that programmed in here we'll tap that it's all touch screen there's 9100 and we'll start our turn to 273 to intercept 303 outbound departure 851 tango bravo with the 9200 climbing to 1 6 000 on the sar 3 departure gbm 851 tango bravo roger radar content look out the windows i don't know if you can see we're right at the uh tops of some of the mountains around the sides here and now we're also going to put on the autopilot to relieve our workload we'll climb in flight level change mode and dial that back to 124. look down here at the departure procedure on the ipad you're gonna see right now we're right where it says 2783 we're on that heading to intercept the 303 over the lens and then we'll have a teardrop entry into the holding pattern and you're not allowed to proceed on course out of here until you're at 1 6 000 to make sure you at lens to make sure you're clear of all the mountains nice smooth air for being in the mountains i don't feel any turbulence at all so that's a good thing now here we are coming up on the 303 radial we'll go into nav mode now it's turning on course to go to lens for our holding pattern november 851 tango bravo contact denver center 119.85 1985. number 851 tango bravo have a good day so there i got 1985 one push-up it transfers it to com1 that's 1000 to go senator good afternoon of array five one tango bravo one five thousand two hundred climbing to one six thousand direct lens november eight five one ten go bravo of denver center radar content all right they have us on their screen you see our heading bug is off right now we just give the heading knob a quick tap that'll center it up for us it's good to keep everything all nice and coordinating and centered 200 feet to go you'll see the 1 6 000 flashing it's going to be capturing our altitude here now there it is and we are still in imc conditions if you look out the windows with the synthetic vision it's really nice you can see the different mountainous terrain all around us even though we can't see out the windows so here on the ipad you'll look down and that'll be where we're coming into lens and there it actually shows you the teardrop entry that we would be using so we'll enter that take one half a lap around and then we'll proceed over there to red table for the r nav foxtrot approach into aspen there we go we started to break out now we're above that a little overcast layer over here in this area now here we go the uh g3000 here is showing us we're about to hold teardrop entry and we're about to do our turn to two seven eight and five four three two one here we go we're starting that teardrop entry into this holding pattern but the technology today it's amazing all the what it provides to the pilot for good sexual awareness if you look out the front window there clear over there to the left i don't see any traffic if you look down here at the ipad this is the rnav gps foxtrot approach we've got the atis it's going to be an overcast layer bases are going to be around 11 000 up to 12 000 will be the top so a thousand foot overcast layer 2992 on the altimeter actually look at if you look outside the front window guys you'll also see there's the tops of the mountains off the lens we're going to go over to red table and do a half a lap around the holding pattern over there to get lined up we're gonna go to red table at one three thousand seven hundred there it is and then we're going to drop yellow drop down step down to one two thousand nine hundred to hepad drop down again another step down to one two thousand two hundred alex and then we're going to be able to go down to our mda of 10 200 feet and that's going to be able to hold that right up to 1.5 miles from the end of the runway which we have to go mist and as you can see it's a pretty steep descent in there six point four nine degrees so we'll be able to be able to do uh really uh quick drop downs and step downs off of those fixes to be able to do this approach this is considered to be one of the most i said uh challenging approaches in the united states so hopefully everything goes as planned let's grab the heading bug and center in our a51 tango bra we're approaching lens we'd like to put on the request for the rnav gps foxtrot approach back into aspen uh roger that one tango bravo contact aspen approach on one two three point eight and work that out with them roger one two three point eight eight five one tango bravo good day approach good afternoon of array five one tango bravo just over lynn's one six thousand like to put on the request for the rnav gps foxtrot approach november 851 take home bravo uh aspen approach uh fly direct to the red table vor and upon reaching red table you are cleared for the full rnaf foxtrot approach it asked roger direct to a red table at this time and if possibly like to proceed outbound to do the procedure turn to get back inbound for 85 on tango bravo that's approved on tanko bravo roger thanks for that cleared for the r nav gps fox route approach 85 on tango bravo thank you so there we go we've got our clearance we're coming up on red table we're going to do a left turn outbound for the rnav gps foxtrot approach and if you look out the front window out there in the distance you will see the tops of those mountains sticking through the clouds there this is a very intimidating approach when it's overcast like this due to all the mountains around the area so we really have to make sure we are on our course and we're doing everything by the book with the different step downs all right so we're approaching red table we're gonna turn left to three four six in five seconds also you can see here i got the uh barrel minimums of ten thousand two hundred feet set up in there so that'll be our mda that's all programmed into the computer what's nice about this this is all touch screen down here [Music] this doesn't have auto throttle that would be uh a different system but the g3000 is a great system to be able to utilize and we're going to be starting our descent here and our approach looking good november 851 tango bravo descend and maintain one three thousand seven hundred the center maintain one three thousand seven hundred of our a51 tango bravo so that's the altitude that we're gonna go over an intercept of a red table so we're at sixteen thousand so we're gonna dial that back one three thousand seven hundred and we will vs that down one thousand five hundred feet a minute and as we're gonna come down a little bit the torque may climb a little bit so we'll pull the torque back just a little bit as it was right up there at 100 that way we don't worry about over torquing it this is really exciting to be able to come to simcom once a year i come out here for my annual recurrent training and what's amazing is all the different procedures you can do in the simulators that you can't do in real life and this is just icing on the cake being able to utilize the tbm 930 to do an approach in the united states where i've never been but i've always wanted to do so this is good practice forever i ever do it in real life 1000 to go we're going to get the heading bug back to our final approach course as that's where we're going to be eventually arriving here also i do have the pivot mount system all mounted here which is really cool with the uh the clamp system that they have it's really easy to switch it out in between different airplanes and the simulator this is the ipad mini i use if you also if you look in the description below if you guys want a system and setup like this say 15 with my discount code so like i said saving money is always a good thing and we've captured one three thousand seven hundred feet that's also a good thing this approach is also not authorized at night because it is a very uh challenging approach to do and they only want you to do it during the daylight hours things are about to get real challenging here in a little bit we're going to slow it up get this airplane configured and that'll make these step-downs a lot easier because we only have 3.5 miles for the first step down 2.5 miles for the next step down and then the next one's 5 miles but we have to go quite a distance down two thousand feet within that five miles and find the airport and with the overcast layer today it might be a little challenging i just love the synthetic vision as you guys can see here the different mountains like look out the front window see we see nothing but clouds but look at all these mountains just below us november 851 tango bravo looks like your procedure turned inbound contact aspen tower now 118.85 roger 118.85 thanks for your help 851 tango bravo a little quick tap of the button there we've got tower in there now we'll contact her that's the tower good afternoon of our 851 tango bravo inbound on the rnav gps foxtrot november 851 tengo bravo aspen tower weather conditions at the field now are 3 000 overcast three miles visibility report crossing the final approach fix alex roger report crossing the final approach fix of alex a51 tango bravo all right we're starting our turn here to line up on the final approach course we're coming up on red table we're actually going to slow it up get it under our flapping gear speed so we get our configuration started for landing looking for 178 on the air speed and that's where we can put our first notch of flaps down and we'll also put our gear down there we go just past 178 looking good flaps selected and we're also going to look and make sure it indicates and indicating [Music] and we're also going to go gear selected down you're going to see the light blinks i'm going to be looking for that three green and there we go the light stopped blinking we got three greens so we're looking good here we are over red table we can go down to 1 2 900. so we'll put that in we're going to vs that down [Music] that's our first step down and if you look at the synthetic vision you would never want to bust these crosstalk crossing restrictions because we'd be going right into a mountain so to do this approach properly is very important so there we go it's capturing one two thousand nine hundred put a little power back in as we've captured our altitude and we're leveling out and here comes hepa and at the fix we can go down to one two thousand two hundred currently one mile away so we'll get prepared for that one 2 200 set and as soon as we get over that fix we'll vs that down there we go so vs and now we're going to continue down to 1 2 200 and we're going to vs that down i'm going to pull the power back again so we don't go too fast to give us time to get down for that fix we're also told to contact the tower and let them know report alex which is coming up next in 1.7 miles so look at this we're barely leveling out before our next fix see the mountains right below us fill it out the front window you'll see the mountain tops out there above the overcast and from alex we can go right on down to one zero thousand two hundred so we'll get that ready that's our mda and the adrenaline is pumping a little bit knowing i gotta go down there and try to find this airport in this overcast hopefully it goes well there we are over alex we'll start down to one zero thousand two hundred and contact tower and let them know our position tower eight five one tango bravo over alex november eight five one tango bravo you are clear to land runway 1-5 clear to land wrong one five eight five one tango bravo all right vs it down we're under our first our final notch of flap speed so we're gonna go full flaps and we are now imc conditions going right down to mda and we got mountains all around us so we're one thousand coming up 1000 to mda and flaps are also indicating there we go there's our alert 1000 mda now we're going to start to transition in and out of the cockpit with our eyes here to hopefully get this airport in sight and if we can't we go to math move and we go mist okay i'm starting to break out let me know guys if you see the airport out there we are coming up on minimums here or mda [Music] all right i got the airport in sight right over there 11 o'clock so we're going to continue down here very faint out there but i can see the approach lights we're leaving our md egg you also see the highway right out here in front of us [Music] we're looking good on our speed if you look down here 94 knots we're going to be pitching for 85 knots and if you look out the windows now you're going to see probably with the cameras a little bit better you'll be able to see the runway environment and our approach lights eyeballing it was a little bit easier for seeing it and now you can see it very clearly the runway out there so we're looking good i'll tell you coming down imc all these mountains around is no joke thanks to all this technology we're able to accomplish this very well [Music] there we go we're looking good looking real well right on our speed 500 feet to the ground and we've been cleared to land and since we're not using that flight director anymore we'll get rid of it there we go you're not using it get rid of it that way you're not being distracted by uh something that's not telling us what you want to see looking real well here right on our speed just a knot or two fast we're right on the proper glide path [Music] there we go looking good gonna pull the power out go down into the flare hold our flare air speed just give us a little air speed that's no big deal we're just about above the runway there we go perfect we'll go back into reverse and we can slow it up real nice and easy there we are go out of beta we'll be able to exit the runway here and we'll be contacting ground [Music] welcome to aspen colorado guys this was a lot of fun to be able to showcase this to you guys there's the tower right there in front of us across the whole shoreline here we'll clean up the plane november 851 tango bravo contact ground point niner and welcome to aspen over the ground thanks for your help enjoy your day 851 tango bravo so come to a stop right here clean up the plane [Music] and guys i just want to thank everybody for uh riding along with us today really big thanks to sincom for letting us uh experience this it was really exciting to be able to do the departure procedure out asking here and back on the uh arnav foxtrot back into the airport uh as one of the most challenging airports in the united states it was pretty exciting to see all that so if you guys did like that video be sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also check out i'll link simcom in the description below and if you guys ever want to come here and uh you know get your skill level improved and hone up on your skills it's a great place to do that so anyway we'll talk to you guys someday soon hope all as well take care guys [Music] yes [Music] three [Music] you
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 150,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM930, Stressful Flight, Flying in bad weather, Becoming a pilot, Pilot career, Pilot, Cockpit, Pilot life, Approach to minimums, Single pilot IFR, Airplane, Aircraft, Challenging flight, ASPEN, Colorado, Simcom, S1K, BOSE Aviation, Pivot case, Flying
Id: cVeq6wDsXV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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